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- * DeathTrack *
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- * Docs Compiled by Maelstrom *
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- * Game by Activision *
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- Stats for DeathTrackers:
- Sly
- *Avg Elims/Year: 5.29
- *Favorite Weapon: S&B Delta Max-1
- *Home: Moon Base Alpha
- *Best Track: Chicago
- *Car: Night Stalker
- *Favorite Food: Smokey Links
- *Description: Pallid white male. Short dark hair.
- "I like to build my car up pretty evenly. When I get a big engine, I also
- improve the trans, tires, brakes, and airfoils. I find it better to have
- so-so quality everywhere than awesome parts in some places and cheap
- parts in others."
- MotorManiac
- *Avg Elims/Year: 6.42
- *Favorite Weapon: RDI MetalStorm 50's
- *Home: Atlanta, GA
- *Best Track: Boston
- *Car: MondoBondo
- *Favorite Food: Corn on the cob
- *Description: Black male. No shirt on. Arms crossed.
- "When you come tearing up on wreckage in the road, make every attempt to
- miss it. It tears up your underside and scratches the finish. The same
- goes for staying on the track. Off-road racing is hard on these beasts."
- Wrecker (the Polish word for Wrecker)
- *Avg Elims/Year: 14.3
- *Favorite Weapon: S&B Auto-Cannon
- *Home: Warsaw, Poland
- *Best Track: Pheonix
- *Car: Warthog
- *Favorite Food: Cottage Cheese
- *Description: White male w/ sun glasses. Wild hair. Is holding a gun.
- Beard.
- "If you're hopelessly out-gunned and your modifications haven't kept up
- with the rest of the trackers, try falling behind the pack and letting
- them pick off each other before getting into the action. Don't fall so
- far behind you get lapped, though."
- Melissa
- *Avg Elims/Year: 6.89
- *Favorite Weapon: TTI Dragon Terminators
- *Home: Eugene, OR
- *Best Track: Manhattan
- *Car Name: Vixen
- *Favorite Food: Oysters
- *Description: White Female. Blond hair. Has hands on hips.
- "When you start feeling real degradation in performance, pull into the
- pit and check damage. Your car will run with most of your parts severely
- damaged. You can even run around the tracks on your rims if you like."
- MegaDeath
- *Avg Elims/Year: 2.54
- *Favorite Weapon: SDI PT Sunburst
- *Home: Unknown
- *Best Track: Los Angeles
- *Car: Hammerhead
- *Favorite Food: Vitamin E
- *Description: White male. Black helmet on. Holding black gun.
- "When the race starts, I don't waste time in getting ready to blow up the
- guy in front of me. I put the foot down before the WCI kicks in to put
- some asphalt between me and the pack."
- Killer Angel
- *Avg Elims/Year: 10.6
- *Favorite Weapon: DMS Steel Arrows
- *Home: Chicago, IL
- *Best Track: Seattle
- *Car: Devil's Revenge
- *Favorite Food: Tortellini
- *Description: Black female. Has hand behind neck. Hair is tied.
- "The best way to dodge a missile is to stomp hard on your brakes. You
- can't outrun a missile going 400 mph in a car with a top speed of 300
- mph. I always get the best brakes at the parts shop to pull this off."
- Lurker
- *Avg Elims/Year: 3.61
- *Favorite Weapon: MX-35 Mines
- *Home: San Francisco, CA
- *Best Track: Orlando
- *Car: The Grunt
- *Favorite Food: Black eyed-peas
- *Description: White male with torn up white cloth all over him. Light
- hair.
- "The Pitbull is one of my favorite cars. Its armor keeps you in the hunt
- longer and more than makes up for its relative lack of speed. The
- firepower isn't much, but you can always improve that at the shops."
- Preying Menace
- *Avg Elims/Year: .59
- *Favorite Weapon: Scorpion Terminators
- *Home: Manhattan, NY
- *Best Track: St. Louis
- *Car: The Bandit
- *Favorite Food: Sardines
- *Description: White female. Frizzy dark hair. Body paint. Face paint.
