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- |\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~/|
- || *1/18/86* BELL / \ HELL ||
- || * * * * Vol/_\_\III ||
- || ** ** Written / By: ||
- || * * * * The Dutchman ||
- |/ 503/253/5300 P/W: Ozone \|
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- --------------------------------*\/*------------------------------------------
- This file will simply contain some shit about some shit.
- --------------------------------*/\*------------------------------------------
- SS#1:
- You know those little beeps (tones whatever) you get when you reach something
- like, 'I'm sorry you call can not be completed as dialed, please...." Well
- remeber these little tones 'cause there like international, you'll get the same
- shitty tones and the same bitchy voice but in a different language, so if you
- remeber the tones then you'll know whats goin down.
- If bell does decide to strike you have one big advantage, you can be
- an asshole. In previous writtings (as well as one of my own) it is said that
- being nice first is your best defense, well the time of Mr. Nice guy is well
- and gone. I have seen to many weak, nice hackers go down the drain (usually
- all of whom are dwids). By being an asshole you're almost guarnteed freedom,
- they hate assholes and only want to bust them if they got a quarnteed case
- plus are likely to make some bucks or put the asshole in jail. Well, since
- you know they're after ya you can be cool and have a negative bust situation.
- Now, they can only leave a DNR on your line for 2 weeks, and for only 2 minutes
- at a call, anything exceeding his elimanates all their data gathered this way
- (evidence) and since this is the only way they have to bust ya your home free.
- You'll want to bitch at them., hang up on them etc., this will require and extra
- effort on their part and or the most part they're lazy ass's. A neat trick to
- pull is when thy put a DNR on your line have your computer auto-dial '1' all
- night, this will make their printer go nuts, and they'll loose mass paper (idea
- taken from The Mad Hacker).
- Ok, this is a well documented subject, but I feel some of the people who
- document it are lame, the best I've seen is by the Disk Jockey (sp?), well
- anyway here's the dope on it. First, in order to get one of these babes is
- getting to be a bitch, people are actually starting to get a clue, well I have
- found that having a job is the best way, these can be anywhere from a retaurant,
- trip to a computer retail sales, anything that accepts credit cards (I know of
- a dog place that does). Now you got to be cool about how you get these, people
- don't like it when you write down their credit numbers, restaurants are the
- best for this, but you can also do it at a retail place while the boss aint
- lookin. Now that you have the number, you need to decide what to get.
- Computer supplies are a bust, kinda sucks huh, well I'd suggest you stay away
- from it, I once worked at a computer store, got a card number and said I took a
- call order with this number, and here's the address for this thing, well the
- boss said 'Hey dude, where's the fone number?" I just went, 'Oh wow, I forgot,
- sorry.' He said it was cool and presto, I got my card. But of course you either
- need a willing friend or work their yourself for such a scam. Here's the
- procedure:
- Store: " Hello."
- You: " Hi, I noticed this <fill in> you have advertised andI'd like to
- order one."
- Store: " Ok, thats cash, will that be credit, money order or what?"
- You: " Oh, I think I'll put it on my visa."
- Store: " Ok, I'll need you card number, address and phone where you can be
- reached."
- You: " (give info)"
- You: " (b.s.), Thanks alot, I'll probably call ya back when I get the
- <fill in> and tell ya how it works out, thanks. Bye"
- Important: Use a payfone # and wait around for 2 hours after you've done it.
- I know this is basic, but I'm gonna tell ya anyways: You need a drop off spot,
- this is the address you give them, it must be not your house (the card order
- will be investigated in 1 month) and should be as far away from your house as
- possible. It can be a P.O. but I would suggest a private box or a vacant house.
- For a bussiness fone give them the number to your local shitty bbs.Don't go
- back to the drop off spot, needless to say, and don't brag about it.
- Also don't post credit numbers, and don't use ones posted, they're more risky
- then codes. In order to check on a card number get one of those 800#'s you see
- on the wall of your restaurant or store, and get the stores code by it.
- This is nothing really, just do as the operator asks, its no risk, oh and
- when she asks for an amount make it reasonable, like the amount you'll need
- to buy whatever. Oh, all you really need from the card is the dudes name,
- card number and exp. date...Ex. Fernando Alverez..4316399948060915...Exp: 7/86
- Visa..Ah yes, you need the card type as well..
- Here's some operator trunk you can reach via a blue box:
- XXX+131 - INFO
- XXX+141 - RATE & ROUTE
- XXX+11521 - "" ""
- To dial you need to call Directory Assistance, blast it with 2600hz and start
- with the blue box. This is how to dial those numbers from a blue box (via the
- tones). ST starts and SP stops. This is list is from Mr. America, god how does
- he do it...
- 900 1100 1300 1500 1700
- 700 * 1 * 2 * 4 * 7 * 11 *
- 900 * + * 3 * 5 * 8 * 12 *
- 1100 * + * + * 6 * 9 * ST *
- 1300 * + * + * + * 10 * ST *
- 1500 * + * + * + * + * SP *
- ----------
- What a cheese box does is makes your home fone into a pay fone, just think
- what a trip you could play on your parents or romie. Well, anyway what you do
- is find out you call intercept operators fone number (ask your local operator
- or try the CN/A operator) and have all your calls forwarded to her. This way
- when you want to call out you need a red box or cats meow to simulate a
- quarter.
