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- Apogee Software Productions
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- P.O. Box 476389 Garland, Texas 75047-6389 214/240-0614
- Apogee Software Productions (ASP) is the leading publisher of shareware games.
- Our vast team of experienced game designers are leading the field with unique
- games, and new gaming technology. Our new FAST (Fluid Animation Software
- Technology) allows for ultra high-speed animation, even on older IBM PCs. We
- we release up to ten new games each year, so keep in touch!
- When placing orders please specify if you require 5¼" or 3½" disk size. Also
- let us know if you have CGA, EGA or VGA, so we know which bonus games to send
- to you. (That's right, ASP will always include our newest bonus games with
- every order!)
- Phone orders of $25 or more are accepted, just call: 1-800-852-5659.
- (All foreign orders must be made in U.S.A. funds, and add $2 extra shipping.)
- Thanks for your interest and patronage.
- Scott Miller
- President, ASP
- The Games From Apogee Software Productions
- ──────────────────────────────────────────
- NOTE: The following quotes & comments ARE REAL! The quotes
- are extracted from thousands and thousands of letters sent
- to Scott Miller of Apogee Software. All excerpts can be
- verified for authenticity. Some are more incredible than I
- could ever make up! Trust me on this. -- Scott Miller
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- Registration ─ $7.50
- This game won a national programming contest as "Best Game in Shareware". It
- features 25 levels of rousing action, 16-color graphics and a library of 200+
- sound effects. It's a unique combination of arcade, adventure and strategy.
- This is Volume I of the original Kroz Trilogy.
- There are two more volumes in the original Kroz Trilogy: Caverns of Kroz and
- Dungeons of Kroz, each $7.50, or you can get the entire trilogy for just $20.
- "Kingdom of Kroz is the best of all." -- PC-SIG Directory Guide
- "I've had this game a long time, and I still stay up late to play it."
- -- Shareware Magazine
- (Program of the Month)
- "The most unique and fun-to-play game in shareware!"
- -- Micro Star Catalog
- "Four Stars!" (Highest rating in their system!)
- -- Public Brand Catalog
- "From Texas author Scott Miller comes an exciting adventure game, Kingdom of
- Kroz. You can use your only weapon, a whip, to dispatch foes and break
- through walls. It's a real challenge." -- COMPUTE!'s PC Magazine
- "1989 in Review -- Best New Programs...Kingdom of Kroz..." (Kingdom of Kroz
- was one of three games listed.) -- PsL News, Dec. 1989
- "I'm really enjoying KINGDOM OF KROZ, I hope it doesn't destroy my GPA!"
- -- Greg McKinzey, OK
- "My computer is held hostage as my wife whips her way to level 25! You
- really DID write an entertaining program, my check is enclosed for the
- two sequels." -- John Rollinson, CA
- "Thank you for creating the Kingdom of Kroz series. They are by far some
- of the most interesting and addictive games that I've ever played. The
- shareware concept is a great one. It allowed me to try out Kroz, a game
- that I probably would not have given a second thought to, because the
- graphics look so simple and uncomplicated. What the game lacks in it's
- visual appeal, it more than makes up in it's richness and complexity of
- play. Kroz is a real 'thinking [person's]' game."
- -- Vincent Tavedi, MD
- "I would like to compliment and thank you for your game Kingdom of Kroz. It
- is truly the most enjoyable computer game I have ever used. Over a year ago
- I suffered a heart failure. A good friend of mine made copies of over 50
- diskettes and sent them to me to help during my rehabilitation. The Kingdom
- of Kroz has been my escape from my problems and depression. When I get on my
- feet financially, I intend to order the other Kroz games from you."
- -- Jim Garrison, NY
- (Note: I sent Jim Garrison all of my other Kroz games at no charge!)
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- Registration ─ $7.50
- This is volume I of the new and long awaited Super Kroz Trilogy, which picks
- up right after the events that occurred in the award-winning Kingdom of Kroz.
- The Super Kroz trilogy boasts new features galore. Over forty new playfield
- objects (like spells, traps, creatures, treasures, terrains, etc.) have been
- added. The three new Kroz games are:
- RETURN TO KROZ - Your quest for the "Crown of Kroz".
