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- include model.h
- ;
- ; VGAKIT Version 3.4
- ;
- ; Copyright 1988,89,90 John Bridges
- ; Free for use in commercial, shareware or freeware applications
- ;
- ;
- .data
- OSEG equ DS: ;segment override for variable access
- bankadr dw ?
- if @Codesize
- bankseg dw ?
- endif
- public curbk
- curbk dw ?
- public vga512
- vga512 dw ?
- public cirrus,video7,tseng,tseng4,paradise,chipstech,trident
- public ativga,everex,aheada,aheadb,oaktech
- cirrus dw ?
- video7 dw ?
- tseng dw ?
- tseng4 dw ?
- paradise dw ?
- chipstech dw ?
- trident dw ?
- ativga dw ?
- everex dw ?
- aheada dw ?
- aheadb dw ?
- oaktech dw ?
- first dw ? ;flag so whichvga() is only called once
- retval dw ? ;first return value from whichvga()
- .code
- public newbank
- public whichvga
- newbank proc ;bank number is in AX
- cli
- mov OSEG[curbk],ax
- if @Codesize
- jmp dword ptr OSEG[bankadr]
- else
- jmp word ptr OSEG[bankadr]
- endif
- _tseng:: ;Tseng
- push ax
- push dx
- and al,7
- mov ah,al
- shl al,1
- shl al,1
- shl al,1
- or al,ah
- or al,01000000b
- mov dx,3cdh
- out dx,al
- sti
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _tseng4:: ;Tseng 4000 series
- push ax
- push dx
- mov ah,al
- mov dx,3bfh ;Enable access to extended registers
- mov al,3
- out dx,al
- mov dl,0d8h
- mov al,0a0h
- out dx,al
- and ah,15
- mov al,ah
- shl al,1
- shl al,1
- shl al,1
- shl al,1
- or al,ah
- mov dl,0cdh
- out dx,al
- sti
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _trident:: ;Trident
- push ax
- push dx
- mov dx,3ceh ;set page size to 64k
- mov al,6
- out dx,al
- inc dl
- in al,dx
- dec dl
- or al,4
- mov ah,al
- mov al,6
- out dx,ax
- mov dl,0c4h ;switch to BPS mode
- mov al,0bh
- out dx,al
- inc dl
- in al,dx
- dec dl
- mov ah,byte ptr OSEG[curbk]
- xor ah,2
- mov dx,3c4h
- mov al,0eh
- out dx,ax
- sti
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _video7:: ;Video 7
- push ax
- push dx
- push cx
- and ax,15
- mov ch,al
- mov dx,3c4h
- mov ax,0ea06h
- out dx,ax
- mov ah,ch
- and ah,1
- mov al,0f9h
- out dx,ax
- mov al,ch
- and al,1100b
- mov ah,al
- shr ah,1
- shr ah,1
- or ah,al
- mov al,0f6h
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- in al,dx
- dec dx
- and al,not 1111b
- or ah,al
- mov al,0f6h
- out dx,ax
- mov ah,ch
- mov cl,4
- shl ah,cl
- and ah,100000b
- mov dl,0cch
- in al,dx
- mov dl,0c2h
- and al,not 100000b
- or al,ah
- out dx,al
- sti
- pop cx
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _paradise:: ;Paradise
- push ax
- push dx
- mov dx,3ceh
- mov ax,50fh ;turn off write protect on VGA registers
- out dx,ax
- mov ah,byte ptr OSEG[curbk]
- shl ah,1
- shl ah,1
- shl ah,1
- shl ah,1
- mov al,9
- out dx,ax
- sti
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _chipstech:: ;Chips & Tech
- push ax
- push dx
- mov dx,46e8h ;place chip in setup mode
- mov ax,1eh
- out dx,ax
- mov dx,103h ;enable extended registers
- mov ax,0080h
- out dx,ax
- mov dx,46e8h ;bring chip out of setup mode
- mov ax,0eh
- out dx,ax
- mov ah,byte ptr OSEG[curbk]
- shl ah,1 ;change 64k bank number into 16k bank number
- shl ah,1
- mov al,10h
- mov dx,3d6h
- out dx,ax
- sti
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _ativga:: ;ATI VGA Wonder
- push ax
- push dx
- mov ah,al
- mov dx,1ceh
- mov al,0b2h
- out dx,al
- inc dl
- in al,dx
- shl ah,1
- and al,0e1h
- or ah,al
- mov al,0b2h
- dec dl
- out dx,ax
- sti
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _everex:: ;Everex
- push ax
- push dx
- push cx
- mov cl,al
- mov dx,3c4h
- mov al,8
- out dx,al
- inc dl
