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- You have selected one of the following plotters:
- HP 7470A HP 7580B HP ColorPro
- HP 7475A HP 7586B HP ColorPro with GEC
- HP 7550A HP DraftPro
- HP 7580A HP DraftMaster I
- HP 7585A HP DraftMaster II
- 1. From Control Panel, pull down the Setup menu and choose the
- Communications Port command. A dialog box appears displaying the
- communications settings.
- 2. Specify the following settings, then choose the OK button in the
- Communications Settings box:
- Baud Rate: 9600
- Word Length: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop Bits: 1
- Handshake: Hardware (essential for RS-232 port)
- Port: COM1 or COM2, depending on which port your
- plotter is connected to.
- 3. Pull down the Setup menu and choose the Connections command. A dialog
- box displays a list of printers/plotters and a list of ports.
- 4. Select "HP Plotter" in the printer list box.
- 5. Select the desired port from the Connections list box (the same port
- you specified in the Communications Settings box), and choose OK. If you
- choose a port that is connected to another device, you must change the
- other device's port connection before the driver will accept your port
- choice.
- IMPORTANT: Be sure you have completed steps 1 through 5 before proceeding with
- selecting your plotter.
- 6. From Control Panel, pull down the Setup menu and choose Printer. The
- Default Printer box appears, listing all available printers and their
- assigned port connections.
- 7. Select "HP plotter on COMx" in the Default Printer list box.
- 8. Use the Printer Timeouts box to adjust the amount of time Windows
- waits before sending you messages about plotter problems.
- a. "Device Not Selected." We recommend that you leave this setting
- at the default of 15 seconds. This setting controls how much time
- passes before Windows informs you that your plotter is off-line.
- b. "Transmission Retry." We recommend initially increasing this
- setting to a value between 100 and 200 seconds. Plots with many
- filled areas require a higher Transmission Retry setting. You may
- need to experiment with various values to determine which works best
- with your plots. See section C of "Advanced Features" below for
- important details on this setting.
- 9. Choose OK in the Default Printer box. The Plotter dialog box appears,
- displaying default plotter settings. (You will override the defaults by
- selecting your plotter model in the next step.)
- 10. Pull down the Device menu and select your plotter. A check mark is
- placed next to the plotter you select, and the dialog box title changes to
- your plotter model.
- IMPORTANT: If your 758xB plotter serial number prefix is less than 2402,
- select the corresponding 758xA plotter.
- 11. From the Plotter dialog box, pull down the Size menu. The media sizes
- which your plotter supports display in bold and a check mark appears next
- to the default media size for your plotter.
- 12. If you use a size other than the default, select that size, and the
- check mark moves to your selection. The current media size also appears
- in the lower left corner of the Plotter dialog box.
- 13. Choose one of the following options:
- a. "Manual" causes the plotter to stop between pages so you can
- manually load the next page when plotting multiple copies of a
- drawing.
- b. "Automatic" is available only for the following models, and
- allows continuous plotting on rollfeed or automatically-fed media:
- 7550, 7586B, DraftMasterII
- c. "Preloaded" turns off the Insert Paper prompt which appears
- after you start a plot but before plotting actually begins.
- 14. Choose one of the following options:
- a. "Portrait" uses the shorter side of your paper as the X-axis.
- b. "Landscape" uses the longer side of your paper as the X-axis.
- Default orientation is Portrait; however, many standard plotter
- applications use Landscape orientation.
- The driver provides six carousels so you can customize pen combinations.
- For example, if you plot on both paper and transparency, you can set up
- one carousel with paper pens, and another with transparency pens. Then
- you simply select the appropriate carousel for your plot, rather than
- repeatedly resetting the pen features of a single carousel. The driver
- also allows you to use more colors than will fit in one carousel. To do
- this you set more than one carousel as Active. For instructions on using
- more than one carousel, refer to "Using Multiple Carousels" under
- "Advanced Features" below.
