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- Part 1
- You enter the Valley of Eodon rather by accident instead of by direct command
- or intent. Troubled by dreams and requested by Lord British to investigate the
- properties of the moonstones, you visit your friend Prof. Rafkin at the museum.
- After prodding a flawed moonstone sent to him by a former student, Rafkin
- accidentally opens a twisted black moongate that doesn't wait for you to come to
- it: Instead, it sucks the entire lab with you, Rafkin, and ace reporter Jimmy
- Malone through it, and deposits you in the strangest place you've ever been! All
- you know is that you want to get your friends together and find your way home.
- But what kind of game would that be?
- After a few hours of walking around, the novelty of the beautiful graphic
- scenery wears off. You'll be glad the ancient race of the Kotl used
- teleportation plates to shorten travel time. The "Terminal" is located in the
- far northwestern end of the valley where the Sakkhra and Barrabs are placed.
- Unfortunately, it is also uncomfortably close to a Myrmidex nest. However, it
- isn't that hard to run to an adjacent plate and elude the critters. The terminal
- is always active and will take you to seven locations around the valley. Each
- location has a plate that will return you to the terminal. So, the trick is to
- find the first plate, then you can skip around to your heart's content. Below is
- a grid of the terminal with numbered plates and their approximate destinations.
- Those Kotl traveled in style, eh?
- -------------------------
- ! ! 1 ! ! 2 ! ! ! 1 - North of eastern Barako village
- ------------------------- 2 - Not active -- mystery to me!
- ! ! ! ! ! ! 3 ! 3 - Just S of Kurak/Pindiro/Yolaru fork
- ------------------------- 4 - Due E of SE edge of Tichticatl
- ! 8 ! ! ! ! ! ! 5 - NE of Juraki village
- ------------------------- 6 - Just SW of fork leading to Disquiqui
- ! ! ! ! ! ! 4 ! 7 - Directly W of Barrab plateau
- ------------------------- 8 - On Sakkhra mesa, right near cave
- ! 7 ! ! ! ! ! !
- -------------------------
- ! ! ! 6 ! ! 5 ! !
- -------------------------
- Probably the most important location in the early part of the game is Rafkin's
- Lab. This is where you can get some modern items found nowhere else, something
- crucial to your success. This is also where Rafkin must be to make the bamboo
- rifle. There are at least three ways to reach it: near Yolaru, near Tichticatl,
- and near the Kurak village. The Kurak path is probably easiest, and since you
- start out in Kurak territory, it is the quickest.
- Find the hut south of the path going east from the village. Manuevering around
- to the south bank, cross the river to the large island. Follow the forest to the
- southeast, past the tar pits, and continue in a general southeasterly direction.
- With luck, you should find it with little difficulty. The Myrmidex hang out to
- the southwest of this island, so be cautious and steer clear.
- The tribes of the valley are diverse in culture and technology, and have little
- or no economic structure. What this means to you is that they don't buy and sell
- much: You have to scavenge for materials and build the things you need, trade
- for weapons, and sometimes outright steal (gasp!) certain things. However, for
- those who want to keep their Avatarish virtues intact (although there seems to
- be no penalty for theft), there are some alternatives.
- Emeralds may be traded in Tichticatl for weapons, armor, and arrows. There
- doesn't seem to be any way to trade diamonds or rubies. Whenever you encounter a
- flock of parrots, kill them all, then U)se your trusty Bowie knife (your only
- possession at first, and very useful) on the bodies to get some feathers. Have
- your Avatar present them to the weaver in Tichticatl who trades one emerald for
- ten feathers. Have your Avatar only hold multiples of ten feathers (give the odd
- ones to another party member), because the weaver will round the amount down --
- five emeralds for 59 feathers -- and parrots are hard to find.
- When you do the Jukari mini-quest, you are permitted to take all the gems from
- the cave. I also felt justified in raiding the palace for whatever I needed;
- Moctapotl would understand, I think.
- Using your knife on cloth yields cloth strips which have several uses. When
- tarred, they can be used on branches to make torches, or as part of a grenade.
- Plain, they can be used on characters for bandages, healing a few points. Cloth
- may be found in some huts (Rafkin's hut in the Yolaru village), but although
- there are drop spindles in the game and you can get flax by using yucca plants,
- I couldn't make cloth.
- If you find a digging stick (I found one in the Disquiqui village; I really
- don't think they would even miss it), use it at any riverbank to get clay. Use
- the clay to make a soft pot, then use any oven to fire it into a hard clay pot,
- another part of the mighty grenade.
- There is an honest way to get pinde, chocalatl, and yopo. The shaman of the
- Pindiro will trade five flax for one ingredient, but only with Triolo, your
- shaman-in-training. U)se any flax plant: tedious, but honest!
- Food is easy, if you like fish. Borrow a pole (again, the Disquiqui village has
- one). Although my game lasted one month and four days, I didn't run out of my
- original supply, mostly because I hardly rested. Corn stalks may be used to get
- corn, corn ground into flour, oven used on flour to make tortillas (don't hold
- the corn meal when using oven; tortillas are eaten).
- Now, to mass destruction: rifles (bamboo flintlocks) and grenades! I only used
- the modern rifle once to kill the gorilla, but the flintlock made quick work of
- all of the bears on the way to the Urali. Gunpowder is made by dropping equal
- amounts of charcoal, sulfur powder, and potassium nitrate on a grinding stone or
- mortar, U)sing it, then L)ooking. There's enough of each ingredient in Rafkin's
- lab to make about 30 parts gunpowder, but you will surely want more. Use a
- firepit on a branch (use any tree) to get 10 parts charcoal. Get a wire screen
- from the lab and use it near a sulfur pit to make 10 parts sulfur powder
- (nearest pits are near the bamboo forest on the road east from Tichticatl).
- Nearest source of saltpeter (potassium nitrate) is the second cave on the cliff
- wall northwest of Tichticatl, but Rafkin must be in the party to identify the
- crystals. Just U)se the crystal garden to yield 10 parts.
- Making the rifle and grenades is simple. Attack bamboo plants with any sharp
- weapon and take the poles to the lab with Rafkin. Grenades: Use a tar pit on
- cloth strip, use cloth strip on hard clay pot (see above) if you have at least
- five parts gunpowder in your inventory. Either ready it and attack the target
- for multiple hits, or U)se it, then D)rop it at the desired location (_even_ way
- up on a ledge!)
- If you want to save trips to the tar pits (nearest one is on the way to
- Rafkin's lab from Kurak village), just get an empty bucket from the lab and get
- a supply of tar all at once.
- "Class Dismissed!"
- Part 2
- You wake up in Intanya's hut in the Kurak village. During your revival, Intanya
- asks you questions that will determine your stats. I felt that strength was the
- most important: It determines your carrying ability and seems to affect your hit
- points. Intelligence is not important; you cannot be a shaman, and you can
- increase your dexterity when you gain a level. The most levels you will gain
- will be two, probably only one. You begin at level 6 (1,600 exp). If you do gain
- a level, you will be asked (when you rest a full day or night) whether you
- follow a bear, jaguar, or monkey. Choose jaguar to increase your dexterity.
- Answer Intanya's questions, avoiding the answers that indicate compassion and
- honesty, and you should end up with about 28 Strength, 18 Dexterity, and 21
- Intelligence.
- After answering the question to check your memory (and documentation), you will
- get a briefing on where everyone went to, and Intanya's shaman trainee (Triolo)
- will join you. If you wish, talk to both of them (ask Triolo about Britannia);
- then, if you want more ingredients for spells (Triolo has 10 of each), there are
- 20 more in Intanya's hut. Go outside, talk to Aloron the chieftain, and ask him
- to UNITE. This is just to trip his mini-quest trigger and to get the story of
- Oloru, who united the tribes in the past. Before you leave, grab two branches by
- U)sing a nearby bush and make 20 parts charcoal by using the fire pit. You may
- also be interested in the other huts: One has 100 cornmeal which you can use an
- oven on to make 100 tortillas (drop corn meal first). Another hut has 15
- emeralds.
- Now, let's go find the lab. Head east from the village to the path that goes
- toward Yolaru. Turn south toward the hut with the fire in front, go around to
- the south, and cross the river. Follow the edge of the woods in a southeasterly
- direction and you should come to the tar pits. From there, proceed
- south/southeast until you reach a more open area. The lab is located in this
- area, to the southwest. Once there, take all the bottles, the empty bucket, the
- rifle and pouch of bullets, the soft clay pot, the wire screen, steel hammer,
- and the fire axe (ready it instead of your knife). Either take the fire
- extinguisher now, or wait until you come back to make the rifles.
