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- You have selected the Hewlett Packard PaintJet printer. Your printer driver is
- not yet configured properly. This file contains instructions for configuring
- your PaintJet driver after Windows is set up, and is used in conjunction with
- the Microsoft Windows User's Guide. We recommend that you print this Readme
- file for use during configuration. You may print this file using Windows Write
- or another word processing package, or you may copy it directly to your printer
- from your operating system. To do this, insert the Windows Utilities disc into
- your floppy disc drive and enter the following at your DOS prompt:
- type a:readmepj.txt>LPT1
- If your printer is not connected to LPT1, substitute the correct port
- specification.
- NOTE: The HP PaintJet Soft Fonts for Microsoft Windows will be available
- in early July of 1988. This package provides 16 high-resolution PaintJet soft
- fonts for use with Microsoft Windows version 2.03 or higher. These fonts will
- greatly improve text quality on your printer. To order this package, contact
- your local HP sales office, your HP dealer, or call this toll-free number and
- ask for part number 17301A: 1-800-538-8787.
- Connecting Your Printer
- 1. Follow the four steps on Connecting Printers in the "Configuring Your
- System" section of Chapter 7 in the Microsoft Windows User's Guide. Select
- PaintJet in the printer list box, then select the desired port (usually an LPT
- port for Parallel interface, or a COM port for RS-232 interface) in the
- Connections list box.
- a) Pull down the Setup menu and select Communications Port.
- b) Establish the communications settings as:
- Baud rate=9600; Word Length=8; Parity=None; Stop Bits=1;
- Handshake=Hardware; Port=(your port)
- c) Click OK in the Communications Settings box.
- Setting Up Your Printer
- 1. Follow ONLY the first three steps on Setting Up Printers in the
- "Configuring Your System" section of Chapter 7 in the Microsoft Windows User's
- Guide. Select "PaintJet on (port)" in the Default Printer list box.
- The PaintJet Defaults dialog box is displayed.
- a. Print Box: Select Color if you have an application that supports
- color printing, or Monochrome if your application is black and white.
- The Monochrome option allows you to print in color from a monochrome
- application by setting a foreground and a background color for your output
- If you select Color, the Background and Foreground options in the menu bar
- are unnecessary and therefore are unavailable.
- NOTE: If you have a color application, selecting the Monochrome option
- and setting background/foreground colors will have no effect on printing.
- b. Orientation: Select Portrait to use the shorter side of your paper as
- the X-axis, or Landscape to use the longer side as the X-axis.
- NOTE: Printing is faster in Portrait mode, which is PaintJet's default
- orientation. The printer's internal fonts, Courier and Letter Gothic, can
- only be printed in Portrait mode.
- c. Media Type: Select the appropriate type of media for your output.
- d. Media Size: Choose A (8.5 x 11 inches) or A4 (210 x 297 mm) as media
- size, then indicate whether your media is single sheet or fanfold.
- If your media size does not match the size displayed, choose the size with
- the appropriate unit of measurement (inches or millimeters), then use the
- scroll bar on the Media Size text box to increase or decrease the length
- measurement.
- The Preloaded box is disabled for fanfold media, and is selected by
- default for single sheet media. The Preloaded selection turns off the
- "Insert Paper" prompt which appears after you start a print job, but
- before printing begins. If you use single sheet media and want the prompt
- to appear, click the Preloaded box to remove the "X".
- e. Background/Foreground: If you chose Monochrome in the Print Box and
- you want to set a background color for your printout, choose Background
- from the PaintJet Defaults menu bar. Select your color; the check will
- appear beside your color the next time you pull down this menu. When you
- print a document, PaintJet will fill the background of your output with
- the specified color.
- Repeat this step to set a color for your text and/or graphics, this time
- selecting Foreground from the menu bar.
- f. Select the Options menu to establish which soft fonts are available to
- PaintJet, and to print a mirror image of your document.
- 1. Mirror Image - Selecting this option causes PaintJet to print a
- reverse image of your document. A check appears when the option is in
- effect; it toggles on and off by repeated selection.
