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- Following the FORD MOTOR CO.'s admission that
- it is in the process of developing a platinum free
- catalyst, the market value of platinum has plummeted.
- Despite this some 35% of platinum production in the
- West is intended for the automobile industry. We hear, once again, of increased activity on
- the New York Exchange. Most of the excitement
- revolves around IBM and General Motors, whose stock
- has recently proven to be a profitable investment. Brazil, the world's most indebted land, is no longer able to pay the
- interest on its 120 billion dollar debt. Its President made a TV
- and radio speech today, announcing a drastic decision. The government
- will cease the payment of any dues to foreign banks, with immediate
- effect. Whether the cessation be temporary, or permanent is unclear.
- The original discussion concerned a 90 day period of non-payment.
- Apparently, of Brazil's 108 billion dollar deficit, 80 billion is owed
- to foreign commercial banks.
- A developing nation since 1582, Brazil is no longer required to pay
- redemption fees, and must only pay interest. By far the main creditor
- is the American Credit Institute, closely followed by Japanese, French
- and German banks. +++ Following a 7 year period of stagnation, American exports
- last year increased by 12%, constituting a veritable boom. Experts
- also predict a foreign trade of some 15% for this year. Strangely
- enough foreign trade seems to be the privilege of an exclusive
- circle of companies: of 300,000 registered American businesses only
- 39,000 are involved in export, and of these, the leading 250
- corporations corner a good 85% of the foreign market. +++ The market for Third World credits has been chaotic in both
- New York and London, over the last few days. Several American
- and Canadian banks are trying desperately, by fair means or foul,
- to hand on their billion dollar indemnity, to clear their
- *balance* sheet before the close of the financial year. New York
- is putting up its entire "Disaster-funds Portfolio" for quick sale,
- consisting mainly of loans to Latin-America. As an incentive, the
- discount on some of these credits has rocketted. Venezuala's dues
- are thus down to a mere 40% of their *nominal value*, previously
- they were lying at 60% under par. Mexican and Brazilian credits are
- on offer at around 50%. Argentinian credits, however, have dropped
- through the floor, from 30% to only 18% recently. The *bondsmarket* boom is
- responsible for even more
- liquidations. The recent
- publication of employment
- statistics is also having
- a significant effect on
- the market.A business re-
- vival is reported by buy-
- er/managers with orders
- rising rapidly over the
- past month.
- A market boom would have
- a stabilising effect on
- discount rates. New York - a bolt from the blue - the shocking poison gas catastrophy
- in Bhopal, India - has caused the value of Union Carbide *stock* to melt
- like butter on a sunny day. Massive demmands for compensation are soon
- to be expected, estimated at some 25 billion dollars. This, the third
- largest chemical manufacturer in the land, has a capital value of 10.3
- billion dollars with average takings of 9 billion dollars, but only time
- will reveal the true financial consequences. Legal advisors warn that
- the Bhopal disaster could well turn out to be a second "Manville":
- the asbestos company forced into liquidation to avoid a hail-storm of
- complaints. +++ Ford's market status, compared to that of General Motors has
- advanced like there's no tomorrow. The then Company Chairman's radical
- reforms are starting to bear fruit. Ford now proudly declares net
- returns of 4.14 billion dollars, that is $8.53 per *stock*. The company's
- capital valuation now stands at 60.9 billion dollars. Reliable sources
- predict even higher returns for the next quarter, especialy in the
- exports department.
- Record returns are within reach for this year. Ford's stock *dividend*
- came to 3 dollars last year. +++++ It's October 21st 1987.
- Over the last two days
- investors have been the
- first to suffer from the
- worst Wall Street crash
- ever.
- Their losses amount to
- over a billion dollars.
- Meanwhile leading cur-
- rency bankers are flying
- round the world to en-
- courage a rapid expan-
- sion of circulated cur-
- rency.
