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- (E)nter a Message - Function Help
- ---------------------------------
- Subcommands: NONE
- Description: Allows leaving a message to another person for them to read
- at a later date. After selecting (E), you will be asked to
- enter the name of the person the message is being addressed
- to. If the system operator has enabled message name
- verification on this system, the name entered will be checked
- against all names in the user's file to insure a proper
- match. If the user's name is not found, or the user is not
- registered in the same conference or board area where the
- message is being left, you will be advised of such to avoid
- leaving a message to a non-existent individual. However,
- the non-existent name verification prompt can be over-ridden
- in order to facilitate leaving a message to a group. By not
- entering a username at the "To:" prompt, the code will assign
- the message as being to "ALL".
- Next, up to a 25 character subject must be entered. If no
- subject is entered, the code will return you to the main menu
- and command line prompt. The brackets above the "To:" and
- "Subj:" prompts indicate the maximum length of the entry
- allowed. Attempting to exceed the maximum entry length will
- result in a BEEP being returned to you and the system will wait
- until you either press (Enter) to enter the subject as-is, or
- to allow you to backspace over your current entry and modify it.
- If the message base where your text is being entered has not been
- flagged as being private - where all messages are protected
- from being read by other callers until reviewed by the sysop -
- you will be asked to enter a security level for the message.
- A security level prompt will appear as follows:
- Security: (G)roup, (R)eceiver, (S)ender, (H)elp, (N)one
- (G)roup allows assigning a password to the message which
- only other callers who know the common password will be
- allowed to read the message.
- (R)eceiver makes the message private to all except you - the
- person leaving it - and the person to who it is addressed.
- (S)ender allows you to assign a password to the message so
- that only you can kill it later. This prevents the other
- person to who the message is addressed from killing it.
- (N)one means that the message will be open for all to read.
- Note that you can NOT assign (R)eceiver protection to a message
- which has been addressed to ALL.
- After completing the above steps, you can enter your text. Each
- line you enter will be preceeded by it's line number. Up to 72
- characters per line is allowed. Typing beyond the 72 character
- limit will cause your text to automatically "word-wrap" down to
- the next line. To complete entering text, press (Enter) alone
- on a blank line, at which time the following command will be
- displayed:
- Message Completion Subcommands
- ------------------------------
- (A)bort, (C)ontinue, (D)elete, (E)dit, (H)elp, (I)nsert, (L)ist, (S)ave, (SC)
- (A)bort abandons or cancels your message entry.
- (C)ontinue allows you to continue entering text.
- (D)elete allows you to delete a line of text from the message.
- (E)dit allows you to edit a line of text.
- (H)elp displays this Help file.
- (I)nsert allows inserting a line of text in front of another.
- (L)ist relists your text entry so far to the screen.
- (S)ave actually writes the message to disk.
- (SC) allows saving the same message to another individual.
- (SK) save your message, kill replied to message (if applicable)
- (SN) save your message, skip redisplay of replied to message
- Note: The format to (E)dit a line of text is:
- old text;new text
- where the "old text" is the text you wish to replace, followed
- by a ";" followed by the new text. The old text search is case
- sensitive - so capital letters must match exactly. If your new
- text causes that line to exceed 72 characters, the characters
- beyond 72 will be truncated from the line.
- When "uploading" Ascii text to the message base, insure your text lines
- are 72 characters or less in length.