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- By: The Dutchman
- Special Thanks- The Kracken
- In this article I will show how far the FBI goes to get info and stray from
- their own ground rules. The first one is a statement they try ad get you to
- sign called "Advice of Rights." Which, when read by one of legal training, is a
- waiver of your rights.
- Place....................
- Date.....................
- Time.....................
- Before we ask you any questions, you must first understand your rights.
- You have the right to remain silent.
- Anything you say can be used against you in court.
- You have the right to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions
- and to have him with you during questioning.
- [etc. omitted]
- <Waiver>
- I have read this statement of my rights and I understand what my rights are
- (here's where most people stop reading). I am willing to make a statement and
- answer questions. I do not want a lawyer at this time. I understand and know
- what I am doing. No promises or threats have been made to me and no pressure or
- coercion of any kind has been used against me.
- Signed..............................
- Witness:.......................
- Witness:.......................
- Time:..........................
- The last part of this statement most people take for granted. Who figures the
- FBI's running a scam, well by signing this document you have completly given up
- your rights.
- The IRS', Tabacco and Alcohol Tax divison has been knwon to check libraries
- for people who check out books on explosives. Supposedly some 25 million
- civilians are onn the FBI's files, they say they have cut this down some, who
- knows for sure. Each agent keeps his own files that pertain to him.The file
- arrangement goes as follows:
- 1-351-5537
- The one (1) tells the agent its a file on racisim, 351 is the article in that
- file and 5537 is the files person number.
- A law was passed some time ago that made it mandatory for all credit bureaus
- to give info on you to the police or any other law enforcement agency if they
- asked for it. Such as TRW has some 30 million americans on-line. Some info
- includes not only your credit history but your personal habits, traits, medical
- history, finances, hell they know more about you then some of your friends.
- Total some 110 million americans are on file. You have the right to see any
- files any agency has on you, but get this, they have the right to declare that
- your file is "specifically required by Executive order to be kept secret in the
- interest of national security." Now who decides what is and isn't national
- security? If you decide to take this to court (you can) it has been known that
- in the course of travel your file may get "lost". You can find his in the "Koch
- Bill."
- The following is what must be done to connect a tap. It is from the Omnibus
- Crime control act; however, I lost my copy so it is done simply by memory, it
- is correct what is there, but theres much more to it. This is meant to simply
- give you and example of what a pain a "legal" tap must go through before being
- put on-line.
- 1. An agent who wishes to establish a tao must:
- A. Give tappees complete name
- B. Reason for tap
- C. Proof that tap is needed
- D. The tappee must own or be leasing the place of tap
- E. Must give desired time frame
- F. Tell if other methods have failed.
- * It is approximated that it takes 4-6 people to run a tap on a day to day
- basis, that is on a legal day to day basis.
- There are many more rules. Taps may only be placed on line for periods of 2
- weeks however they may be resubmitted for further time or an agent may request
- extended time be allowed if he feels it's necessary (more procedures) and he
- must request it within 48hr.s of the tap being placed online. They must also
- place all this on (get this) blue 3 X 5 cards.
- As you can see its a bitch to place a tap on your line (a legal one). As a
- lawyer in a goverment case put it, "a window into a mans soul." Which for me at
- least describes a tap to the tee. You can reach me on Metalland ][ 503 253 5300
- p/w: OZONE.