- It is hoped that a more
- elastic economy might
- avoid a repeat of the
- 1929 *recession*. The real estate market recession
- has been with us for years but
- recently it has intensified at an
- alarming rate. Even compulsory
- auctions are not helping much to
- dispose of land at an acceptable
- price, and neither is the
- well-meaning advice from experts
- that land prices will deteriorate
- even further in future. The only
- winner in this sorry game is the
- bonds market, whose profits are
- rising daily. According to unconfirmed rumours, the *bilateral*
- economic relations between the US and the USSR, are
- nearing a historical climax. A two-phase operation
- over the next five years will serve to normalise
- trade, by dissolving all existing "red tape" and
- predjudice. This will permit the free exchange of
- wares and services between the super-powers. The cost of raw materials has
- reached a new low over the last few
- days. The chemical and automobile
- sector will be the first to benefit
- from low "crude" prices, while
- other industrial sectors have taken
- advantage of the positive situation
- to realise long-frustrated develop-
- ment ambitions. The big guns of the automobile *boom* have been
- resounding for years, but only now have the automobile
- prices left the trench and are marching towards new
- frontiers. ++++++
- With the rising trend of industrial orders established some months
- ago come the first signs of awakening interest amongst investment
- enterpreneurs. This is no big deal. After all, the market revolves
- around forthcoming prospects rather than historical "facts". Surely,
- the predicted continuation of the international boom, combined with a
- flood of confirmed industrial orders, is some indication of things to
- come. ++++++ Surprise,surprise.
- Late last night the U.S.
- foreign trade deficit
- reached a record high.
- The gap was 16.5 billion
- last month. Meanwhile the
- U.S. Minister of Finance
- has complained that the
- West German government
- and "Bundesbank" have
- done nothing to support
- the boom to bring ec-
- onomic growth, but in-
- stead has hiked the cre-
- dit interest rate.
- Despite German support of
- the dollar to the tune of
- hundreds of millions, the
- U.S. Minister of Finance
- has announced to the in-
- ternational media, that
- Washington would prefer
- to suppress the value of
- the dollar rather than
- tolerate raised credit
- dues.
- In his own words:
- "We not going to sit back
- and watch surplus nations
- raise interest levels to
- the detrement of growth. Late last night the dollar made a leap on the
- N. Y. exchange that would have been previously
- regarded as impossible. The dollar rose some
- 10% against the German D-Mark. Late last night the dollar
- plummeted on the N.Y. exchange,
- the biggest slump in market
- history. Despite intensive inter-
- vention by currency banks the
- dollar fell some 10% against the
- German D-Mark. One of the biggest strikes ever known is presently
- crippling the U.S. automobile industry. Teams of
- temporary workers have been rushed in to keep
- production ticking over. The first grim predictions
- are circulating that a wave of liquidations are soon
- to be expected, particularly in the automobile delivery
- sector. It has just been an-
- nounced that the US gov-
- ernment plan to raise
- consumer taxes by some 20
- percent next year, in or-
- der to finance the ever
- growing budget deficit. At yesterday's annual meeting of the
- International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.)
- and the World Bank, figures were
- released by finance ministers and bank
- presidents of 140 countries that
- confirm fears experts have had for
- some time. Credit to developing nations
- has now exceded the psychological
- barrier of a billion dollars. The following news has
- just been received via
- Telex:
- An hour ago, Mexico, one
- of the world's largest
- debtor nations announced
- to a press conference
- its intended refusal to
- honour future credit
- dues, with immediate ef-
- fect.
- They have already paid
- a total of nearly 100
- million dollars, some 99%
- of their export profits.
- The Mexican government
- now considers this to be
- an intolerable burden on
- the economy. Owing to the introduction of
- computerised deposit systems, banks
- expect to reduce their running
- costs over the next five years,
- saving a total of some one billion
- dollars. The consumer-price-index
- is becoming more and more
- influential. Experts now
- regard the index as the
- best monitor for the ri-
- sing rate of inflation. At the previous world economic
- summit conference of leading
- industrial nations it was unanimously
- agreed that the world's economy is now
- recovering from depression, and this
- is having a considerable positive
- effect upon the international boom. Even leading government
- economists can deny it no
- longer:
- The international boom
- has now reached crisis
- point, and a slump is un-
- avoidable.
