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- ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
- ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Section 1 CONTROL INFORMATION ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
- comments are indented one or more spaces
- ┌─── Section 1 instructions──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ Enter any of the following options, starting in the 1st column │
- │ (for no options enter "none" ) Only the first letter of the │
- │ command is necessary. │
- │ │
- │ Analysis option = xxxxx Any option letters A-Z can be used. Upper │
- │ case indicates turning option on, lower case │
- │ turns the option off. See manual for a │
- │ complete list of options. │
- │ I - Inhibit graphics characters │
- │ L - use for MASM versions prior to 4.5 │
- │ M - use for MASM versions prior to 4.5 │
- │ Code style = xxx Code style types include: │
- │ com, exe, fragment, zero start, │
- │ device driver, or overlay │
- │ Drive = x Disk drive for output (letter a-z) │
- │ Format = xxx Output format ASM or LST for source code or │
- │ listing output (LST is the default) │
- │ Go When the .def file has loaded, go │
- │ Header = xxx Enter the ascii header string (32 char max) │
- │ Input filename = xxx Filename for input (may include disk & path) │
- │ Keep segments = xxx When loading a file, use the file defined │
- │ segments (FILE), use the def file segments │
- │ in section 2 (DEF) or use both (BOTH) │
- │ NOTE: Specify this option prior to file input │
- │ BOTH is the default, used in most cases │
- │ Label = xxx Select label type, Decimal, Zero fill, │
- │ Segment & offset, Letter segment & offset │
- │ Math on Use the math co-processor instruction set │
- │ None Use default commands only │
- │ Output filename = xxx Filename for output (may include drive & path) │
- │ Passes = x Select the number of passes from 2 to 9 │
- │ Remark = xxx Select remarks to be included: All, None, │
- │ Data remarks only, Interrupts & I/O only, │
- │ Others only, Except Data, Except Interrupts, │
- │ Except Others │
- │ Segment display off Turn off the display of segments on listings │
- │ Tabs off Only use spaces, no tabs │
- │ uP = xxx Select the uP from: │
- │ 8088, V20/V30, 80186, 80286, P286, 80386, │
- │ P386, 80486, P486 or AUTO for automatic │
- │ Vertical lines = xxx For listings, select the number of lines per │
- │ page from 10 to 255 (default is 59) │
- │ Words to upper case Set upper case style (lower case is default) │
- │ Xref = xx ON or OFF (selecting ON sets passes to 5) │
- │ │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Section 1: CONTROL INFORMATION ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
- Analysis flags = H
- Header = BIOS ROM Analysis
- uP = Maximum
- Math on
- Code style = exe
- Xref = ON
- ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Section 2 RANGE DEFINITION ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
- ┌─── Section 2 instructions──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ segment:offset = start processing location (hex) │
