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- THU JAN 14 12:17:54 PM
- View: SICATE REPORT #12 6/21
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- (>View: SYNDICATE REPORT #12 6/21
- ============================================================================
- Information Transmittal No. 12
- Released June 21, 1987
- Featuring:
- Computer Fraud Threat Increasing (i.w. 6\18)
- FCC Information Tax Ahead (osuny 6\20)
- Metal Shop Private News (t.k 6\20)
- Breaking the Bootleg Bands (pc.w 6\21)
- Debut Big Smash (nwb.wk 6\21/2\20)
- Misc: Phrack/SummerCon/Osuny News (br.wlf 6\22)
- by The Sensei
- ============================================================================
- Exposition:
- Once again, TSReport now excepts outside sources. Anyone can write/provide
- information to the Syndicate Report. The Syndicate Report is also altering
- format. Rather than concentrating mainly on BELL orientated information,
- the Syndicate Report now has a more broad interest. Thus, TSR now handles
- all types of news gatherings.
- All articles have been presented by me unless shown at the end of the
- article as the information provider(s).
- ============================================================================
- Author's Note:
- Hello, and welcome to another issue of The Syndicate Report. This is the
- 12th transmittal of Report which makes it well over a year old. I'm
- extreamly pleased by the response and support you have given toward the
- Report. So far the Report has been going strong and will continue to.
- Although I do ask of your help on distributing the Syndicate Report. I want all Telecommunicationists to enjoy some of the recent NEWS -- some
- which Phrack Inc. hasn't broadcasted. Thanks, and enjoy.
- ============================================================================
- Corporations are increasingly vulnerable to computer fraud, pointing to
- three factors that make such fraud difficult to prevent: Computer--Savvy
- employees, the difficulty of detection, and lucrative payoff.
- According to the SR, the increasing number of knowledgeable corporate
- computer users, and their ability to access sensitive computer data through
- decentralized processing and networks, contributes to the growing potential for
- corporate computer fraud.
- Computer fraud is also difficult to detect, since the vast quantities of
- data stored in computers make concealing a theft relatively easy. Perpetrators
- seldom leave trails to follow; numbers can be easily changed, and managers,
- investors, and creditors easily deceived.
- Finally, computer fraud is often lucrative. In reported computer frauds
- the average loss is estimated by the FBI to be 600,000$ -- significantly more
- than the 23,000$ average of other types of fraud. And, stressed the report,
- this is only frauds that have been identified and reported.
- Statistics: Losses Due to Computer Fraud
- ----------------------------------------
- *************************** ------------ 75% Manufacturing
- ######################## --------------- 72% Government
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ - 92% Banking
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ --------- 78% Insurance
- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ------------ 75% Services
- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ----- 86% Communication
- &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ----------------------- 50% Other
- ============================================================================
- 87Jun14 5:53 am from Dalnefre' @ C-86 Test System
- From: hadeishi@husc4.HARVARD.EDU (mitsuharu hadeishi)
- Date: 12 Jun 87 15:13:37 GMT
- Reply-To: hadeishi@husc4.UUCP (mitsuharu hadeishi)
- Distribution: World
- Organization: Harvard Univ. Science Center
- Hi friends,
- A terrible piece of news I just read about in the New York Times
- this morning. The FCC just voted 4-0 to impose a $4.50 - $5.50 an HOUR
- tax on people who are using the phone system to transmit information
- across state lines. This INCLUDES anyone hooking up to a network,
- not just people dialing out of state!! I suppose people dialing
- into a system with access to Arpanet or even USENET might be charged
- this tax; the information services (Compuserve, etc.) are slated
- to be charged this tax as of January 1. This is an outrageous tax
- which would squelch the burgeoning telecommunications industry,
- and is totally unjustified. I would urge people to write letters
- to their Congressman to protest this unfair and exorbitant "information
- tax" which is based on superstition and lack of understanding of
- the telecommunications industry.
- :::::::::::::::::::::::Information Provided by Mitsu::::::::::::::::::::::::
- ============================================================================
- For those of you wondering what the hell happened to Metal Shop Private
- Recently (Either getting a steady ringing, or Taran King)...the system is temp.
- down due to legal problems TK is having. None of the details are clear at
- this point, but TK thinks the system will be back up shortly. He also added
- that the system may have a new number/location.
- He informed TSR that the legal problem has nothing to do with Phreaking
- or Hacking or anything online related. The system was taken down because it
- would have only brought TK more trouble.
- Stay Tuned for more information...
