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- 28 intermediate pictures, 10 of which are animated, 5 digitised
- sequences, 5 arcade sequences, 5 character interaction sequences.
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- June 7th, 1966; A U.S. Helicopterreturning troops from a period of
- R 'n' R in Saigon crashes in the remote central highlands of Vietnam. Now
- the seven survivors of that crash face a nightmare trek across 57 miles of
- harsh terrain that is infested with booby traps and enemy soldiers. The
- journey to Do Hoc, the nearest U.S. base, would test the most able of teams
- - but with little food or ammunition thier chances of making it home are
- less then slim, their mission is now your mission - are you a survivor?
- You take the part of Sgt. Weaver, the only officer left to take
- charge of the remaining crew. It is important that you learn the individual
- characters of your team, as completing the mission may hinge upon
- their reactions to your decisions. Also, during your encounters with the
- Vietnamese people (Montagnards in the mountain areas) show
- restraint and caution - all may not be as it seems.
- Finally, the only known rule of Jungle Warfare during those early
- years was "The Night Belongs to the V.C......", the rest is for you to
- discover.
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- Sgt Charlie Weaver
- U.S Residence; Springfield, Illinios.
- Status; 5'9" ; 153 pounds
- 29 years old, single. 2 years army service - 10mths in Vietnam on
- W.H.A.M.
- mission, intelligence. Decorated for valor during action in the An
- Loc
- Province during October 1964.
- PTE William Blom
- U.S. Residence; Pitsburg, Pennsylvania.
- Status; 6'1" ; 168 pounds
- 24 years old, married, one child. Six months active service in
- Vietnam.
- Aikido 2nd dan.
- PTE Robert Case
- U.S. Residence; Columbus, Ohio.
- Status; 5'11" ; 147 pounds
- 31 years old, married, 2 children. Nine months active service in
- Vietnam.
- PTE Harvey Moore
- U.S. Residence; Fayetteville, North Carolina.
- Status; 5'8" ; 162 pounds
- 22 years old, single. Six months active service in Vietnam.
- PTE Richard Backman
- U.S. Residence; Bangor, Maine.
- Status; 5'10" ; 161 pounds
- 28 years old, single. Fourteen months army service, six months
- active in
- Vietnam. Highly proficient marksman.
- PTE David Cain
- U.S. Residence; West Liberty, Kentucky.
- Status; 6'0" ; 163 pounds
- 27 years old, single. Seven months active service in Vietnam.
- PTE Juan Gomez.
- U.S. Residence; Montgomery, Texas.
- Status; 5'6" ; 132 pounds
- 24 years old, married, two children. Nine months active service in
- Vietnam.
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- Speed of progress can be changed by clicking on the centre of the
- compass icon. Movement is made by clicking on any of the cardinal points
- of the compass icon. Terrain features such as hills, rivers, or jungle will
- slow your movements as in real life. Using the grid icon will enter more
- detailed terrain descriptions to the control panel message slot. The arrow
- icons scroll the map area; if using a mouse click right button to release from
- this mode.
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- The 'M' icon takes you to the team morale screen where current
- injuries are shown along with each members strength and morale ratings. Clicking
- upon the 'lead' icon chooses that member as the head of the team file as they
- move across country. Clicking upon the 'scout' icon chooses team member as
- Pointman, guarding your flank and checking ahead for V.C. Maximum of 2
- Pointmen may be selected.
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- The menu bar at the top of the control panel will give you a number
- of choices.
- TRAPS: Allows you to deploy booby traps in your walk - useful for
- discouraging any enemy soldiers who may follow you.
- FOOD: Governs the food allocation. Normally food is issued
- automatically at the beginning og any 'rest' or 'dig in' period.
- REST: For short periods. The left mouse button increases the length
- of rest and advances the time in ten minute units.
- DIG IN: For use at night, controlled as 'rest', but each time unit
- is one hour. Both 'rest' and 'dig in' will restore strength and morale to
- some degree.
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- Some areas, such as V.C. bunkers, may be protected by a surronding
- minefield. Pick a member of your team to clear a path to your objective.
- Button Stab.
- Using the FIRE/LEFT mouse button you can stab at the ground to reveal
- the outline of suspected mines. Of course, stabbing or crawling directly upon
- the detonator of a mine will cause instant death to your men. Due
- to the soft nature of the ground mines may not remain visible for any
- great length of time, thus great care must be taken when back tracking on your
- route.