- │ see note 3 at end on referencing loaded file segments │
- │ │
- │ end offset = ending location for segment │
- │ │
- │ default ds, es = default used when not overwritten by in-line code │
- │ │
- │ segment type = auto - code/data, full data resolving │
- │ code - code, limited data resolving │
- │ data - data, no code processed │
- │ stack - stack, no code processed │
- │ rauto - ROM code/data (same as "auto") in ROM │
- │ rcode - ROM code (same as "code") in ROM │
- │ │
- │ segment size = use16 for 16 bit segments (this is the default) │
- │ use32 for 32 bit segments. The text use32 may not be │
- │ abbreviated. │
- │ │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ▒▒▒▒ Segments ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
- begin end default seg seg
- seg:off off ds es type size comments
- ------- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- --------------------------------
- 0000:0000 004F 0000 0000 data use16 ; Interrupt vectors
- 0000:0400 04CF 0000 0000 data use16 ; BIOS data segment (duplicates)
- 0040:0000 0100 0000 0000 data use16 ; BIOS data segment
- 0050:0000 0001 0000 0000 data use16 ; BIOS data segment
- F000:0000 FFFF 0040 0040 rauto use16 ; Code segment and defaults
- ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Section 3 REFERENCE DEFINITIONS ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
- ┌─── Section 3 instructions──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ segment:offset = absolute location of item (hex) │
- │ see note 3 at end on referencing loaded file segments │
- │ │
- │ typ = type field │
- │ DB = data byte │
- │ DW = data word │
- │ DD = double word │
- │ DA = ascii text byte(s) │
- │ DS = data structure │
- │ SUB = subroutine reference (S can also be used) │
- │ LOC = location reference (L can also be used) │
- │ FORCE = forced function (F can also be used) │
- │ │
- │ options (indicate one or more options with a comma separator) │
- │ │
- │ data options: , C xxx comment number xxx (from 1 to 3FF) │
- │ , EQU treat label as an equate │
- │ , DUP duplicate same bytes/words R times │
- │ , INDEX replace a index of the same value │
- │ , MULTI multi-defined label │
- │ , OSN offset sub_xxx (Sub Near) │
- │ , OSF offset sub_xxx, seg sub_xxx (Sub Far) │
- │ , OLN offset loc_xxx (Loc Near) │
- │ , OLF offset loc_xxx, seg loc_xxx (Loc Far) │
- │ , ODN offset data_xxx (Data Near) │
- │ , ODF offset data_xx, seg data_xx (Data Far) │
- │ , R xxxx repeat 0 to FFFF, (FFFF bytes max) │
- │ (i.e. dw, R 4 indicates 8 bytes) │
- │ , SEG item is a segment name (dw only) │
- │ , UNUSED if item is never referenced, then do not use │
- │ │
- │ Location , C xx comment number xx (from 1 to FF) │
- │ options: , EXT external entry point to program │
- │ , FAR far procedure │
- │ , NEAR near procedure │
- │ Note: EXT, FAR & NEAR all reset the simulator │
- │ , UNUSED if item is never referenced, then do not use │
- │ │
- │ Subroutine , C xx comment number xx (from 1 to FF) │
- │ options: , FAR subroutine is defined as FAR │