- The jars hold a total of 30 sulfur powder, 30 potassium nitrate, and 18
- charcoal as well as some magnesium strips, useful later. Drop the sulfur,
- saltpeter, and 30 charcoal (18 from the jar, plus the 12 of the 20 you made in
- the Kurak village) on the mortar. U)se the mortar, L)ook and take the 30
- gunpowder. Head back to the tar pits, U)se the bucket to get 10 pints of tar,
- then go to Yolaru either through Kurak (where you can fire the soft clay pot
- with their oven), or by heading toward the eastern bank of the island which
- crosses over to the road just south of Yolaru.
- Once in Yolaru (you also may have heard the story of Oloru from the Yolaru
- shaman's daughter, Sahree, if you got there via Kurak), you can talk to Apaton,
- the chieftain (say UNITE) to get his mini-quest. Your main purpose at the
- village is just to get the cloth in Rafkin's hut (under the bottle of liquor:
- There was some at the lab, also...hm). Talk to Rafkin if you wish, he's full of
- information, then U)se your knife on the cloth. Use the bucket of tar on the
- resulting strips, and if you arrived in Yolaru via Kurak and fired your pot,
- just use one of the tarred cloth strips on the pot, and voila! You've made your
- first grenade!
- Next, it's off to Pindiro and a reunion of sorts. The only real danger on the
- way is the pterandon on the bridge across the canyon. On your way, you may want
- to load Triolo up with flax by U)sing those orange yucca plants, because the
- Pindiro shaman trades five flax for one spell ingredient. At Pindiro, you will
- meet Dokray; talk to him, and ask him to JOIN. Ask Inara, leader of the tribe,
- to UNITE. She will agree immediately (must be your good looks!). If you have
- Dokray in your group, arm him with a regular axe and a shield you can find in a
- hut. Go ahead and take his armor, you need it more than he does. The shaman here
- will heal you; he's one of three (Inara of Kurak, and Balakai of the Barrabs)
- who has that ability.
- Heading off to Barako, detour toward the far north after crossing the river,
- and enter the cave. Fritaz, who came to Eodon with Prof. Spector, lives there
- now. He has quite a story to tell, which will give you an idea of what's going
- on. He also has more rifle bullets and a crystal brain, useful later. Leave him
- (he's happy where he is) and head for Barako to find yet another familiar guy
- named Shakuro. Talk to him, then ask him to JOIN.
- In Barako, you meet the distressed Halawa, shaman and leader of the tribe,
- whose daughter Halisa has been kidnapped by the local equivalent of King Kong.
- Ask her to UNITE, and she will ask you first to rescue Halisa. Here, you may
- fire your pot if you haven't already, and use your tarred cloth strip to make
- that mighty grenade. The gorilla is on a ledge which at first seems
- inaccessible, but fear not!
- Take the path from Barako north to the river. Don't cross it; instead follow
- the river northwest until you see the edge of the plateau. Follow the edge of
- the plateau in a north/northwest direction, sticking close until you see that
- impish ape. To save time, you can plug him now with a couple rifle shots, then
- continue north to the cliff, and east to the waterfall. Yes, there is a hidden
- cave behind the waterfall! There is also a convenient boulder at the top of the
- opposite cliff. You might want to save the game here, as you only have one
- grenade, and you need to drop it in the right spot. Now, either ready the
- grenade and attack the spot of ground just behind the boulder, or U)se it and
- D)rop it up there. Either way, down goes the boulder, blocking the waterfall and
- revealing the cave. Enter it and follow it to where it exits on that elusive
- ledge. Talking to Halisa, she'll challenge you to a race back home as soon as
- you're out of eyesight. She must still be on her way, because I never saw here
- back home.
- (NOTE: Jimmy Malone adds tons of flavor to the dialogue, and his comments in
- the conversations are great! I have outlined the shortest route to victory here,
- but you may want to pick him up before the questing begins just for the
- dialogue. Having him read his notebook [just say "NOTEBOOK"] before and after a
- quest is also entertaining.)
- After Barako, head to the east half of their village across the river, then
- head north to the transporter plate. When you ve at the terminal, step on plate
- 6, which puts you just southwest of the fork that leads north to the Disquiqui.