- "Once I've got my car maxxed out on parts and weapons, I simply stop in
- the pits near the end of a race and repair and rearm. Then I just keep on
- racing through the entire circuit."
- Crimson Death
- *Avg Elims/Year: 10.8
- *Favorite Weapon: DWS Falcon missiles
- *Home: Tokyo, Japan
- *Best Track: Houston
- *Car: Samurai
- *Favorite Food: Hot Dogs
- *Description: White Asian female. Hair is all tied up. White shirt.
- "If you time it just right, you can come down off the jumps and land
- right on top of the poor sucker in front of you. It does a great deal of
- damage to him, even if it isn't so good for your own car."
- A Note to the Impatient
- If you want to jump right in and start racing the DeathTrack, follow
- these instructions. When you've played enough times to want to know more
- about the circuit, weapons, parts, and controls, refer to the main
- section of this guide.
- NOTE: These Quick Start instructions assume a working knowledge of basic
- DOS commands. If you have any problems, please refer to the main section
- of the manual.
- Quick Start Intructions
- 1. Make backup copies of your DeathTrack diskettes <grin>
- 2. Install the game on your HD (if applicable). DeathTrack has an
- Installation batch file.
- 3. Type DTRACK and press <ENTER> at the DOS prompt. After the game loads,
- press the joystick button or spacebar to begin.
- 4. Answer the question that appears about a DeathTrack driver by finding
- the answer in this guide and selecting that answer from the choices on
- the screen.
- 5. To move through the menus, move the pointer with the cursor keys or
- joystick or use the TAB key to jump between menu choices. To enter your
- selection, press the Enter key, spacebar or joystick button 1.
- 6. You start the game with $10,000. Go to THE SHOPS to buy new parts and
- weapons. The Weapons shop gives you your money back on your old weapons
- when you buy new ones. The Parts shop does not.
- 7. When you've improved your car, choose RUN A TRACK or choose FULL
- CIRCUIT RUN. (see the rest of this guide for details). Once you're in a
- which allows you to start over with a new car. You can't load an old
- circuit or start a new game till you finish the current one, or BAIL ON
- 8. Control your car with the joystick, mouse, or keyboard. See main
- manual for more details.
- 9. When you're finished, select BAIL OUT to return to DOS.
- From the Pit: DeathTrack for Beginners
- Greetings, Sports Fans!
- Hey, how about that dustup in Orlando last month? Was that DeathTrack at
- its best or what? I thought I wass going to die and go to heaven when
- Angel slammed that Terminator up Wrecker's tailpipe and blew his carcass
- right into the press box! Just another night on the circuit, and the
- stars were out (some more than others)! I know there are lots of
- runny-nosed young shavers coming in new to the monster sport of
- DeathTrack, beguiled by bright lights and big guns. So as a public
- service to all you virgins out there, I'll explain how 'Tracking works.
- You cruise your ground pounder at maximum speed and eliminate the
- competition by ramming them, slicing their tires, dropping mines beneath
- their underbellies, and of course, blasting them with a charming variety
- of particle beams, lasars, missiles, and good old fashioned machine guns.
- Road signs point out which way the road is going to turn, so keep an eye
- on them and try to stay on the track. Running off the road slows you down
- a lot, and it's hard to get traction when you;re off the blacktop. If
- you're car gets damaged, its performance will drop. Pull over into the
- pits to repair or get more weapons. Outrace 'em or outgun 'em or both.
- The object is to cross the finish line first. Kills are worth points to
- your final score, but they don't earn you bucks, so drive hard. The more
- you win, the more bucks you snatch to repair or soup up your car between
- races. The more you soup up your car, the more you win. Got it? Good.
- Sound easy? Well, lots of other buzzard bait and highway pizza thought so
- too...
- Game Speed Adjustment
- The following keys are active at any time to configure DeathTrack for
- optimum performance on your computer:
- Key Function
- + Increase Screen Detail (default is max. detail)
- - Decrease Screen Detail (faster frame update)
- Use the + or - key on the keyboard (not the keypad) to change the screen
- detail. The + key increases detail; the - key decreases it (allowing for
- faster frame updates). The default is maximum detail.