- Carousel 1 is the default Active carousel and contains default pen colors
- and types for your plotter. These defaults display in the right half of
- the plotter dialog box. (The first time you set up carousels 2-6 there
- will be no previous settings displayed.) When you are ready to plot, you
- will place pens in your plotter's carousel according to the settings for
- the Active carousel. You may accept the default settings in Carousel 1
- and skip to step 19, or you may customize individual pen features by using
- the Carousel menu, as follows:
- 15. Pull down the Carousel menu. A list of Current and Active carousels
- appears.
- a. Select under Current the carousel whose pen attributes you want
- to specify. Only one carousel at a time may be Current.
- b. Choose as Active the carousel(s) to be used by your plotter for the
- next plot job. You may select more than one Active carousel by repeatedly
- pulling down the Carousel menu and selecting additional carousels. A
- check appears next to each Active carousel. This setting toggles on and
- off; select an Active carousel to make it inactive.
- 16. Select from the Pen Color list the pen number(s) which you want to
- set. You may select more than one pen by pressing the Shift key while
- clicking on each desired pen number. All the menu bar items become
- available, enabling you to change pen color, type, and other options.
- 17. Pull down the PenColor menu and choose your color from this list of HP
- colors. Your new color replaces any previous color(s) for the selected
- pen(s).
- 18. Pull down the Type menu and choose from the list of available pen
- types for the selected color. The new type replaces the present type(s)
- in the carousel list. Pen type abbreviations are:
- P = Paper T = Transparency V = Vellum R = Rollerball
- NOTE: When you select a pen type, the driver automatically assigns the
- correct speed, force, and acceleration. If you use standard HP pen colors
- and types, you may never need to use the Options menu to adjust these
- features.
- 19. Draft: An "X" in the Draft box signals your plotter to draw wide
- lines and borders quickly. For final plotting, turn draft mode off by
- clicking the "X" in the Draft box. Draft mode is recommended for the
- majority of your plots to reduce plotting time.
- 20. Save: If the Save box is selected when you choose OK in the Plotter
- dialog box, the current settings are saved in the WIN.INI file and they
- become your defaults for that plotter. To execute your settings for the
- current session only, click on the Save box to remove the "X" before
- choosing OK.
- Reset returns to their driver default values all the settings in the
- Plotter dialog box except Draft and Save. Cancel ignores any changes made
- in the Plotter dialog box during the current session and returns control
- to the Default Printer box.
- 21. When you have made all necessary changes to the Plotter dialog box,
- choose the OK button. Your plotter is now properly configured.
- The Options menu in the Plotter dialog box allows you to specify pen speed,
- force, acceleration and priority. (Force and Acceleration options are
- unavailable on some plotters.)
- 1. Choose a Current carousel from the Carousel menu and set its pen
- colors and types, if necessary.
- 2. Select the pen number(s) you want to tailor. Only select more than
- one pen if you want EACH selected pen to receive the SAME speed, force,
- acceleration and/or priority setting.
- 3. Pull down the Options menu and select the desired pen feature. Your
- selected pen(s) for the Current carousel appear in a dialog box with their
- current settings.
- 4. Do one of the following:
- a. To set pen speed, force, and acceleration: Use the up/down arrow
- scroll box to change pen speed, force, or acceleration for the
- selected pen(s). Choose OK to save the current setting, Reset to
- return to the driver default value, or Cancel to exit the feature box
- without changing the setting.
- b. To set pen priority: In the Priority box, choose the desired
- priority for the selected pen(s). For example, you may specify all
- lines and text to be drawn with a P.3 pen (thin line), and all fill
- to be drawn with a P.7 pen (wide line) to speed your plotting. Choose
- OK to save the current setting, Reset to return to the driver
- default priority, or Cancel to exit the Priority box without changing
- the setting.
- 5. Choose OK in the Plotter dialog box when all values are set as
- desired.
- Your plotter driver allows you to set up multiple carousels for a single
- plot, e.g., in case you want to use all 10 colors on a single drawing.
- The plotter uses all the colors in the first Active carousel, then the
- Spooler prompts you to change carousels in the plotter, and then the
- plotter completes the drawing using the next Active carousel. To receive
- the Change Carousel prompt, your application screen MUST be sized so that
- the Spooler icon is visible during plotting. When the icon blinks, double
- click on the icon to display its message.