- Don't worry what time you arrive; I don't think these party dudes ever sleep!
- Jimmy is being held "prisoner" in the small room in the chieftain's hut. Upon
- opening the door, you automatically enter into conversation with him -- a nice
- feature that occurs at a few key points in the game. Ask him to JOIN, and talk
- to him. If you've talked to chieftains and done quests first, you'll fill him
- in, and he'll jot it all down to read back to you when you ask.
- Exit the hut, and look for the chieftain. You can't miss him: He looks a lot
- like a member of a great old comedy team that specialized in slapstick. Start
- talking, and the fun begins! Don't mention UNITE until you've spoken with
- Larrifin (the shaman), Lerei (a female Disquiqui), and Guoblum (Jimmy's intended
- bride). Mention all the highlighted words (have "Help" on), and watch the
- action. Then, mention UNITE to Chafblum, and have some more fun!
- Seems the Disquiqui only want you to "bell the T-rex" so they can hear him
- coming and avoid being eaten. Be _sure_ to have several spaces open in your
- inventory, or you will lose the bell and a jug of plachta (due to the little
- inventory bug). Search the huts for a spear, then head south across the river.
- It is a very good idea to save before the bell attempt, as Rex can kill with one
- hit!
- Old Rex is found by following the bank to the east/northeast. As soon as you
- spot him, put the Avatar into solo mode, and U)se the plachta on the spear to
- create a "Spear of Shmap" (which to me was a distorted form of "Slap Stick").
- Ready the spear, approach Rex, attack with the spear, then U)se the bell on him.
- Turn around, and head for your group. Walk them out of range in solo mode, then
- back to group mode and return to Disquiqui.
- Back at the Disquiqui village, talk again to Chafblum about UNITE, and find
- Moctapotl, the Nahuatla chieftain in exile. He chose a heckuva place to spend
- his exile, eh? There, you'll get more of the plot, and learn what's up in
- Tichticatl. Ask him to UNITE to get your mini-quest.
- Before leaving the village, get four paddles (it's okay, ask Chafblum). There's
- also a digging stick (to get clay), a fishing pole, and more cloth.
- Part 3
- As you leave the merry Disquiqi, stop at the river bank on your way south, and
- U)se the digging stick to get as much clay as you wish. U)se the clay to make
- soft pots. Head to transporter plate 6, jump to the terminal, and go to plate 8.
- You need to recover the exiled Urali shaman Topuru's mind, which was imprisoned
- in a blue rock by the Barrab chieftain/shaman during a contest of magic -- or so
- Topuru (who's a few cards short of a full deck) was led to believe. To get the
- whole story, detour instead to Barrab via plate number 7, and talk to Balakai
- about TOPURU. However, this walkthru is to show you the shortest path, so after
- hitting plate 8, find any blue boulder in the Sakkhra territory and use your
- steel hammer on it to chip off a piece. While you're there, find the Sakkhra
- chieftain Sysskarr in the second cave from the left, and ask him to UNITE to
- find out his quest.
- Jump back to the terminal via plate 8, step over plate 1, and head south to
- Barako. Fire your pots in the village kiln and make at least one more grenade
- for the Sakkhra T-Rex. Then, follow the small path west from the village to the
- lake. Board the raft, making sure four members of your party each have a paddle
- in their inventory, and head slightly northwest to Topuru's isle. To get the
- whole story, just talk to him about URALI. Soon, the conversation will turn to
- his mind, and he'll agree to tell you the way to the Urali if you return his
- mind to him. Break off the conversation, and talk to him again. This time,
- you'll return his mind (rock) to him, and he'll tell you the way to the Urali.
- He won't be any better off, but what the heck?
- Now, I'm not even sure this part of the game was necessary, but as I didn't
- check the cave that contains the hidden passage before returning Topuru's mind,
- I can't guarantee it existed before. Also, it is a part of the story you don't
- want to miss out on. One more thing: Topuru has a nice supply of spell
- ingredients you could take, so just do it!
- Now that you know how to reach the Urali, paddle back to Barako, head east then
- north to plate 1, switch to plate 3 at the terminal, and head to Yolaru. You
- want to pick up Rafkin, since he is the only one who can identify potassium
- nitrate crystals in the cave on the way to the Urali. Unfortunately, if you have
- four NPCs in your party (Triolo, Dokray, Shamuru, and Jimmy), he probably won't
- join. So, ask Jimmy to LEAVE, but luckily, he will decide to wait in the Yolaru
- village. Ask Rafkin to JOIN, then head sort of east/southeast to the second cave
- in the cliff wall located northeast of Tichticatl.