- Choosing a Car
- So you say you want to be a DeathTrack racer, hmmm? Worse beginners have
- strapped themselves into a ton and a half of death machine. Let's see how
- you do.
- Your first big decision will be choosing a car. The frames and dashboards
- of the cars are all different, but the main differences are their weapons
- and auto parts. You see, DeathTrack cars are pretty modular. You can
- replace all the basic parts and weapons. If you really wanted to, you
- could take your Pitbull to the parts shop and chop it into a Crusher. Or
- vice versa. Or transform it into something even better. The differences
- between the cars are only really important in the first few races. After
- that, your car will be better than any starting car. If you're still
- alive.
- The HELLCAT is a fast car. with a good engine and transmission; an XT
- Turbo and PowerStream Deluxe. The weapons are standard, except for some
- Ajax B260 Wheel Spikes and an Suto Pike SR60 Ram Spike. It's good for
- people who like to win by outrunning the competition. The engine and
- spikes make it a car designed for passing. And causing lots of damage as
- you go by.
- The CRUSHER has a decent airfoil and armour, and a good lasar. The
- airfoil is a SlipStream Deluxe, the armour is Steel Plate, and the lasar
- is a PolyTech Sunburst, by SDI. It's a good all-around,
- middle-of-the-road car.
- The PITBULL knows how to take and give out punishment. It comes with
- outstanding Titanium Core armour, and a Delta Max 1. Everything else on
- it isn't the greatest, but it'll get you around the track. SuperSlip
- brakes. Stuff like that. Good for people who want to bully their way
- through the race.
- Once you pick your car, cruise on over to the Parts Shop and modify your
- new beast. Select THE SHOPS and see how quick you can spend the $10,000
- you start with.
- Buying Parts and Weapons
- All you have to do to equip your death machine is select things from a
- simple menu. Select the part you want and it'll be requisitioned from
- storage, billed to your account, and fitted to your car.
- Want to upgrade some gear? No problem. The Parts Shop will even buy your
- old weapons back from you, and credit the value of it to your new
- purchase! What more could you ask for?
- Offer only good for used weapons. Used auto parts cannot be exchanged.
- Buying parts and weapons is a two-step precedure:
- Select an object. The object will be highlighted.
- Select BUY IT. The object number will increase by one, and your money
- will decrease in payment.
- You may also purchase parts and weapons by pressing B on your keyboard.
- The automated purchase system can't be cheated-it'll tell you when you're
- trying to get something you can't afford, or when you've purchased the
- maximum amount you're allowed to carry of any part or weapon.
- Shop or Die: Buying Auto Parts
- The parts shop stocks three grades of each component, ranging from
- mediocre to excellent to outstanding. The highest grades of each
- component are all designed to satisfy your most outrageous cravings for
- power! Make a monster, monster, monster car!
- Beef up that mauler as much as you can afford. You can only buy higher
- grades of auto parts between races, so choose you start parts carefully.
- Your battles could be won or lost in the shops before the race begins.
- If you want the specs on the stuff you're buying, select the item you're
- interested in, and then select DESCRIBE or press D on your keyboard.
- When you're done outfitting your rig, select OUT'A HERE and get set to
- race!
- Which Auto Parts Should You Buy?
- Read the on screen descriptions for all parts for a good understanding of
- their relative strengths and weaknesses. As a general rule, the more
- expensive parts will perform substantially better than the less expensive
- ones. Many of the higher priced parts have additional armour enhancements
- which reduce the amount off damage done to that part, regardless of your
- car's armour rating.
- ENGINES: The better the engine the higher your top speed.
- BRAKES: Good brakes can keep you out of trouble. You don't need to try
- and out run everything thrown at you.
- TRANSMISSIONS: Transmissions handle three of the most important aspects
- of DeathTrack racing: Acceleration, acceleration, and acceleration!
- TIRES: Poor tires slip all over the road. And off the road as well. But
- good tires grip the road reliably and improve acceleration.