- Industry is complaining
- of business hardship, and
- in some trades production
- has been curtailed. For the first time since the "Credit Crisis" began
- in 1982, the predicament of "debtor nations" in the
- third world is easing up a little.
- Their export profits are escalating faster than their
- expenditure on interest and banking fees. Nevertheless
- the burden on developing countries remains critical. The *trade-balance* deficit of the
- United States reached a new high over
- the last months. Economists warned
- weeks ago of an expected record deficit. The *trade-balance* deficit of the United States
- last month achieved a completely unexpected recovery. The *trade-balance* deficit of the
- United States plummeted last month,
- some millions of dollars lower than
- previously expected. The stock
- Market has reacted to the confusion. The New York "*Comex*"
- has suffered a huge drop
- in its gold reserves.
- Over the last 6 months
- bulk buying by the Japan-
- ese has reduced bullion
- reserves by some 33 tons. The five most important industrial nations informed us last week of
- a rapid rise in consumer prices over the past 6 months. They were most
- concerned about the situation in the United States where the danger of
- *inflation* is becoming increasingly imminent. Contributing factors were
- seen to be the lack of job opportunities, rising import and raw
- material costs and an expanding economy. Once inflation takes hold in
- the States we cannot expect any other industrial nation to act as the
- safe hold of economic stability. +++ As a result of a definite reduction in the balance-of-payments
- gap and the ensuing rise in market confidence, the Dow Jones Index
- for 30 industrial *stocks* rose yesterday on the New York exchange
- by almost 150 points. +++ One of the world's largest banks, the American super-bank Wells
- Fargo & CO Inc., San Fransisco, has written off Argentinian credits
- totaling over 500 million dollars, recognising their uneconomical
- effect on Argentinian commerce. It is the opinion of
- "The Wall Street Journal" that Well's Fargo's action may well
- force the hand of other credit institutions to follow suit. It has been officialy
- confirmed that the Soviet
- Union has over the last
- two years played an im-
- portant role as gold ex-
- porter.
- Their massive demand for
- foreign currency, for the
- purchase of cereals and
- other imports required by
- their suffering dependent
- nations, has meant them
- having to export 200 tons
- of gold last year. Over the last 18 months Eastman Kodak has dug in deep
- to form a support-line to defend the continuation of its
- upwards trend. Despite some commercial progress
- it was unable to leave its trench and penetrate foreign
- territory. The resistance zone would appear
- impenetrable. To defend the continuing upwards trend, American Express has made
- a firm stand on the support-line. Successful trading , however,
- allowed it to advance its frontiers last month. At the same time
- bridging the treacherous 200 day average differential gap. In the USA last year the
- increase in borrowing was
- more than twice the in-
- crease in net production.
- The Federal Reserve Board
- has stated that the debt
- mountain implies a pri-
- vate debt *dividend* of
- $30,000 per American cit-
- izen. South Africa,the world's
- main exporter of gold, is
- now increasing its gold
- reserves as a result of
- the political unrest.
- Meanwhile its sales to
- the Soviets has dropped
- radically. +++ Despite South Africa's domestic problems its government still
- refuses to increase gold reserves. Meanwhile western banks are being
- compelled by high interests and continuing gold scarcity to sell off
- their bullion reserves. ++++ To cover their foreign exchange
- requirements the USSR increasingly
- prefers to rely on sales of natural
- gas rather than to sell gold. The
- industrial demand for gold,
- particularly within telecommunication
- and space research is, however,
- rising. This allows experts to
- clearly predict future trends
- in the goldmarket. The Ford motor company has launched a gigantic operation, summoning
- all automobiles constructed during the last two years to be returned
- for a check-up.
- A company statement further admits finding evidence that under
- certain conditions the brake-leads could loosen and this, in extreme
- cases, could lead to total brake failure.
- This may have already caused numerous accidents, many fatal, but this
- has not yet been confirmed.
