home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- echo off
- if "%1" == "go" goto go
- if exist FL.EXE goto xinst
- echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- echo The DEFAULT diskette must contain FL.EXE
- echo For example, to install FL into C:\FL
- echo from drive A: type A:(CR) then INSTALL C:(CR)
- echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- goto end
- :xinst
- if "%1" == "" goto def
- if "%1" == "c:" goto app
- if "%1" == "C:" goto app
- if "%1" == "d:" goto app
- if "%1" == "D:" goto app
- if "%1" == "e:" goto app
- if "%1" == "E:" goto app
- if "%1" == "f:" goto app
- if "%1" == "F:" goto app
- :nok
- echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- echo Usage: INSTALL [d:]
- echo Where: d: is the
- echo drive to install on
- echo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- goto end
- :app
- set __dr=%1
- set __pa=%1\FL
- goto inst
- :def
- set __dr=C:
- set __pa=C:\FL
- :inst
- echo Installing FLASHlink into %__pa%
- md %__pa% >nul
- copy *.* %__pa% >nul
- %__dr%
- cd %__pa%
- md recv
- md send
- echo .
- echo .
- echo FLASHlink is Now Installed in %__pa%
- echo .
- set __pa=
- set __dr=
- echo Press ENTER to Start FLASHlink or Ctrl-C to Cancel
- echo .
- pause
- install go
- :go
- FL
- :end