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- README for the tiongson.expo.Intro.class Applet
- This Applet was written to make it easy to make simple
- QTVR like imagemaps in Java.
- Basically everything you need to control is available through a
- <param> tag in the HTML <applet> tag.
- Here is an example:
- <applet code="tiongson.expo.Intro.class" width="600" height="400">
- <param name="NumberOfNodes" value="6">
- <param name="background" value="main.jpg">
- <param name="node0" value="0;1;main.html;index1.gif;200,0;100,0,200,100">
- <param name="node1" value="1;0;Intro.java;index3.gif;350,350;300,300,400,600">
- <param name="node2" value="1;1;other/scrap.java;other/index2.gif;100,200;0,200,200,200,100,300">
- <param name="node3" value="2,0;d1.au;none;0,0;403,184,454,210,440,279,340,251,367,191">
- <param name="node4" value="1;0;00-start.html;none;2565,331;2565,331,2564,287,2597,278,2571,248,2609,241,2661,289,2662,331,2565,331">
- <param name="node5" value="0;0;00-start.html;none;0,0;2477,322,2477,291,2544,222,2586,276,2556,286,2559,323,2477,322">
- </applet>
- In the <applet> tag itself, you can choose any size scrolling
- window you want in the width and height tags. Keep in mind that
- the scrolling window should ideally be smaller than the background
- image you are scrolling around. Otherwise you will see the whole
- image, and not scroll at all.
- Note: No spaces are allowed!
- There are 4 kinds of <param> tags:
- 1) <param name="NumberOfNodes" value="NN">
- the value can be any int greater than 1
- This tells the applet to look for nodes numbered
- from Node0 to NodeNN. The applet is smart enough to
- skip empty nodes, but will not check past NodeNN.
- 2) <param name="background" value="GRAPHIC.JPG"
- the value can be any JPEG or GIF image.
- This tag is optional! If this tag is not present,
- the Applete looks for a graphic in the current
- directory called "background.gif"
- 3) <param name="DEBUG" value="TRUE">
- If this tag is present, then the Applet will run
- in a debugging mode so that you can see your
- hotspots on top of the background graphic.
- If this tag is not present, then the applet will
- run it the normal mode.
- 4) <param name="NodeNN" value="MODE;NEWWINDOW;TARGETURL;IMAGEURL;X,Y;x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,xN,yN">
- In this parameter tag, please DO NOT put spaces between each
- successive value.
- This tag specifies all the different hotspots in your image map.
- The following syntax follows:
- MODE = 0 On Mouse-Over, place upper-left hand of graphic
- from IMAGEURL at X,Y which "floats."
- MODE = 1 On Mouse-Over, place upper-left hand of graphic
- from IMAGEURL at X,Y which is fixed.
- MODE = 2 On Mouse-Down, play sound from TARGETURL.
- NEWWINDOW = 0 On Mouse-Down, open TARGETURL in this same
- window ("_self") replacing the map.
- NEWWINDOW = 1 On Mouse-Down, open TARGETURL in the target
- frame "_top", leaving the map in this window.
- TARGETURL = URL URL of HTML or sound (*.au) relative to
- current directory.
- TARGETURL = "none"
- You can also use the word none if you do not want to
- put a URL here.
- IMAGEURL = URL URL of image (*.jpg or *.gif) or sound (*.au) relative
- to current directory.
- IMAGEURL = "none"
- You can also use the word none if you do not want an
- image to appear
- X, Y Coordinates where on Mouse-Over the upper-left hand
- corner of image should appear at or near.
- x1,y1...xN,yN
- Successive pairs of X,Y coordinates whic define the bounding
- boxes of hot spots. If there is only x1,y1,x2,y2, I assume that
- this is the upper left and bottom right of a Rectangle. If there
- are more than two pairs of x and y, then I define a Polygon with
- the pairs of x and y as the vertices.
- 05/01/97
- phillip r tiongson
- tiongson.expo.intro.class