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- 8-21-89
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- * Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade *
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- * HINTS *
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- * BY: King Arthur *
- * & *
- * ]\[ight ]<rawler *
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- This is a text file to guide you through Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
- without revealing the solution to the game. THIS IS NOT A SOLVE because of the
- game's randomizing various things and also not to ruin the enjoyment of the
- game. These hints are VERY vague and its up to you to use your detective work
- and figure the rest out. INDY3 is a GREAT game and should not be played with a
- complete solve. However, in some cases we will give you more than a simple
- hint.
- 1. Remember to pick up the Grail Diary from your office.
- 2. Get the stick tape from your fathers house (behind bookshelf)
- 3. Use stick tape with the jar in your office.
- 4. Use key in the chest which is located in your fathers house.
- 5. Get painting from your fathers house (in his bedroom)
- 6. Go to Venice.
- 1. Get wine bottle from lovers.
- 2. Fill wine bottle with water.
- 3. From library get 2 books,if you search the shelves they are obvious.
- 4. Go to window that looks JUST like the window in the grail diary.
- 5. Read qoute in diary. This will give you the slab number to open.
- (example: he who enters, enters second on the right.
- This means second number on the right hand incription.)
- 6. Look on incriptions on the statues to find the roman numeral.
- 7. Once in caves, get hook.
- 8. Go to the cavern with torch (We will leave it up to you to figure out what
- you should do.)
- 9. Once you have fallen into level 2(hint..hint) go to place where wooden plug
- is leaking. Walk across bridge to read incriptions. READ INCRIPTIONS, and
- WRITE THEM DOWN. It is crucial to the ending of the game.
- 10. Go back to place with plug. You want to remove the plug. To do this you
- need to use 2 things that you have in you inventory. You can figure that out
- also.
- 11. Once plug is removed go back to 1st level. Use ladder in another cavern to
- do so.
- 12. Once on upper level find cavern where water used to be. (If you found this
- cavern before, it was where the pool of water was, and it would not let
- INDY swim.)
- 13. Now find the place with the machine. Fix the machine. You need something
- that resembles a fan belt(its in your inventory).
- 14. Leave room and find place where musical skulls are.
- 15. To find the right tune, look in the grail diary. Just figure out which notes
- are high and low.
- 16. After door opens, find room with statues. Use grail diary to find the right
- statue combination. Once door opens you are on your way to the room with the
- casket. This is tricky because ther are many paths to take but they are
- all dead ends only one leads to the casket. We will let you find it!
- 17. Once you have found the casket open it. Then leave by means of the gate.
- The gate is locked but you can EASLIY open it since it is RUSTED. (hint).
- 18. Go out through the manhole and you are on you way to the castle.
- HINT : While in the castle you will encounter many NAZI guards. Try your best
- NOT to FIGHT. This only decreases your energy. However sometimes
- fighting is your only solution.
- 1. Go to hallway that is at the top of screen.
- 2. Find room with drunken guard and CHAT with him. If you use the correct
- dialogs this guard will give you A LOT of infomation.
- 3. Once finished with guard, go to room with food.
- 4. Get roast boar, you have to pour ale on the coals to get it. If you talked
- to the first guard correctly you should be able to figure out how to get the
- ale to the hot coals.
- 5. Go back to lobby and go to hallway to the bottom right.
- 6. Go straight down to another hallway. The guard will stop you. Try to use the
- best dialog to con your way past him.
- 7. Find room with clothes, and get servant uniform.
- 8. Go back to hallway and go to second floor. However you will encounter another
- guard before the stairs. Try to CHAT with him. (He likes leather:) )
- 9. Once on the second floor find room with chest and look inside. DO NOT GO
- INTO THE OTHER ROOM. Just go back to hallway.
- 10. Walk through hallway until you reach guard. Give guard painting and watch
- what happens. [ Make sure you are in the servants uniform]
- 11. Go around corner and find key in the room. This key will allow you to open
- the lock that is securing the grey uniform on the first floor.
- 12. After getting uniform, go back to second floor and find room with security
- system. If you talked to the drucken gaurd correctly you will find out how
- to get past the guard without fighting him.
- 13. Screw with the security system. You want to put it out of commission.
