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- (The Misadventures of a Wizard's Apprentice)
- Another FastDoc from GtR>
- Plagarite @1989
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Young Wizard's
- First Journal
- A Useful Record of
- Experiences & Discoveries
- for the
- Beginning Apprentice
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Student of
- Magic should
- record here
- important events,
- observations,
- and disasters.
- Only diligent
- study of past
- mistakes brings
- advances towards
- ultimate spiritual
- awareness and a
- lucrative career
- as a wizard.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Svenday, 23rd of Lombasa
- There should be more bleeding cats around here.
- Innkeepers and cooks chase them -- wretched children
- play tricks on them -- not to mention dogs and even wolves!
- The cats in Fairhaven should look like soldiers after
- a bad loss.
- But they are all healthy, at least the ones I have
- chased down. HOW am I supposed to practice this new
- Heal spell? I almost worked up the nerve to twist one fat
- tom's lef when I thought no one was looking, but Drek
- (grrr!!) was waiting to catch me.
- He appeared in that same cloud of smoke he
- always uses. It smells like sweat, like he does, but
- worse. (It's from all those potions) Of course he
- jumped to conclusions when he saw me with the cat, and
- he swore he'd tattle to Master Eldritch if I didn't let
- it go.
- So I did, and then Drek laughed and chased off
- the cat with a fireball! Then he laughed and disap-
- peared again. I wish he would disappear FOR GOOD.
- When I told Master Eldritch I hadn't found a
- subject for my Heal spell, he said, "an apprentice
- should be more resourceful. Take your fellow student
- Drek as your example." And then, as punishment, he
- wiped the Silence spell from my book! After all that
- trouble I had finding it! I should have used it on Drek
- while I still could!
- Turnday, Lombasa 24th
- I decided to be more resourceful by buying some cat
- food to lure the cats. I went to Master Eldritch for
- some money, but he wouldn't give me any. "A wizard relies
- on citizens' generosity," he said, "or if all else fails,
- on thievery."
- He was probably thinking of that time a farmer
- in Fairhaven Valley asked him to clear a field of tooth-
- beetles. Eldritch lured the insects out with a Redo-
- lent Decoy potion, then flamed them all. He named 30
- gold pieces has his price. The farmer said he couldn't
- afford it, so Eldritch left.
- But he snuck into the farmer's house later,
- under a cloak of invisibility, and rooted around until he
- found a pouch of 50 gold pieces under a mattress.
- "The other 20 I took as interest," he told me.
- With Master Eldritch's example in mind, I
- borrowed a vial of adamantite dust from his labortory.
- I was sure he wouldn't mind. It's such pretty, sparkly
- stuff that I hated to use any of it, but I only needed a
- pinch for invisibility, and another pinch for a few
- demon images.
- I couldn't work anything on a farmer, since
- they're all poor from the drought this year. But
- Mayheco, the bartender at the Crystal Goblet, is a
- warty lout, so I went in and started knocking over some
- chairs and bottles. When that got everyone's
- attention, I brought in the demon images. People
- SCREAMED! Mayheco just about tossed his
- beer bottles.
- I was waiting for the moment to become visible
- and happen along to perform a convenient exorcism for
- a price. But then this tall, spook-looking, bald man
- with weird eyebrows wandered in, took a look around,
- said "images" -I heard him- and waved his hand in a
- Dispel.
- Poof! All the illusions gone, and my
- invisibility too! Good thing I was crouching behind a
- counter. "Minor prank," was all the weird man said to
- their questions. Then he asked for a tankard of stout.
- I managed to leave while everyone was looking at him.
- I told Master Eldritch about it later (leaving
- out the bit about the adamantite dust). All he said
- was, "That's Xavier. We'll have to do something about
- him someday." He was so preoccupied with the story
- that he forgot to penalize me another spell for not
- Healing a cat.
- Spawnday, 1st of Vorntchik
- They wanted resourceful? I gave them re-
- sourceful! I used a little more adamantite dust for
- another spell of invisibility, stole some cat food from
- the merchant's, and set it out in a forest clearing. I
- figured the cats in the woods wree probably in worse
- shape than the ones in town.
- But that lousy Drek followed me again! From the
- forest I watched him appear above the food.
- He was cackling in that scrawny chicken-cluck
- way he has, and he poured some kind of potion over
- the food. What a stink. It took me a moment to
- recognize it -- Redolent Decoy.
- I was about to rush out and jump him, when
- this stampede of forest animals just about killed
- me! Every beast for a mile around made a beeline
- for that potion. There were deer and rabbits and
- I think I saw a bear! Good thing I was invisible.
- But even over the growls and squawks, I still
- heard Drek laughing.
- I barely dodged a charging buck, but I dropped
- the vial of adamantite dust. It hit a squirrel. All that
- dust, enough for a platoon of soldiers, but unshaped by a
- spell - all soaking into one little brown squirel!
- I am surprised the squirrel didn't explode right
- away. Eldritch said later anything could have
- happened, and he was surprised when I told him what
- did. That squirrel grew bigger than a young dragon.
- Must have been 30 feet at the shoulder.
- The squirrel charged into the clearing, snapping
- tree limbs like twigs, brushing aside deer and bears
- with its tail, heading right for the Redolent Decoy.
- Drek was laughing, but when he saw that squirrel
- barreling toward him, he looked like he'd swallowed a
- beehive! The squirrel's tail bopped him right out of
- the air and onto the ground, where he got trampled by a
- couple of goats! It was GREAT!
- The squirrel never stopped. It grabbed the potion and
- stampeded into the forest. Of course, moving the
- Decoy deactivated it. That sent all the animals
- screaming back into the forest. Drek was in fairly
- bad shape, so I started to drag him back to town.
- Then I remembered Master Eldritch saying,
- "an apprentice should be more resourceful. Take your
- fellow student Drek as your example." So I did!
- The Heal spell worked pretty well, all things
- considered. Drek complains about the ah, robust hue
- of his skin, but Master Eldritch says that will wear
- off in a few days. And now Drek smells better -
- exactly like a bushel of roses.
- Eldritch congratulated me on my
- resourcefulness. Then he found out that I lost all
- the adamantite dust, so he wiped my entire book of
- spells! Says he's going to give me an assignment
- tomorrow that should put me in the way of plenty of
- new ones. I can already guess what that is.......
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- =============
- by
- Gary Scott Smith & Alex Nghiem
- This playbook explains how to play Tangled Tales. For loading instructions
- and the hardware you need to play consult the Reference Card included with
- your game.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How to be an Apprentice
- =======================
- You'll find that life as an apprentice is not easy. Money is tight,
- assignments are dangerous, and you have to scrounge spells wherever you can
- find them. Only a gifted and resourceful student can achieve success.
- When you start playing, think carefully about your attributes: Strength,
- Intelligence, Speed, Charisma. Of these inborn abilities, Intelligence
- determines how many spells you can cast; Strength and Speed determine how well
- you fight, and Charisma measures how easily you can enlist people to help you.
- Your attributes have ranks. The higher the rank, the better your character is
- in that category. Here are the ranks:
- -------------===============================================================
- Strength | Puny | Weak |*Athletic | Mighty | Powerful |
- Intelligence| Moronic | Ignorant |*Educated | Brilliant | Genius |
- Speed | Lethargic | Sluggish |*Brisk | Energetic | Swift |
- Charisma | Offensive |*Tactful | Diplomatic | Influential | Persuasive |
- ------------================================================================
- It's rumored there are even higher ranks, earned by only the most worthy.
- The standard character begins with the attribute ranks marked by an asterisk.
- You can adjust your attributes before the game begins (see your Reference
- Card). If you reduce one attribute by a rank, you can add that rank to
- another attribute. For each rank you lose in one attribute, you gain one in
- another.
- The better your Strength and Speed, the more elaborate the weapons and armor
- you can select to equip yourself. Strength also affects how much damage you
- can withstand, and Speed also affects how successfully you can run from
- monsters. Intelligence determines your starting spell points (the "currency"
- of magic). Charisma influences the prices characters charge you, as well as
- how long some hirelings stay with you.
- You can select your character's gender, but your title only changes when you
- successfully complete Eldritch's assignments.
- You begin as a lowly Initiate. The other ranks, in ascending order, are
- Magician, Sorcerer, and Wizard.
- Playing Tangled Tales
- =====================
- The game screen shows what you see at the upper left, and where you are at the
- upper right. Your character is always shown in the center of the map. To
- move, follow the instructions on your Reference Card.
- In the middle of the screen is the command interface. Its pictures, or icons,
- display the commands you use in the game.
- When you press the space bar, you enter command mode, and your character stops
- moving. A pointing hand appears beneath the icons. Move the hand to point to
- the command icon you want, then choose the command (see the Reference Card).
- A second row of icons can be displayed using the lever on the right. Move the
- hand to the lever, and flip it down to display additional icons. Flip the
- lever up to see the first row again.
