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- AT&T Presents...
- (Alliance of Technology
- & Telecommunication)
- /////
- / /
- / P / hreakin
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- / H / ackin
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- / I / nformational
- / /
- / R / ecreation
- / /
- / E / ncyclopedia
- / /
- /////
- -=< AT&T! Announces >=-
- Ready...Aim...
- (PHIRE #1)
- You may find me on boards with the following names: The Copy Kid, Kid Copy,
- Kid Kopy, and JAMMER 'D'
- Call HI-TECH (518)/382-1541 2 Megs On- Line
- ANARCHIA (518)/869-6035 30 Megs On-Line
- Greetings to: Ditto, Smasher, Bellcon, Wild Moose, Sherrie, The Boss!, CIA
- BBS, Time Traveler, The Guru, and to CMA Members
- Hatred to (LEECHES! RODENTS!): David Krill AKA Dungeon Master, and Craig
- Nadler AKA The Guild Master
- Note: This file is set up for 80 columns.
- Composed by: Kid Kopy
- Ditto
- ---------------------------------------
- Section I - Introduction
- =----------------------=
- The purpose of these files is for the technological knowledge of phreak-
- ing, hacking, anarchy, programming, etc. to be informed. I shall not remain
- responsible for the actions took by the readers of these files. If you wish
- to submit an entry or have a request, contact either me or Ditto on one of
- the boards we are located on. I have decided to try to have some specific
- Commodore information in these upcoming files.
- - Author: Kid Kopy
- Section II - History
- =------------------=
- Well I will briefly go through what has happened and what is happening. A
- long time ago somebody named Alexander Graham Bell invented a device called
- the telephone. To use this you needed to go through some kind of switchboard
- or other kind of contraption to get connected. Many people think it
- magically knows who to call. Wrong, it gets the prefix which points to a
- general area and the suffix shows specificly where to go. I won't go too
- much further on this topic.
- Well, anyways all systems were an yucky type of system known as step by
- step. Next came crossbar which is the best for all phreakers and now
- everything is switching to Electronic Switching Systems or ESS. ESS is a
- phreakers nightmare. ESS will let them know if you use any foreign tones
- (eg. 2600 hz.), it will inform them of repeated dialing, it will show a
- frequent number of dialups to a LD Service (MCI, SPRINT, etc.), and many
- other horrible things.
- There are many variable phreaking acts. Most phreaking is telephone fraud.
- People can make boxes, or illegally used devices to aid in the art of
- phreaking. There are many, many boxes. One can also trash, or find a
- dumpster near BELL so one can get valuable info. Most people think that all
- phreaking is is calling up a long distance service and making phone calls
- for free by randomly guessing access numbers. They are wrong.
- Section III - Phoneman Auto-Mode
- =------------------------------=
- Have you ever called a number and all it says is Hit Return then asks for a
- password? It might have been a Phone- man Automode. There are a few back-
- doors in these automodes. If you know the specific Phoneman that it is then
- it will be easier. On Phoneman 3.1 (OLD!) you type, "ELIAFAH" and you're in.
- On the newer Phoneman's you type, "PCITGDEC" and you're in. To delete his
- disk and also break his drive, type "TQBFJOTLD" then return and then
- "MCREG#0" then return and then "ELIAFAH" then return. To take these out of
- your Phoneman, use disk doctor and find the strings and then replace them
- with 00 otherwise shown as, "@". Thanks to Time Traveler for the info.
- Section IV - Mach 5 Extras
- =------------------------=
- This isn't much, but I'll say it anyways. Typing the pound sign (the key in
- between) "-" and "Clr/Home" and return will type run for you. Thanks for the
- info Ditto. Also, when you find out the disable commands don't fully disable
- it, the best thing to do to disable MACH 5 is SYS64738.
- Section V - C-Net
- =---------------=
- C-Net BBS's are usually very simple to crash, since every version of C-Net
- has at least two or three bugs in it. In this file I will show some ways on
- how to crash a C-Net BBS.
- CRASH #1 - For C-Net 10
- --------
- When logging on as a new user and filling out the new user application, when
- it asks for your handle type anything but be sure to put a CTRL-L somewhere
- in the name. Example: CRASH (CTRL-L) ASSHOLE. When you type the CTRL-L it
- should clear the screen (If it doesn't, then this means that the SysOp has
- taken out that bug...Too Bad..) Then preceed on with the rest of the new
- user application. When log- on procedures are all done and you get to the
- main menu, the system will go into chat mode, then all you have to do is
- hang up and the board is crashed. If you tried the (CTRL-L) in the handle
- part, it cleared the screen, but didn't crash, try the same thing, but type
- CRASH (CTRL-L) ASSHOLE as your real name.
