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- @@1
- Help - Laser-Ready Labels
- Welcome to Laser-Ready Labels. This combination of very easy
- software, fonts and templates has everything you need to print
- great-looking labels on laser, DeskJet and dot-matrix printers.
- To get started, press a key to choose a kind of label:
- 1. Mailing Labels. Six sizes (33, 30, 24, 21, 20 and 14-up) are
- perfect for envelopes, postcards and other addressing jobs.
- 2. Shipping Labels. Use 8-up or 6-up shipping labels for boxes,
- large envelopes and parcels requiring a return address.
- 3. General Purpose Labels. Four sizes (12, 10, 9 and 6-up) fit your
- "miscellaneous" labeling jobs. You type the words and Laser-
- Ready Labels takes care of layout and centering.
- When you're finished, press Q to quit. See the README file for
- further information on using Laser-Ready Labels.
- @@2
- Help - Choose a File
- Laser-Ready Labels stores labels in disk files. In this window,
- identify the file in which your list is stored. Use these keys:
- F2 Move to "File:" to type a file name. Omit the suffix and
- remember to press Enter. Laser-Ready Labels automatically
- appends .LRM (mailing), .LRS (shipping), or .LRG (general
- purpose) to the name you type. List names can be no more than
- 8 characters long and must conform to DOS file naming rules.
- F3 Move to "Path:" so you can change your drive and path.
- Overtype the drive and path displayed, then press Enter.
- F4 Move into the list of files that are in this drive and path.
- Use the Arrow Keys to locate a particular file, then press
- Enter. If there are more names to choose from than will fit in
- the window, press PgDn and/or PgUp to see them all.
- Tab Move quickly between Name, Path and List.
- Press Esc to quit.
- @@3
- Help - Mailing Labels
- Choose one of these actions:
- 1. Create a New List of Labels. Type labels "from scratch." Choose
- a label size and - if you are using a laser or DeskJet printer -
- label font.
- 2. Work With an Existing List of Labels. Review, update, sort and
- print a list created previously.
- 3. Import Labels From a File. Build a new list of labels by reading
- in label information from an ASCII text file.
- 4. Copy or Delete a List of Labels. Copy a list to create a second
- identical list, or delete a list from disk.
- 5. Change Mailing To Shipping Labels. Make shipping labels with
- names and addresses first entered on mailing labels.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@4
- Help - Choose a Label Size
- Select the size for your mailing labels. Choose from:
- Choice Qty Layout Size of Label Lines 3M No.
- ------ --- ------ --------------- ----- ------
- 1 33 3 x 11 1" x 2&5/6" 3 7733
- 2 30 3 x 10 1" x 2&5/8" 4 7730
- 3 24 3 x 8 1&3/8" x 2&5/6" 5 7724
- 4 21 3 x 7 1&1/2" x 2&5/6" 6 7721
- 5 20 2 x 10 1" x 4&1/4" 4 7720
- 6 14 2 x 7 1&1/2" x 4&1/4" 6 7714
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@5
- Help - Choose a Label Size
- Select the size for your shipping labels. Choose from:
- Choice Qty Layout Size of Label Lines 3M No.
- ------ --- ------ --------------- ----- ------
- 1 8 2 x 4 2&3/4 & 4&1/4 5 7708
- 2 6 2 x 3 3&1/3 & 4&1/4 8 7706
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@6
- Help - Choose a Label Size
- Select the size for your general purpose labels. Choose from:
- Choice Qty Layout Size of Label Lines 3M No.
- ------ --- ------ --------------- ----- ------
- 1 12 3 x 4 2&5/6" x 2&1/2" 10 7712
- 2 10 2 x 5 2" x 4&1/4" 8 7710
- 3 9 3 x 3 2&5/6" x 3&1/3" 12 7708
- 4 6 2 x 3 3&1/3" x 4&1/4" 12 7706
- The first two lines of general purpose labels are the "title
- lines." The remaining lines are "body lines." Title lines are
- printed in an extra-large font.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@7
- Help - Label Changes
- Since you've altered the contents of this label, tell Laser-
- Ready Labels what to do with your changes:
- 1. Yes, Keep Changes. Retain the label's new contents.
- 2. No, Lose Changes. Restore the contents as they were before you
- began editing.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@8
- Help - Label Centering
- Choose one of these centering options:
- 1. Center All Lines. Center both the title (i.e. first two lines)
- and body (remaining lines) within each label's left and right
- edges.
- 2. Center Title Only. Center the title and left-justify the body.
- 3. No Centering. Left-justify both the title and body.
- To compensate for blank lines at the end of a label, Laser-
- Ready Labels always centers labels vertically. That is, each
- label is adjusted downward one-half line per blank line at
- the end of the label.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to abandon printing.
