ocr: Call Your Local d& % - BBS Board Name Maxbd Sysop PCPable- - Phone #. - The Cornerstone 9600 The Maestro DCWAS [7031 Pri-vate. The Mudd Club 2400 Lord Blix TXHOU 17131 723-3942 Tinsel Town Rebellion 9600 The Viper TXHUU L7131 451-9548 : Luphoria 9600 R.J. Mackeady N/A [4161 Pri-vate The Final Frontier 9600 Barimor AZPHO 16021 996-7381 Golf City BBS 2400 Egghead Dude CASJU [4081 296-5108 The Jungle BBS 9600 Axl Rose N/A 1b0bJ.341-4713 You can Always depend on The -= FiRM JE-.