- TEMPLE OF KROZ - A death defying adventure for the "Holy Grail".
- THE FINAL CRUSADE OF KROZ - Will you discover the great mystery of Kroz?
- NOTE: Order all three volumes for only $20!
- They all have 16-color graphics (yes, 16 colors!) and a tremendous sound
- effects library. In each game you must navigate through dangerous chambers,
- solving puzzles and avoiding pitfalls. Collect gems, whips, chests, nuggets,
- tablets, keys and scrolls to aid your progress. These game are as much
- strategic as they are pure arcade fun.
- All Kroz games are designed to work correctly on ANY computer system, regardless
- of microprocessor type or speed. Although they are best played on a color
- system, they do have an option to be played on a monochrome system!
- The following is a review of the new Kroz games from The Software Labs catalog
- of shareware games:
- "It's pure dynamite! A unique combination of arcade action, strategy and
- adventure unlike any other game you've played. Some levels are puzzle oriented,
- which makes a great change of pace from the high action parts of the game.
- You'll find new terrains, traps, spells, hazards, creatures, and levels to
- challenge your dexterity, and sound effects galore. You'll encounter moving
- walls, forbidden forests, active volcanoes, bottomless pits and much more,
- plus plenty of options. AND, no two games will be alike! Great fun, great
- challenge, great action--GREAT GAME!!!"
- -- Software Labs Catalog
- "Five Stars!" (Highest rating in their system!)
- -- Sizzleware Catalog
- "Four Stars!" (Highest rating in their system!)
- -- Public Brand Catalog
- "Five Stars--As good as the best commercial programs available."
- -- Micro Star Catalog
- "Here is my check for the use of your fantastic program, thankfully you are
- not charging by the hour...or I would be bankrupt!. I am currently
- stationed in Korea, and your games have been the highlight of my tour."
- -- CW3 Daniel W. Evans, PA
- 1st Bn 5th Infantry
- "My family is fascinated by the Kroz series." (Family picture enclosed!)
- -- Isabel Goehringer, Germany
- The following is an actual letter from a young grandmother who enjoys Kroz:
- "I have lived in Kroz for almost a month and was sorry tonight to finally find
- the Amulet.
- "It really is strange what an illness your game can be. I have found myself
- going over in my head a particularly difficult level right in the middle of a
- conversation. To tell you that I have enjoyed the challenge would be very
- understated.
- "I am a Grandmother who has traveled around the world, but found no place
- that was more interesting than your world of Kroz.
- "Please keep my address and drop me a note when you have a new game. Guess
- that about says it all. Best of everything in the future, I hope that you
- become the Agatha Christie of computer games."
- -- Patricia Baker, RI
- "P.S. I have died a million deaths!" (Pat, you're famous!)
- "We REALLY enjoy your Kroz games. We also thank they are a steal at the price
- you ask. Keep up the excellent work!!" -- Yvonne May, TX
- "It's GREAT!. More challenging and addicting than any other game I've ever
- played, commercial games included! I definately like your style and would
- be interested in any more Kroz games you have." -- Susan Hanna, NH
- "Unique, exciting arcade-adventure game. Tops!" -- The Software Labs
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- 75 new levels! ─ Registration ─ $20
- By far the biggest and the best of the Kroz series. New features include
- creature animation, constantly growing forests, gravity wells, ropes, spears,
- daily diaries, and many, many more!
- If you survive the 75 levels you'll get to read the sacred Tome (book) of
- Kroz that explains the untold stories that players have demanded. Also, for
- Rogue players, you'll finally get the Amulet of Yendor!!!
- NOTE: Order all SEVEN Kroz games for just $50, a $15 savings!
- "One of the most captivating shareware games available!"
- -- CWI Catalog
- "As usual, you've outdone yourself with the new features of Lost Adventures
- and I'm looking forward (anxiously but quite impatiently) to the next Kroz
- game you create." -- Helen Bestafka, NY
- "Your new features completely amaze me. My friend Richard and I have had
- many many laughs while playing Kroz. Everytime we think we have a level
- figured out, up pops something new. It's just great, so keep up the great
- work. Sincerely hope you continue to make these Kroz games."
