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- About
- This command displays a screen with the program's
- copyright and version number information.
- Add virus definition
- Use this command to add a definition for a newly
- discovered virus to Norton AntiVirus.
- Choose Add virus definition to enter the definitions
- parameters. You can obtain those parameters by calling
- the 24-Hour Virus Newsline.
- In Name enter the name of the virus definition from
- 1 to 25 characters. In Length enter the length of the
- definition in bytes. The checksum field stores a
- hexadecimal string used to check the virus definition for
- errors. Record the actual definition in the 12 lines in
- Definition.
- To record the definition, type four characters, then
- a space. Type four more characters and a space. (The
- spaces are not necessary but make the definition easier
- to read.) Continue entering the definition until you are
- finished.
- The definition must be error free before the
- definition is saved. To check the definition, press Enter
- while recording the definition. If there is an error,
- Virus Clinic positions the cursor as close to the
- error as possible. Correct the error. Then, save the
- definition.
- Advanced scan option
- Choose Advanced scan to have Norton AntiVirus search for
- both known and unknown viruses. Advanced can be used
- alone or with Auto-inoculate.
- When Advanced scan and Auto-inoculate are both on,
- Norton AntiVirus automatically creates a checksum file
- where it stores information about that specific program
- file. The checksum file is created when you open the
- program for the first time, or when you scan with Virus
- Clinic for the first time.
- Alert message
- This option lets you customize the virus infection alert.
- The message you enter in the text field appears in all
- virus infection alerts.
- Select Alert message. Type a string between 1 and
- 76 characters in the text field.
- Audit trail
- The audit trail keeps a permanent record of all of Virus
- Intercept's activity. The audit trail logs all the virus
- infection alerts that are displayed and your responses
- to those alerts.
- Basic scan option
- Choose Basic scan to scan for known viruses in the
- drives, directories, or files you are scanning. With a
- Basic scan, Virus Clinic scans all files and not just
- certain types of files.
- Change password
- Use this command to change your password. Set password
- becomes Change password on the Options menu after you set
- your password.
- The Change password dialog box is almost identical
- to the Set password dialog box. Enter your old password
- first in that field, then enter your new password. The
- program asks you to verify your new password in the
- Verify password field. The password must match your new
- password exactly.
- Color palette
- This option lets you choose the type of adapter card
- connected to your monitor. Virus Clinic automatically
- sets this option for you the first time you use the
- program, but you can select another option if the current
- selection doesn't work well.
- Configure
- Use Configure to set or change the program options within
- Virus Clinic and Virus Intercept.
- Choosing Configure opens the Configuration Options
- screen. You can set the Configuration Options by:
- *toggling on or off a check box.
- *selecting a radio button.
- *entering information in an edit field.
- Directory, Scan
- Use this command to scan a directory and all the
- subdirectories below it.
- Choose Directory from the Scan menu to open the Scan
- directory dialog box. To scan a directory, do one of the
- following:
- *type the directory name in the Name field.
- *select the directory in the Directories list box.
- Select Ok to begin scanning the directory.
- Tip: To find the desired directory in the
- Directories list box, change and display directories in
- the list box.
- Virus Clinic immediately begins scanning the
- directory you selected, and the Scan Results screen
- appears.
- Disable alert box on monochrome monitor
- This option stops the virus infection alert from
- displaying on a monochrome monitor.
- Disable alert box on color monitor
- This option stops the virus infection alert from
- displaying on a color monitor.
- Disable Delete button
- The option deactivates the Delete button in the Scan
- Results screen. The Delete button is dimmed, and deleting
- infected files is impossible.
- Disable Proceed button
- This option deactivates the Proceed button in the virus
- infection and inoculate alerts. By disabling Proceed, you
- cannot proceed and open a program that contains a
- possible virus.
- Disable Reinoculate button
- This option deactivates the Reinoculate button in the
- Reinoculate alert.
- If your program files have checksum files, Virus
- Clinic checks the checksum file to see if it matches the
- software program file. If the checksum file doesn't match
- the program, then it is possible that an unknown virus
- has infected the program file. Virus Intercept displays
- the Reinoculate alert to warn you. Selecting Reinoculate
- overwrites the existing checksum file for that program.
- Disable Repair all button
- This option deactivates the Repair all button in the Scan
- Results screen, and you cannot repair all infected files
- at once.