- If you don't want to issue a command, press the space bar again to abort your
- action and go back to the movement mode.
- These icons appear in the first row. From the left:
- Look: [An Eye]
- --------------
- Shows you your surroundings, the people in your party, and you are carrying.
- Sometimes looking at something reveals more things you can look at. For
- example, you may look at a shelf and discover that a scroll lies on the shelf.
- Choose LOOK again to examine the scroll.
- Look may also give clues to possible actions. For instance, if you look at a
- box and see that it's closed, you might select Actions and find a choice
- that lets you open the box.
- Cast Magic [An Open Spell Book]
- -------------------------------
- Indicated by the Spell Book icon, lets you cast a spell you have learned. To
- cast a spell, use the arrow keys to highlight the desired spell and press
- RETURN to select it. Repeat this for all spells that you want to cast. When
- finished, press SPACE to cast the spell(s). To learn a spell, see Actions.
- Eldritch can provide information about some spells.
- Spells are either non-continual or continual. Non-continual spells, like
- Recall or Heal, cost you spell points only at the time you cast them.
- Continual spells, like Light, drain spell points as long as they are active.
- Get [A Hand With An Arrow Pointing Up Into It]
- ----------------------------------------------
- Shows a list of all the items you can pick up in your current location.
- Select the item you want to pick up, or select ALL to pick up everything. You
- can carry up to 30 items in your backpack.
- [These icons appear in the second set of the command display]
- Talk [An Open Mouth]
- --------------------
- Lets you speak with people in your party or standing nearby. You can greet
- someone, ask questions, try to buy something, or ask a person to leave your
- party. See Getting to Know People.
- Actions [A Large Check Mark]
- ----------------------------
- Includes special commands: learning spells so you can use them to Cast Magic,
- speaking magic words, moving objects, drinking potions. Often issued after
- Look, this command sometimes provides clues about a promising approach to a
- problem.
- Drop/Give [An Open Hand With An Arrow Pointing Down]
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Lets you remove an item from your backpack. You can give an item to a person
- you are talking to or just drop it where you stand. If the person accepts the
- item, he or she will pick it up.
- Save Game [A Picture of a Floppy Diskette]
- ------------------------------------------
- Stores the current status of the expedition on the diskette, so you can end
- the play session or try something foolish. The game also saves itself
- occasionally.
- To resume playing from the point you saved, choose CONTINUE THE EXPEDITION
- at the opening screen.
- Inspect/Inventory [A Picture of a Knight in Armor]
- --------------------------------------------------
- Tells how many gold pieces and spell points you have, as well as your current
- health.
- If you press RETURN, this command shows a brief description of the members
- of your party, including status of their health. If the list runs longer
- than one screen, press any key except the space bar or Return to see the
- next page. Press RETURN again for a list of items you carry.
- Equip [A Picture of a Shield and Sword]
- ---------------------------------------
- Lets you choose weapons, armor, and a shield. Use the Return key to select
- the item(s) you wish to use, then press the space bar when you are finished.
- The equipment screens show all the items your current Strength and Speed allow
- you to carry. Note that you cannot Drop/Give this equipment.
- Rest [A Picture of a Bed]
- -------------------------
- Halts the expedition while you and your companions rest. This restores your
- health and spell points. But you should choose someone to stand guard against
- prowling monsters. The guard doesn't get to rest or heal.
- When you fight, new commands are automatically displayed. See Combat.
- Some commands give you new choices. These appear in the text window at the
- bottom of the screen. For instance, if you want to Drop/Give something,
- the game asks you to choose which item to drop. Move the cursor bar to the
- item you want and select it, or press the space bar to abort the command.
- Getting to Know People
- ======================
- The citizens of Fairhaven and its environs are, without question, a peculiar
- lot. But by and large they're harmless, and they can give you valuable aid or
- information.
- When you encounter someone (being on the same spot on the map), his or her
- picture will appear along with an identifying name. To greet the individual,
- choose the Talk command and the Greet option. Often a polite greeting leads
- to a pleasant chat, the imparting of information, or even a request to join
- the expedition.
- Other options that the Talk command might offer:
- Ask about something: You can select a question from a list of subjects you
- currently 'know about' in the game.
- If the person you are talking to has brought up some weighty topic in
- conversation, look under this topic to see if the subject has been added
- to your character's list of 'known' question topics.
- Buy an item: Some people, especially merchants, have valuable merchandise - at
- least, they think so. They will customarily offer discounts to a smooth,
- charismatic customer.