- -- John W. Clifford, IN
- "I have just completed your amazing game THE LOST ADVENTURES OF KROZ. The
- problem that I now face is that I am not willing to 'go gently into that
- good night' of retirement. I am not content hanging up my whip and sitting
- in the rocking chair with my memories. After completing all seven Kroz
- games, I feel as if I'm going through withdrawal without another Kroz fix
- to look forward to taking. Maybe I cound open up a home for old Kroz
- Crusaders!
- "If there are any Kroz creative juices in your mind, please stimulate them
- for just one more game. Just one more that's all I want, just one more.
- Then I can stop, really I can stop, but I want just one more!"
- -- Tonnie A. Hoyle, OH
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- The ultimate confrontation awaits...!
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- $15 per volume, or $30 for all three volumes!
- Commander Keen is the first truly "commercial quality" game to be distributed
- as shareware. It features ultra high-speed smooth-scrolling EGA graphics and
- superb sound effects. The animation and scrolling is updated at nearly 40
- frames per second, for comparison, motion picture quality cartoons are filmed
- at only 24 frames per second.
- The story of Commander Keen is epic, and in the style of the memorable
- matinee serials, like Flash Gordon. You play the role of Billy Blaze, eight
- year-old kid genius who builds an interstellar ship when not working at home
- on his college fast-track degree. Among other household objects, Billy uses
- his Nintendo joystick for flight control and his mom's vacuum cleaner
- (heavily modified) for his ship's ion propulsion system (with pile height
- adjustment).
- At the hint of galactic trouble, Billy dons his brother's football helmet and
- becomes "Commander Keen"─defender of Earth! Ever on the side of justice,
- fairness, and high calorie junk food, Keen dispenses justice with an iron hand.
- Keen's first adventure takes you to Mars, where the Vorticon invasion force
- is planning their conquest of Earth. While Keen is exploring Mars the
- Vorticons steal pieces of his ship and hide them within their cities. Can
- Keen recover all the pieces and repel the Vorticon invasion? You'll explore
- many dangerous cities, packed with diabolical traps and hideous creatures,
- both of Martian and Vorticon origin. Use your pogo stick to reach high ledges
- and jump deadly pits, and use your ray gun to stun the Vorticon invaders.
- Can you find the secret city?
- "Marooned on Mars" is volume one of the Commander Keen trilogy. Only part
- one is available via shareware distribution, the other two volumes ("The
- Earth Explodes" and "Keen Must Die!") may only be purchased from Apogee
- Software Productions (ASP).
- located on the planet mars. Volume two takes place on the immense Vorticon
- mothership, where you'll need to stop the destruction of Earth by disabling
- the eight deadly ray cannons aimed at Earth's greatest cities and wonders.
- Volume three takes Keen to the dangerous Vorticon home planet, where you'll
- explore huge caves, battle the top Vorticon ninja fighters and discover the
- secret of the Grand Intellect.
- Commander Keen requires 520k free RAM to run. Therefore if you have too many
- RAM resident (TSR) programs you may have trouble running Commander Keen. You
- may use either a joystick or keyboard to play. And, of course, an EGA- or
- VGA-equipped system is required. CGA is not supported.
- Each volume of Commander Keen is $15, or you can order (and register) all
- three volumes for just $30. As an incentive to order all three volumes,
- you'll also receive a hint sheet, a cheat mode password, and new bonus games
- from ASP. Plus, you'll be able to call the Commander Keen hints line or mail
- questions to ASP for assistance.
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- $10 per volume, or $25 for all four volumes!
- Pharaoh's Tomb is an arcade/adventure game set in a huge Egyptian pyramid.
- You will need to explore and survive 20 uniquely dangerous levels (screens)
- riddled with ingenious puzzles and traps. This game uses a special animation
- system called FAST (Fluid Animation Software Technology) which allows for
- flicker free movement even on the older IBM PC's.
- You will start with five lives and a few spears, which can be thrown at
- offending denizens that guard the pyramid. Moving walls, falling spikes,
- bats, mummys, and magic winds are just some of the hazards to overcome. On
- each level you will need to collect one or more keys to advance to the next
- level. And hidden on the final level will be the prize of your journey.