- " One can only imagine the immense financial cost to the company of
- such a withdrawal", said a company spokesman. One thing is
- certain, however, the vast reduction of stock *dividend* payments for
- this and the forthcoming financial year. The rising price of oil to around 3 dollar a *barrel*, and fears of a
- worldwide interest hike, have proven a real burden upon the inter-
- national finance market. The *OPEC* States buying and selling prices,
- give cause to speculation that a hike in the U.S. *discount rate* could
- well soon follow.
- The market value of *Stocks* & *Bonds* reacted chaotically to the high
- interest and *inflation* fears. Foreign currency and gold stocks,
- however, managed a recovery. Interest levels continue to rise
- on the American exchange. Although
- the market rate has stabilised over
- the last few days, insecurity
- nevertheless continues to influence
- the *bonds-market*, regardless of
- the current revival of optimism. +++ The question concerning low flying aircraft, which has recently
- grown to international proportions, will nevertheless benefit one
- particular American Firm quite considerably: United Tech., who
- manufactures and promotes flight simulators, has become the inter-
- national aircraft industry's most significant partner in its training
- of future pilots. The average age structure of the American Pilot Corps
- is rising rapidly. The technical journal "Aviation Daily" estimates
- that between 1990 and 1994 some 18,000 pilots will reach pension age,
- and from 1995 to 1999 more than 30,000 will be pensioned off.
- It is imperative that this potential be replaced. United Tech. today
- operates over 100 flight simulators, thus putting any competition
- well in its place. ++++++++ One of the main reasons
- for the "Gold fever", and
- its resulting boost in
- the market price of pre-
- cious metals, was indeed
- the "general" anticipa-
- tion of a forth-coming
- crisis.
- This prospect has surely
- influenced many investors
- to consider the inclusion
- of gold in their portfo-
- lios. This is confirmed
- by the recent successful
- turnover in gold coins,
- although this is mainly
- due to a certain increase
- in gold production.
- In North America, as well
- as Australia, new produc-
- tion methods are being
- considered, and even the
- re-opening of deserted
- mines. Particulary in
- Canada numerous new op-
- erations are going ahead,
- some of which are al-
- ready minting gold coins.
- Conclusion: Buying gold
- as a security measure
- does tend to stabilise
- gold prices, but it also
- tends to stagnate its
- market value. "Yellow Metal" is desperately seeking a new identity.
- Old arguments are disappearing, and valid new ones scarce, to
- maintain that gold is a "safe-haven" in a monetary crisis. The
- East/West rift is closing rapidly and sound economic policy
- now seems the best security for the world monetary system.
- Standard gold currency has become a monument of the past, as
- gold production just keeps on growing.
- Last year 2,270 tons were produced for a barren market. The
- value of gold is being upheld purely for economic convenience. The demand for precious metals has stubbornly prevailed since the
- start of the year. This demand has been centered around platinum
- and gold. The increased international interest in gold as a capital
- investment can be partially explained by the following:
- - Ever increasing strikes by South African miners have severely affected
- the production of platinum. The acompanying fear of a shortage of supply
- has inspired many, particularly industrial consumers, to panic buying.
- S. Africa is the largest producer of precious metals in the world.
- (80% of world platinum & 55% of gold)
- - Cosiderable purchases by the Japanese government, who plan to issue
- a gold coin commemorating the death of emperor Hiro Hito, further
- boosted the gold market.
- - The rapid decay in ore prices appears to have ceased at last. The dollar has, once again, weakened
- today, following the publication of the
- latest economic figures. Neither the
- revised lower estimate of the economic
- growth rate, nor the lower than expected
- rise in inflation, can provide a
- satisfactory explanation for the
- already significant lack of optimism,
- that a possible rise in the *prime-rate*
- could lead to economic revival. Washington.
- "The Government of the
- U.S. refuses to allow the
- value of the dollar to
- fall any lower", said a
- spokesman for the U.S.
- presidential office ; to
- this end the Government
- will attempt to reduce
- the *trade-balance* deficit.
- The USA and its most
- valued allies intend to
- coordinate their politi-
- cal policies to form a
- basis for stability in a
- fluctuating market. America needs foreign exchange desperately. U.S. citizens are simply
- not saving enough, and too few products are being exported.