- │ , TERM subroutine terminates (does not return to │
- │ caller) │
- │ , UNUSED if item is never referenced, then do not use │
- │ │
- │ Forced , CODE switch to code mode │
- │ options: , DATA switch to data mode │
- │ , CODE16 switch to 16 bit code mode │
- │ , CODE32 switch to 32 bit code mode │
- │ , ENDP force a endp to appear after instruction │
- │ , AX=xxxx change the value of any simulation │
- │ register ax/bx/cx/dx/bp/si/di/sp │
- │ ds/es/ss/fs/gs │
- │ , EAX=xxxx change the value of any 32 bit simulation │
- │ register eax/ebx/ecx/edx/ebp/esi/edi │
- │ , EAx LEA instruction's reference item type │
- │ EAS for sub, EAL for location, EAD for data│
- │ optional segment follows │
- │ , Ox convert immediate value to offset │
- │ OS for sub, OL for location, OD for data │
- │ optional segment follows (cs segment default)│
- │ , REG display the internal simulation registers │
- │ │
- │ Forced index table analysis for calls & jumps │
- │ , SN table type "offset sub_xx" │
- │ , SF table type "offset sub_xxx, seg sub_xxx" │
- │ , LN table type "offset loc_xx" │
- │ , LF table type "offset loc_xxx, seg loc_xxx │
- │ format: seg_a:xxxx f, sn 1234:22 34 │
- │ where 1234:22 is the location of the table │
- │ with 34h entries │
- │ │
- │ label field = enter label up to 15 characters long │
- │ (label ignored for forced functions; │
- │ do not place a comma before or inside label) │
- │ │
- │ comment field = a short comment can be included here (64 characters max) │
- │ if a semi-colon appears, the rest of the line is ignored │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Section 3 REFERENCE DEFINITIONS ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
- seg:off type options & label optional short comment
- ------- -- ------------------------- --------------------------
- 0000:0000 dw vector_0h_off Divide error ; Interrupt vector
- 0000:0002 dw vector_0h_seg ; references
- 0000:0004 dw vector_1h_off Single Step
- 0000:0006 dw vector_1h_seg
- 0000:0008 dw vector_2h_off NMI
- 0000:000A dw vector_2h_seg
- 0000:000C dw vector_3h_off Debug
- 0000:000E dw vector_3h_seg
- 0000:0010 dw vector_4h_off Overflow
- 0000:0012 dw vector_4h_seg
- 0000:0014 dw vector_5h_off Print Screen
- 0000:0016 dw vector_5h_seg
- 0000:0018 dw vector_6h_off
- 0000:001A dw vector_6h_seg
- 0000:001C dw vector_7h_off
- 0000:001E dw vector_7h_seg
- 0000:0020 dw vector_8h_off Timer Ticks
- 0000:0022 dw vector_8h_seg
- 0000:0024 dw vector_9h_off Keyboard
- 0000:0026 dw vector_9h_seg
- 0000:0028 dw vector_Ah_off
- 0000:002A dw vector_Ah_seg
- 0000:002C dw vector_Bh_off Serial
- 0000:002E dw vector_Bh_seg
- 0000:0030 dw vector_Ch_off Serial
- 0000:0032 dw vector_Ch_seg
- 0000:0034 dw vector_Dh_off Disk
- 0000:0036 dw vector_Dh_seg
- 0000:0038 dw vector_Eh_off Diskette
- 0000:003A dw vector_Eh_seg
- 0000:003C dw vector_Fh_off Bad Interrupt
- 0000:003E dw vector_Fh_seg
- 0000:0040 dw vectr_10h_off Video
- 0000:0042 dw vectr_10h_seg
- 0000:0044 dw vectr_11h_off Equipment
- 0000:0046 dw vectr_11h_seg
