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- :% Written by The Blue Buccaneer %:
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- So you've always wanted to be your own operator?
- So you've always wanted to run your own Long Distance Service?
- So you've always had a slight yearning to make money with minimal amounts
- of work on your part?
- So you've always had visions of your computer making you money?
- Well here's your chance....
- P H R E A K E R S ' N E T
- Not exactly legal, safe, or feasible - by an exciting idea none the less!
- Step 1: Set up your LDS system on your computer.
- [Since Phreakers' Net is just an interesting idea and not really
- intended to be put to use, you will have to create your own system
- based on what you read on my theoritical one in this file. If you
- really want to run a P Net, contact me somewhere and I'll see about
- helping you to write one - What the hell?]
- Step 2: Find your customers.
- This step shouldn't be all that hard as many people should be more
- than willing to subscribe to a LDS with a low rate & hi-tech system
- like yours. Your rates should be set at about five to ten cents
- less than say Sprint or whatever else is available to the customers.
- You would find your customers personally and not advertise in any
- sort of way (this is a scam, remember?). You will only need a few
- of them anyway (no more than thirty).
- Step 3: Ok, now you have your "Super Hi-Tech LDS" set up and your customers
- lined up. Here is an example of exactly how your awesome system
- that beats the hell out of Sprint works:
- - [Fred Johnson, your customer, calls]
- {Note: Your system will be busy a lot (obviously, you only have one line).
- But hey! Do they know that? Hell no! Do they realize that they
- are one of only a few customers? Nope! They, understandably,
- will be firm believers in your great LDS network and will easily
- believe your excuse that your system is only able to hand twenty
- or so callers at one time.}
- (By the way, the motto is: P T&T - The less you hear, the more we laugh!!!)
- Your ever-so-friendly Cat answers and says (notice that Sprint never says
- much at all to anyone?):
- Hello. Welcome to the _____ LDS. Please type your identification number:
- {Beats the hell out of a dull tone}
- {At this point your Cat decodes the id number by either TT decoder chip or
- by use of the Apple Cassette Input Port (see Tic-Tac-Talker / Apple Talker)}
- {Now your wonderful system starts to show off}
- {After going to Ram-Disk very quickly}
- Hello again, Mr. Fred Johnson of 2600 Alley Street, New York, New York.
- This is your 11th call, totaling 128 minutes, 12 seconds and amounting to
- 31 dollars, 71 cents. Your last
- call was made on Monday, June 10, 1985 at 3:31pm to Chicago, Illinois to
- 312-665-0264. Your call lasted six minutes, 29 seconds. The total came to
- three dollars, 43 cents. The Doritos are on sale for $1.67 at your local
- grocery store. Thank you for using the _____ Long Distance System.
- {Now if that doesn't convince your customer that your system is bigger and
- at least fifty times better than Sprint already (remember his bill is less
- too), the guy has serious problems, probably voted for Nixon & still does!)
- Step 4: So, while your furry Cat has been impressing the shit out of this
- fool with his life history and local blue light specials, it also
- has picked up your second line, dialed the local Sprint port, typed
- "your" ode, and connected the line in 3-way with ole Mr. J. who is
- now heard his life history and ready to call someone:
- {Cat:} Please enter the number you wish to dial.
- And your awesome system (Sprint) puts the call through!
- Then your Cat starts its little Cat Clock to time the length of the
- call and maybe even starts its cute tape recorder going. You may
- wish to have a few good laughs with your phriends (phreaker friends)
- that evening reviewing the days conversatins.
- ( You might even be lucky enough to pick up some extra cash with blackmail? )
- Step 5: When the caller wishes to end his conversation he can either hit a
- key (like the '*') or just have whoever he called hangup. The Cat
- would dump the 3-way and tell the good & kind customer that:
- Your call to Miami, Florida to 305-556-6858 lasted 12 minutes, 42 seconds.
- The tolls amount to 4 dollars, 21 cents which will be charged to your bill.
- {Collect the bill personally or have him pay by check to _____ LDS}
- Then after it has recorded all this wonderful information (plus printing the
- days take on the top of your screen) your Cat can ask Fred if he would like to
- make anyother calls now or simply hang up. I'm sure your system could do a
- variety of other things for Fred like crank calling his neighbors, but that is
- up to you and your system.
- :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
- Well good! It made it this time. I originally typed this three days ago,
- except my AE blew up. I'll say one thing for it, AE sure does crash in style.
- I was inserting lines and all of a sudden we get all kinds of neat music from
- the Speaker than boom. GONE! Anyways, being to devistated to find the Inspec
- and try to recover the file from memory, I went and had lunch.
- :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
- I haven't really come to an answer on how feasible this idea is, but I guess
- it could be done with ome help from some of your advanced Phreak friends.
- A known way of get an annonomous (safety) line is having them change a payfone
- into a regular phone and forwarding the call to your system.
- And as long as the FCC didn't get interested in you, you would be really
- safe and probably able to pull in a fair amount of extra cash for doing almost
- nothing. You could also charge your customers a one time sign up fee to be
- a user of your LDS.
- The toll rate and area code/city converting may be done through various
- Applesoft programs available now (see Phone Utilities and Toll Rate Computer).
- :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: