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- ┌┬┬┬┬┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬┬┬┬┬┐
- ├┼┤├┼┤ ACRONYMINIM Toast Crunch Presents -- King's Bounty Cheat ├┼┤├┼┤
- └┴┴┴┴┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴┴┴┴┴┘
- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just unzip this KB.COM over the old one. Tough,
- huh? You'll never remember all the keys, so don't even bother trying.
- Either print this file out, or hit PRINT-SCREEN when the ANSI opening comes
- up. Or you could just randomly hit keys. But watch out, you might
- accidently solve the game. Or format your hard drive. Or destroy all life
- as we know it. Go ahead, try it. Almost every key does SOMETHING, either by
- our cheat or by the game (Try Alt-key combinations.)
- N - Go to a new continent - you have to be in a boat and you must have
- already found a map (or hit Ctrl Grey-plus.)
- D - Dismiss parts of your army (One of the five units)
- This cheat was written by EVERY member of our group, all both of us.
- That would be R. Bubba Magillicutty and Lord Zombie; RBM found a bunch of the
- offsets and I did all the coding!
- NYC put a copy of this game out also, only about a day and a half late.
- We haven't looked at it or tested this on it, so if it doesn't work on the
- NYC version, get the ACRONYM version. Heck, get it anyway. Go on, I dare
- you.
- Hello, I am here today to talk you about the latest ACRONYM release. A
- cheat for King's Bounty. As most of you know, ACRONYM released KB first
- so we decided to make the cheat also. This cheat makes use of the
- somewhat NEW ACRONYM Interactive Cheater Engine (tm), you know which one
- I am talking about, the one R. Bubba Magillicutty wrote, and Fabulous
- Furlough blatantly stole. Anyway if you would like to get the fully
- commented source code to our Interactive Cheater Engine, then just send
- $14,999.99 to either RBM, or me, LZ. Think of that; all the cheats you
- want for way under fifteen thousand dollars. (Think of the alternative: 5
- gallons of gas!)
- Anyway, to describe this cheat. This is by far the largest cheat ever
- designed, a whopping 30 functions. Here they are!
- F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 - Add 5 men to your respective army.
- F6 - Give yourself 1000 gold pieces. Better than winning the lottery!
- F7 - Give yourself 10 leadership points, Gunga Din.
- F8 - Give yourself 10 more commission. (Underpaid? No more.)
- F9 - Give Magic Ability. Hocus Pocusdots.
- F10 - Give siege weapons.
- The 14 spell keys. Each adds one more spell to your total:
- Ctrl Z-Get Clone Spell. Get Clone Spell. Get Clone Spell.
- Ctrl X-Get Teleport Spell.
- Ctrl C-Get Fireball Spell.
- Ctrl V-Get Lightning Spell.
- Ctrl B-Get Freeze Spell. Brrrrr....
- Ctrl N-Get Resurrect Spell.
- Ctrl M-Get Turn undead Spell. (I'm turning Undead, yes I'm turning Undead)
- Ctrl 1-Get Bridge Spell.
- Ctrl 2-Get Time Slop Spell.
- Ctrl 3-Get Find Villian Spell.
- Ctrl 4-Get Castle Gate Spell.
- Ctrl 5-Get Town Gate Spell.
- Ctrl 6-Get Instant Army Spell. (Just add water)
- Ctrl 7-Get Raise Control Spell.
- Ctrl T-Get one more day of time.
- Ctrl L-Raise your level. For getting better armies when using Instant Army.
- (-) Minus-Raise Spell power by one.
- (=) Equal-Raise Maximum # of spells. (I think this is useless)
- ────┤ Special Keys
- Ctrl-Grey-+ - Give yerself all artifacts, kill all villians, and get maps
- to find the other continents.
- Ctrl-K - KILL! When in combat hit this key and everyone will die,
- but you have to go and hit them somehow: spells, arrows,
- anything. But, never fear, they can't harm you!
- What critics have already said about this wonderful new ACRONYM product:
- "A shear delight!" -- Barbers Weekly.
- "A cut above the rest." -- The Knife Digest.
- "4 parallelalelagrams! Un-paralleled by anything to date." -- Geometery Gazette.
- "It stincs." -- The Garbage Union
- "So THIS is what he's been doing instead of his homework..." -- Pops
- Please note: If you are interested in joining the group, we might be
- interested in having you, give us a call.
- Well, well.. That is all for now, Citizens! Be seeing you.