- ============================================================================
- Targeting bootleg software in raids reminiscent of Elliot Ness, Canadian
- authorities have effectively shut down three software rental firms and crippled
- a fourth. The software rental business is no stranger to controversy. Rental
- firms say the practice simply enables customers to test programs; the Software
- Publishers Association and IBM counter that such firms violate copyright laws
- by selling programs under the guise of providing preview copies. But the
- recent Canadian experience departed from traditional rental procedure: In
- those cases, the companies apparently fialed to ask for the rented software
- back. Instead, they advised customers to erase the disks after a 21-day
- preview costing 10$ per program.
- When a five member legal team tried to serve a court order of the
- Softsave Preview Club of Vancouver, the team was barred from entering the
- premises. Employees then taped paper over the windows to prevent the group
- from peering inside. "One employee threw a box of files and credit card charge
- slops out of the upper-floor windows," recalls Tate technical support
- supervisor Goepel, who participated in the raid. "He obviously had called
- someone on the phone because a guy was there ready to pick the stuff up."
- Softsave management kept the raiders out in the cold for two hours
- before deciding the search could not be legally prevented. Goepel's party
- then seized cartons of charge slips and hundreds of copies of top-selling
- programs. "No country is worse than Canada for not protecting software and
- for the quantity of illegal software sold.", maintains Chan, international
- counsel for Ashton-Tate. "The people of Hong Kong can't compare with the
- professionalism in Canada. Softsave had a 24-hour phone number with about 20
- phones lines, and we estimated they sent out over 1000 disks a day."
- :::::::::::::::::Information Provided by Stall Eckhouse:::::::::::::::::::::
- ============================================================================
- A new National Bell "order-by-phone" service got off to a rousing
- start is most regional Bell areas. Rogers U.S. Cable Systems of National
- Bell recently became the first user in the nation of the new order-enter
- technology. And in May, the first full month the service was in use, the
- cable TV firm reported that sales of its pay-per-view programs more than
- doubled Bell action.
- Dialing the first five digits connects the subscriber's line with an
- order-entry processor that works in conjunction with the Automatic Number
- Identification feature of Bell's central offices. The last two digits are
- code number for the program and the time of day viewer wants to watch it.
- ============================================================================
- This message is for members of Metal Shop Private.
- Many of you may have noticed that MSP has been down the past couple of days.
- Do not expect its return in the near future. Suffice to say that Taran King is
- in "trouble." Please do NOT call him as he will not answer any questions
- anyway and will not appreciate your call. If you have to get in touch with him
- for any other reason besides inquisitiveness leave email to me here, I'll pass
- it along in person when I see him.
- The events concerning MSP should have NO effect on SummerCon so don't worry
- about that. Thanks for your time.
- :Knight Lightning
- ----------------------------------------
- Title: SummerCon
- Well first of all, Taran is now accepting calls on his bbs line. Don't expect
- him to tell you what happened and don't call unless you really need too (such
- as SummerCOn stuff).
- PS: As of PWN 16, Lucifer 666 will be writing PWN and starting with Phrack 15,
- Control C will be distributing Phrack.
- TeleComputist Information Line 314-921-7938
- ----------------------------------------
- Title: Probabilities on Phrack
- Left by MR. PEZ
- Oh, and supposedly, I'm supposed to have a Phrack Editor account on my board,
- and people will be able to upload articles there. This is after I've been
- talking with Control-C and Live Wire. Have any others heard about this? Live
- Wire has this whole plan of a "Phrack Team" in mind for tons of boards across
- the nation to support and distribute Phrack. Control C wants Phrack to have a
- bigger audience (like it's not big enough already), and wants better
- distributors. Hmm.
- Anyway, I guess you can call my board, the PUB, at 313-433-3164, and talk to
- these people about this. (After SummerCon's over, grr..)
- -pez
- ----------------------------------------
- The original critically aclaimed OSUNY BBS is Back Up! Osuny BBS is now
- ran on Citadel BBS software. There is a little of everything for everybody on
- this system. Some of the original users are already on...call now and give
- your support.
- Osuny* 914-725-4060
- ============================================================================
- If there is any question to the information in this file, contact the
- author. Now can be found on the following systems: Metal Shop Private
- in the 314. Major Havoc's BBS 301-668-7657
- ============================================================================
- This concludes this transmittal No. 12 provided by:
- The Sensei of The Syndicate Report
- Released June 21, 1987
- ============================================================================
- those cases, the companies apparently fialed to ask for the rented software
- back.
- THU JAN 14 12:20:06 PM
- View:
- (>Directory
- You're on vol 1.
- T 001 Pi Nk Fl o Yd
- T 020 PI.C
- T 015 QUO
- tors. Hmm.
- Anyway, I guess you can call my board, the PUB, at 313-433-3164, and talk to
- these people about th
- THU JAN 14 12:20:35 PM