- This demand will not please foreigners, whose dollar purchases nicely
- fill the economic gap, since the implications of this, at the present
- status of the dollar, would be to raise the U.S. *discount-rate*. The
- fundamental weakness of the dollar would, however, limit any further
- rise in its currency rate, enough to satisfy the country's needs.
- It would indeed be advisable to aim for stability in the
- dollar. This would generate a more positive climate for the *balance
- of trade* and reduce feelings of public responsibility and guilt. Pressure on the "Greenback" is
- increasing, as the *boom*, and with it
- the rate of *inflation*, goes into
- reverse gear. Sooner or later the
- "*Feds*" are going to have to revert
- to "easy money", if they want to take
- over the driving seat. Meanwhile low
- interest rates are putting the brake
- on foreign speculation on the dollar. ++++ One American company has been quick to take advantage of
- "Glasnost and Peristroika". It's Coca Cola, who is rapidly
- developing its business activities in the Soviet Union
- to steam ahead of Pepsi Cola, who has had to concentrate on
- the less lucrative European market.
- For the last financial year Coca Cola paid out 5 dollars on
- stock *dividend*. Instead of taking concrete steps to rectify the budget
- deficit, as may have been expected, the new President
- announced, in his acceptancy speech, nothing but the fine-
- sounding phrases we've all heard before, thus pouring
- cold water on the stock-and-bonds trader's already
- diminishing enthusiasm. +++++ The American finance market seems unimpressed by the
- shooting down of Libyan Mig Hunters by US war planes. It responded
- this week with an enthusiastic hike in the market, a strengthening
- of the dollar and stabilisation on the *bonds-market*.
- Amongst others, McDonalds and Boeing where in the footlights, busily
- peddling their shares, and Bethlehem Steel gained a little limelight,
- after being strongly recommended by several specialist houses. +++ The European Market has placed a ban on US imported "hormone meat".
- This is building up, slowly but surely, to a trade war, with possible
- wide spread "bloody" consequences. Meanwhile, both importers and
- exporters on both sides of the ocean are suffering from the rocketing
- custom duties. Representatives of Trade and Industry are appealing
- desperately to representatives of both sides that they cease this
- mutually devastating conflict.
- Despite intensive top-level discussions,there is still no end in sight
- and world- wide *stocks* have been badly hit. Here's a tip straight
- from the horse's mouth:
- Buy Xerox stocks!
- In the Sixties Xerox won
- world recognition by com-
- ing up with their
- dry-print technique.
- Since their patent has
- expired, however,the mar-
- ket leader seems to have
- had nothing but bad luck.
- Now Xerox has started to
- market a new range of
- products, thus taking a
- giant step to improve
- its standing in the com-
- puter and office-automa-
- tion sector. Not only are
- they releasing a new gen-
- eration of copy-machines,
- but also laser-printers
- and software. Late last night in New York, the first figures from the recently
- completed financial year came dripping through.The top earner,
- despite the low price of oil, with a net-profit of almost five and a
- half billion dollars was... Exxon Corporation!
- Last year`s winner IBM with $ 6.6 billion, took second place with a
- mere $4.8 billion. The money maker`s bronze medal 1986 goes to Donald
- Petersons Ford Company, with a cool 3.3 billion dollars. To the certain
- embarrassment of the introspective but somewhat unfortunate General
- Motors management, who has seen its profits melt from a fat $4
- billion to a meagre 3 billion, goes the somewhat stigmatic fourth
- place. The *American securities
- exchange controlling body
- (SEC)* has filed a suit
- against the former Wall
- Street Journal reporter
- of "Heard on the Street"
- column. He stands accused
- of irresponsiblity in
- disclosing false informa-
- tion about the perform-
- ance of "Playboy" stocks
- over the last few months
- thereby purposely hiking
- its *stock* value.
- He is also accused of
- pursuing personal market
- interests by illegal in-
- sider dealing methods. The American stock market controlling body is concerned
- about the increasing financial involvement of American
- banks and investment houses in highly speculative
- "*junk bonds*" and credit-financed "leverage buy-outs".