- 2. Fonts - If you have soft fonts to use with PaintJet, you must
- use the Fonts option to make the fonts available on the printer. Complete
- printer configuration, then see "Installing Soft Fonts" below for font
- installation instructions. If you have the HP PaintJet Soft Fonts for
- Microsoft Windows, refer to the manual in that package for more detailed
- installation instructions.
- PaintJet soft fonts print at the same speed as the fonts supplied with
- Windows (Modern, Roman, Script), but produce much higher quality output.
- NOTE: For the fastest possible printing on PaintJet, use the printer's
- internal fonts (Courier and Letter Gothic).
- g. Save Box: The Save box is selected by default and MUST remain
- selected to complete printer configuration. If the Save box is checked
- when you choose the OK button, your current settings are saved in the
- WIN.INI file and become defaults for PaintJet.
- When you make subsequent changes to printer settings, leave the Save box
- selected if you want to save the changes as defaults for your future print
- jobs. If you unselect Save, the changes remain in effect only until you
- exit Windows.
- Completing Configuration
- After you make all necessary changes to the PaintJet Defaults dialog box,
- complete configuration by selecting OK. Or you may choose Cancel or Reset if
- you want to do the following:
- a. Cancel - ignores any changes made to the PaintJet Defaults dialog box
- during the current session and returns control to the Default Printer box.
- Your printer will NOT be configured if you select Cancel during initial
- configuration.
- b. Reset - returns all options in the PaintJet Defaults dialog box to
- their driver default values. You may then choose OK to complete configuration
- and save the driver defaults as your defaults.
- Installing Soft Fonts
- If you have soft font files for PaintJet and they are stored on your hard disc
- in a subdirectory of your Windows directory, skip to step 1. Otherwise, follow
- steps a-d below to create a fonts subdirectory and to copy the font files to
- that directory. For details on these procedures, refer to Chapter 5, "Using
- MS-DOS Executive" in the Windows User's Guide.
- a. From the MS-DOS Executive window, use the Special menu's Create
- Directory command to create a directory for soft fonts under your
- Windows directory (for example, C:\WINDOWS\PJFONTS).
- b. Use the Special menu's Change Directory command to move to the newly
- created fonts directory.
- c. Insert your fonts disc into the floppy disc drive.
- d. Use the File menu's Copy command to copy the files from your floppy
- disc to the current directory of your hard disc. Type A:*.* in the Copy
- box (if your floppy drive is not A:, substitute the correct letter).
- Leave the TO box empty and click OK.
- e. Use the Special menu's Change Directory command to return to your
- Windows directory.
- Your soft fonts are now stored on your hard disc. To INSTALL the soft fonts so
- that they are available on the printer from Windows applications:
- 1. Run Control Panel and choose Printer from the Setup menu.
- 2. Select PaintJet and choose OK to see the PaintJet Defaults dialog box.
- 3. Pull down the Options menu and select Fonts.
- a. In the Fonts dialog box, choose the button which matches your font
- filename extension (PJF or FNT). (All soft fonts created for PaintJet have the
- extension PJF.)
- b. In the Directories box, open the directory that contains your fonts by
- double-clicking the drive/directory name. To move one subdirectory level above
- your current location, double-click the bracketed dots ([..]). The current
- directory name displays in the lower left corner of the Fonts box, and all font
- files with the specified extension in that directory appear in the font scroll
- box.
- c. In the font scroll box select the font(s) that you want to make
- available on PaintJet. You may select more than one font by pressing the Shift
- key while clicking each font filename. The selected fonts will REPLACE any
- previously installed soft fonts when you choose the OK button, so be sure to
- select all desired fonts. Unselected fonts will not be available on PaintJet,
- but will still be stored in your fonts directory.
- d. Choose the Font Info button if you would like to see the typeface name
- and point size of the selected soft fonts, then select OK to return to the
- Fonts dialog box. If no fonts are selected, the Font Info button is disabled.