- In the cave there are several crystal gardens. Just U)se one about 10 times to
- gather 100 potassium nitrate (or more, if you want). Now, there are a lot of
- bears on the way to the Urali, so you're best off just plugging them with your
- modern rifle. You should still have 80 or more bullets if you went to the lab
- and visited Fritaz. Alternatively, you could have Rafkin build some bamboo
- flintlocks first. If so, read ahead to UNITING THE SAKKHRA AND BARRAB.
- Work your way east through the passages (it's pretty easy; just a couple side
- passages). By the time you exit the other end, you may have enough experience
- (3,200) to gain a level. If so, rest. You'll have a dream, and if you followed
- my instructions for answering Intanya's questions, choose the jaguar to increase
- your dexterity. If not, choose the bear for strength, or monkey for
- intelligence, whichever stat you want to raise.
- Now, just follow the bridges east, walking by the T-Rex (thumb your nose at it;
- it won't care). You'll meet the shaman of the Urali, who will let his true name
- slip, giving you power over him (in his mind). Talk to him for a while, get the
- whole scoop on the Fabozz and Darden, then ask him to UNITE. Carefully proceed
- to the well in the center of town, and talk to the woman there for more info.
- You want to rescue the Fabozz first, then none of Darden's warriors will bother
- you. So, head north along the shoreline, kill a few Urali to get some blowguns
- and darts. Try to last long enough to get four blowguns and about 120 darts
- (each Urali carries 30). Equip Triolo, Rafkin, and Shamuru with blowguns and set
- them to Range, equip yourself with the fire axe, make sure everyone is cured and
- reasonably whole, then enter the cave. Head northeast for a while, then east to
- where Fabozz is guarded. Your men should be able to take the Urali; they're not
- too tough (none of the battles in SAVAGE EMPIRE are very hard, the game is more
- puzzle-oriented). Once the warriors are disposed of, just T)alk to the Fabozz.
- "Light!" says he. So, U)se a magnesium strip that You picked up at the lab!
- Presto, poof: You've rescued the Fabozz, and the Uralis (except Darden) are your
- friends!
- After curing any poisoned people and receiving your adulation (don't forget to
- collect the darts from the dead Urali), head back out of the cave and head south
- to rescue the princess Aiela. Follow the cliff south, turn east, then cross the
- river north to the cave. No one should bother you as you make your way through
- the cave to the hut where Aiela is. Opening the door automatically starts the
- sequence, complete with a scene of Aiela expressing her thanks. Then, Darden
- attacks. He's a pretty easy fight; I had no real trouble, although I was
- anticipating a tough opponent. Aiela joins your party. Go ahead and equip her
- with the fourth blowgun and some darts. She's a pretty good NPC; besides, do you
- really want to get rid of her?
- Head back to Yolaru the way you came (there shouldn't any bears left). Make
- about 100 more charcoal by burning 10 more branches, then head towards Kurak to
- speak to Aloron again, and have Intanya heal your party.
- Go to transporter plate 3, switch at the terminal to plate 4, and enter the
- prison of Tichticatl at the far west end of the city. Don't talk to any of the
- guards unless you're prepared to fight. They're pretty easy, and each has bark
- armor and an obsidian sword, good stuff for the NPCs. Talk to the imprisoned
- shaman Oaxtapec in the northeast cell. He'll fill you in on more of the
- situation. Don't talk to the other prisoner, Kipotli: He's crazy. He'll claim to
- want to join you, and when you release him he'll turn on you.
- Next, head to the palace, the north central structure, and talk to Tiapactla,
- cousin to the rightful ruler Moctapotl and wife of the usurper Huitlapacti.
- She's in the northeastern part of the palace or wandering about. Also, enter the
- throne room, where you'll automatically enter into conversation with Spector's
- parrot Cleese, who overheard a lot of talk between Spector and Fritaz.
- In the throne room sits Huitlapacti and his new shaman, Zipactriotl. You may
- talk to Zipactriotl, but even if he gives permission for you to speak to the
- king, you can't without being attacked afterwards. I felt justified in raiding
- the armory and the treasury, but your main objective is to get the golden head
- in the treasury. No one will even care what you take, so let your conscience be
- your guide. The weaver in the city trades one emerald for 10 parrot feathers,
- and the weapon maker trades emeralds for her wares. Steal or trade to get 10
- obsidian swords (plus some for your party) to deliver to Apoton of the Yolaru.
- Part 4
- From Tichticatl, take the path east to the bamboo forest. Along the way, stop
- between the sulfur pits that lie along the path. Use the wire screen 10 times
- (or more) to yield 100 units sulfur powder. Attack the bamboo plants to get as
- many rods as you want rifles. Head back to transport square 4, transfer to
- square 3, and go to Yolaru to deliver the obsidian swords to Apaton. Work your
- way back to the lab. If you see Sahree (Aiela's friend) along the way, stop and
- chat. At the lab, talk to Rafkin, say RIFLE, and he will convert all your rods
- to flintlocks. If you've followed this far, you have the ingredients for at
- least 100 more units gunpowder. Take the fire extinguisher if you haven't yet,
- and leave the wire screen and steel hammer. This should be your last trip to the
- lab.
- Head back to Yolaru to trade Rafkin for Jimmy (you like his style, don't you?),
- stopping to refill your bucket at the tar pits if necessary. Equip Jimmy with
- the stuff Rafkin had. You may have to temporarily dismiss Aiela to get Jimmy to
- join, then ask Aiela to rejoin.
- Now, go to teleport square 3 and save your position, because you're going to be
- working near Myrmidex country. Enter square 3, and this time, stay at the
- terminal. Head northwest along the cliff, then head northeast until you begin
- seeing bones and green fruit. This is where those Sakkhra offered themselves as
- lunch for Rex. Carefully, move northeast until you see the big lug himself, then
- send a character with a grenade in solo mode past Rex until he can see the
- boulder perched on the cliff above. Either attack the spot to the upper left of
- the boulder with a readied grenade, or U)se one and D)rop it up there. Either
- way, Rex is dead!
- Go back to the terminal and enter square 7. Climb up the Barrab mesa all the
- way to the chieftain's hut where Balakai is caring for his sick son, Nakai. Talk
- to him and say UNITE to get your quest. Climb back down and save again.
- Proceed north from the Barrab mesa to the small mesa. Myrmidex are probably
- around and, if you're lucky, they and the pterandons that live up there will
- kill each other. At any rate, climb up there and go to the tree at the northern
- end of the mesa. One, maybe two hits of the fire axe will fell the tree,
- creating a bridge to the great mesa. There are several pterandon nests around
- that occasionally hatch babies, so you're likely to encounter their parents on
- the way back.
- Cross the tree bridge, work your way up the mesa, and you will soon encounter a
- carnivorous orchid (if its vines don't find you first). The combat strategy is
- not to rush the center flower, but attack and kill the outlying vines one at a
- time. Then, when the flower is gone, in its place will be a bulb: the medicine
- for Balakai's son!
- There is one more task you can do while you're up here, and you needn't return.
- If you've rescued Aiela, she has the great gem in her inventory (Darden gave it
- to her, the sentimental mug!). Continue up the mesa to the north, proceed along
- the long stretch to the gem holder. Place the gem in the holder (bronze claw) by
- using it. Time suddenly passes, and at high noon the sun hits the gem, opening
- the entrance to the Underground City far to the north! Leave the city and its
- secrets alone for now, return to Balakai with the medicine, and say UNITE again.
- He will agree, and with his shamanistic skills no longer needed for his son, he
- is free to heal you and your party upon request.
- Climb down from the Barrab mesa, enter transport square 7, switch at the
- terminal to square 5, and you're in the hot, lava-strewn lands of the Jukari and
- Haakur. Travel southwest around the cliff and in you're in the Jukari village.
- The chieftain Jumu has just gained his position due to the recent death of the
- old chieftain/shaman when the volcano erupted. This had the additional drawback
- of cutting them off from their cave to the far east where they kept their sacred
- hide, without which they can't do any shaman stuff.
- He'll agree to UNITE; all you have to do is walk across a river of lava and
- return the sacred hide. Boy, you sure have a legend to live up to! Well, thanks
- to the miracles of the 20th century (a handy CO2 fire extinguisher), you won't
- disappoint the natives. Proceed east from the village and follow the cliffs
- until you come to a north/south stream of lava that hits the cliff. Hit it with
- a blast of CO2, step on the resulting frozen spot, and do it once more. Don't
- sit around on the lava bragging; it won't stay solid forever!
- Continue following the cliff wall until you can travel northeast to the cave in
- the far eastern wall. The hide is in there, along with emeralds which Jumu gives
- you permission to take. Get the hide, head back the way you came (you have to
- refreeze the lava), and talk again to Jumu, who will take the hide.
- Head north, then work your way northeast to the Haakur caves. In the cave, you
- find a friend of Dokray's. They have a rather strange friendship: Dokray lets
- the Neanderthal knock him around for fun. However, you're looking for the Haakur
- chief Grugorr, who's a bit more intelligent than the rest of the tribe, which
- makes him almost as bright as Dokray. Intelligence doesn't run in his family,
- because his son, Krukk, perished while trying to wipe out a whole cave of giant
- spiders by himself. Your quest (say UNITE to Grugorr) is to torch the webs of
- the spiders, and retrieve Krukk's shield as proof. Among other things (like
- indoor plumbing and furniture), the Haakur haven't mastered fire yet, so you'll
- have to do the exterminating for them.
- There's a Myrmidex nest in there also (getting cold feet?), but the shield
- isn't down inside it (on my first try I thought it was, so I went down and got
- swarmed). Follow the eastern cliff wall south until you come to the spider cave.
- Create a torch by U)sing a tarred cloth strip on a branch, or else you'll have
- to bomb those webs. This is an easy quest, even though the Myrmidex is in the
- cave close to the web-covered shield, because the nest is webbed over, which
- impedes the mutant ants. In addition, before you enter their line of sight, the
- spiders and Myrmidex fight one another (much better them than you!)
- Go right in; get the feel of arson by torching a few webs. Whatever is crawling
- in a web gets toasted when you burn the web, a handy fact to know. There's still
- the odd spider or drone that you have to fight, but no real threat. Head north,
- burn the web blocking passage to the east, and work your way to the big webs in
- the widened part of the cave. You may have to fight some Myrmidex that wriggled
- out of their nest; then, torch the webs in the northwest area of the cavern
- until you find the Krukk shield. Make sure it's the real thing -- not just "a
- shield." Go ahead and torch the big web over the bug nest if you want, then head
- back and talk to Grugorr. For some reason, if you talk to him after returning
- the shield, he'll ask you again if you have the shield (short attention span, I
- suppose).
- One more mini-quest left to do before you summon the tribes to battle: restore
- Moctapotl to his rightful place as ruler of the Nahuatla. Zap back to the
- terminal via plate 4 or plate 5, and prepare to enter the Kotl city.
- Part 5
- If you've followed this walkthru, you've used the great gem that Aiela was
- given by Darden to activate the ancient machinery of the Kotl, and opened the
- entrance to the hidden city. This entrance is located just southeast of the main
- transporter terminal. So, make sure you have the golden head from the Tichticatl
- palace and the crystal brain from Fritaz's cave. Enter the stairs and have the
- player with the head go into solo mode and stand next to the golden robot
- Yunapotli, who was so cruelly beheaded and lobotomized by Dr. Spector. U)se the
- head, and go back into party mode. Talk to the Kotl's humanoid automaton, who
- can tell you much of the Kotl. Soon the conversation turns to his brain, which
- you will gladly return to him if you have it. Then, he will divulge more
- information about things the Kotl developed to combat their rebel Myrmidex
- servants. Finally, mention DOOR to him, and he will open the door to the city.
- Just north of the door stands the central plaza, surrounded by transport
- plates. The memory-figure of the Kotl hero, Katakatkotl, stands to the west.
- Definitely talk to him; even though the walkthru will let you finish, he
- completes the history. If you like, step on the eastern plate and go west, then
- south to the room with the lava. Talk to Zipactriotl (Spector) if you want to
- hear his master plan.
- The automatons roaming around are argent sergeants and robosauruses, and
- they're pretty sturdy types. Also wandering are serpent women, but they are no
- real threat. I suggest arming three or four NPCs with Urali blowguns, yourself
- with the fire axe, and everyone else with obsidian swords. Don't fret about
- Yunapotli; I think he's invulnerable.