- @@9
- Help - Printing
- Confirm that this printer is the right type, and that the labels
- listed are loaded in your printer. Then choose one of these options:
- 1. Ok, Start Printing. Select this option when printer, labels,
- sheets and copies are set correctly and you are ready to print.
- 2. Change Pages To Be Printed. To print less than an entire list,
- use this choice to specify a range of pages.
- 3. Change Number of Copies. Select this option to print up to 99
- copies.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to abandon printing.
- @@10
- Help - Sort Order
- Choose whether to sort by Zip Code or Last Name, in ascending or
- descending order. Laser-Ready Labels interprets 5 or 9-digit numbers
- (e.g. 12345 and 12345-6789) as zip codes, and the last word in the
- first line as a last name. Here's how four labels would be sorted:
- Original List Phillips Fritcher Cree Wasserman
- 33333 55555 11111 33333
- 1. Zip Code Cree Phillips Wasserman Fritcher
- (00000 to 99999) 11111 33333 33333 55555
- 2. Zip Code Fritcher Phillips Wasserman Cree
- (99999 to 00000) 55555 33333 33333 11111
- 3. Last Name Cree Fritcher Phillips Wasserman
- (A to Z) 11111 55555 33333 33333
- 4. Last Name Wasserman Phillips Fritcher Cree
- (Z to A) 33333 33333 55555 11111
- @@11
- Help - Save Changes Before Sorting
- @@12
- Help - Return Address
- In Laser-Ready Labels, you can print shipping labels either with or
- without return addresses.
- Choose whether your labels will have a return address:
- 1. Yes. Enter the return address before printing.
- 2. No, Print Labels Without Return Address. Do not enter a return
- address and proceed with printing.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to abandon printing.
- @@13
- Help - Return Address Style
- Choose one of two styles for your return address:
- 1. LR-Helv. Left-justified with an accent bar below the first
- line, printed in LR-Helv font.
- 2. LR-Times. Left-justified with an accent bar below the first
- line, printed in LR-Times font.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@14
- Help - Save A List
- Choose how you want to save your list:
- 1. Yes, Save With This Name. Use the name shown and overwrite that
- file with the changes you've made since your last save.
- 2. Save With a Different Name. Create a new list and include in it
- the changes you've made since your last save.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to abandon saving.
- @@15
- Help - Save List Changes
- Since you've altered the contents of this list, tell Laser-Ready
- Labels what to do with your changes:
- 1. Yes, Save Changes. Write the list to disk, including the
- changes you've made since your last save.
- 2. No, Abandon Changes. Leave the list as it was before you began
- editing.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to abandon saving.
- @@16
- Help - Overwrite File
- The file you've specified already exists on your disk. Choose how
- you want to proceed:
- 1. Overwrite It. Replace the prior version of the file with this
- new version. The prior version is saved with the suffix ".BAK".
- 2. Reenter Filename. Give the list a different name.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to abandon saving.
- @@17
- Help - Shipping Labels
- Choose one of these actions:
- 1. Create a New List of Labels. Type labels "from scratch." Choose
- a label size and - if you are using a laser or DeskJet printer -
- label font.
- 2. Work With an Existing List of Labels. Review, update, sort and
- print a list created previously.
- 3. Import Labels From a File. Build a new list of labels by reading
- in label information from an ASCII text file.
- 4. Copy or Delete a List of Labels. Copy a list to create a second
- identical list, or delete a list from disk.
- 5. Change Shipping to Mailing Labels. Make mailing labels with
- names and addresses first entered on shipping labels.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@18
- Help - General Purpose Labels
- Choose one of these actions:
- 1. Create a New List of Labels. Type labels "from scratch." Choose
- a label size and - if you are using a laser or DeskJet printer -
- label font.
- 2. Work With an Existing List of Labels. Review, update and print a
- list created previously.
- 3. Import Labels From a File. Build a new list of labels by reading
- in label information from an ASCII text file.
- 4. Copy or Delete a List of Labels. Copy a list to create a second
- identical list, or delete a list from disk.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@19
- Help - Copy or Delete
- Choose one of these actions:
- 1. Copy a List of Labels. Duplicate a list to create a second
- identical list.
- 2. Delete a List of Labels. Erase a list from disk.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@20
- Help - Label Type
- Choose one of these label types:
- 1. Mailing Labels. Six sizes (33, 30, 24, 21, 20 and 14-up) are
- perfect for envelopes, postcards and all addressing applications.
- 2. Shipping Labels. Use 8-up or 6-up shipping labels for boxes,
- large envelopes and parcels requiring a return address.
- 3. General Purpose Labels. Four sizes (12, 10, 9 and 6-up) fit your
- "miscellaneous" labelling jobs. You type the words and Laser-
- Ready Labels takes care of layout and centering.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@21
- Help - Mailing Label Fonts For Laser Printers
- Choose a font for your mailing labels:
- 1. LR-Helv. A proportional font that gives your labels a "typeset"
- look, LR-Helv is well-suited to longer names and addresses, where
- it allows as many letters as possible to be typed across the label.
- 2. LR-Times. Like LR-Helv, this proportional font is well-suited
- to longer names and addresses.
- 3. LR-Times, First Line Bold. Like choice 2, but prints the first
- line of each label (usually the addressee's name) in bold.
- 4. LR-Elite. A fixed-width font that gives your labels a
- "typewritten" appearance, LR-Elite is best for labels where
- spaces are to be used to indent and/or center the names and
- addresses.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@22
- Help - Fonts For Laser Printers
- Choose a font:
- 1. LR-Helv. A proportional font that gives your labels a "typeset"
- look, LR-Helv is well-suited to longer names and addresses, where
- it allows as many letters as possible to be typed across the label.
- 2. LR-Times. Like LR-Helv, this proportional font is well-suited
- to longer names and addresses.
- 3. LR-Elite. A fixed-width font that gives your labels a
- "typewritten" appearance, LR-Elite is best for labels where
- spaces are to be used to indent and/or center the names and
- addresses.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@23
- Help - DeskJet Fonts
- Choose one of these DeskJet fonts:
- 1. Courier. This standard DeskJet font gives labels a "typewritten"
- appearance. Even if you have the TmsRmn or Helv font cartridges,
- choose Courier if spaces are to be used to indent and/or center
- label information.
- 2. Tms-Rmn. If your DeskJet is equipped with the 22706P font
- cartridge, choose this proportional font to give each label a
- "typeset" appearance.
- 3. Helv. If your DeskJet is equipped with the 22706Q font cartridge,
- choose this proportional font to give each label a "typeset" look.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- Note: If your DeskJet is not equipped with TmsRmn or Helv font
- cartridges, always choose Courier.
- @@24
- Help - Printer Choices
- Choose one of these printers:
- 1. HP LaserJet series II and Plus. \ Laser printers produce the
- 2. Panasonic Laser Partner. / best-looking labels possible.
- For laser printers, Laser-Ready Labels includes soft fonts that are
- automatically downloaded, giving labels a "typeset" appearance.
- 3. HP DeskJet. Laser-Ready Labels uses the DeskJet's built-in
- Courier font to produce very attractive labels. If your DeskJet
- is equipped with TmsRmn (22706P) and/or Helv (22706Q) font
- cartridges, you can use those fonts for a near-laser appearance.
- 4. IBM Proprinter. \ On dot-matrix printers, Laser-Ready Labels
- 5. Epson FX-85. / takes advantage of resident Elite and Pica
- fonts to print the highest-quality labels possible.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@25
- Help - Printer Compatibility
- The printer you've identified as your "current" printer - i.e. the
- one you've selected through Option 4 on the opening menu - is
- different than the one in effect when this list was created.
- Proceed in one of two ways:
- 1. Convert List To Work With My Printer. Select this option to have
- Laser-Ready Labels check your list to be sure all labels will fit
- properly when printed on the new printer. If necessary, overly
- long lines are truncated to fit within the right margin.
- 2. Return To Opening Menu To Re-Choose Printer. Select this
- option if your currently selected printer is incorrect. At the
- opening menu, press 4 and re-choose your printer, then return and
- open this list once again.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@26
- Help - Continue Loading
- Review the label size and font shown, then choose whether you want
- to continue loading:
- 1. Yes. If the label size and font are correct, choose Yes.
- 2. No, Change Settings. Reset the label size and, if you are using
- a laser or DeskJet printer, the label font.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@27
- Help - Save Changes
- Choose how you want to save list changes:
- 1. Yes, Save With This Name. Overwrite the existing list with the
- changes made since your last save.
- 2. Save With a Different Name. Create a new list containing the
- changes made since your last save.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to abandon saving.
- @@28
- Help - Will Lose Data
- In converting your list, some labels are too wide to fit within the
- right margin, or possibly some labels have too many lines to fit
- inside the bottom margin.
- Choose one of these options:
- 1. Continue Anyway. Truncate lines that are too long by removing
- the rightmost characters, and remove any extra lines by dropping
- the last lines on the label. Be sure to review truncated labels
- carefully to ensure no critical information has been lost.
- 2. Abandon Conversion. Don't convert the list.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@29
- Help - Edit a Label
- Edit (type) a label. Press any of these keys:
- Home Move cursor to beginning of line.
- End Move cursor to end of line.