- 0000:0048 dw vectr_12h_off Memory Size
- 0000:004A dw vectr_12h_seg
- 0000:004C dw vectr_13h_off Disk Services
- 0000:004E dw vectr_13h_seg
- 0000:0054 dw vectr_15h_off General Services
- 0000:0056 dw vectr_15h_seg
- 0000:0060 dw vectr_18h_off ROM Basic
- 0000:0062 dw vectr_18h_seg
- 0000:0074 dw, Unused video_hdw_off
- 0000:0076 dw, Unused video_hdw_seg
- 0000:0078 dw, Unused disk_parm_off
- 0000:007A dw, Unused disk_parm_seg
- 0000:007C dw, Unused graph_tbl_off
- 0000:007E dw, Unused graph_tbl_seg
- 0000:0100 dw, Unused vectr_40h_off
- 0000:0102 dw, Unused vectr_40h_seg
- 0000:0104 dw, Unused hdsk1_parm_off
- 0000:0106 dw, Unused hdsk1_parm_seg
- 0000:010C dw, Unused vid_g_tbl_off
- 0000:010E dw, Unused vid_g_tbl_seg
- 0000:0118 dw, Unused hdsk2_parm_off
- 0000:011A dw, Unused hdsk2_parm_seg
- 0000:01D8 dw, Unused vectr_76h_off
- 0000:01DA dw, Unused vectr_76h_seg
- 0000:0400 dw, Unused @rs232_port_1_ ; Duplicates
- 0000:0402 dw, Unused @rs232_port_2_ ; (see 0040:0000 for
- 0000:0404 dw, Unused @rs232_port_3_ ; full information)
- 0000:0406 dw, Unused @rs232_port_4_
- 0000:0408 dw, Unused @prn_port_1_
- 0000:040A dw, Unused @prn_port_2_
- 0000:040C dw, Unused @prn_port_3_
- 0000:040E dw, Unused BIOS_data_seg_
- 0000:0410 dw, Unused equip_bits_
- 0000:0412 db, Unused init_test_flag_
- 0000:0413 dw, Unused main_ram_size_
- 0000:0415 dw, Unused chan_io_size_
- 0000:0417 db, Unused keybd_flags_1_
- 0000:0418 db, Unused keybd_flags_2_
- 0000:0419 db, Unused keybd_alt_num_
- 0000:041A dw, Unused keybd_q_head_
- 0000:041C dw, Unused keybd_q_tail_
- 0000:041E dw, Unused, R 10 keybd_queue_
- 0000:043C dw, Unused keybd_q_end_
- 0000:043E db, Unused dsk_recal_stat_
- 0000:043F db, Unused dsk_motor_stat_
- 0000:0440 db, Unused dsk_motor_tmr_
- 0000:0441 db, Unused dsk_ret_code_
- 0000:0442 db, Unused dsk_status_1_
- 0000:0443 db, Unused dsk_status_2_
- 0000:0444 db, Unused dsk_status_3_
- 0000:0445 db, Unused dsk_status_4_
- 0000:0446 db, Unused dsk_status_5_
- 0000:0447 db, Unused dsk_status_6_
- 0000:0448 db, Unused dsk_status_7_
- 0000:0448 db, Unused dsk_ctrl_last_
- 0000:0449 db, Unused video_mode_
- 0000:044A dw, Unused video_columns_
- 0000:044C dw, Unused video_buf_siz_
- 0000:044E dw, Unused video_segment_
- 0000:0450 dw, Unused vid_curs_pos0_
- 0000:0452 dw, Unused vid_curs_pos1_
- 0000:0454 dw, Unused vid_curs_pos2_
- 0000:0456 dw, Unused vid_curs_pos3_
- 0000:0458 dw, Unused vid_curs_pos4_
- 0000:045A dw, Unused vid_curs_pos5_
- 0000:045C dw, Unused vid_curs_pos6_
- 0000:045E dw, Unused vid_curs_pos7_
- 0000:0460 dw, Unused vid_curs_mode_
- 0000:0462 db, Unused video_page_
- 0000:0463 dw, Unused @video_port_
- 0000:0465 db, Unused video_mode_reg_
- 0000:0466 db, Unused video_color_
- 0000:0467 dw, Unused @gen_io_ptr_
- 0000:0469 dw, Unused @gen_io_seg_
- 0000:046B db, Unused gen_int_occurd_
- 0000:046C dw, Unused timer_low_
- 0000:046E dw, Unused timer_hi_
- 0000:0470 db, Unused timer_rolled_
- 0000:0471 db, Unused keybd_break_
- 0000:0472 dw, Unused warm_boot_flag_
- 0000:0474 db, Unused hdsk_status_1_