- ----------
- TAC computers are simply systems run by the U.S. Military. I have found them
- to be worth weeks of entertainment. After you get passed all the b.s. you will
- be left with no prompt ad whenever you type something you will here a <beep>,
- you need to type open. This will get you to the TAC Userid: prompt. Here the id
- is entered in the format : Entry.Login, once you have entered this you will be
- prompted with a Access Code: prompt , even if your TAC Userid is incorrect.
- Here the login goes 77bgx7777 (all entries are followed by a <reurn>). This
- is the last of the login phaze, if you got a cool login code then you will
- recieve a Login OK prompt. If open works and then you get another prompt or
- simply havn't reached the TAC Userid yet type n this should do it if not type
- a number like 117. If yu feel like your a good b.s.er you can get info out of
- any of these two numbers: 415 859 3695...Network Info Center, 1800 235 3155
- TAC User Help...Have fun, its a bitch but worth it. Here's a few TAC computers
- you can try:
- Gunter AFB 205 279 3576
- Pentagon TAC 202 697 0814
- Reston 703 437 2892
- CN/A's:
- ------
- There are several types of CN/A's. In my previous Bell Hells I explained the
- people CN/A, well there's ones for Computers as well as 800 numbers. For
- Computers (in the 503/206 area code) dial 503 242 4554..code B3329. I don't
- have any other Area codes but they're out there. For 800 numbers dial 1800
- 222 0400. Its helpful to know what you're missin with.
- ANI:
- ---
- I have had alot of people ask about ANI's. Well an ANI is simply automatic
- number identification. Its a number you dial and tells you a the number you
- are dilaing from. This can be helpful for when you are trying to tap into
- someones fone line and need to know the right one etc. Their are many different
- numbers the ones I have come accross for most area codes are 760 and 444 1787.
- These aren't for all area codes though, they do work in alot however.
- -------
- Well one way (at least where I am (503)) to tell if you have a DNR on your
- line is to dial 571, if you recieve a bunch of tones you got one one, if your
- lines clear its cool. I don't know if this works in all area codes, but in mine
- it does. Otherwise you need a Gold Box or something of the kind. You can also
- dial 415-BUG-1111 for a bug sweep of your fone, you'll hear a clickat the end
- of the tone sweep if you got one.
- -------
- Telenet codes are will always have the first three numbers as an area code.
- All codes are broken up so as they are area code + access number
- (i.E(3fLVsF. Hutton) 212 is the area code and 31 is the access number of the
- computer). So you need only hack out the last two digits. Also I hear you no
- longer have to hit C to call (C 21233), this doesnt work in my area but who
- knows. Also once you have prompted a computer you can usually use the `?' or
- `help' commands to get info on what they hell your on. Generally if you mess
- around you'll find something (it may also be .Help or .Help *). This can be
- at either the User id or Access Login prompt. If you type Mail and than Phones
- when you enter Telenet you can get a listing of all the dial-ups in whatever
- area you wish.
- -----------
- Vax's are fun to break into and easy. Once logged onto a Vax type ctrl-C or
- <Return> this will bring you to the User Name: prompt. This can only be one
- name (like Hawthorne), once you get a cool name you will be presented with
- Password:. This can be any number of charcters, usually a word and easy to
- remember. You can use a program or dictionary for this one. Once you get this
- all right you will recieve: WELCOME TO VAX/VMS Version V2.3 and then a $ for
- a prompt.You can also try at the begginning typing ctrl-c and then ctrl-y this
- will set you up with a p/w. Once in here's some shit you can type:$SETPRV..Sets
- user priviledges, $GETJPI..Get Job/Process Info provides accoutn status,
- identification and specified process, $RCVD..Recieve data,$MYJOB..Lists
- shit on what you got, $DCL..Mail..There's a bunch more but either I spaced 'em,
- didn't think they were important or have yet to discover them.
- -------------
- I know I already talked about this but there's some new shit out on it and it
- seems the age of Sprint and the like are slowly coming to and end. I predict
- 1990 something. Now Amnet controls Savenet, te gov. doesnt dig on local long
- distance services ('cause of hackers), the age of 800's is here. Well there's a
- few bitches about 800's. One, when hacking out an 800 code make sure its during
- the day or you have already hand tried 3 or 4 codes. It seems some companies
- have clued into night hackers and have a 2 minute layover before you can call
- back and enter again. Also, during the day it seems sometimes the damn line is
- always filled with users, so always check to make sure its cool. Also some
- companies only have their codes for certain area codes, this can be a bitch.
- So if it works in one it may not work in all. When hand hacking (longest but
- the best) you can tell if its a cool code before you enter in the area code,
- you will recieve a beep if its cool. To tell how many digits are in a 800
- number (for 800 scanners (my friend got busted a few tmes for this, they took
- 2 hours off his fone line (he couldn't use his fone for that long))) simply
- hit the same number counting (11111=5) when you hear 'unautherized b.s.'
- subtract one number and presto.