- CRASH #2
- --------
- The MCI Command \j0. This when exe- cuted (Unless AGAIN if taken out) Will
- crash the system. Also \d0 will crash it.
- CRASH #3
- --------
- Leave (F)eedback in the P or G files section, this too will crash the
- system. If the sysop took out the F option then type C and if the SysOp is
- not around it will say: The SysOp is not available right now, enter "Y" to
- leave feedback. Now if the SysOp has any brain whatsoever he would have
- taken out BOTH the C and F commands.
- CRASH #4
- --------
- Now this one is a little tricky to do, but is effective on most C-Nets. This
- is what you do...Go into the Editor Subsystem (Either through posting a
- message or leaving feedback--doesn't matter) and hit return till you have no
- more lines left and it says: >> Enter .S to Save Or .H for Help you then DO
- NOTHING until your IDLE time to run out. Now your IDLE time is the amount of
- time that you have to sit around and do nothing. Example: If you don't type
- anything for your IDLE time (Lets say its 2 min--Thats the usual) then the
- system will hang up on you. Now what you do is WAIT for your IDLE time to
- run out and once it has the system will keep on hitting return by itself,
- you then just hang up.
- CRASH #5
- --------
- Find a place where no matter how many times you hit return, it still won't
- return you to the main menu. Just sit there until your IDLE time runs out
- (EXPLAINED ABOVE) and luckily if there is no time check, it will sit there
- hitting return forever. The On-line games is a good place to test this. It
- will also work if there is a log-off mod saying: (A)bort Logoff (L)ast
- Chance Chat (F)eedback (O)ff O: Something similar to this description.
- CRASH #6
- --------
- This can be a crash, but is sometimes usually like a backdoor. If you are
- SubOp of any U/D's then you are in luck. Go into the U/D Section that you
- are SubOp of then go into another section and you'll be SubOp of that.
- Also, try going into your section that your SubOp of and change the board
- name to "name/e" and it will be multi- transfer and you'll be able to kill
- or download anything on that drive. If you can't change the board name, but
- you can SubOp other boards, then if there is any multi-transfer boards
- available to you, then just go on that.
- C-Net SysOp Commands
- --------------------
- If you are ever so fortunate to attain SysOp access (Level 9) on a C-Net
- system (Either through a back door or stupidity of the sysop) then here are
- some PHUN things that you can do: type SM (This is Sysop Maintenance) at the
- main menu. Now some sysops are smart and they make you enter a password to
- get into it. If this is the case then the only other way you can get into
- the SM is by typing PM at the main menu for P-File Maintenance. You then
- press A for ADD, It should then say: Title: Put: maint Source: Put anything
- Access: put 1023 then wait a while and it'll show you all the files in the
- p-file menu, then just select the apropriate # for the maint.
- Once in the SM you can do MANY things,
- such as:
- ID - Change NAME/ACCESS of ANY User
- WR - Edit ANY seq. file
- Here are the C-Net Seq. files:
- etc.recs (Feedback)
- sys.config (What you see when you
- press I at main menu.)
- sys.end (Goodbye message)
- sys.inst (Help file)
- sys.new user (New user msg.)
- sys.start (1st thing U C when you
- logon)
- sys.welcome (Welcome message after
- you enter your ID & PW.)
- On with the commands:
- L - List of calls
- MC - Send FORCE mail to a user
- R - Read any seq file
- D - Directory
- * - Dos command
- B - Blocks free
- C - Chat w/Sysop (I dont think you
- want to do this)
- Here are some of the 'prg.' files. NOTE: When adding these files in the
- P-Files DO NOT put the prg. in the name. Ok, here goes:
- ---------------------------------------
- prg.email :(email module)
- prg.maint :(sysop maintenance)
- prg.news :(news module)
- prg.bedit :(edit bulletin module)
- prg.smaint :(subop maintenance)
- prg.files :(G and P files (BOTH))
- prg.new user :(new user logon)
- prg.new user2 :(2nd part)
- prg.subs :(message base subsys-
- tem)
- prg.u/d :(UD system)
- prg.ulist :(User Listing)
- UD)
- prg.weed :(weed out old users)
- prg.user edit :(View stats of any
- user)
- prg.game :(if you see a game in
- the p-files, take that
- name and put a prg.
- in front of it and
- thats it's name)
- Here are some C= DOS commands:
- s0:filename - scratch a file
- v0 - validate disk
- i0 - initialize drive
- r0:new name=0:filename - rename a file
- The initialize command does not format the disk. Also, the format disk
- command isn't usable on c-net, but that was most of the commands. To scratch
- his user log, type "*" then type "S" (and return) and then type
- "sys.user.config". Another useful thing to scratch is "etc.data".
- More that can be done with Sysop access
- ---------------------------------------
- In Sub Boards
- -------------
- Type Z and it will load in the SubOp
- maintenance.
- Type Kx to kill bulletins
- Type Ex to edit bulletinG on that disk or kill (Hehehe). Hit ? for the
- commands. NOTE: Be sure after you do this stuff do ERASE all traces of you.
- Put everything back to the way it was, and erase the etc.log (Log of
- callers)...
- - Ditto deserves credit for writing
- most of this.
- Section VII - MCI Commands
- =------------------------=
- Everyone has been on a C-Net BBS and has gotten a list of MCI commands.
- Well, here are ALL of them. Some you won't see in MCI Help files.
- Command Description
- ------- -----------
- \F1 Clears the screen
- \Bn Sounds n amount of bells
- (n = 1-9)
- \Cn Changes color of text to:
- (0)->Black (1)->White
- (2)->Red (3)->Cyan
- (4)->Purple (5)->Green
- (6)->Blue (7)->Yellow
- (8)->Orange (9)->Brown
- (J)->Pink (K)->Grey 1
- (L)->Grey 2 (M)->Green 1
- (N)->Blue 1 (O)->Grey 3
- \Hn Backspace n number of times
- (n = 1-9)
- \Jn/\Nn Jump down n number of lines
- (n = 1-9)
- \Vn Used to print variables:
- (0)->Current Date
- (1)->Last Date Called
- (2)->Handle
- (3)->Real Name
- (4)->Phone Number
- (5)->A$ (utility)
- (6)->Board Number
- (7)->Last thing typed
- (8)->Set Board Number
- (9)->Last user on system
- \Pn Change printing mode
- (0)->Return to Normal
- (2)->CHAR/8 SPACES/
- (3)->CHAR/BACK
- \Wn Wait n number of seconds
- (n = 1-9)
- \X Stop printing message
- \Sn Change speed of printing
- (n = 0-9, 0=Normal/9=Slowest)
- \L0 Turn sysops printer "OFF"
- \L1 Turn sysops printer "ON"
- \G1 Stops printing message until
- user has hit any key
- \I1 Waits for input
- \T1 Checks input for validity or
- disimilarity
- \T2 Checks if user is a member of
- a certain access group
- \Dn Branch n lines if two values
- are not equal
- \En Branch n lines if two values
- are found to be equal
- If you need any help with any of these MCI Commands, contact me and I'll see
- what I can do for you.
- Section VIII - C-Net 9.5
- =----------------------=
- The previous file described how to crash C-Net 10. This crash describes
- how to crash a C-Net 9.5 board. Type fifty lines in the editor subsystem
- then insert a line. C-Net 9.5 boards: don't have MCI, don't ask for a phone
- number, aren't color graphic, doesn't have U/D names, and doesn't have a new
- user logon practice.
- Section IX - Free Mail
- =--------------------=
- This following method will not always work and will be awfully slow if
- used. Instead of putting your return address, put the person's address that
- you are sending to. Put anything for the place to send (maybe your ad-
- ress). Do not put a stamp on it. Mail it and it might work. Only use this
- method to send free mail to people in your area. The Post Office will get
- suspicious if mail sent from Californ- ia without a stamp is all the way in
- New York.
- Section X - Free Pay Phone Calls
- =------------------------------=
- This is an easy, effective way to call your freinds from a payphone. You
- have to dial 0-XXX-XXXX or 0-XXX-XXX- XXXX. You will have to set up a code
- to use with this. I suggest the following:
- ---------------
- : 1 2 3 :
- : Q ABC DEF :
- : :
- : 4 5 6 :
- : :
- : 7 8 9 :
- ------ ------
- : 0 :
- : Z :
- -----
- Use this to make a name ex. for 371. Dan Ronald Qwerty. Then do it for
- the suffix, and then do the last digit. You can do the same with the area
- code. Your freind doesn't accept this COLLECT call, of course. He has to
- call you back. I usually call Ditto from a 371-9XXX payphone, so I only have
- to call him once. Sometimes I see a 371-0XXX and say something like, "I'm at
- preceding Zero bowling alley." You can make up other imaginative things in
- your name like:...and I have a PHD in:..., Doctor. Name can notify that it's
- a Long Distance call or any other kind of system that you create. Some
- operators will let anything go through, so you can just tell him everything
- in one call.
- Closing: I hope you have enjoyed this file. Leave me your comments on
- ANARCHIA User ID 37 and Hi-Tech User HT123.