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- <!--X-Subject: Did I sign this one? -->
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- <LI><em>To</em>: <A HREF="mailto:carl@radio.com">carl@radio.com</A></LI>
- <LI><em>Subject</em>: Did I sign this one?</LI>
- <LI><em>From</em>: <A HREF="mailto:gclavon@nsf.gov">gclavon@nsf.gov</A></LI>
- <LI><em>Date</em>: Fri, 14 Oct 94 07:01:43 EST</LI>
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- ------------------------------- Message Contents -------------------------------
- <P>
- <br>>Date: Thu 13 Oct 1994 08:06 EST
- <br>>To: phuston@nsf.gov
- <br>>From: award
- <br>>Subject: AWARD 9319331, Kambil, Ajit
- <br>> <br>> Award Date October 13, 1994
- <br>> Grant No. NCR-9319331
- <br>> Amendment No. 001
- <br>> <br>>Miss Ann H. Greenberg
- <br>>Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
- <br>>New York University
- <br>>15 Washington Place, #1-H
- <br>>New York, NY 10003
- <br>> <br>> <br>>Dear Miss Greenberg:
- <br>> <br>>The National Science Foundation hereby awards $295,188 to New York
- <br>>University for additional support of the project being funded by the
- <br>>above-referenced award.
- <br>> <br>>This project, under the direction of Ajit Kambil, Department of
- <br>>Information Systems, is entitled:
- <br>> <br>>"Internet Access to Large Government Data Archives: The Direct Edgar
- <br>>Access System."
- <br>> <br>>This award with this amendment totals $666,528 and expires
- <br>>April 30, 1996.
- <br>> <br>>This grant is awarded pursuant to the authority of the National Science
- <br>>Foundation Act of 1950 (42 U.S.C. 1861 et seq.) and is subject to GC-1
- <br>>Grant General Conditions (05/94).
- <br>> <br>>Except as modified by this amendment, the grant conditions remain
- <br>>unchanged.
- <br>> <br>>The cognizant NSF program official for this grant is Priscilla Jane
- <br>>Huston (703) 306-1949. The cognizant NSF grants official is Alfred W.
- <br>>Wilson (703) 306-1212.
- <br>> <br>> Sincerely,
- <br>> <br>> <br>> Alfred W. Wilson
- <br>> Grants Officer
- <br>> <P>
- Priscilla Jane Huston
- Program Director of the NSFNET Program
- National Science Foundation Voice: (703)306-1949 or (713)527-4007
- 4201 Wilson Blvd Fax: (703) 306-0621
- Arlington, VA 22230 Internet: phuston@nsf.gov or pjh@rice.edu
- <P>