- in al,dx
- dec dl
- shl al,1
- shr cl,1
- rcr al,1
- mov ah,al
- mov al,8
- out dx,ax
- mov dl,0cch
- in al,dx
- mov dl,0c2h
- and al,0dfh
- shr cl,1
- jc nob2
- or al,20h
- nob2: out dx,al
- sti
- pop cx
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _aheada:: ;Ahead Systems Ver A
- push ax
- push dx
- push cx
- mov ch,al
- mov dx,3ceh ;Enable extended registers
- mov ax,200fh
- out dx,ax
- mov dl,0cch ;bit 0
- in al,dx
- mov dl,0c2h
- and al,11011111b
- shr ch,1
- jnc skpa
- or al,00100000b
- skpa: out dx,al
- mov dl,0cfh ;bits 1,2,3
- mov al,0
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- in al,dx
- dec dx
- and al,11111000b
- or al,ch
- mov ah,al
- mov al,0
- out dx,ax
- sti
- pop cx
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _aheadb:: ;Ahead Systems Ver A
- push ax
- push dx
- push cx
- mov ch,al
- mov dx,3ceh ;Enable extended registers
- mov ax,200fh
- out dx,ax
- mov ah,ch
- mov cl,4
- shl ah,cl
- or ah,ch
- mov al,0dh
- out dx,ax
- sti
- pop cx
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _oaktech:: ;Oak Technology Inc OTI-067
- push ax
- push dx
- and al,15
- mov ah,al
- shl al,1
- shl al,1
- shl al,1
- shl al,1
- or al,ah
- mov dx,3dfh
- out dx,al
- sti
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret
- _nobank::
- sti
- ret
- newbank endp
- bkadr macro func
- mov [func],1
- mov [bankadr],offset _&func
- if @Codesize
- mov [bankseg],seg _&func
- endif
- endm
- nojmp macro
- local lbl
- jmp lbl
- lbl:
- endm
- whichvga proc uses si
- cmp [first],0
- jz gotest
- mov ax,[retval]
- ret
- gotest: mov [bankadr],offset _nobank
- if @Codesize
- mov [bankseg],seg _nobank
- endif
- mov [curbk],0
- mov [vga512],0
- mov [cirrus],0
- mov [video7],0
- mov [tseng],0
- mov [tseng4],0
- mov [paradise],0
- mov [chipstech],0
- mov [trident],0
- mov [ativga],0
- mov [everex],0
- mov [aheada],0
- mov [aheadb],0
- mov [oaktech],0
- mov [first],1
- mov si,1
- mov ax,0c000h
- mov es,ax
- cmp word ptr es:[40h],'13'
- jnz noati
- bkadr ativga
- cli
- mov dx,1ceh
- mov al,0bbh
- out dx,al
- inc dl
- in al,dx
- sti
- and al,20h
- jz no512
- mov [vga512],1
- no512: jmp fini
- noati: mov ax,7000h ;Test for Everex
- xor bx,bx
- cld
- int 10h
- cmp al,70h
- jnz noev
- bkadr everex
- and ch,11000000b
- jz skp
- mov [vga512],1
- skp: and dx,0fff0h
- cmp dx,6780h
- jz yeste
- cmp dx,2360h
- jnz note
- yeste: bkadr trident
- note: jmp fini
- noev: mov dx,3c4h ;Test for Trident
- mov al,0bh
- out dx,al
- inc dl
- in al,dx
- cmp al,0fh
- ja notri
- cmp al,2
- jb notri
- bkadr trident
- mov [vga512],1
- jmp fini
- notri: mov ax,6f00h ;Test for Video 7
- xor bx,bx
- cld
- int 10h
- cmp bx,'V7'
- jnz nov7
- bkadr video7
- mov ax,6f07h
- cld
- int 10h
- and ah,7fh
- cmp ah,1
- jbe skp2
- mov [vga512],1
- skp2: jmp fini
- nov7: call _cirrus ;Test for Cirrus
- cmp [cirrus],0
- je noci
- jmp fini
- noci: mov dx,3ceh ;Test for Paradise
- mov al,9 ;check Bank switch register
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- in al,dx
- dec dx
- or al,al
- jnz nopd
- mov ax,50fh ;turn off write protect on VGA registers
- out dx,ax
- mov dx,offset _pdrsub
- mov cx,1
- call _chkbk
- jc nopd ;if bank 0 and 1 same not paradise
- bkadr paradise
- ; mov cx,64
- ; call _chkbk
- ; jc skp3 ;if bank 0 and 64 same only 256k
- mov [vga512],1
- skp3: jmp fini
- nopd: mov ax,5f00h ;Test for Chips & Tech
- xor bx,bx
- cld
- int 10h
- cmp al,5fh
- jnz noct
- bkadr chipstech
- cmp bh,1
- jb skp4
- mov [vga512],1
- skp4: jmp fini
- noct: mov ch,0
- mov dx,3d4h ;check for Tseng 4000 series
- mov al,33h
