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- General
- 0 1 User % logged on
- 0 2 User % invalid password
- 0 3 Disconnected
- 0 4 System error: %
- 0 5 invalid username: %
- 0 6 invalid logon: %
- 0 7 Unable to open PW file: %
- 0 8 PWCount % past end of list
- 0 9 External Protocol Error
- 0 10 Security Breach (Command): %
- Main menu
- 1 1 Password changed
- 1 2 Tried to chat
- 1 3 Requested chat: %
- 1 4 [*] TRANSFERED TO USER % [*]
- 1 5 Wrong password xfering to %
- 1 6 Changed name to %
- Sysop menu
- 2 1 Added to the news
- 2 2 Deleted the error log
- 2 3 Edited user %
- 2 4 Changed the system time/date
- 2 5 Created a new guided tour
- 2 6 Viewed the system log
- 2 7 % deleted the system log
- 2 8 Created user %
- About menu
- 3 1 Added information file %
- 3 2 Created information disk file %
- 3 3 Changed information file %
- 3 4 Deleted information file %
- 3 5 Updated date/time stamp %
- Bulletin menu
- 4 1 ASCII-downloaded %
- 4 2 ASCII-uploaded %
- 4 3 Sponsor commands: Sub-board=%
- 4 4 Created sub-board %
- 4 5 Deleted bulletin %
- 4 6 Re-edited bulletin %
- Board sponsor command menu
- 5 1 Let in user %
- 5 2 Kicked out user %
- 5 3 Access by level for user %
- 5 4 Everyone's access: %
- 5 5 Renamed sub-board to %
- 5 6 Moved file %
- 5 7 Wiped out file %
- 5 8 Set sponsor to %
- 5 9 Re-titled file %
- 5 10 Killed the sub-board
- 5 11 Set autodelete to %
- 5 12 Set access level to %
- 5 13 Moved bulletin %
- 5 14 Re-ordered the sub-boards
- 5 15 Added resident file %
- 5 16 Sorted sub-boards
- Configuration menu
- Database menu
- 7 1 Sysop commands: Database=%
- 7 2 Created database %
- Database sysop menu
- 8 1 Re-ordered databases
- 8 2 Renamed database to %
- 8 3 Changed entry %
- 8 4 Set database access level to %
- 8 5 Killed database
- 8 6 Deleted entry %
- Doors menu
- 9 1 Opened door %
- Sysop doors menu
- 10 1 Changed door %
- 10 2 Deleted door %
- 10 3 Added door %
- 10 4 Created batch file %
- Feedback menu
- E-mail menu
- Group editing menu
- 13 1 Created group %
- 13 2 Deleted group %
- E-mail sysop commands menu
- 14 1 Looked in %'s mailbox
- 14 2 Scanned all of the mail
- 14 3 Group for access to board %
- File transfer menu
- 15 1 Downloaded %
- 15 2 Uploaded %
- 15 3 Sysop commands: Area=%
- 15 4 Created area %
- 15 5 U/L of Restricted File %
- 15 6 D/L of Restricted File %
- 15 7 ADD of Restricted File %
- 15 8 Edit on Restricted File %
- File transfer sysop commands
- 16 1 Searched for new uploads
- 16 2 Killed area
- 16 3 Renamed area to %
- 16 4 Changed file %
- 16 5 Moved file %
- 16 6 Sorted area
- 16 7 Deleted file %
- 16 8 Added resident file %
- 16 9 Re-ordered areas
- 16 10 Disk directory %
- 16 11 Set area level to %
- 16 12 Set sponsor to %
- 16 13 Set upload directory to %
- News editing menu
- 17 1 Deleted news item %
- 17 2 Added news %
- User editing menu
- 18 1 Set wanted flag to %
- 18 2 Let into board %
- 18 3 Kicked out of board %
- 18 4 By level for board %
- 18 5 All sub-boards are now %
- 18 6 Changed user's name to %
- 18 7 File transfer points: %
- 18 8 Changed user's password
- 18 9 Deleted user
- 18 10 Granted sysop status: %
- 18 11 Denied sysop status: %
- 18 12 Time left for today: %
- 18 13 Viewed user's status
- 18 14 File transfer level: %
- 18 15 Set user's access level: %
- 18 16 Changed phone number: %
- 18 17 Part-sysop security violation
- Voting booth menu
- 19 1 Sysop commands: Booth=%
- Voting booth sysop commands
- 20 1 Deleted topic
- 20 2 Added choice: %
- 20 3 Added topic: %
- G-Files
- 21 1 Created G-File Area %
- 21 2 G-File Uploaded: %
- 21 3 G-File Added: %
- 21 4 G-File Edited: %
- 21 5 G-File Deleted: %