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- Pinned inside a ruined farmhouse you battle a V.C. force of unknown
- size and strength. Both grenades and ammunition must be used sparingly
- if you are to survive. Use left mouse/joystick to rise up from behind the
- wall which protects you, then place the crosshairs over enemy soldiers and
- fire/right mouse to dispose of them. Grenades can be thrown using the
- 'grenade' icon to make ready, then aiming and firing as for gunfire. Team
- fire can be regulated by utilising either the 'heavy' or 'normal' icons:
- - Remember that more rapid shooting may at times be less accurate then normal
- fire. Each shot you fire will be taken as due performance from the rest of your
- team; your ammunition reduced accordingly. Remaining too long above wall level
- will bring heavy injuries, too long below and your position may be over-run.
- Retreating can be dangerous during a full scale battle.
- --------------
- Small skirmishes with the enemy will be displayed as a readout of
- ammunition, grenades and current injuries, rate of fire, etc, as
- for full 'battle sequence'. Updates on the battle will be displayed in the
- control slot at regular intervals.
- ---------------
- While crossing open ground you are suddenly attacked by machine gun
- fire. As the V.C. are too well entrenched to be knocked out with normal
- rifle fire, using grenades to destroy them is a dangerous last resort to
- free your position. Pull the pin from a grenade using space bar, mouse or
- joystick. You then have upto 5 seconds to aim your grenade with the crosshairs,
- build up strength with joystick/mouse, releasing same to actually throw the
- grenade. Details of injuries sustained etc will be displayed to the control
- slot.
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- Your scouts may encounter V.C. soldiers guarding temporary daytime
- arms or supply bunkers. As total silence is imperative so as not to alert
- any other Viet Cong who may be close by, your scout will choose an
- unarmed attack. Should he fail to report back to the group at the
- designated time he will be regareded as MIA and left behind.
- Using 'retreat', may alert the enemy to your position.
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- Cursor keys for RIGHT, LEFT, DOWNWARD movement.
- X - Punch.
- Z - Kick.
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- Joystick LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN for corrosponding movement.
- FIRE - Punch.
- FIRE+LEFT - Kick.
- Allowing your strength bar in the control panel to fall to zero
- will count as the death of the designated player.
- SNIPER SECTION (mouse or joystick only)
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- Pinned down by enemy sniper fire you must use the telescopic sights
- of your rifle to locate the distant enemy then dispose of him. As you and
- each of your men have diffrent levels of skill as a sharpshooter - and of
- course you have limited supplies of ammunition - it is important that you
- choose the man to use the rifle most carefully. Choosing to retreat from the
- area will be dangerous under the circumstances. Cycle through your team's names
- and abilities with the 'team' icon. Once selected click upon the 'scope' icon
- for a magnified view of the terrian which can be searched for the tell-tale
- flash of snipers rifles. Remember that the steadiness of the sights
- corrosponds to the ability of the man holding the rifle!
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- 1) Maintain morale.
- 2) It is not always advisable to shoot first and ask questions later.
- 3) For the arcade sequences ensure you select the right man for the job.
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- AK47- Assualt rifle used by Viet Cong and NVA.
- AWOL- Absent without official leave.
- C. RATIONS- U.S. field rations.
- DIDI MAU- Vietnamese for 'Go Away'.
- GRUNTS- Infantryman.
- GREENS- Army basic issue clothes.
- HOOCH- Tent or, later, peasent hut.
- KIA- Killed in action.
- KLICK- Kilometer.
- M16- U.S. assualt rifle standard issue.
- MAMA-SAN- Pidgin english for any older Vietmanese women.
- MIDEVAC- Medical evacuation, usually by helicopter.
- NCO- Non-commissioned officer e.g Sergent.
- NVA- North Vietmanese army.
- R AND R- Rest and recreation leave.
- RPG- Rocket propelled grenade used by enemy forces.
- TAIL-END CHARLIE- Last man in patrol.
- VIET CONG- Vietmanese Communist, South Vietmanese Guerilla forces.
- WIA- Wounded in action.
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- Please note that the following sections of the game are controlled
- by mouse only:-
- Battle Sequence
- Grenade Section
- Sniper Section
- Minefield - This section is controlled by joystick or the following
- keys. Cursor keys and space bar to stab the ground. Use mouse to select
- team member.