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- Rambo ]I[ Cheat Information file - an API Release
- *** NOTICE!!! ***
- This cheat will only work on the FiRM's version of Rambo III!!!!!
- Well, this game is a deluxe version of Castle Wolfenstein. There are lots
- of rooms to explore and many things to find. Some of the things I found are:
- Kevlar vest - used to protect yourself against the electric steel door
- Glow tube - used to see in the dark rooms
- Match - used with the IR-goggles for something
- Rubles - ???
- Flag - Russian Flag
- Crossbow - used to fire arrows or explosive arrows
- Silencer - ???
- ?-goggles - ???
- Mine Detector - used to locate mines outside of the complex
- Portrait - ???
- IR goggles - infrared goggles
- Vodka - I guess you drink it
- Old Boots - ???
- Dirty Laundry - ???
- Bone - Give to the dog and it'll ignore you
- Explosive chest - Lose energy
- First aid kit - increases your energy
- Key - opens the steel door I guess
- Grenade - good for blowing up the guy that can't be stabbed.
- As for traps, there are pits you fall in. It's a grate with brown wires. If
- you fall in it, you'll know what I mean. Another one is a brown chest with
- pointed razors on it. If you touch that, you die. At the outside of the
- complex, you have to search for line mines. Step on one and you die.
- As for the cheat, Rambo is immune to dog attacks, enemy shots and attacks,
- and explosive chests. If you get sick and tired of killing the enemy, just
- walk into them and they die. If you fall into a pit, you'll lose one
- energy point. Just use the first aid kit to restore it. If you should touch
- the brown chest or land mine, you'll die. The cheat will give you unlimited
- continues. However, you must start your mission all over. Thus, you still
- have to be cautious, but at least you won't have to restart the game
- every few minutes.
- The game is too long for me to keep playing and checking this cheat. There
- was a freak incident where the cheat froze the game. I don't know why this
- happened so I put extra "cli"s and "sti"s just in case. The cheat was
- placed in an unused part of the code segment. I hope the cheat isn't over-
- written when mission 2 and 3 are loaded. Since the game is too long to
- solve, I hope someone out there can debug this cheat and tell me of any
- problems.
- To start the cheat, place the batch file to your "RAMBO" directory and
- type "RUNCHEAT". You'll see the batch file tracing the code and writing
- portions of the cheat into the program. Just be patient. Press a key at
- the FiRM hello screen and answer any configuration questions the game
- will ask. The game will load up fine and dandy. This cheat does not write
- to the RAMBO files, so restoring your files to normal is not necessary.
- When you exit the game, reboot your computer. When I pressed "F10" for
- instant quit, I was put in drive C when my game was played on drive D.
- Thanks to Lord Blix for cracking this cool game. I'm glad the encryption
- was not intact like Software Surgeon's crack of Operation Wolf, or I
- couldn't possibly find the cheat.
- Friendly hellos to all API, FiRM, INC, PSI, and TRIAD members.
- Support your local API bbs!
- Rescue Raider - API member
- p.s. Why does RAMBO die? This gives ill hopes to the kiddies.
- Call these fine boards:
- Solsbury Hill ][ - Home to API
- 301-428-3268, 2400 baud, 20 megs (temporary setup)
- The Cemetery Gates
- 818-575-1887, 9600 baud, 100+ megs
- The Roach Motel - INC dist. site
- 818-369-2083, 14.4K baud, 100+ megs
- The City of Eternal Mist - TCS Beta/TSAN
- 818-821-0931, 14.4K baud, 120 megs