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- upcase macro char
- local nocvt
- ifb <char>
- upcase al
- else
- cmp char,'a'
- jb nocvt
- cmp char,'z'
- ja nocvt
- sub char,32
- nocvt:
- endif
- endm
- page 66,132
- cseg segment byte public 'CODE'
- assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg
- org 100h
- start proc near
- jmp start1
- db 13,'DTR (c)1985 by Donavon Kuhn and Jon Niedfeldt',13,10,26
- start1:
- mov bl,0 ;default com port (COM1:)
- mov si,80h
- start2:
- inc si
- mov al,[si] ;space off leading spaces
- cmp al,' '
- jz start2
- cmp al,'?'
- jz errexit
- upcase ;using UPCASE without a parameter
- cmp al,'C' ;(defaults to AL)
- jnz nocom
- mov cl,[si][1]
- upcase cl ;using UPCASE using another register
- cmp cl,'O'
- jnz nocom
- mov al,[si][2]
- upcase al ;using UPCASE with AL as the parm
- cmp al,'M'
- jnz nocom
- cmp byte ptr [si][4],':'
- jz check_port
- errexit:
- lea dx,errmsg
- errexit1:
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov ax,4c01h ;return ERRORLEVEL of 1
- int 21h
- check_port:
- mov al,[si][3] ;get the com number
- sub al,'1' ;convert to binary
- cmp al,3 ;greater than com4?
- ja errexit
- add si,5
- mov bl,al
- nocom:
- xor bh,bh
- shl bl,1
- mov ax,40h
- mov ds,ax
- mov ax,ds:[bx]
- push cs
- pop ds
- cmp ax,0
- jnz comok
- lea dx,ncstr
- jmp errexit1
- comok:
- mov dx,ax
- add dx,4
- in al,dx
- dec si
- start3:
- inc si
- mov al,[si] ;space off leading spaces
- cmp al,' ' ;after COMx:
- jz start3
- mov al,[si]
- upcase
- cmp al,'O'
- jnz errexit
- mov al,[si][1]
- upcase
- cmp al,'N'
- jnz noton
- or al,3 ;set dtr bit
- out dx,al
- lea dx,onstr
- exitok:
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov ax,4c00h
- int 21h
- noton:
- cmp al,'F'
- jnz notoff
- and al,0fch
- out dx,al
- lea dx,offstr
- jmp exitok
- notoff:
- jmp errexit
- errmsg db 'Usage: DTR [COM1:|COM2:|COM3:|COM4:] ON|OFF',13,10,'$'
- onstr db 'DTR is now ON',13,10,'$'
- offstr db 'DTR is now OFF',13,10,'$'
- ncstr db 'COM port not found',13,10,'$'
- start endp
- cseg ends
- end start