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- How much do you really understand about the way your
- telephone works? Probably not as much as you should.
- Considering the amount of time most people spend on the
- contraptions, this is really quite a disgrace. Ask questions
- and make an effort to learn and you'll be the exception to
- the rule, which is basically: "Safety is Stupidy." Read on.
- Assuming a standard one-line fone, there are usually 4
- wires that lead out of the fone set. These are standardly
- colored red,green,yellow, and black. The red and green wires
- are the two that are actually hooked up to your central
- office (CO). The yellow wire is sometimes used to ring
- different fones on a party line (i.e., one number, several
- families-found primarily in rural areas where they pay less
- for the service and they don't use the fone as much),
- otherwise the yellow is usually just ignored. On some two-
- line fones, the red and green wires are used for the first
- fone number and the yellow and black are used for the second
- line. In this case there must be an internal or external
- device that switches between the two lines and provides a
- hold function(such as Radio Shack's outrageously priced 2
- line and hold module).
- In telephony, the green and red wires are often referred to
- as tip(T)and ring(R), respectively. The tip is the more
- positive of the two wires. This naming goes back to the old
- operator cord boards where one of the wires was the tip of
- the plug and the other was the ring (of the barrel).
- A rotary fone (a.k.a. dial or pulse) will work fine
- regardless of whether the red (or green) wire is connected to
- the tip (+) or ring (-). A touch-tone fone is a different
- story, though. It will not work except if the tip (+) is the
- green wire. (Some of the more expensive STM fones do have a
- bridge rectifier which compensates for polarity reversal,
- however.) This is why under certain (non-digital) switching
- equipment you can reverse the red and green wires on a touch-
- tone fone and receive free DTMF service. Even though it
- won't break dial tone,reversing the wires on a rotary line on
- a digital switch will cause the tones to be generated.
- When your telephone is on-hook (i.e., hung up) there are
- approximately 48 volts of DC potential across the tip and
- ring. When the handset of a fone is lifted, a few switches
- close which cause a loop to be connected (known as the "local
- loop") between your fone and the CO. Once this happens, DC
- current is able to flow through the fone with less
- resistance. This causes a relay to energize which causes
- other CO equipment to realize that you want service.
- Eventually, you should end up with a dial tone. This also
- causes the 48 VDC to drop down into the vicinity of 12 volts.
- The resistance of the loop also drops below the 2500 ohm
- level, though FCC licensed telephone equipment must have an
- off-hook impedance of 600 ohms.
- As of now, you are probably saying to yourself that this is
- all nice and technical but what the hell good is the
- information. Well, also consider that this drop in impedance
- is how the CO detects that a fone was taken off hook (picked
- up). In this way, they know when to start billing the
- calling number. Now what do you suppose would happen if a
- device such as a resistor or a zener diode was placed on the
- "called " party's line so that the voltage would drop just
- enough to allow talking but not enough to start billing?
- First off, the calling party would not be billed for the call
- but conversation could be pursued. Secondly, the CO
- equipment would think that the fone just kept on ringing.
- The Telco calls this a "no-no" (toll fraud to be more
- specific) while phone phreaks affectionately call this mute a
- black box.
- It's really surprisingly easy to build a device such as a
- black box. If it weren't for the amazingly high morals
- inherent in today's society, you'd most certainly see more of
- them in use. Only two parts are needed: an SPST toggle
- switch and a 10,000 ohm (10 K),1/2 watt resistor. Any
- electronics store should stock these parts.
- A person would then cut 2 pieces of wire (about 6 inches
- long) and attach one end of each wire to one of the terminals
- on the switch. Then the K500 (standard desk fone) would be
- turned upside down and the cover taken off. A wire would be
- located and disconnected from its terminal. The switch would
- then be brought out the rear of the fone and the cover
- replaced. Labelling the switch usually comes next. A
- position where one receives a dial tone when picking up is
- marked "NORMAL". The other side is, naturally, "FREE".
- When phriends call (usually at a prearranged time), the
- person with the black box quickly lifts and drops the
- receiver as fast as possible. This stops the ringing (if not
- it must be done again) without starting the billing. This
- must be done within less than one second. The phone can then
- be picked up with the switch in the "FREE" position. Most
- phone phreaks are wise enough to keep their calls under 15
- minutes in length, greatly minimizing the odds of getting
- caught.
- Some interesting points:(1) If someone picks up an
- extension in the called party's house and that fone is not
- set for "FREE", then billing will start.(2) An old way of
- signalling a phriend that you want to call him is to make a
- collect call to a non-existent person in the house. Since
- the phriend will (hopefully) not accept the charges, he will
- know that you are about to call and thus prepare the black
- box (or vice versa).(3) The phone company can detect black
- boxes if they suspect one on the line. This is done due to
- the presence of AC voice signal at the wrong DC level! (4)
- The black box will not work under ESS or other similar
- digital switches since ESS does not connect the voice
- circuits until the fone is picked up (and billing starts).
- Instead, ESS uses an "artifical" computer generated ring.
- To inform a subscriber of an incoming call, the telco sends
- 90 volts (PK) of pulsing DC down the line (at around 15 to 60
- Hz; usually 20 Hz). In most fones this causes a metal
- armature to be attracted alternately between two electro-
- magnets thus striking 2 bells. Of course, the standard bell
- (patented in 1878 by Tom A. Watson) can be replaced by a more
- modern electronic bell or signalling device.
- Also, you can have lights and other similar devices in lieu
- of (or in conjunction with) the bell. A simple neon light
- (with its corresponding resistor) can simply be connected
- between the red and green wires (usually L1 and L2 on the
- network box) so that it lights up on incoming calls.
- Be advised that 90 VDC can give quite a shock. Exercise
- extreme caution if you wish to further pursue these topics.
- Also included in the ringing circuit is a capacitor to
- prevent the DC current from interfering with the bell (a
- capacitor will pass AC and pulsing DC while it will prevent
- straight DC from flowing-by storing it).
- Another reason that telcos hate black boxes is because
- ringing uses a lot of common-control equipment in the CO,
- which use a lot of electricity. Thus the ringing generators
- are being tied up while a free call is being made. Usually
- calls that are allowed to "ring" for a long period of time
- will be construed as suspicious. Some offices may be set up
- to drop a trouble card for long periods of ringing and then a
- "no-no" detection device may be placed on the line.
- Incidentally, the term "ring trip" refers to the CO process
- involved to stop the AC ringing signal when the calling fone
- goes off hook.
- It is suggested that you actually dissect fones to help you
- better understand them (regardless of whether or not you want
- to build any devices). It will also help you to better
- understand the concepts here if you actually prove them to
- yourself. For example, actually take the voltage readings on
- your fone line (any simple multi-tester (a must) will do).
- Phreaking and/or learning is an interactive process, not a
- passive one!