home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- echo off
- rem INST0.BAT
- rem Comments are at the end of the file
- if %2 == %3 goto nosame
- if %1 == H goto hard_drv
- cls
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo ╔Floppy Disk Installation══════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ Place the blank diskette you prepared using ║
- echo ║ the FORMAT/S command in drive %3. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╟──────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
- echo ║ Type C to continue. ║
- echo ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- echo
- ask 0CQ
- cls
- if errorlevel 2 stop aborted
- :check
- %3:
- chdir \
- if not exist command.com goto nocom
- :hard_drv
- %2:
- if not %2 == A goto echoask
- if %1 == F goto chkflp
- if not %3 == C goto echoask
- ask 9YNQ
- goto chkans
- :chkflp
- if not %3 == B goto echoask
- ask :YNQ
- goto chkans
- :echoask
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo ╔DESQview Installation ════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ You have specified that: ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ » The DESQview diskette is now in drive %2. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ » You want DESQview installed on drive %3. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ Is this correct? ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╟──────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
- echo ║ Type Y (for yes) or N (for no). ║
- echo ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- echo
- ask 0YNQ
- :chkans
- cls
- if errorlevel 3 goto done
- if errorlevel 2 install
- %3:
- chdir \
- if %1 == F goto no_dir
- if not %4x==x goto dir4
- mkdir \dv >NUL:
- chdir \dv >NUL:
- goto no_dir
- :dir4
- mkdir %4 >NUL:
- chdir %4 >NUL:
- :no_dir
- cls
- type %2:inprog.txt
- if exist desqview.dvo echo ***** Upgrade in progress, configuration files will be preserved *****
- if exist desqview.dvo copy %2:stop.bat %3:update.qd >NUL:
- if not exist desqview.dvo copy %2:desqview.dvo %3:*.* >NUL:
- rem Remove version 1 files not needed
- if exist %3:setup.exe del setup.exe
- if exist %3:dosserv.exe del dosserv.exe
- if exist %3:autoinst.exe del autoinst.exe
- if exist %3:dv.com copy %2:xdv.com %3:dv.com >NUL:
- copy %2:*.exe %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:*.dvr %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:*.com %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:*.shr %3:*.* >NUL:
- del autoinst.com
- del convscr.com
- if exist demo.com del demo.com
- copy %2:*.sys %3:\*.* >NUL:
- if not exist bd-pif.dvp copy %2:bd-pif.dvp %3:*.* >NUL:
- if not exist d1-pif.dvp copy %2:d1-pif.dvp %3:*.* >NUL:
- if not exist ds-pif.dvp copy %2:ds-pif.dvp %3:*.* >NUL:
- if not exist sd-pif.dvp copy %2:sd-pif.dvp %3:*.* >NUL:
- if not exist ss-pif.dvp copy %2:ss-pif.dvp %3:*.* >NUL:
- if not exist ms-pif.dvp copy %2:ms-pif.dvp %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:setup.dvp %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:ap-pif.dvp %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:cp-pif.dvp %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:*.dir %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:*.doc %3:*.* >NUL:
- if %1 == F goto nohard
- copy %2:autoinst.com %3:*.* >NUL:
- rem if not %3 == C copy %2:dv.bat %3:\dv.bat >NUL:
- copy %2:dv.bat %3:\dv.bat >NUL:
- rem if %3 == C copy %2:dc.bat %3:\dv.bat >NUL:
- if exist update.qd goto nohard
- autoinst
- if errorlevel 2 goto done
- echo
- echo ***** IMPORTANT *****
- echo
- echo The programs listed above have been automatically installed for you in
- echo DESQview. Please examine this list and be sure that the names listed are
- echo really programs installed on your hard disk.
- echo
- echo If any names in this list are wrong, jot them down. Then, when DESQview is
- echo running, use the Delete a Program command to remove them from DESQview (see
- echo page 62 of the DESQview Manual). See the note 5 on page 12 of the DESQview
- echo Manual for additional information.
- echo
- pause
- :nohard
- if exist update.qd del update.qd
- copy %2:setup.bat %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:convscr.* %3:*.* >NUL:
- copy %2:*.dvh %3:*.* >NUL:
- if exist desqview.dvh goto compl
- echo
- echo
- echo ***** IMPORTANT *****
- echo
- echo There was not enough room on your disk to copy the DESQview help file.
- echo This will not affect DESQview except that online help will NOT be available.
- echo If you would like to have the help available, you will need to delete some
- echo files from this disk and then copy DESQVIEW.DVH to it. See Appendix G for
- echo information about DESQview files.
- echo
- echo
- pause
- :compl
- %2:stop completed %2 %3
- :nocom
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo ╔DESQview Installation ════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ There is no file named COMMAND.COM in the ║
- echo ║ root directory of drive %3. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ If %3 is a hard disk, please follow the ║
- echo ║ instructions on page 9 of the DESQview Manual. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ If %3 is a floppy drive, you have not prepared ║
- echo ║ this disk using the FORMAT/S command. ║
- echo ║ See page 8 of the DESQview Manual. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- echo
- :done
- %2:stop aborted %2
- :nosame
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo
- echo ╔DESQview Installation ════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ You are trying to install DESQview on the ║
- echo ║ same drive where you have the DESQview diskette. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ This is not allowed! ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ You must specify a second drive that is ║
- echo ║ different from the drive where you have ║
- echo ║ the DESQview diskette. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- echo
- %2:stop aborted %2
- rem DESQview Installation Procedure (GAS)
- rem Copyright (C) 1988 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
- rem Note that the F and H must be CAPITAL
- rem %1 = F or H, %2 = DESQview source, %3 = hard drive or second drive letter
- rem %4 = subdirectory to use (default \DV)