- Before you go to see the crystal generators, you want to find as many Kotl
- shields and black staffs as possible. Also, get a few gas canisters, healing
- crystals, and -- most importantly -- the device to locate the huge moonstone
- that supplies power to the Kotl generators, which in turn power the force
- shields of the villains. So, explore over to the west, where it appears a great
- battle took place. Following along the walls, you should find several green gas
- grenades (the most abundant item in the city), two or three staffs, and at least
- two shields.
- Head back to the central plaza and step on the south-central plate. Go west a
- bit until you hit a building. At the southeast corner, enter the door, and step
- on the transport plate, which should be just inside the door. This appears to
- have been a palace or some important building. The fruit trees look familiar? Go
- east and step on the southeast plate. This takes you behind a force field, where
- you can get another shield, staff, and the device to locate the moonstone.
- Retrace your steps to the first building you entered, step out, and go slightly
- southeast to a building with an entrance on the northwest side. There is a long,
- twisting corridor that contains two or three staves and about six healing
- crystals. By now, you should have at least three Kotl shields, six or seven
- staves, several gas bombs, about six crystals, and the locator. That should be
- overkill for the "final battle" (I used one bomb and no crystals at all);
- however, you may want more if you're feeling like fighting more argent sergeants
- and robosauruses. There's plenty of them on the way to the generators, I assure
- you. Go back to the transport plate that brought you to this part of the city,
- and get ready to head for the generators.
- Katakatkotl's directions to the generators are pretty clear: Head east all the
- way from the transport plate, straight past a couple of rooms on your north and
- south, until you hit a narrow north/south hall. Head south about as far as you
- can, then east to a maze of corridors to the north. Try to hug the left wall as
- best you can, and you should come to a plate through a door and to the left.
- Save before the maze; it may be tricky, and my directions aren't that great.
- The transport plate dumps you approximately northwest of your goal: the control
- panel for the generators. For greedy players, I believe there's a room to the
- west with a couple more crystals and a gas bomb. When you find the control
- panel, put Yunapotli into solo mode (after backing the rest of the party away),
- and have him attack the panel until it blows. The city, deprived of power, will
- begin to fall apart. Spector will return to sanity, and in a short graphic
- interlude, repent and mourn as Yunapotli (and all the automatons) die.
- It's time to high-tail it out of the dying city! Spector is added to the party,
- and will not leave if asked. Run directly north across the empty bridge, out the
- north door. The transport plates are dead now, so hoof it west to the central
- plaza and south to the door where you entered, then up the stairs and out, as
- the city collapses behind you. Huitlapacti, deprived of his high-tech shield and
- abandoned by Spector, will be assassinated, and Moctapotl is returned to the
- throne. You're ready to call the tribes together and enter the endgame.
- From the destroyed Kotl city, go back to the transporter terminal. They must
- draw their power from the stone, because they're still active. Step to plate 4,
- and if you wish, visit Moctapotl in Tichticatl. Then, head north toward Yolaru,
- grabbing a skin from any hut in Tichticatl first. The path has a branch to the
- west just north of Tichticatl, so turn west and climb Drum Hill. The
- shaman/drummaker is a little off base, but you can get him to make the Biggest
- drum. Ready all the shields and staves you have, then U)se the drum. During
- another brief graphic interlude, the tribes unite and smash the majority of the
- Myrmidex, leaving you to defeat the queen and destroy the strange moonstone.
- This was almost too easy; you're even transported into the caverns!
- There seemed to be very few Myrmidex drones left on the way to the queen;
- however, it would have been much more difficult to find her without the locator
- stone. It should be blinking northwest; just work your way in that direction.
- There are a couple possible wrong turns, but it's not too tough. When the stone
- indicates straight north, you're right on top of it. Talk to the queen just for
- fun, then lob a gas grenade at her, followed by (at most) a couple whacks from
- the staff. Trot on past, ready a couple handy bombs or your fire axe, and attack
- that ugly, glowing moonstone. Bang, the endgame sequence starts!
- Everyone throws a big party, alliances are forged, but the next morning Lord
- British opens a moongate for you and Jimmy to enter, destination unknown. You
- bid your friends goodbye; Rafkin is staying behind. Where to next? Perhaps to
- the next WORLDS OF ULTIMA scenario....