- PgDn Move to the next label, keeping changes to this label.
- PgUp Move to the previous label, keeping changes to this label.
- F7 Insert a blank line under the cursor (Ctrl-N does the same).
- F8 Remove the line at the cursor (Ctrl-Y does the same).
- F10 Return to viewing a sheet of labels, keeping any changes
- made to this label.
- Esc Return to viewing a sheet of labels. If you've made changes
- to this label, you can save or abandon those changes.
- @@30
- Help - Page of Labels
- Use the arrow keys to highlight a label, then press one of these keys:
- Enter Edit the contents of highlighted label.
- Home Display the first page of labels in the list.
- End Display the last page of labels in the list.
- PgDn Display the next page of labels in the list.
- PgUp Display the previous page of labels in the list.
- F2 Search for the next label containing certain characters.
- F3 Copy this label to make up to 999 identical ones.
- F4 Sort the list by Zip Code or Name.
- F5 Print labels on your printer.
- F7 Insert a new label before this label (Ins key does the same).
- F8 Delete this label (Del key does the same).
- F9 Save the list to disk, then continue.
- F10 Esc Stop working with the list. F10 always saves your changes,
- and Esc lets you abandon changes.
- @@31
- Help - Page of Labels
- Use the arrow keys to highlight a label, then press one of these keys:
- Enter Edit the contents of highlighted label.
- Home Display the first page of labels in the list.
- End Display the last page of labels in the list.
- PgDn Display the next page of labels in the list.
- PgUp Display the previous page of labels in the list.
- F2 Search for the next label containing certain characters.
- F3 Copy this label to make up to 999 identical ones.
- F4 Sort the list by Zip Code or Name.
- F5 Print labels on your printer.
- F6 Type or edit the Return Address for this list.
- F7 Insert a new label before this label (Ins key does the same).
- F8 Delete this label (Del key does the same).
- F9 Save the list to disk, then continue.
- F10 Esc Stop working with the list. F10 always saves your changes,
- and Esc lets you abandon changes.
- @@32
- Help - Type a New List
- On your screen you see the first page of labels in your list. Since
- this is a new list, every label is empty.
- First, press the Enter key to begin typing labels. As you finish a
- label, press PgDn to move to the next label.
- When you finish typing the last label in the list, press F10. You
- will be asked to name your list and the list will be saved to disk
- under the name you give.
- @@33
- Help - Search Text
- Enter the text you want to find. Laser-Ready Labels will locate the
- first label containing any combination of up to 30 letters and digits.
- @@34
- Help - Label Copies
- Enter the number of copies you want to make of this label. You can
- make up to 999 copies.
- @@35
- Help - Type a Return Address
- Type a return address of up to 5 lines. As you type, press any of
- these keys:
- Home Move cursor to beginning of line.
- End Move cursor to end of line.
- F7 Insert a blank line under the cursor (Ctrl-N does the same).
- F8 Remove the line at the cursor (Ctrl-Y does the same).
- F10 Finish typing, saving the return address you've typed.
- Esc Finish typing. If you've made changes to the return
- address, you can save or abandon those changes.
- @@36
- Help - Copy Another
- The list you specified has been copied to make a new, identical
- list. Choose one of these options:
- 1. Yes, Finished. Select this choice if you are finished copying
- lists.
- 2. No, Copy Another List. Select this choice to continue copying.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@37
- Help - Delete Another
- The list you specified has been deleted. Choose one of these
- options:
- 1. Yes, Finished. Select this choice if you are finished deleting
- lists.
- 2. No, Delete Another List. Select this choice to continue deleting.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@38
- Help - Page of Labels
- Use the arrow keys to highlight a label, then press one of these keys:
- Enter Edit the contents of highlighted label.
- Home Display the first page of labels in the list.
- End Display the last page of labels in the list.
- PgDn Display the next page of labels in the list.
- PgUp Display the previous page of labels in the list.
- F2 Search for the next label containing certain characters.
- F3 Copy this label to make up to 999 identical ones.
- F5 Print labels on your printer.
- F7 Insert a new label before this label (Ins key does the same).
- F8 Delete this label (Del key does the same).
- F9 Save the list to disk, then continue.
- F10 Esc Stop working with the list. F10 always saves your changes,
- and Esc lets you abandon changes.
- @@39
- Help - Printer Not Responding
- Your printer is not responding. It may be turned off, out of paper,
- or offline.
- Choose one of these options:
- 1. Try Again. When you've verified your printer is on, has paper,
- and is online, select this choice.
- 2. No, Abandon Printing. Select this choice to stop printing
- immediately. If necessary, choose abandon printing until this
- message no longer appears.
- Press Enter to select and Esc to quit.
- @@40
- @@41