- Disable Repair file button
- The option deactivates the Repair button in the Scan
- Results screen so that individual infected files cannot
- be repaired.
- Disable scan Cancel button
- This options prevents a scan from being canceled in Virus
- Clinic when you select Cancel or press Esc in the Scan
- Results screen.
- Disable scanning of network drives
- This option stops the scanning of network drives, so the
- network drives are not listed in the Drives, Directories,
- or Files list boxes.
- Drive, Scan
- Use this command to scan all disk drives or to scan one
- disk drive. Choose Drive from the Scan menu to open the
- Scan drive dialog box. Then, to scan all drives, select
- the Scan all button. To scan one drive, select a drive
- from the Drives list box, and select Scan. Virus Clinic
- immediately begins scanning the drive or drives you
- selected, and the Scan Results screen appears.
- The Scan Results screen shows the scan's progress
- and the results of the scan when it is finished.
- Enter password
- Use this command to enter your password and change the
- Configuration Options. (See "Configure" for more
- information on the Configuration Options.)
- Once you have set a password with Set password, you
- must enter it with Enter password if you want to change
- those options in the Configuration Options that are
- password protected.
- File, Scan
- Use this command to scan a file or group of files.
- Choose File from the Scan menu, and the Scan file
- dialog box appears. To scan a file or group of files, do
- one of the following:
- *type the filename in the Name field.
- *use the wild cards (* and ?) to specify the files
- to scan in the Name field.
- *select the filename in the Files list box. If the
- file you want is not displayed, change the directory or
- drive and display those files in the Files list box.
- Help index
- Choose Index to display a list of the commands and
- features within Virus Clinic. Select an item from the
- Help list box, then select the Help button.
- List virus names
- Use this command to view the list of viruses that
- Norton AntiVirus recognizes.
- Choose List virus names to display the List virus
- names dialog box. In this dialog box, you can print or
- save the list, or select a virus name and delete it from
- the list.
- Load virus definition
- Use this command to download the definitions for a newly
- discovered viruses from the Symantec bulletin board
- service.
- Choose Load virus definition. Enter the name of the
- file that contains the virus definitions in the filename
- dialog box. Select Ok.
- Monitor
- This option lets you select your monitor type. Select
- either the Monochrome or Color radio button. Monochrome
- and Color correspond with the monitor adapter card you
- have connected to your system and not your monitor's
- type.
- Remove alert after [n] seconds
- This option stores the number of seconds, where n
- represents the number of seconds, an alert is displayed
- before the default response is recorded, and the alert
- is removed from the screen.
- To set the number of seconds, enter a number between
- 1 and 60 seconds in the text field.
- Save as dialog box
- Use this dialog box to specify the filename to save the
- current list or summary to a file. If you don't specify
- a different path, Norton AntiVirus saves the file in the
- Norton AntiVirus directory.
- Scan options
- The Scan options determine the types of viruses, either
- known or unknown or both, that Norton AntiVirus looks for
- during a scan.
- If you select Basic, Norton AntiVirus looks for only
- known viruses. On the other hand, Advanced scan will scan
- for both known and unknown viruses.
- Scan Results Screen
- This screen shows a scan's progress, and when the scan
- finishes, it shows the results of the scan.
- Any infected files are displayed in the Scan Results
- list box. The infected file's name, its complete path
- name, and the virus infection are displayed. At the end
- of the list is the Scan Summary, which list the Total
- files scanned and the Total files infected if any.
- The buttons on the left let you work with the Scan
- Results and any infected files. For example, you can
- print the scan summary, repair an infected file, or
- delete an infected file. Here is a brief summary of those
- buttons.
- Scan-Rescans the selected drives, directories, or files
- that were originally scanned.
- Repair-Repair the selected infected file.
- Repair all-Repair all infected files in the Scan Results
- list box.
- Delete-Delete the selected infected file.
- Print summary-Print the contents of the Scan Results list
- box to the printer.
- Save summary-Save the results in the Scan Results list
- box to an ASCII text file.
- Cancel-Cancels a scan in progress.
- Quit-Close the Scan Results screen and return to the main
- program screen.
- Set password
- Use this command to set your password in Virus Clinic.
- You cannot change certain Configuration Options without
- your password.
- To enter your password and access the Configuration
- Options screen, use the Enter password command.
- Special sound
- This option turns on the special virus alert sound. When
- Virus Intercept detects a virus, it plays a siren-like
- sound to warn you of any possible infection.