- e. Select OK in the Fonts dialog box to complete soft font installation.
- Make any selection in the PaintJet Defaults dialog box; soft fonts will remain
- installed regardless of your selection.
- Now when you print from Windows applications which let you select fonts, the
- soft fonts you have installed will display as options.
- Removing Soft Fonts
- You may remove soft fonts so they no longer appear as PaintJet font options in
- your Windows applications. The font files will not be erased from your hard
- disc; they simply will no longer appear on Windows applications font lists.
- 1. From Control Panel's Setup menu, select Printer and choose "PaintJet on
- (port)." Click OK to see the PaintJet Defaults dialog box.
- 2. Pull down the Options menu and select the Fonts option. Your currently
- installed soft fonts are highlighted in the font scroll box.
- 3. Press the Shift key while you click the font(s) to be removed. The font
- names become unhighlighted.
- 4. Choose the OK button in the Fonts dialog box.
- 5. Choose the OK button in the PaintJet Defaults dialog box. The fonts will be
- removed regardless of the Save box setting.
- Your WIN.INI file contains settings for many Microsoft Windows features and
- Windows applications. Refer to Appendix A, "Customizing Your WIN.INI File," of
- the Microsoft Windows User's Guide for descriptions of these settings.
- When you configure your Windows PaintJet driver, the following section is added
- to the WIN.INI file (your values may differ according to the options you
- selected during configuration):
- [PaintJet,LPT1:]
- softfonts=2
- fontdir=C:\WINDOWS\PJF
- FileMask=*.PJF
- Font1=(your soft font names here)
- Preloaded=1
- MirrorImage=0
- Orientation=0
- PaperFeed=1
- Size=0
- Length=1100
- PrintColor=0
- MediaType=0
- Background=7
- Foreground=0
- The first four keywords appear only if you install soft fonts for PaintJet.
- All WIN.INI PaintJet settings may be changed through Control Panel, so it may
- never be necessary for you to work directly in this file. And because some
- settings are related, they should be changed ONLY in Control Panel where
- incorrect options are unavailable for selection. The following is provided for
- your reference.
- Softfonts: Shows the number of soft fonts available on PaintJet.
- Fontdir: Displays the directory path containing your soft fonts.
- FileMask: Lists your soft font filename extensions.
- Font#: Lists installed soft font filenames.
- Preloaded: 0 = Paper is not preloaded
- 1 = Paper is preloaded (default)
- MirrorImage: 0 = Regular image (default)
- 1 = Mirror image
- Orientation: 0 = Portrait (default)
- 1 = Landscape
- PaperFeed: 0 = Single Sheet
- 1 = Fanfold (default)
- Size: 0 = "A" English/8.5 inches wide (default)
- 1 = "A4" Metric/210 mm wide
- Length: 1100 = Media is 11 inches long
- 297 = Media is 297 mm long
- other = other length set using media length scroll box
- PrintColor: 0 = Color application (default)
- 1 = Monochrome application
- MediaType: 0 = Paper (default)
- 1 = Transparency
- Background, Foreground:
- 0=Black 1=Blue 2=Green 3=Cyan 4=Red 5=Magenta 6=Yellow 7=White
- You may find that incorrect settings appear in your PaintJet dialog boxes if
- your WIN.INI file becomes corrupt due to repeated installation of drivers or
- direct editing of the file. If this occurs, delete the PaintJet section from
- your WIN.INI file beginning with the [PaintJet,LPT1:] entry. Then reconfigure
- your PaintJet driver using Control Panel, and the driver will insert its
- default settings into your WIN.INI file. Refer to "Editing Your WIN.INI File"
- in Appendix A of the Microsoft Windows User's Guide for instructions on editing
- this file.
- For faster printing on PaintJet, set the WIN.INI "Spooler=" setting to NO.
- REMINDER: Windows reads certain WIN.INI settings only when you start the
- program. Therefore, any time you edit the WIN.INI file, you should save the
- file, exit Windows, then restart Windows for your new settings to take
- effect.
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