- 0000:0475 db, Unused hdsk_count_
- 0000:0476 db, Unused hdsk_head_ctrl_
- 0000:0477 db, Unused hdsk_ctrl_port_
- 0000:0478 db, Unused prn_timeout_1_
- 0000:0479 db, Unused prn_timeout_2_
- 0000:047A db, Unused prn_timeout_3_
- 0000:047B db, Unused prn_timeout_4_
- 0000:047C db, Unused rs232_timeout1_
- 0000:047D db, Unused rs232_timeout2_
- 0000:047E db, Unused rs232_timeout3_
- 0000:047F db, Unused rs232_timeout4_
- 0000:0480 dw, Unused @keybd_begin_
- 0000:0482 dw, Unused @keybd_end_
- 0000:0484 db, Unused video_rows_
- 0000:0485 dw, Unused video_pixels_
- 0000:0487 db, Unused video_options_
- 0000:0488 db, Unused video_switches_
- 0000:0489 db, Unused video_1_resrvd_
- 0000:048A db, Unused video_2_resrvd_
- 0000:048B db, Unused dsk_data_rate_
- 0000:048C db, Unused hdsk_status_2_
- 0000:048D db, Unused hdsk_error_
- 0000:048E db, Unused hdsk_int_flags_
- 0000:048F db, Unused hdsk_options_
- 0000:0490 db, Unused hdsk0_media_st_
- 0000:0491 db, Unused hdsk1_media_st_
- 0000:0492 db, Unused hdsk0_start_st_
- 0000:0493 db, Unused hdsk1_start_st_
- 0000:0494 db, Unused hdsk0_cylinder_
- 0000:0495 db, Unused hdsk1_cylinder_
- 0000:0496 db, Unused keybd_flags_3_
- 0000:0497 db, Unused keybd_flags_4_
- 0000:0498 dw, Unused @timer_waitoff_
- 0000:049A dw, Unused @timer_waitseg_
- 0000:049C dw, Unused timer_clk_low_
- 0000:049E dw, Unused timer_clk_hi_
- 0000:04A0 dw, Unused timer_clk_flag_
- 0000:04A1 db, Unused lan_1_
- 0000:04A2 db, Unused lan_2_
- 0000:04A3 db, Unused lan_3_
- 0000:04A4 db, Unused lan_4_
- 0000:04A5 db, Unused lan_5_
- 0000:04A6 db, Unused lan_6_
- 0000:04A7 db, Unused lan_7_
- 0000:04A8 dd, Unused @video_parmtbl_
- 0000:04AC dd, Unused @video_sv1area_
- 0000:04B0 dd, Unused @video_txt_tbl_
- 0000:04B4 dd, Unused @vid_grph_tbl_
- 0000:04B8 dd, Unused @video_sv2area_
- 0000:04CE dw, Unused days_since1_80_
- 0000:0500 db, Unused prn_scrn_stat_a
- 0000:D8A8 dw, Unused GDT_info_tbl
- 0000:D8B0 dw, Unused IDT_info_tbl
- 0000:D8FA dw, Unused GDT_stack_1
- 0000:D8FC dw, Unused GDT_stack_2
- 0040:0000 dw, C 01 @rs232_port_1 ; Start of primary BIOS RAM
- 0040:0002 dw @rs232_port_2
- 0040:0004 dw @rs232_port_3
- 0040:0006 dw @rs232_port_4
- 0040:0008 dw, C 02 @prn_port_1
- 0040:000A dw @prn_port_2
- 0040:000C dw @prn_port_3
- 0040:000E dw, C 8A BIOS_data_seg
- 0040:0010 dw, C 03 equip_bits
- 0040:0012 db, C 04 init_test_flag
- 0040:0013 dw, C 05 main_ram_size
- 0040:0015 dw, C 06 chan_io_size
- 0040:0017 db, C 07 keybd_flags_1
- 0040:0018 db, C 08 keybd_flags_2
- 0040:0019 db, C 09 keybd_alt_num
- 0040:001A dw, C 0A keybd_q_head
- 0040:001C dw, C 0B keybd_q_tail
- 0040:001E dw, R 10, C 0C keybd_queue
- 0040:003E db, C 0E dsk_recal_stat
- 0040:003F db, C 0F dsk_motor_stat
- 0040:0040 db, C 10 dsk_motor_tmr
- 0040:0041 db, C 11 dsk_ret_code
- 0040:0042 db, C 12 dsk_status_1
- 0040:0043 db dsk_status_2
- 0040:0044 db dsk_status_3
- 0040:0045 db dsk_status_4
- 0040:0046 db dsk_status_5
- 0040:0047 db dsk_status_6
- 0040:0048 db dsk_status_7
- 0040:0049 db, C 14 video_mode
- 0040:004A dw, C 15 video_columns
