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- PROC DoCheckOut()
- ; We'll enter one film per customer at a time. If a customer is renting
- ; more than one film, we'll use multiple records to capture the new
- ; information, using DITTO to grab repeated information.
- EMPTY "ordtemp" ; Get temporary table ready for use
- EDIT "ordtemp" ; and drop us into empty table
- PICKFORM 1 ; using film checkout form
- WHILE (True) ; Keep entering checkouts until user says Done!
- WAIT RECORD ; Let user enter a checkout record
- PROMPT "Enter film checkout information",
- "[F2] to save data, [F1] for lookup help, [Esc] to abandon entry"
- UNTIL "F2","Esc"
- IF retval = "Esc" ; Does user want to abandon record?
- THEN DEL ; Yes, so delete it,
- DO_IT! ; and save other records,
- QUITLOOP ; and leave entry section
- ELSE PGDN ; No, move to next record
- ;if we were updating inventory status in FILMS table, we would do it here
- ;must have pressed [F2] to get here
- SHOWMENU "Another?":"Checkout another film to same customer",
- "Done!":"Done entering film checkouts for this customer"
- TO Choice
- IF Choice = "Done!" ; Is user done entering info for this customer?
- THEN DO_IT! QUITLOOP ; Yes, so save and leave entry section
- ;must want to enter another film if we get here
- ;(we would print last film entered on receipt at this point)
- MOVETO [Customer #] ; Make sure we're in first field
- FOR i FROM 1 TO 4
- DITTO RIGHT ; Copy previous record's info
- ; We've got all the films for this customer stored in ORDTEMP. Now we need
- ; to extract the important information for our normalized table, ORDERS.
- CLEAR ; Clear the canvas to alert user
- ?? "One moment while I update the files..."
- ; The following query extracts the information we keep in normalized table
- Query
- Ordtemp | Customer # | Date | Return Date |
- | Check | Check | Check |
- | | | |
- | | | |
- Ordtemp | Operator | Film # | Due Date | Rental Rate | Days Out |
- | Check | Check | Check | Check | Check |
- | | | | | |
- | | | | | |
- Ordtemp | Rewound? | Total Due |
- | Check | Check |
- | | |
- | | |
- Endquery
- DO_IT! ; Execute the query
- ADD "Answer" "Orders" ; And save the normalized results
- ENDPROC ;DoCheckOut
- PROC DoReturn()
- ; Instead of processing returns the same way we did rentals, we'll use a
- ; different method, illustrating the power of the SCAN command to step
- ; us through relevant records.
- CLEARALL ; Clear the workspace
- Total = 0 ; So far, the customer owes us nothing
- @ 0,0 ?? "Enter the number for the customer returning films: "
- ACCEPT "N" TO CustNum ; Get the customer number
- EDIT "Orders" ; Put the master orders table into play
- PICKFORM 1 ; showing it in a nice, neat form
- SCAN FOR [Customer #] = CustNum ; Now, look through the table for our customer
- MOVETO [Return Date] ; Make sure we're in Return Date field
- IF ISBLANK([]) THEN ; Has film already been returned?
- WAIT RECORD ; No, so let's see if it is being returned
- PROMPT "Enter Film Return Information",
- "[F2] to save data and move to next possible film return"
- UNTIL "F2"
- IF NOT ISBLANK([Return Date]) ; Yes, film was returned
- THEN [Days Out] = [Return Date] - [Date] ; so, calculate amt due
- IF [Rewound?] <> "Y"
- THEN [Total Due] = [Rental Rate] * [Days Out] + 1 ; Our rewind charge is $1
- ELSE [Total Due] = [Rental Rate] * [Days Out]
- Total = Total + [Total Due] ; Update the customer total
- ;if we were printing receipts, this is the place we'd print info for each film
- ;if we were maintaining inventory status in FILMS table, we'd do that here, too
- ENDSCAN ; Keep looking until we've examine entire table
- ; If we get here, we've gone through all possible returns for customer, so
- ; it's time to update the file and collect the damages...
- DO_IT! ; update the ORDERS table to reflect returned films
- CLEAR ; Now show the total due from customer
- @ 0,0 ?? "Total for this customer was $",FORMAT("W6.2",Total)
- ?
- ? "Press {Enter} when ready for next action..."
- x = GETCHAR()
- ENDPROC ;DoReturn
- WHILE (True)
- "CheckoutFilm":"Process a film rental request.",
- "ReturnFilm":"Process a film return.",
- "Leave":"Return to Main menu."
- TO Choice
- CASE Choice = "CheckoutFilm":DoCheckOut()
- CASE Choice = "ReturnFilm":DoReturn()