- AIRFOILS: Airfoils work with your tires to increase traction, and improve
- your road handling. Good tires without good airfoils are a waste of
- money. The most powerful engines and transmissions are ineffecient and
- sloppy without a good airfoil.
- ARMOUR: Higher grade armour weighs less and protects better. Any armour
- can be torn apart with enough hits. Face it. There are only two places
- you can be: On the road or scattered all over it.
- Deadly Toys: A Visit to the Weapons Shop
- Buying weapons works exactly like buying auto parts. Just select the item
- you want to select, and select BUY IT or press B to purchase it.
- When you're buying weapons, unlike auto parts, there are more selections
- than will fit on one screen, and you can have more than one of most
- weapons.
- Paging Through Weapons
- Select the upper right or left arrows on the screen to see more weapon
- choices. There are nine kinds of weapons with three grades apiece.
- Buying Multiple Items
- Some DeathTrack can be bought only once, but most can be bought several
- times. Each time you select BUY IT or press B, you buy another of the
- same item. All weapons have an upper limit that will fit in your car.
- Your current inventory of any weapon is indicated by a number in the
- lower lefthand corner of the weapon icon.
- So go on. Soup up your hot rod with some powerful artillery.
- Weapon Limits
- Weapon Low Grade Med Grade High Grade
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- Caltrops | 30 | 20 | 10 |
- Lasars | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- Ammo | 1000 | 700 | 400 |
- Mines | 30 | 15 | 7 |
- Missiles | 20 | 10 | 5 |
- Beams | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- Ram Spikes | 1 | 1 | 1 |
- Terminators| 15 | 10 | 5 |
- Wheel Spike| 1 | 1 | 1 |
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- The Lowdown on the High-Powered Weapons
- CALTROPS: In the great Roman chariot races, unscrupulous charioteers
- threw sharp, twisted shards of metal in the path of enemy horses. The
- horses hooves would be slashed to ribbons, toppling their driver and
- leaving him easy prey for the cheating contestant.
- DeathTrack brings back a modern, hightech version of the caltrop, which
- sends a shower of spikes into the underbelly of the opponent's car,
- damaging the tires, brakes, transmission, and even the engine. Drop a few
- into the path of the car behind you, and watch the sparks fly!
- LASARS: Lasars! The word says it all. You want firepower? Buy a lasar!
- You want to be able to effortlessly slice up your opponents? Buy a lasar!
- You want a weapon that recharges itself fully after each race? Then buy a
- lasar!
- Truth in advertising laws force us to reveal that lasar batteries are
- good for a limited number of shots per race, and can't be recharged at
- the pitstop. But who cares? And who reads the small print anyway?
- GUNS & AMMO: FREE DEATHTRACK MACHINE GUN! Well, sir, when it comes to
- weapons, new fangled gizmos come and go all the time. But for good
- old-fashioned mayhem, nothing beats the Machine Gun. Nothing.
- Get a Model 95, a Delta Max 1, or even a top-of-the-line AutoCannon CX750
- free with the purchase of ammunition for it. All you ever have to buy is
- the ammo. Keep the gun as long as you like. The shop will be glad to keep
- selling you fresh ammo for it.
- MINES: Having a problem with tailgaters? Other cars tearing around the
- tracck twice before you've even completed it once? Want to get rid of
- that pesky cruiser before he can pass you? Don't get mad. Get even. With
- Assassin Mines from Rear Defense.
- Mines are small packets of explosives that your car drops directly behind
- it. Your little present comes to life when the offending car passes over
- it, tearing up his undercarriage.
- If you can't outrace 'em, outthink 'em. With Assassins. Go ahead and drop
- 'em all. There are more where those came from.
- MISSILES: Stop messing around with inferior weapons systems. Stop trying
- to save money by buying cheapo weapons. There's only one real way to win.
- Missiles. They cost a little more, but then so does anything that's
- worthwhile.
- Darkwing Weapon Systems, Ltd. For when your tastes grow up.
- BEAMS: Picture yourself strapped behind 555,000 Megawatts of particulate
- vengeance!