- Notable features: No two levels will have the same animated creature
- patrolling it, which adds greatly to the variety of the game. Sound effects
- are also used, but can be toggled off. The keyboard controls can be
- configured to two alternate sets of keys. A five player permanent high
- score table keeps tracks of the all-time best explorers. Plus, you can save
- the game on any level and restore at any time.
- This is the first of four volumes of Pharaoh's Tomb, subtitled "Raiders of
- the Lost Tomb" The other three volumes are: "Pharaoh's Curse", "Temple of
- Terror", and "Nevada's Revenge!". The volumes should be played in sequence,
- since they continue the story to the final encounter. Each volume is $10, or
- order all four for just $25. All orders must include an extra $2 P&H. For
- registering you will get the newest versions, a hint sheet, and the secret
- cheat code.
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- $10 per volume, or $25 for all four volumes!
- In the game, NASA has sent several manned missions to explore the mysterious
- monuments...but every mission has ended in disaster. Soon after the
- astronauts landed on Mars NASA lost contact with them─and no one knows why.
- You're the final hope. You have been chosen for a special mission to rescue
- the missing astronauts and to discover the secrets of the Martian monuments.
- The game begins just after your ship lands on Mars near the site of the
- "Cliff", one of the many monuments. Will you suddenly vanish like the
- astronaut explorers before you? Can you find the entrance to each monument
- and discover what secrets are hidden inside?
- The Monuments of Mars! is an arcade/adventure game set in the near future as
- you explore a secret underground city on Mars. In the first volume ("First
- Contact") you will need to survive 20 unique and challenging levels (screens)
- filled with puzzles, traps, creatures and useful artifacts.
- This game features great graphics and sound effects, plus a compelling and
- fascinating story. Features include save/restore, high score chart, sound
- on/off and keyboard configuration. Plus, this is the first game to give you
- unlimited lives! You will never see a "Game Over" message in The Monuments
- of Mars!, since you simply restart the level whenever you die. This will let
- you concentrate on solving each level without the hassles of constantly
- saving and restoring your game. This is a revolutionary feature that will be
- used in many future games by Apogee Software.
- > Due to the immense animation requirements of this game, it will not
- > function on the original style IBM PCs that use the 8088 microprocessor
- > If your computer is equipped with an 8086, 80286 (AT), 80386, or 80486
- > then this game will run properly on your computer. A CGA, EGA or VGA
- > graphics card is also required, along with at least 350k RAM.
- This is the first of four volumes of The Monuments of Mars!, subtitled "First
- Contact". The other three volumes are: "The Pyramid", "The Fortress", and
- "The Face". The volumes should be played in sequence, since they continue the
- story to a climatic and shocking ending. Each volume is $10, or order all
- four for just $25. All orders must include an extra $2 shipping, etc. For
- registering you will get the newest versions, a hint sheet, and the special
- cheat codes.
- █▀▀▀ █▀▀█ █ █ █▀▀▀ █▀▀▀ █▀▀█ █▀▀▀ ▀▀█▀▀ █ █ █▀▀█ █▀▀█
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- $10 per volume, or only $25 for entire trilogy
- Note: A hard disk is HIGHLY recommended for this game.
- Caves of Thor is a brilliant 16 color arcade/graphics game with a 4-way
- scrolling playfield. You'll need to explore seven huge levels for the three
- Symbols of Virtue: The Heart Symbol represents courage, the Female Symbol
- represents compassion, and the Male Symbol represents strength. These three
- virtues are needed to finish Caves of Thor.
- As you explore the empire you must overcome the many creatures that patrol it.
- Use your gun (unlimited bullets) to shoot creatures and creature generators.
- Other hazards include underground flowing streams (with currents that can drag
- you away!), bubbling lava pits and lakes, and the very dangerous Thor Beast,
- which creates creatures with devastating speed.
- Caves of Thor features the best music yet heard in a shareware game. Several
- theme songs are played during your quest, changing to complement the current
- situation. The music in The Thor Trilogy even rates better than most
- commercial games! You have the option to switch off the music, leaving just
- sound effects, or you can toggle all sounds off.