- Chase Manhattan has been named in this connection as
- having been seriously engaged in such dealings. The Soviet Head of State and the Communist Party
- has given wings to the Finance Market with his latest
- disarmament declaration. It is considered in the trade
- that Soviet troop reductions could ease pressure on the
- U.S. President's armaments budget, thereby easing his
- task to make ends meet in the domestic budget and so
- reduce the government's deficit. Pepsi Cola is now taking advantage of the Soviet's
- anti-alcohol campagne and is reaping massive returns
- in the process. As a result of the strict ban on alcohol
- consumption the demand in Russia for Pepsi Cola's
- manufacture and distribution, has risen so drastically
- that Pepsi is having difficultly keeping pace with the
- demand and is falling behind with deliveries.
- Last year Pepsi Cola paid out a 5 dollar *dividend* on
- each *stock*. The American airline corporation
- Pan-Am, has been the subject of a
- takeover bid from its competitor,
- Texas Air.
- They are making a generous offer
- for Pan-Am's *stock* of 50% above
- the current market value. The world's largest au-
- tomobile company, General
- Motors, suffered a 3 mil-
- lion dollar loss last
- year, almost a third of
- its estimated profit.
- The major cause for this
- being the automobile wor-
- kers strike last fall and
- also the reduced demand
- for automobiles. Eastman Kodak, the world's largest photography corporation,
- has recently confronted almost half of its 93.000 U.S.
- employees with a generous redundancy offer. Apart from
- disc-cameras and photo-copiers, the "yellow giant's"
- business has dropped drastically, thus necessitating
- dramatic cuts. The behaviour of Sears-Roebuck is worthy of
- close attention. After spending years establishing
- a strong business foundation, it now has long-term
- prospects in the offing which could well signal a
- hike in their *stock*. In achieving their current
- market status they have advanced beyond a significant
- psychological point, and in so doing have established
- a stable upwards trend. Although American automobile manufacturers
- have announced a 20% increase in sales,
- importers are not so happy.Indeed American
- business is benefiting at the cost of foreign
- competition and foreigners are reporting
- rising stores of unsaleables such as never
- before. Boeing is to introduce
- the new B747-400 at the
- end of this year, costing
- a cool 125 million dol-
- lars each.
- Development costs have a
- already been paid up.
- Their biggest customer,
- British Airways, is in
- the process of renewing
- its long distance fleet.
- Boeing paid out 3 dollars
- per *stock* *dividend* last
- year. ++++ The most expensive takeover bid in US history has become even
- more costly.
- The American investment corporation, Kohlberg Kraus Roberts, exceeded
- all previous takeover bids, with an offer of 50% above the current
- market value, for the American computer manufacturer Commodore's
- *stocks*. +++++ *Stock* specialists on the *NYSE* have advised the introduction of a
- massive computer-controlled buying program, just in case the Dow
- Jones Index should exceed the psychological barrier of four figures. "Ma Bell", or to be official, the American Telephone and Telegraph
- Corporation (ATT), is arousing the interest of speculators. Owing to
- its frequency of recommendation telephone stocks now figure in
- the popularity *charts* of various *banks and brokers*.
- Interesting growth opportunities and long awaited economic measures,
- have thus reduced redundancies, premature pensions and production
- limits. All this has done much to overcome previous scepticism.
- Whispers are going round the hall that ATT intends a takeover of
- Apple Macintosh computers, thus bringing itself within challenging
- distance of IBM.
- ATT's *dividend* last year was 3 dollars per *stock*. Washington - the biggest
- order IBM has ever re-
- cieved - a commission
- from the U.S. Minister of
- Transport to develop an
- automatic flight security
- system to the tune of 3
- and a half billion dol-
- lars - has been suspended
- for 45 working days.
- One of their competitors
- claims they can better
- IBM's offer. New York - the US pub-
- lishing house McGraw-Hill
- Inc. has become the
- center of attraction in
- Wall Street regarding
- takeover speculation.
- Prospective buyers have
- been named, including the
- McGraw management itself.
- They are responsible for
- the publication of the
- commercial periodical
- "Business Week". ++++++
- The most well known advertising slogan in the world,
- "Coca-Cola is it", well ensures our psychological association
- of Cola with Coca Cola.