- Ask the person to leave: If you are talking to someone who has already joined
- your party, this choice lets you dismiss the character from your hire. Some
- hirelings won't leave!
- Ask the person for a cure: Some citizens, such as Fairhaven's pious Brother
- Vincent, can magically cure people of wounds, poison, paralysis, or even
- death. A donation for this service is mandatory.
- Say Goodbye: To end a conversation with a character it is usually considered
- polite to say "goodbye" rather than walking off unannounced.
- Combat
- ======
- As a rule, apprentices do not actively seek out physical conflict. But if
- conflict has found you, new icons will appear on the command interface.
- Reading from left to right:
- Fight [Crossed Swords]
- ----------------------
- Lets you attempt to inflict bodily harm on a foe with your Equipped weapon.
- To attack, move your character onto a nearby enemy and choose this command.
- Your speed attribute determines whether you or the opponent attacks first.
- Inspect/Inventory Action
- ------------------------
- Work Normally. Inspect/Inventory shows the status of each of your party
- members. That may indicate whether a Heal spell is needed.
- Run Away [Running Legs]
- -----------------------
- Running is often the better part of valor, especially against powerful foes.
- You can escape if your Speed attribute exceeds your foe's.
- Cast Magic
- ----------
- Lets you cast any non-continual spell that you have learned. As with the
- Fight command, your Speed attribute determines whether you can cast your spell
- before the opponent acts.
- Other members of your party decide for themselves whether or not they will
- participate in combat. A message is displayed only when another character in
- your party kills or is killed by an opponent.
- You can encounter foes in the least likely places. Even ordinary basements
- may harbor a giant serpent or two. Sometimes wizards like to throw these
- obstacles in their apprentice's paths to keep them wary. So stay alert!
- Staying Alive
- =============
- Use the Inspect/Inventory command to see how well you are faring. It will
- tell you your status - whether you are healthy or poisoned - and your wound
- level.
- The wound levels, in increasing order of severity: Not at all, Bruised,
- Lightly Wounded, Heavily Wounded, Intensively Wounded, Critically Wounded, and
- Unconcious. As described under Rest, a good night's rest restores your
- health.
- If all else fails and you die, Eldritch may try to find someone to resurrect
- you. After all, good apprentices are hard to find!
- Having a Party
- ==============
- Naturally, being an apprentice bestows a great deal of status upon the wizard
- in training. You will find that as you encounter the citizens of the land
- that you will be able to convince some of these people to become your
- companions. Others that you encounter will gladly assist you in your tasks if
- you share your gold in payment for their service. In any case, you will have
- the opportunity to explore the realm with your companions.
- Having a party of adventurers with you is important, for it will allow them to
- combine their talents and skills with yours. Also, some of your friends will
- assist you in combat. This can be extremely beneficial for obvious health
- reasons. Another benefit from having a large party is that certain characters
- have knowledge of people and places that you would not. Thus, don't be
- surprised if you find that one of your friends will be able to reveal a clue
- to a puzzle that you couldn't solve otherwise.
- All of these benefits are lost, however, if one of your companions is
- unconscious or dead. A person who might normally say or do something
- important at a certain location won't be much help if incapacitated. It is
- important to keep all your people healthy and happy.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Player Reference Card
- =====================
- -------------
- If you are going to play Tangled Tales on a Hard Disk, or are going to use a
- Hercules Monochrome or CGA graphics card, please reference the appropriate
- sections below before continuing.
- Boot your computer using any DOS startup disk. Place your Tangled Tales BOOT
- diskette into your disk drive. Type in the word START at the DOS prompt and
- press ENTER.
- During Bootup, the Tangled Tales program will automatically select the best
- graphics mode available on your computer.
- 1. If your computer is a Tandy 1000, with at least 384k, Tangled Tales
- will use the 16 color mode.
- 2. If your computer has an EGA or VGA card with at least 64k of memory
- on the card, TT uses the 320 X 200 16 color mode.
- 3. If your computer has a Hercules Monochrome card, TT uses the 720 x 348
- Monochrome mode.
- 4. Otherwise, the CGA mode will be used {GAG}.
- You may wish to use a different graphic mode than what the program selects.
- To do this, you must force the mode you wish to use at boot up. Start c will
- force CGA mode. Start e will force EGA mode. Start t will force the Tandy 16
- color mode and Start h will force Hercules mode.
- After a short wait, the Tangled Tales title screen and opening menu will
- appear. If nothing appears, see Troubleshooting below. You may press any key
- during the boot-up sequence to bypass the title screen.
