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- echo off
- cls
- if %1a == a goto Drv
- if %1 == c: goto begin
- if %1 == C: goto begin
- if %1 == d: goto begin
- if %1 == D: goto begin
- if %1 == e: goto begin
- if %1 == E: goto begin
- if %1 == f: goto begin
- if %1 == F: goto begin
- if %1 == g: goto begin
- if %1 == G: goto begin
- goto noDrv
- :begin
- if not exist f.exe goto NotOrg
- echo ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ FERRARI FORMULA ONE Hard Disk Installation ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ This will create a directory called %1\FERRARI on your hard ║
- echo ║ disk, and will install FERRARI FORMULA ONE in that directory. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ If you don't want to install FERRARI FORMULA ONE now, press ║
- echo ║ Ctrl-C. When the message asks if you want to terminate the ║
- echo ║ batch job type Y. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- pause
- echo
- echo Creating directory %1\FERRARI...
- if exist %1\FERRARI\*.* goto dirct
- cd\
- md %1\FERRARI
- echo Copying the files from FERRARI FORMULA ONE "MAIN DISK" to %1\FERRARI.
- copy \*.* %1\FERRARI
- if not exist %1\FERRARI\F.EXE goto instl
- :Disk2
- cls
- echo Copying the files from FERRARI FORMULA ONE "RACE DISK to %1\FERRARI.
- echo
- echo
- pause
- if not exist \OCARS.FF1 goto Disk2
- copy \*.* %1\FERRARI
- %1
- echo
- echo FERRARI FORMULA ONE is now installed on your hard disk.
- echo To run FERRARI FORMULA ONE type "FF1".
- goto done
- :NotOrg
- echo
- echo Installation Error: To install FERRARI FORMULA ONE on your hard disk, you
- echo must start this install with the "MAIN DISK" in drive A or B. For example,
- echo your if the FERRARI FORMULA ONE "MAIN DISK" is in drive A and you want to
- echo install to drive C,
- echo Type A: and press Enter.
- echo Type "INSTALL C:" and press Enter.
- goto error
- :Drv
- echo
- echo Installation Error: To install FERRARI FORMULA ONE on your hard disk, you
- echo must specify the drive to install FERRARI FORMULA ONE onto. For example,
- echo to install on drive C,
- echo Type "INSTALL C:" and press Enter.
- goto error
- :noDrv
- echo
- echo Installation Error: The hard drive letter must be a letter from C to F,
- echo and must be followed by a colon. For example, "INSTALL C:" will install
- echo FERRARI FORMULA ONE on drive C.
- goto error
- :dirct
- echo
- echo Installation Error: FERRARI FORMULA ONE has been installed on drive %1.
- echo To reinstall, delete all files in the FERRARI subdirectory, then try
- echo installing again.
- goto error
- :instl
- echo
- echo Installation Error: An error occured during installation. This could be
- echo caused by a read/write error or perhaps there isn't enough space left on
- echo your hard disk. FERRARI FORMULA ONE installation requires at least 680k
- echo free disk space. Before attempting to reinstall you must delete any files
- echo that now exist in the FERRARI subdirectory of your hard disk %1.
- :error
- echo
- echo FERRARI FORMULA ONE has not been installed successfully.
- echo
- :done