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- in al,dx
- dec dx
- mov cl,al
- mov ax,00a33h
- out dx,ax
- mov al,33h
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- in al,dx
- and al,0fh
- dec dx
- cmp al,00ah
- jnz skp5
- mov ax,00533h
- out dx,ax
- mov al,33h
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- in al,dx
- dec dx
- and al,0fh
- cmp al,005h
- jnz skp5
- mov al,33h
- mov ah,cl
- out dx,ax
- mov ch,1
- mov dx,3bfh ;Enable access to extended registers
- mov al,3
- out dx,al
- mov dl,0d8h
- mov al,0a0h
- out dx,al
- skp5: mov dx,3cdh ;Test for Tseng
- in al,dx ;save bank switch register
- mov cl,al
- mov al,0aah ;test register with 0aah
- out dx,al
- in al,dx
- cmp al,0aah
- jnz nots
- mov al,055h ;test register with 055h
- out dx,al
- in al,dx
- cmp al,055h
- jnz nots
- mov al,cl
- out dx,al
- bkadr tseng
- mov [vga512],1
- cmp ch,0
- jz oldts
- bkadr tseng4
- oldts: jmp short fini
- nots:
- mov dx,3ceh ;Test for Above A or B chipsets
- mov ax,200fh
- out dx,ax
- inc dx
- nojmp
- in al,dx
- cmp al,21h
- jz verb
- cmp al,20h
- jnz noab
- bkadr aheada
- mov [vga512],1
- jmp short fini
- verb: bkadr aheadb
- mov [vga512],1
- jmp short fini
- noab: mov dx,3deh
- in al,dx
- and al,11100000b
- cmp al,01100000b
- jnz nooak
- bkadr oaktech
- mov al,0dh
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- nojmp
- in al,dx
- test al,80h
- jz no4ram
- mov [vga512],1
- no4ram: jmp short fini
- nooak: mov si,0
- fini: mov ax,si
- mov [retval],ax
- ret
- whichvga endp
- _cirrus proc near
- mov dx,3d4h ; assume 3dx addressing
- mov al,0ch ; screen a start address hi
- out dx,al ; select index
- inc dx ; point to data
- mov ah,al ; save index in ah
- in al,dx ; get screen a start address hi
- xchg ah,al ; swap index and data
- push ax ; save old value
- push dx ; save crtc address
- xor al,al ; clear crc
- out dx,al ; and out to the crtc
- mov al,1fh ; Eagle ID register
- dec dx ; back to index
- out dx,al ; select index
- inc dx ; point to data
- in al,dx ; read the id register
- mov bh,al ; and save it in bh
- mov cl,4 ; nibble swap rotate count
- mov dx,3c4h ; sequencer/extensions
- mov bl,6 ; extensions enable register
- ror bh,cl ; compute extensions disable value
- mov ax,bx ; extensions disable
- out dx,ax ; disable extensions
- inc dx ; point to data
- in al,dx ; read enable flag
- or al,al ; disabled ?
- jnz exit ; nope, not an cirrus
- ror bh,cl ; compute extensions enable value
- dec dx ; point to index
- mov ax,bx ; extensions enable
- out dx,ax ; enable extensions
- inc dx ; point to data
- in al,dx ; read enable flag
- cmp al,1 ; enabled ?
- jne exit ; nope, not an cirrus
- mov [cirrus],1
- mov [bankadr],offset _nobank
- if @Codesize
- mov [bankseg],seg _nobank
- endif
- exit: pop dx ; restore crtc address
- dec dx ; point to index
- pop ax ; recover crc index and data
- out dx,ax ; restore crc value
- ret
- _cirrus endp
- _chkbk proc near ;paradise bank switch check
- mov di,0b800h
- mov es,di
- xor di,di
- mov bx,1234h
- call _gochk
- jnz badchk
- mov bx,4321h
- call _gochk
- jnz badchk
- clc
- ret
- badchk: stc
- ret
- _chkbk endp
- _gochk proc near
- push si
- mov si,bx
- mov al,cl
- call dx
- xchg bl,es:[di]
- mov al,ch
- call dx
- xchg bh,es:[di]
- xchg si,bx
- mov al,cl
- call dx
- xor bl,es:[di]
- mov al,ch
- call dx
- xor bh,es:[di]
- xchg si,bx
- mov al,ch
- call dx
- mov es:[di],bh
- mov al,cl
- call dx
- mov es:[di],bl
- mov al,0
- call dx
- or si,si
- pop si
- ret
- _gochk endp
- _pdrsub proc near ;Paradise
- push dx
- mov ah,al
- mov dx,3ceh
- mov al,9
- out dx,ax
- pop dx
- ret
- _pdrsub endp
- end