- Regarding their business prospects, however, it's a different
- story. Indeed we could reverse the slogan to: "Coca-Cola is
- not it, it's...?".
- The world's largest manufacturer of syrups and soft-drinks,
- achieved only 900 million dollars last financial year, 10%
- lower than the previous year's takings. It's closest
- competitors, Pepsi Cola, on the other hand, were able to
- increase their turnover by an amazing 30%, to total some 600
- million Dollars. Nevertheless Coca Cola paid out a 4 dollar
- *dividend* on each stock for the last financial year.
- ++++++++++++++ A new generation of Compaq-Computers using integrated glass fibre
- cables, conceiled until recently under a veil of secrety, has proven
- in its primary tests to be the fastest IBM computer to-date. Experts
- have described the innovation as a milestone in the development
- of advanced computer technology. According to reports, City Corp,
- America's largest bank, has advanced most of the development costs in
- order to get the lion's share of the profits.
- Compaq-Computers paid stock holders 2 dollars *dividend* per *stock*, last
- financial year. The American computer industry can breathe
- again. The new President has lifted the export
- ban on US computer-related products. Recent developments and
- economic policies have
- led the world's leading
- banks to predict a mas-
- sive over-circulation of
- currency.
- Japan particularly is
- maintaining a loose eco-
- nomic policy, thus keep-
- ing interest levels low
- and one step ahead of
- the USA. Interest levels on long-
- term State and industrial
- *stocks* have reached a
- new peak over the last
- few days,the highest this
- year. The American Press agency (AP) reported
- yesterday that cash reserves of institutional
- investment companies, such as *Investment-funds*,
- banks and insurance companies, are now as high
- as they were ten years ago.
- At that time a world-wide *inflation* boom was soon
- to follow. All-in-all the highest ever subsidy to come out of
- the government treasury has been received by several
- chemical companies, for the development of a competitive
- synthetic fuel, in the hope of reducing American
- industrial independence on the *OPEC* nations. Doubting Thomases eat
- your hats:
- The former boss of City
- Corp., America's largest
- bank, seems to have made
- a successful first bid,
- and according to recent
- information will shortly
- be running for president.
- Who would have guessed
- that this "Man of Com-
- merce" and frequently
- elected "Manager of the
- Year" would suddenly be
- catapulted into the White
- House! According to usually reliable sources,
- the American Government is planning
- to relax all taxes on profits from
- sale of *stocks*. This gives businesses
- increased financial muscle, thereby
- raising, in the shortest possible time,
- the investment capital quota of American
- stock corporations. It has just been reported that the US
- Government is planning to impose a ban on
- the import of foreign automobiles, to take
- effect before the end of the year. Despite all expectations to the
- contrary, the commercial climate
- is getting sunnier every day.
- Healthy commercial growth, combined
- with a low *inflation* rate would
- seem to indicate that the boom
- has not yet reached its peak.
- Leasure, finance and computer
- stocks are profiting most, to
- everyones surprise. Because of the law-suit following Texaco's failed takeover bid of
- Pennzoil, compensation of 3 billion dollars is soon to be granted.
- This compromise may even please Texaco, compared to Pennzoil's
- earlier demand for 10 billion dollars. ++++++
- McDonald's, the desperado with a blue chip on its shoulder, is
- standing well below its year's peak. There was hectic selling of the
- Hamburger Giant's *stocks* following a critical survey by a U.S. heart-
- specialist team.
- +++++++ The American *Investment* Banker will be the first to enjoy the
- benefits of new tax legislation. Soon there will be no
- discrimination between short and long term market profit or loss.
- This will mean a considerable increase in future as far as
- commission returns are concerned. "Health- damaging germs
- have been detected in Mc-
- Donald's Hamburgers".