- IMPORTANT: The driver minimizes bleeding of colors by using the colors in
- each carousel in the following sequence, regardless of how they are
- numbered in the carousel:
- 1. Yellow
- 2. Orange
- 3. Red
- 4. Green
- 5. Red-Violet
- 6. Aqua
- 7. Brown
- 8. Violet
- 9. Blue
- 10. Black
- Because all the pens in one carousel are used before the next carousel is
- introduced, bleeding is more likely if you place darker pens in Carousel 1
- and lighter pens in subsequent carousels.
- 1. To set a new carousel, pull down the Carousel menu, and select as
- Current the carousel you want to set up. Select as Active each carousel
- you want used for your next plot.
- 2. Select the number of the first pen you want to set. All the menu bar
- options become available, enabling you to set pen color, type, speed,
- force, acceleration and priority.
- 3. Set any pen options you want as described above under "Selecting Pen
- Colors and Types" and "Customizing Pen Features Beyond the Basics."
- 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each carousel you want to set up, then
- choose OK in the Plotter dialog box to accept the current settings.
- Before plotting, place pens in the plotter's carousel according to the
- pens you specified for the first Active carousel. When you are prompted
- to change carousels during plotting, replace the pens in the plotter's
- carousel with the pens you specified for the next Active carousel.
- When you start a plotting job, Windows sends data to your plotter at a constant
- transmission rate. Because plotters cannot plot at the same speed at which
- data is transmitted, they have buffers that receive and store data while they
- plot. When the buffer fills, the plotter stops accepting data from Windows
- until the buffer is able to accept more data.
- The Transmission Retry setting tells Windows how long to wait after your
- plotter stops accepting data before trying to send it more data. If the
- specified amount of time passes and your plotter still does not accept data,
- Windows stops the plot and displays an error message.
- The error message offers the option to Retry or Cancel the plot. In most cases,
- Retry enables the plot to complete properly. However, to avoid this disruption
- of plotting, we recommend that you increase the Transmission Retry setting.
- This is especially important for the following plotters which have large memory
- buffers that may delay data acceptance for longer than the default of 45
- seconds:
- ColorPro with GEC
- 7475
- 7550
- 758XB
- DraftPro
- DraftMaster I/II
- Your WIN.INI file contains settings for many Microsoft Windows features and
- Windows applications. Refer to Appendix A, "Customizing Your WIN.INI File," of
- the Microsoft Windows User's Guide for descriptions of these settings.
- Your plotter driver adds a [Plotter Model] section to the WIN.INI file. All
- plotter settings in this section of the file can be changed through Control
- Panel, so it may never be necessary for you to work directly in this file. And
- because some of these settings are determined by your plotter model, they
- should be changed ONLY in Control Panel where incorrect options for your
- plotter are unavailable. The following descriptions of the plotter settings
- are provided for your reference.
- Current Carousel
- Indicates which carousel displays as Current when you enter the Plotter
- dialog box.
- PaperFeed
- 0 = Single Sheet (Manual load)
- 1 = Automatic
- This setting is 0 for all plotters except those with automatic paperfeed
- (7550, 7586B and DraftMasterII).
- Preloaded
- 0 = Paper is not preloaded (default)
- 1 = Paper is preloaded
- Orientation
- 0 = Portrait Mode
- 1 = Landscape Mode
- Draft
- 0 = Final mode
- 1 = Draft mode (default)
- Active Carousels
- 0 = Inactive
- 1 = Active
- Each of the six carousels is represented by the value in its respective
- position to the right of the "ActiveCarousels=" phrase.
- Size
- The first value after "Size=" represents media size as follows:
- 0-4 = A-E size media
- 5-9 = A4-A0 size media
- The second value applies only to roll media and represents plot length:
- 10 = 24 X 36-inch roll media
- 11 = 36 X 48-inch roll media
- C1..C6
- These settings display specific carousel information for Carousels 1 (C1)
- through 6 (C6). Each line represents a carousel's eight pens, each with
- six characteristics listed in the following order:
- color, type, speed, force, acceleration, priority
- This order repeats across the line for each pen.
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