- Caves of Thor will run in any graphics mode (CGA/EGA/VGA), with 16 color
- screens even on CGA systems. Other notable features include a save/restore
- option, easy keyboard controls, a demonstration mode, permanent high score,
- and an easy playing cheat mode!
- The other two non-shareware volumes in The Thor Trilogy are: Realm of Thor
- and Thor's Revenge. Both of these games feature more levels, more game
- objects and more features than the introductory volume Caves of Thor. For
- example, Realm of Thor introduces the "Max Health Increaser", "Mystery
- Objects" and a "Creature Confusion Spell".
- You can order each volume of The Thor Trilogy for $10 apiece, or get all
- three for only $25. By getting the entire set you'll also receive the most
- up-to-date versions, the Hints and Secrets Sheet, the cheat mode password,
- and a free bonus game, usually Apogee Software's newest game release. The
- final volume, Thor's Revenge, wraps up the entire trilogy.
- (Special note: For those players looking for a game similar to the Kroz
- games...this is it.)
- ▀▀█▀▀ █▀▀█ █▀▀▀ █ █▀ ▀▀█▀▀ █▀▀█ ▀█▀ █ █ ▀█▀ █▀▀█
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- $4 per volume or $30 for all 10 volumes
- T.V. Guide magazine called Star Trek "...the most popular TV series of all
- time." Now we challenge your knowledge of the award winning show with a
- series of 10 Star Trek trivia games. Each volume has 100 multiple choice
- questions, and when you answer a question correctly you'll be rewarded with
- a "Bonus Fact". Bonus Facts are additional tidbits that even further expand
- your Star Trek knowledge.
- What type of crystal is used to power the engines of the Enterprise? What
- is Mr. Spock's first name? How fast is warp 2? What does the Prime
- Directive prevent the crew of the Enterprise from doing?
- Did you know that Dr. McCoy's medical instruments were actually modified
- salt and pepper shakers. Or that it was Leonard Nemoy who developed the
- idea of Mr. Spock's Vulcan nerve pinch (so as to make Spock less violent).
- Or that the Enterprise is 947 feet long. Or that Joan Collins, Terri Garr,
- and Ricardo Montalban all appeared in a Star Trek episode. Or that the
- Enterprise was named by Captain James T. Kirks father!
- It's all here in Trek Trivia. You'll also receive a secret code that lets
- you answer each question automatically.
- "The game moves swiftly and the challenge is great...The 100 true and false
- and multiple choice questions are provocative. [The bonus facts will amaze]
- even the most devout Trekker!" -- Shareware Magazine
- "I'm a Star Trek fan and these trivia games answer my prayers, thank you!"
- -- Buddy Frye, PA
- "Enclosed is my check, send me the other 9 Trek games...I'm hooked."
- -- Amy Maher, CT
- "I like the way TREK TRIVIA is played like a game, you've done a fantastic
- job with these programs. Keep up the good work." -- Steven Blackburn, TX
- ==============================================================================
- Source code is available!
- All Apogee games are programmed using Turbo Pascal version 3.0 or version 5.0.
- The games listed below are available as ASCII source code files for you to
- study and learn from. Great for novice programmers trying to learn the
- "tricks of the trade"! (I wish I would have had this offer when I started.)
- Only the following games are available:
- ■ Kingdom of Kroz II (Turbo Pascal 5.0) -- $400
- ■ Supernova (Turbo Pascal 3.0) -- 125
- ■ Word Whiz (Turbo Pascal 5.0) -- 100
- ■ Trek Trivia (Turbo Pascal 5.0) -- 100
- ■ Return to Kroz (Turbo Pascal 5.0) -- 300
- ■ Lost Adventures of Kroz (TP 5.0) -- 500
- Note: Word Whiz and Trek Trivia can be EASILY modified to be ANY type of
- quiz game, which you can then use to put into shareware yourself!
- Secret Code: QWERTY
- Reveal this code on your next order of $55 or more and receive a $5 discount!
- Orders of $100 or more receive 10 percent off!