- 0040:004C dw, C 16 video_buf_siz
- 0040:004E dw, C 17 video_segment
- 0040:0050 dw, C 18 vid_curs_pos0
- 0040:0052 dw, C 19 vid_curs_pos1
- 0040:0054 dw, C 1A vid_curs_pos2
- 0040:0056 dw, C 1B vid_curs_pos3
- 0040:0058 dw, C 1C vid_curs_pos4
- 0040:005A dw, C 1D vid_curs_pos5
- 0040:005C dw, C 1E vid_curs_pos6
- 0040:005E dw, C 1F vid_curs_pos7
- 0040:0060 dw, C 20 vid_curs_mode
- 0040:0062 db, C 21 video_page
- 0040:0063 dw, C 22 @video_port
- 0040:0065 db, C 23 video_mode_reg
- 0040:0066 db, C 24 video_color
- 0040:0067 dw, C 25 @gen_io_ptr
- 0040:0069 dw, C 26 @gen_io_seg
- 0040:006B db, C 27 gen_int_occured
- 0040:006C dw, C 28 timer_low
- 0040:006E dw, C 29 timer_hi
- 0040:0070 db, C 2A timer_rolled
- 0040:0071 db, C 2B keybd_break
- 0040:0072 dw, C 2C warm_boot_flag
- 0040:0074 db, C 2D hdsk_status_1
- 0040:0075 db, C 2E hdsk_count
- 0040:0076 db, C 2F hdsk_head_ctrl
- 0040:0077 db, C 30 hdsk_ctrl_port
- 0040:0078 db, C 31 prn_timeout_1
- 0040:0079 db, C 32 prn_timeout_2
- 0040:007A db prn_timeout_3
- 0040:007B db prn_timeout_4
- 0040:007C db, C 33 rs232_timeout_1
- 0040:007D db, C 34 rs232_timeout_2
- 0040:007E db rs232_timeout_3
- 0040:007F db rs232_timeout_4
- 0040:0080 dw, C 35 @keybd_begin
- 0040:0082 dw, C 36 @keybd_end
- 0040:0084 db, C 37 video_rows
- 0040:0085 dw, C 38 video_pixels
- 0040:0087 db, C 39 video_options
- 0040:0088 db, C 3A video_switches
- 0040:0089 db, C 3B video_1_reservd
- 0040:008A db, C 3C video_2_reservd
- 0040:008B db, C 3D dsk_data_rate
- 0040:008C db, C 3E hdsk_status_2
- 0040:008D db, C 3F hdsk_error
- 0040:008E db, C 40 hdsk_int_flags
- 0040:008F db, C 41 hdsk_options
- 0040:0090 db, C 42 hdsk0_media_st
- 0040:0091 db, C 43 hdsk1_media_st
- 0040:0092 db, C 44 hdsk0_start_st
- 0040:0093 db, C 45 hdsk1_start_st
- 0040:0094 db, C 46 hdsk0_cylinder
- 0040:0095 db, C 47 hdsk1_cylinder
- 0040:0096 db, C 48 keybd_flags_3
- 0040:0097 db, C 49 keybd_flags_4
- 0040:0098 dw, C 4A @timer_wait_off
- 0040:009A dw, C 4B @timer_wait_seg
- 0040:009C dw, C 4C timer_clk_low
- 0040:009E dw, C 4D timer_clk_hi
- 0040:00A0 dw, C 4E timer_clk_flag
- 0040:00A1 db, C 4F lan_1
- 0040:00A2 db lan_2
- 0040:00A3 db lan_3
- 0040:00A4 db lan_4
- 0040:00A5 db lan_5
- 0040:00A6 db lan_6
- 0040:00A7 db lan_7
- 0040:00A8 dd, C 51 @video_sav_tbls
- 0040:00CE dw, U,C 56 days_since_1_80
- 0040:0100 db, Unused prn_scrn_stat_b
- 0050:0000 db, C 57 prn_scrn_stat
- B800:0000 d?, Unused video_dply_area
- C000:0000 dw, Unused rom_chk_word
- C000:0002 db, Unused rom_chk_size
- F000:F0A4 db, R 10, C 68 video_hdwr_tbl1
- F000:F0B4 db, R 10, C 69 video_hdrw_tbl2
- F000:F0C4 db, R 10, C 6A video_hdwr_tbl3
- F000:F0D4 db, R 10, C 6B video_hdwr_tbl4
- F000:E401 dw, C 72 hdsk_cylinders
- F000:E403 db, C 73 hdsk_heads
- F000:E404 dw, C 74 hdsk_lo_wrt_cyl
- F000:E406 dw, C 75 hdsk_precompcyl
- F000:E408 db, C 76 hdsk_err_length
- F000:E409 db, C 77 hdsk_misl_bits
- F000:E40A db, C 78 hdsk_timeout
- F000:E40B db, C 79 hdsk_fmt_timout
- F000:E40C db, C 7A hdsk_chk_timout
- F000:E40D dw, C 7B hdsk_parkng_cyl