- o If you are just beginning to play TT, press any key to display the
- character creation screen. (See Creating a Character below.)
- o If you have already played Tangled Tales, a key press will bring up
- the Main Menu with the following options;
- 1) If you wish to continue your saved game in Tangled Tales you may
- select "Continue the Expedition".
- 2) If you wish to rename your character, select the "Rename your
- Character" option.
- 3) If you want to erase the current game and create a new character,
- backup your game to another disk, restore a character that was backed
- up, or setup your drive configuration, select "Game Utilities" (see
- Game Utilities on next page).
- ==============
- This option is available on the title screen. Selecting this option will
- display the following choices:
- o Start a New Game - This selection will erase all of the information about
- the current game and create a new character.
- o Backup the Game - This selection will copy all of the current game
- information to a copy of your original disk, a specified path name on your
- hard disk, or any previously formatted disk.
- o Restore the Game - This selection will restore a game that has been
- previously backed up for use as the current adventure.
- o Set Drive Option - This will allow you to select the most appropriate
- drive configuration for your system.
- ======================
- To install Tangled Tales on your hard disk do the following;
- 1) Boot to the DOS prompt.
- 2) Insert the Tangled Tales Boot disk into drive A.
- 3) Type INSTALL and then the letter of your hard disk followed by a colon
- (ex. INSTALL C:), and then press <ENTER>.
- 4) Follow the onscreen instructions.
- To run the game off of your hard disk do the following;
- 1) Boot to the DOS prompt.
- 2) Log to your hard disk by typing the letter of your hard disk followed
- by a colon (ex. C:), then press <ENTER>.
- 3) Type CD \TANGLED and then press <ENTER>.
- 4) Type START and then press <ENTER>.
- 5) See "To Begin Play" for further instructions on getting started.
- ==================================
- To run Tangled Tales on a Hercules graphics card, you must first translate the
- graphics files to Hercules mode. CAUTION: running this program will destroy
- the EGA/Tandy 16 color graphics files on your disks. Do not run this program
- on your original disks.
- 1) Make a copy of your Tangled Tales game disk using diskcopy or other
- similiar disk copying utility. IMPORTANT NOTE: When copying the
- ADVENTURE 1 disk (the ADVENTURE disk on the 3.5 inch version), you will
- get an unrecoverable read error. This error is caused by our disk
- copy-protection and should be disregarded.
- 2) Return to the DOS prompt.
- 3a) 5 1/4" users place the Adventure Disk 2 in drive 1.
- 3b) 3 1/2" users place the Adventure Disk in drive 1.
- 4) Type MAKEHERC and press <ENTER>.
- 5) Follow the on-screen instructions.
- 1) Use the install program to install Tangled Tales onto your hard disk
- (see instructions under HARD DISK INSTALLATION).
- 2) Return to the DOS prompt.
- 3) Type CD \TANGLED
- 4) Type MAKEHERC and press <ENTER>.
- 5) Follow the on-screen instructions.
- To run Tangled Tales using a CGA graphics or 4-color Tandy, you must first
- translate the graphics files to CGA./Tandy 4-color mode. CAUTION: running
- this program will destroy the EGA/16 color graphics files on your disks, do
- not run this program on your original disks.
- 1) Make a copy of your Tangled Tales game disk using diskcopy or other
- similiar disk copying utility. IMPORTANT NOTE: When copying the
- ADVENTURE 1 disk (the ADVENTURE disk on the 3.5 inch version), you will
- get an unrecoverable read error. This error is caused by our disk
- copy-protection and should be disregarded.
- 2) Return to the DOS prompt.
- 3) Place the BOOT disk in drive 1.
- 4) Type MAKECGA and press <ENTER>.
- 5) Follow the on-screen instructions.
- 1) Use the install program to install Tangled Tales onto your hard disk
- (see instructions under HARD DISK INSTALLATION).
- 2) Return to the DOS prompt.
- 3) Type CD \TANGLED and press <ENTER>.
- 4) Type MAKECGA and press <ENTER>.
- 5) Follow the on-screen instructions.
- =====================
- Note: If you want to erase the current character and create another, press
- "ESC" at any time.
- o Type in the name for your character (up to 14 characters long). You may
- use both upper and lower-case letters. Press ENTER.
- o Select the character's sex using the left and right arrow keys. Press
- ENTER when the character's sex is correct.
