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- include model.h
- ;
- ; VGAKIT Version 3.4
- ;
- ; Copyright 1988,89,90 John Bridges
- ; Free for use in commercial, shareware or freeware applications
- ;
- ;
- ;
- .data
- extrn curbk:word
- extrn maxx:word,maxy:word
- .code
- extrn newbank:proc
- public point
- public point13x
- point proc xpos:word,ypos:word,color:word
- mov bx,[xpos]
- mov ax,[ypos]
- mov dx,[maxx]
- cmp bx,0
- jl nope1
- cmp bx,dx
- jge nope1
- cmp ax,0
- jl nope1
- cmp ax,[maxy]
- jge nope1
- mul dx ;640 dots wide in most cases
- add bx,ax
- adc dx,0
- mov ax,dx
- cmp ax,[curbk]
- jz nonew
- call newbank ;switch banks if a new bank entered
- nonew: mov ax,0a000h ;setup screen segment A000
- mov es,ax
- mov al,byte ptr [color] ;get color of pixel to plot
- mov es:[bx],al
- nope1: ret
- point endp
- point13x proc xpos:word,ypos:word,color:word
- mov bx,[xpos]
- mov ax,[ypos]
- mov dx,[maxx]
- cmp bx,0
- jl nope2
- cmp bx,dx
- jge nope2
- cmp ax,0
- jl nope2
- cmp ax,[maxy]
- jge nope2
- shr dx,1
- shr dx,1
- mul dx ;360 dots wide (for 360x480 mode)
- mov cx,bx
- shr bx,1
- shr bx,1
- add bx,ax
- mov ax,102h
- and cl,3
- shl ah,cl ;create bit plane mask
- mov dx,3c4h
- out dx,ax ;set EGA bit plane mask register
- mov ax,0a000h ;setup screen segment A000
- mov es,ax
- mov al,byte ptr [color] ;get color of pixel to plot
- mov es:[bx],al
- nope2: ret
- point13x endp
- end