- F000:E40F db, C 7C hdsk_sectr_trac
- F000:E410 db, C 7D hdsk_unused
- F000:E401 ds, R 002E
- db, R 10 hdsk_type_
- F000:FA6E db, R 400,C 7F video_char_tbl
- F000:E6F5 dw, C 8D Config_tbl_size
- F000:E6F7 db, C 8E Config_model
- F000:E6F8 db, C 8F Config_sub_model
- F000:E6F9 db, C 90 Config_BIOS_rev
- F000:E6FA db, C 91 Config_features
- F000:E6FB db, R 4, C 92 Config_info_bytes
- F000:FFF5 da, R 9, C 88 rom_versn_date
- F000:FFFE db, C 89 model_type
- F000:FFFF db model_sub_type
- F000:FF54 loc, Near, C 05 int_5_prn_scrn
- F000:95A0 loc, Near, C 06 int_6_badopcode
- F000:F84D loc, Near, C 11 int_11h_equip
- F000:F841 loc, Near, C 12 int_12h_memsiz
- F000:E7B6 loc, Near, C 14 int_14h_RS232
- F000:E739 loc, Ext, C 2A int_14h_entry
- F000:E82E loc, Near, C 16 int_16h_keybd
- F000:E799 loc, Near, C 18 int_18h_basic
- F000:FE6E loc, Near, C 1A int_1Ah_RTC
- F000:1CAC loc, Near, C 1F int_71h_LAN
- F000:1C1F loc, Ext, C 2A int_71h_entry
- F000:1C28 loc, Near, C 23 int_75h_80287
- F000:3343 loc, Near, C 24 int_76h_hddone
- F000:FF53 loc, Near, C 00 int_return ; User interrupts (set to an iret intruction)
- F000:1BD0 loc, Near, C 27 int_unused ; Unused (bios unsupported) interrupts
- F000:4DDF loc, Near, C 29 system_reset
- F000:FFF0 loc, Ext, C 2A power_on_reset
- FFFF:0000 loc, Unused power_on_reset
- ┌─── General Notes ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- │ 1) Must have at least one entry in each section to operate properly. │
- │ Use "none" if no entries are needed for a section. │
- │ Separate each section with at least one line with a space in │
- │ column 1. │
- │ │
- │ 2) Order of entries within each section is unimportant. │
- │ │
- │ 3) When a filename is specified in section 1, it is loaded and the │
- │ first 250 segments can be referenced as seg_a to seg_z and │
- │ seg_aa to seg_az through to the 250th segment seg_io. │
- │ These can be used anywhere a segment is required. For example │
- │ a location label can be defined as: │
- │ │
- │ 6234:0124 loc, Ext, C 2 temp_value_a │
- │ or: seg_b:0124 loc, Ext, C 2 temp_value_a │
- │ │
- │ The second entry will use the 2nd segment within the loaded file │
- │ An error will be generated if a segment is used beyond those │
- │ specified by the file load (Consult manual for more information).│
- │ │
- │ 4) Section 3 ignores blank lines or lines starting with a space in │
- │ column 1, or the balance of a line where a semicolon occurs. │
- │ │
- │ 5) The following examples show acceptable forms for the same function,│
- │ a location entry as a external entry point with comment #2: │
- │ │
- │ seg_a:0124 loc, Ext, C 2 temp_value_a ; prefered format │
- │ seg_a:0124 l, Ext, C 2 temp_value_a │
- │ seg_a:0124 l, E, C=2 temp_value_a ; notes can follow │
- │ seg_a:0124 l, External, C 2 temp_value_a │
- │ seg_a:0124 Location, Ext, C 02 temp_value_a │
- │ seg_a:0124 L, e, c 2 temp_value_a │
- │ │
- │ 6) Upper and lower case will have no effect (except for analysis │
- │ options), but is preserved for labels. │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