- Particle Beam weapons are the newest trend in DeathTrack racing! Unlike
- guns, there's no more ammo to buy. Unlike lasers, they won't give out on
- you during the race. And you don't have to keep buying them over and over
- again, like missiles. Of course, there is a slight pause between shots
- while the weapon recharges, but that's hardly worth mentioning. Besides,
- a short pause between shots is a lot better than having your laser's
- battery die during the race!
- The Arrowhead Particle Accelerator. It's the only weapon you'll ever
- need.
- RAMSPIKES: Face it. In an aggressive sport like DeathTrack, you're going
- to get knocked around a lot. You need all the protection you can get. But
- you also want to be able to dish it out.
- You need Trojan Ram Spikes. Strapped to the front of your car, these
- ramming systems can puncture engines and fuel tanks as well as armour!
- TERMINATORS: Picture a high-explosive warhead strapped to a skateboard.
- Now slap on a rocket pack and launch it from your machine, and you have a
- Terminator. As Melissa says, "Are you willing to take the chance that
- your opponent doesn't have one?"
- Terminators from Terminal. Melissa's got them. Shouldn't you?
- WHEEL SPIKES: Why pass a car when you can trash a car? get Ajax or
- Achilles Wheel Spikes from Trojan War Systems.
- Trojan Wheel Spikes. They're not for everybody. But they could be for
- you. Available by invitation only. To see if you qualify, send roadkills
- resume to: Trojan War Systems, Reno, Nevada. Or use your Automatic
- Purchasing System to buy them.
- Start Racing
- When you're done souping up your car, you're ready to race! Select Out A'
- Here for the racing menu:
- RUN A TRACK. Practice any of the 10 tracks.
- FULL CIRCUIT RUN. Run all 10 tracks to see who's the best DeathTracker.
- SCOPE THE STATS. Review High Scores or scan the pros and tracks.
- Number of Laps per Race: To change the number of laps, enter a new number
- from the keyboard. Enter a 0 first if you want to race less than 10 laps.
- (that is, 06 for a 6-lap race). To change your selection, press backspace
- to delete.
- Level of Difficulty: Select the level of competition you want to race
- against, from punk to megadestroyer, then Enter to accept.
- RUN AN OLD CIRCUIT. Restore a selected Saved Game.
- SAVE THE CIRCUIT. Allows you to save your circuit in progress. If you
- BAIL ON THIS CIRCUIT, you can restore the circuit from your last save.
- Have a formatted blank DOS disk handy if you're playing from floppy
- disks.
- END RACE. A race ends when your car completes the dignated number of laps
- or is destroyed. You can also exit a race at any time by pressing ESC,
- taking a last-place finish in return. At the end of a race you'll be
- informed or your number of kills, your order of finish, and the amount of
- money you earned during the race. Before continuing to the next race in a
- circuit, visit the Weapons Shop to rearm and the Parts Shop to repair.
- See "Entering the Pit" for instructions on repairing and rearming.
- Keep Your Eyes Off the Road
- A Diabolical Display of Instruments Designed to Put the Wreck Back in
- Reckless Driving
- Readouts are the lifeblood of a DeathTrack driver. Without this
- sophisticated array of computer-controlled driving and targeting
- indicators, you may as well be driving and shooting blind.
- There are three sets of readouts in your car's cockpit: The Upper
- Dashboard, the Windshield, and the Lower Dashboard.
- Upper Dashboard Readouts
- Location: Upper Left Corner
- The Damage Level Display (DLD) sdhow damage to your armour. If your
- amour's trashed, chance are a lot of other parts are banged up, too.
- Got it? Anyone who can't figure that out is in a lot of trouble
- already. When you take a hit, the border of the screen flashes, and
- the DLD shows you the new damage. The DLD warns you when your car is
- in trouble, giving you time to pull over into the pits and get
- repairs. Pay attention to it or fry.
- Location: Upper Left Center
- This shows whether your Autopilot is on or off. Use the A key to
- switch it on and off. Autopilot will drive your car for you, leaving
- you free to target weapons, catch your breath, pick your toes or
- whatever. It doesn't drive fast and it doesn't drive well. Real
- Trackers do their own driving. Got it?