- It has just been reported
- that the U.S. Health Au-
- thorities are demanding
- the closure of all
- branches of McDonalds in
- the land. This follows a
- comprehensive examina-
- tion, whereby deseasefor-
- ming bacteria were dis-
- covered in every second
- restaurant of the inter-
- national leader in fast
- food chain. The pharmaceutical company Merck is on the verge of a break-through,
- with the development of a preparation that could halt the malignant
- development of cancerous cells. A spokesman from the company, however,
- when asked to comment on the now well-circulated rumour, claimed
- it was premature to make any definite statement at this point in time. Serious safety weakness
- -es have once more been
- detected on Boeing air-
- craft.
- Almost all their aircraft
- have been grounded pend-
- ing thorough inspection,
- an advantage that
- Boeing's old sparring-
- partner McDonnel Douglass
- has grasped with both
- hands. He has now an-
- nounced the introduction,
- in the next few months,
- of a new breed of long-
- distance airline, having
- the advantage of low fuel
- consumption plus a fully
- -automated security check
- before each airline de-
- parture. +++++++ Both General Motors and Ford announced last week
- that they intend to reduce personnel and introduce a general
- rationalisation program.
- Such plans, particularly put forward by such formerly successful
- manufacturers, may prove symptomatic for the entire industry.
- Similar alarming news has come from the computer industry.
- The market leader IBM officially informed journalists that here,
- too, staff reductions and lack of investment make any increase
- in future production seem unlikely. +++++++++++ The president of the oil
- multi-national Exxon yes-
- terday informed a press
- conference of their 75%
- involvement in their com-
- petitor firm Mobil-Oil.
- The remaining independent
- stock holders were handed
- an offer of settlement 50
- percent higher than the
- nominal *stock* market
- value. Exxon paid a *divi-
- dend* of only two dollars
- per stock at the close of
- the last financial year. Marketeers are just beginning to consider the financial
- implications of the immune deficiency syndrome "Aids".
- We have already received three subsequent announcements concerning
- the discovery of a successful cure for Aids by the pharmaceutical
- giant Merck.
- A company spokesman confirmed the basic truth of this, but hesitated
- to give any further details concerning its readiness for the market
- or the possible demand for such a product. Meanwhile, their competitors
- Allied-Signal are concerned with such speculations as: "If condoms are
- to be big business in the future, then contraceptive pills are going
- to go out of fashion". Here we have a good example of typical *stock*
- market logic. The USX corporation has decided
- to *hike its capital* against cash
- *investments*, granting an 8:1 ratio.
- The new *stocks* are on offer at
- 15 dollars each. To finance its new European leisure
- park, Walt Disney has decided to *raise
- its capital* against cash deposits at
- the rate of 4:1. The new *stocks* will
- be issued at 15 dollars each. To finance intended future investments American
- Express has decided to *raise its capital* by accepting
- cash payments at the ratio of 6:1. The young *stocks*
- will be issued at 15 Dollars. +++++ In answer to increased pressure from competition Texas
- Instruments has decided to *hike its capital* reserves with cash
- from the sale of freshly-issued *stocks*, encouraging sales with
- an offer of 3 to 1. This capital will serve to finance the
- advancement of seemingly promising technological developments. One of the largest traders of games in America,
- Toys R US, has decided to *raise its capital* in
- order to finance a new trade-center. It is offering
- a ratio of 5:1. The new *stocks* will be issued at
- 15 dollars. Proctor and Gamble are approaching the capital market once again.
- The company directorship decided at yesterday's general meeting,
- to *raise capital* at the ratio of 1:1. The "Young ones" will be on
- offer at 15 dollars each. During an attack on the
- New York exchange two ex-
- plosive devices were de-
- tonated in the main hall,
- directly alongside where
- the brokers were busy
- with daily trading.
- One specialist received
- minor injuries.
- The exchange will remain
- closed today following
- yet another bomb-scare. Some 50 km distance from
- the New York Exchange an
- atomic power plant has
- been heavily damaged by a
- collision from a low-fly-
- ing US airforce jet.
- Atmospheric contamination
- is estimated to be many
- times higher than the
- radiation leak from Cher-
- nobyl. Despite somewhat
- chaotic conditions the
- stock - holders general-
- meeting will nevertheless
- continue regardless,until
- important daily business
- is resolved.