- 14. Now find room with first aid kit. To get past guard you need CHAT with him
- and get the correct dialog combination. If you end up fighting him you will
- lose, he is pretty tough.
- 15. Now go to the third floor and find the room where the file cabinets are.
- It is the first room. In this roon the dog will be there. He will not let
- you pass unless you give him something.(Lets just say he is hungry)
- 16. Go to the filing cabinet and get the combination. There is also something
- else here that is valuable to enable to pass through the castle. YOU can
- find it on your own.
- 17. Now leave the room and try to get past the guard by CHATTING. Now go back
- to the second floor to the painting room.
- 18. Walk to the Mona Lisa painting and open the vault(its behind the painting)
- 19. Look at both painting in vault. There is vital infomation that will help
- you pick the grail at the end.
- 20. Go back to third floor. Find BIFF THE GUARD. You need to use the hints
- that the druken gaurd gave you if you CHATTED with him correctly.
- Hint : You will need a lot a ale.
- 21. After getting past Biff, go downward and CHAT your way past the next gaurd.
- 22. Now find key hanging on the lamp, search each room to find valuable items.
- One room will have Henery in it. Rescue him.
- 23. When you leave the room you will get captured. You can do two things.
- A) Give lady the real grail diary
- B) Give her the copy you hopefully found in the chest at home.
- -If you give her real grail diary you will have to go to Berlin to recover
- it.
- -If you give the copy then you will go straight to the airport.
- 24. Now you are tied up in the room with the fireplace. YOU can figure out
- how to get out of the ropes.
- 25. After getting out of the ropes push the statue to reveal a secret passage.
- 26. Go to motorcycle and leave. You will arrive in either Berlin or the airport
- according to which book you gave the lady.
- In Berlin you will have to meet Hitler, if you have seen the movie you can
- figure out what to do, if not tough shit.
- At the airport you can aquire the tickets to the Zepplin by using teamwork.
- Or you can just steal a Bi-Plane and fly to your destination. However you
- need the book from the libary to figure out how to fly the plane. We chose
- the plane over the Zepplin because it was easier. Once in flight try to shoot
- down as many planes as possible. Hint: Start at top left and drift towards the
- bottom right. For every 3 planes you shoot down you get past 1 checkpoint.
- You will eventually crash or run out of gas. Just steal the car.
- To get past the Zepplin you must use teamwork of INDY and the father to
- decieve the radio man behind the locked door. Thats all we know.
- The checkpoints are really hard. There are many dialogs that you have to use
- to get past the gaurds. However, each guard has its own weakness. It will take
- too long to list all the correct dialog paths. So if you need the correct ones
- just contact us.
- 1. To the guards that say " Please get out of that expensive looking car"
- There are three thing you can do:
- 1)Bribe him
- 2)Punch him
- The third one you can figure out yourself since it
- works for EVERY check point.
- 2. After checkpoints you are now ready to find The Grail
- In the temple you will have to pass the three tests. These will be hard if
- you do not have the Grail Diary that is printed up when you buy the game.
- Also your dad gets shot and it is a race against time.
- TEST #1 - "The breathe of God, only the penitent man will pass"
- At this test there is a dot on the ground. Its small so you have to look
- carefully. You need to stand on the dot. Watch what happens!
- TEST #2 - "The word of God, only in the footsteps of God will he proceed."
- Walk on the letters that it tells you when you enter the screen. If you step
- on a letter that is not in the name you DIE. So be very careful!
- TEST #3 - "The path of God; only in the leap from the lions head will he prove
- his worth"
- You will have to think about this one. You will just have to have FAITH
- in GOD on this one :)
- Use the hints that you got from the incriptions from the caves and the
- infomation you got from the vault. You WILL be able to pick the correct Grail
- After the little cartoon look into the cracked seal and use the whip with the
- grail. DO NOT BE GREEDY!
- That's all ! Hope you have enjoyed this awsome adventure by Lucasfilm.
- Hopefully there will be more games like this one. If you need any more details
- on some of the hints then just contact one of us. Remember if you are having
- difficulties with the cracked version just get INDY3CHK.ZIP at a BBS near you.
- It is the complete translation table to the doc check.
- Enjoy!