- o You have the option of altering your starting attributes. It is suggested
- that you NOT change the starting ranks. To use the standard attribute
- ranks, press ENTER. If you wish to alter an attribute's rank, press the
- "up" and "down" keys to select the attribute to change. Press the "left"
- and "right" arrow keys to alter the rank of the chosen attribute. For
- each rank of an attribute reduced, you may raise another attribute by one
- rank. Refer to the playbook for a list of these ranks and their effects
- on the game. Press ENTER when your character's attribute ranks are as
- you desired.
- You will now begin your career as Eldritch's apprentice. Refer to the
- Commands section of this card for assistance.
- ========
- Commands may be selected by either pressing the key which corresponds to a
- particular command or by using the command icon interface.
- The keyboard shortcuts and their corresponding commands are:
- / or A - Choose an action L - Look at an object or person
- C - Cast a spell P - Pause settings
- D - Drop or Give an item R - Rest
- E - Equip character R - Run away*
- F - Fight oponents* S - Save game to disk
- G - Get an item T - Talk to a person
- I - Inspect/inventory <CTRL Q> - Quit to DOS
- (Doesn't save game)
- * Used during combat only
- In the middle of the screen is the command icon interface, which uses pictures
- ("icons") showing your command options.
- Selecting Icons wth a Keyboard or Joystick:
- -------------------------------------------
- To select a command icon press the space bar or joystick button 1. Use the
- arrow keys or joystick to move the pointing hand to the command icon you want,
- and press the ENTER key or joystick button 0. To abort the selection, press
- the space bar or joystick button 1.
- Selecting Icons with a Mouse:
- -----------------------------
- To select a command icon simply position the mouse pointer over the desired
- icon, and press the left mouse button. Pressing the right mouse button will
- abort your selection. Note to three button mouse users: pressing the middle
- mouse button will activate the Inspect/Inventory command.
- o The first set of icon commands represents: Look, Cast Magic, Get, Talk
- and Actions.
- At the right is a lever that selects the command icon set. Pressing the right
- mouse button while the pointer is over the icon panel will toggle between the
- two command sets. Otherwise, move the pointing hand onto the lever and press
- ENTER, left mouse button or joystick button 0 to toggle between the two
- command icon sets.
- o The second set of icon commands represent: Drop/Give, Save Game
- Inspect/Inventory, Equip, and Rest.
- During combat, a new set of command icons will appear. This icon set is only
- available during combat.
- o The combat set of icon commands represent: Fight, Run, Inspect/Inventory,
- Cast Magic, and Actions.
- For more information about the commands, refer to the playbook.
- ========
- Movement is controlled by the arrow keys, mouse or joystick. The keyboard
- commands are:
- Up arrow = move up
- Down arrow = move down
- Left arrow = move left
- Right arrow = move right
- To move with the mouse, simply position the mouse pointer on the travel screen
- in the direction you wish to move. Click the left mouse button and you will
- move toward the pointer 1 space.
- For quicker travel, place the pointer on any visible square on the travel map
- and press the right mouse button. If there is any visible path to that
- square, you will automatically move there.
- To climb up or down, move onto the position of the ladder or opening and press
- ENTER or click the mouse pointer or joystick button 1 on your party icon.
- The PAUSE command allows you to set the amount of delay caused by a message
- appearing on the screen. This can be very useful when you walk into an area
- containing a clue or item. Alternatively, if you are speeding through the
- countryside, you may not wish to be delayed by messages you have already seen.
- The pause level has a value between 0 and 9, with 0 being no pause and 9 being
- the longest pause. The default setting is 2.
- ===========
- The game screen is divided into four sections. The upper left box is a
- picture showing what you can see. The upper right box displays the travel
- screen, which is a map of the current area with your character in the middle.
- The center of the screen contains the command icon interface. The bottom of
- the screen is the text window. This area is used for descriptions,
- interaction with other characters, and for listing available actions (after
- selecting the Actions command). If the word "MORE" appears in the lower right
- hand corner of the text window, press a key to see the continuation of the
- text or list.
- ===============
- o If the game fails to load or you can't save the game, make sure your
- computer is turned on, and everything is connected properly. Reinsert
- the disk, label side up, in the proper drive. Close the drive door
- and try again.
- o If you cannot save a game to disk, check the notch on the side of your
- storage diskette to make sure it's not "write protected". Also, make
- sure the diskette is properly formatted. If still unable to save, you
- might want to try another storage diskette.
- o If nothing works, you may have a damaged dikette or a hardware problem.
- Call your computer dealer for help.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Plagarite @1989 by GtR>