- Location: Top Center
- After your intensive study of the DeathTrack sport, you can guess
- what this does by yourself. Sitting stalled on the track is not just
- publically humiliating, but you make such an inviting target for
- the rest of the pack.
- Location: Upper Center
- What do you want a physics lesson? This is just a rearview mirror. It
- shows the track directly behind you, and is good for lining up mines
- and caltrops on that speedhead trying to ram you from behind. Also
- helpful when you want to block faster opponents to keep them from
- passing.
- Location: Upper Right Center
- All DeathTrack cars have this override system that keeps weapon
- ystems inactive until the cars have driven about ten seconds. When
- he bar reaches the right of the graph, your weapons can fire. Your
- UD display flashes onto your windshield, and you can start blasting
- way! In the early days of DeathTrack, before they added the WCI,
- races used to be real short.
- Location: Upper Right Center
- These three lights under the WCI count down the start of the race.
- When the third one lights, do what comes naturally.
- Location: Upper Right Corner
- The PIL flashes as you come into the pit area. Overshoot the pit area
- and you have to go around the track again before pitting. Everytime
- you complete a lap, you'll have an opportunity to pull off to repair,
- rearm, and refuel. Look for the pit area and pull over and stop.
- You'll automatically be placed in the pit menu. When playing with the
- screen detail adjusted to the minimum, you'll need to use the PIL to
- know when to get over into the pits.
- Windshield Readouts
- Location: Center
- Love that HUD. It's a mondo targeting and tracking system that's
- projected onto your windshield. It gives you state-of-the-art
- computerized target aquisition, weapon specific aiming cursor, and
- automatic weapons display. It's a special gift to good little
- DeathTrack drivers. If you're really crazy, you can turn the HUD off
- by pressing the H key.
- Location: Upper Left Corner of the HUD
- Most of the time, there wont be anything in that upper left corner.
- But when there is, you better pay close and careful attention to it.
- It doesn't give you a lot of advance notice, but if you're good, a
- little warning is all you'll need. If someone locks a missile on your
- car, it'll follow you no matter how hard you swerve, Fortunately,
- missiles can be fooled into zooming harmlessly overhead and
- detonating in the road if you brake rapidly. If you have a truely
- monstrous engine, you can try and outrun them.
- Location: Center of the HUD
- The A-TAC is the weapons crosshair that shows up at the center of the
- HUD. Use it to line up your shots. The shape of the A-TAC depends on
- your selected weapon, and it changes as you change weapons. The gun,
- laser, and beam cursors all stay in the center of the screen, and you
- line up your opponent in your sights by maneuvering behind him. The
- missile cursor moves to follow the target's car.
- Location: HUD Lower Left
- The WAS lists your weapon of choice at the bottem left of the HUD,
- usually with a message about the weapon. The message tells you your ammo
- remaining, units of the weapon remaining, or the status of the weapon,
- depending on the weapon. When you use up the weapon, the WAS will change
- color to let you know. Pay attention to this. You don't want to launch a
- Terminator you don't have.
- Lower Dashboard Readouts
- Location: Center
- This is you speedometer. Your speedometer shows your speed. If you
- need more information, go to night school.
- Location: Lower Left Corner
- Whether the targeted is a snob or a slob, his smirking face will pop
- up on the TV viewer on the lower left dashboard. Just below his mug
- shot is his name, and above it is his standing in the race. If the
- number reads #01, you know you have the leader of the pack clearly in
- your sights. And that's such a good feeling. Press enter to cycle
- through your available targets on the ODD.
- Location: Lower Center
- The Map Action Display shows you an overhead map of the current
- racetrack and the name of the city. See the little red dot running
- around the track? That's you. See all the black dots? Those are your
- enemies. Kind of sobering, huh? The X points to the pitstop area. The
- triangle points to the finish line. Try to get there before they kill
- you.
