Malefia was absolutely the hardest and most time consuming dungeons of all
Bard's Tale dungeons. We refer to it as the S.O.B. dimension. I will simply
explain the goals, and let you experience the hell we went through solving this
dungeon by ourselves. It's helpful to cast SCSI to find out how lost you really
are. On the main level, you will have to find a statue. Once you do so use the
corresponding item. On the first level down, there are two more statues. On the
second level down, there are three more statues. Once you complete all of the
statue business, go to the bottom right corner of the first level down and
levitate down the portal in a big room. Go north to find THE door. If it's a
'faint door' then you haven't found all of the statues (six of them.) We advise
saving the game numerous times while venturing beyond THE door. You must kill
the first group of foes to enter the sacred chamber. Once in the chamber, you
must fight more foes to cross a bridge. Running from the second group of foes
can do more damage than good. Once you past the second group, you must go after
Tarjan himself. Tarjan isn't exactly in a cheerfull mood when you find him. He
will conjurer up some 'friends' that you must play with (the trainer would be
nice right now, wouldn't it??) After playing with the first group of friends,
guess what? Yep, another group of friends. These friends aren't really friends.
These friends don't like you very much. If you are lucky enough to kill the
second group, Tarjan is all yours. Since he likes to conjur up 10 black slayers
every round, casting PREC might not be a bad idea. Once you have killed the Mad One, you will enter adventurer heaven and will be put to sleep until part IV
comes out. You may now turn it off and go back to Skara Brae, where you will
welcome a group of Hedge Lizards. Beat the %$#% out of them and then you may
want to do one of the following:
1. If you have to cut the grass tommorow, use some of the gasoline (all if
necessacary) and play Pyro-Bardia.
2. If you don't have to cut the grass, you have a couple of nice frisbees to
throw at your dog.
3. If you just happen to have some hydrochlroic acid laying around, we hear
disks react violently to it.
4. Have you ever studied the anatomy of a diskette?
5. If you have a trash can in the corner, here comes your chance for 2 points.
6. Call your lawyer, and sue the hell out of EA for making the false claim
that a thief is needed to solve the game.
7. Take a trip down to Panama and celebrate!
8. Experiment with a diskette's bouyancy. (Preferrably the Pacific)
9. The next time you see Kool Kat, Wildcat, or Marduk, give him a million
dollars for spending all of this time writing this file for you after we
already had it solved!
10. Break into your local hospital, and steal a bottle of Ether to use until
Bard's Tale IV comes out.
Allira: Main level, use Allira's belt.
Valarian: One level down, use Valarian's bow, 16N,8E
Lanatir: One level down, use Sphere of Lanatir.
Ferofist: Two levels down, use Ferofist's Helm
Scedeau: Two levels down, use Scedeau's Cloak
Werra: Two levels down, use Werra's Sheild.
You must go up and down many portals to find the above statues!
We had lots of fun finding them, so can you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!