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- Strategy
- ~~~~~~~~
- There are many so-called "secrets" to why some players reach the
- top ranks and why others stagnate at the lower levels. This file should
- help you to join the top food-fighters.
- (1) Getting Started: Many players think chain files are too complex,
- primarily because they don't know how to get started and are too lazy to
- read the documentation. While the "start-up formula" below may not be the
- best way to play, it will at least get you off of level 1 and into the running:
- (a) Trade 3 points of INT for 2 of DEX (use the (C)hange Stats command)
- (b) Trade 3 points of CON for 2 of STR (ditto)
- (c) Attack Level 1 opponents (hit '1' at the command prompt), and
- Wash clothes (H) after each battle.
- (d) Repeat until you have 1,000 pennies.
- (e) Buy a Strawberry in the (F)ood Shop.
- When you become more experienced with the game and the commands, you
- may wish to modify and extend this strategy. For example, you may
- decide that CON is the most important stat, and you might maximize it
- early at the expense of STR. Experiment.
- (2) Stats:
- Strength (STR): Controls how many stains you hit for.
- Dexterity (DEX): Controls how often you hit and avoid being hit.
- Potential (POT): Is the random factor in hitting.
- Constitution (CON): Controls how many clean spots you gain per grade.
- Mystery (MYS): Controls your stat-changing ratio, ???
- Intelligence (INT): Controls how many pennies you get back when selling
- food and clothing, how much it costs you to wash
- your clothes, and how much spying costs.
- (3) Basic Tips:
- (a) Always put your money in your piggy bank (+) before entering into
- combat or (Q)uitting the game. Money in your piggy bank is safe,
- while money in your pocket can be taken if you lose a food fight.
- (b) Sell your old weapon/clothes before buying a new one.
- (c) Spy (Z) on other students (users) before you attack them, so you
- don't risk losing.
- (d) Watch your Win/Loss ratio (explained later). You may want to
- attack students you know you can slime just to keep your ratio high.
- (e) Don't go crazy on gambling. You can lose a lot this way, and
- your parents wouldn't like it.
- (f) Be sure you use all your fights (against the 1-5 inanimate opponents)
- since the more you fight, the more pennies you get.
- (4) Combat Formulas: The magnitude of a hit is dependent upon your STR,
- your food, your opponent's DEX, and his clothes. Equipment-wise, the
- difference between your food rank and his clothes rank is what is used,
- not the ratio between them.
- (5) User Fights: If you defeat a student who is ranked lower than you,
- you will be given experience based on your opponent's stats and equipment.
- If your opponent is ranked higher, your experience will be set one point
- higher than his. If you are in fourth grade and ranked #12 and you
- defeat the #3 student, a seventh grader, you will now be in 7th grade
- and replace your defeated classmate in the #3 position.
- (6) Wins And Losses: Every time you attack a user, you can have one of
- three results: You can win, you can lose, or you can run away. Running
- away gives you a loss, but no equipment or money changes hands. So why
- not just attack everyone and run away if you're losing?
- (7) Forced Re-Rolling: This is why. If get too many losses, the
- teachers get very disappointed that you are so undisciplined. You could
- be sent back to the first grade and must start the game all over again.
- What will stop you from re-rolling like this is a big Mystery.
- (8) Resurrections: Students sent to the principal periodically return
- to the cafeteria that you can throw food at. If you have "no one to
- fight", a student will be sent back that is between three grades below
- and two grades above yours, until 1/2 of the students in your "fight
- window" are eligible for you to mess up.
- (9) Character Checking: At any time, even if you've already eaten all
- your meals for the day, you can get into the game and view a fight list,
- check your status, etc. You can do nothing that will affect your
- character's combat performance, and you cannot put pennies in your bank.
- (10) Alliances: Sometimes two players or more will work as a team in
- the game. Inexperienced players often do well to join up with veterans
- and can pick up valuable pointers from them. Higher-ranked allies may
- also be willing to give you money in exchange for your allegiance.