- Location: Far Right
- The upper number in the lapo counter shows laps traveled. The lower
- number shows laps remaining.
- Location: Lower Right Corner
- This shows your current position in the race. If it consistenly says
- #10, you better look for a new line of work.
- Player Controls: On the Track
- Joystick and Keyboard Controls
- Low Rt Corner or 3 Turn right and brake
- Middle Lower or 2 Head straight and brake
- Low Lft Corner or 1 Turn left and brake
- Middle Rt Side or 6 Turn right at current speed
- Middle or 5 Head straight at current speed
- Middle Lft Side or 4 Turn left at current speed
- Upper Rt Side or 9 Turn right and accelerate
- Upper Middle or 8 Head straight and accelerate
- Upper Lft Side or 7 Turn left and accelerate
- Button 1 or Space Fire
- Button 2 or Enter Toggle through weapons
- The best way to drive a DeathTrack car is to use the joystick. It's fast,
- easy, and intuitive. You just lean forward on the stick to accelerate,
- and yank back to slow down. Slide the stick right and left to steer the
- car.
- Firing is just as easy. Press button 2 to scroll through your weapons,
- then sqeeze button 1 to fire.
- Joystick and keyboard functions can be used together or independently.
- Keyboard Controls for Use with Joystick or Numeric Keypad
- Key Weapon Readied Key Weapon Readied
- 1 Machine Guns 5 Missiles
- 2 Laser 6 Mines
- 3 Particle Beam 7 Caltrops
- 4 Terminators
- A AutoPilot on/off
- B Buy a weapon or autopart (in the shops only)
- C Drop Caltrop
- D Read Weapon or Auto Part description
- H HUD on/off
- M Drop Mine
- P Pause
- S Turn sound effects on/off
- T Turn music on/off
- W Toggle weapons
- + Increase screen detail (slower frame rate)
- - Decrease screen detail (faster frame rate)
- Spacebar Fire selected weapon
- Enter Cycles through targets on the Opponent Detection Display
- (changes target on missiles only)
- ESC Exit Race
- TAB Move between menu items
- ALT C Recenter your joystick
- Entering the Pit
- As you pass the flag at the end of a lap, you'll see the pit on your
- right. Pull to the right and stop your car to enter the pit. In the pit,
- you can refuel, rearm or repair in the Weapons or Parts Shops.
- Elapsed race time is determined solely by the number of selections
- (button clicks) you make while in the pit.
- Repair: In the Parts Shop, damaged parts are indicated by a big DAMAGED
- banner running through the parts icon. The cost to repair the damage is
- indicated in the lower righthand corner of the icon where the purchase
- price is normally displayed. Highlight the damaged part and select Buy It
- to repair.
- Rearm: Weapons do not take damage during a race. They do, however, run
- out of ammunition and inventory. To replenish, simply purchase the weapon
- as you did in the Weapons Shop before the race.
- Refuel: Refueling is free; however, race time elapses while you're
- getting tanked. You start each race automatically with a 3/4 full gas
- tank.
- Bounties
- During a circuit, one of your opponents will occasionally have a bounty
- on him. This is a special cash bonus available if you take him out during
- the course of the race. Whether you win or lose, you recieve the stated
- amount for eliminating that DeathTracker.
- Now you know everything there is to know about life in the fast lane on
- the DeathTrack.
- Appendix: User Options at Start-Up
- Graphic Mode Options
- To select a different graphics mode, enter one of the options below after
- typing DTRACK
- *The game automatically selects the best graphics mode for you. If you
- like, however, you can manually select the mode by typing one of these
- options after DTRACK:
- GE (Enhanced Graphics Adaptor, 16-color)
- GC (Composite Graphics Adaptor, 4-color)
- GH (Hercules monochrome)
- GT (Tandy 1000 series, 16-color)
- Sound and Music Options
- To start DeathTrack with sound or music turned off, type the following
- after DTRACK:
- S0 (Turns sound effects OFF)
- T0 (Turns music OFF)
- Demonstration Mode
- To start DeathTrack in self-running demonstration mode, type DEMO at the
- DOS prompt.