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- D o c c u m e n t a t i o n C o u r t e s y O f
- [I]nternational [R]ogues [G]uild
- Game released by: NEUA
- Docs released by: IRG
- Docs written by: </\>asteland </\>arrior 01/21/91
- When I got the game nobody bothered to put out any dox and this
- is a pretty complicated game to learn without any instructions.
- I'll try and go into as much detail as possible but these aren't
- complete dox, just what I've been able to figure out.
- As far as I know, you NEED a mouse to play this game. When you
- first start, 8 nations are listed with F#-keys by them. The ones
- that say human by them will be controlled by you, and toggling
- the control with the F-keys puts the computer in control (with I
- think Knight's the easiest, Warlord's the hardest). As you
- change each nation's rulers, the difficulty level will show you
- how much harder the game will be. I suggest you only control 3
- max because once the game really gets going you don't want to
- control so much.
- The idea is to conquer cities and wipe out nations. Select the
- [NEXT] button and a group will be highlited. You can only move
- each army so many times per turn on different types of ground so
- plan ahead. If you move one group into the exact same spot as
- the other then the next time you [NEXT] then the strength will be
- listed as a _ sign and the Command: will say Group. If you just
- click on the group instead of [NEXT]ing then you are only
- controlling one army not the whole group. When your nation's
- done moving, hit [ALT-E] to end turn. (Hit F1 to see a bunch of
- other commands too.)
- To attack a city move close to it and put the icon on the city
- and it becomes a sword. Click and you go to battle. You have a
- strength of 3-9 and the cities usually 3-6. Use the ? icon to
- see castle strength. After you win, the city is yours and it's
- income is added to your nations. Some army choices appear on the
- bottom of the screen now with #t/#g by them. The #t is how many
- turns it takes to produce one unit, and the #g is how much gold
- per unit the cost will be. Select the appropriate F-key and
- click [PRODUCE]. I advise you not to leave vulnerable cities
- unguarded (without at least infantry on the castle) because
- invaders just attack it and it becomes theirs.
- Sometimes Hero's will offer to join you for money. Always agree
- because they bring allies like demons, wizards, dragons, etc.
- Hero's and Lord's can [Z]search some ruins and can gain strength,
- items, or allies (but sometimes the hero can get killed
- searching.) Then [T]ake the item. Hit F1 and see Hero for a
- list of actions. If you find a Holy Altar (there are several),
- have armies go there (on the icon) and [Z] and they will receive
- 1 point strength increase per altar. 9 is the max strength.
- These are BY NO MEANS complete docs because too much of the game
- requires you to learn by trial and error. This will definately
- help you and after a while you'll get the hang of it be able to
- do other things like build towers, Raize cities, etc. The game's
- a lot of fun once you start to figure it out.
- If you have any other questions I can be reached on IRG's home
- BBS Insanity Lane, Absolute Perfection, and other 619's in that
- area.
- [NOTE]: |\/|eltdown BBS is down permanently... stop trying to get
- through (it's been down for a while.)
- - </\>asteland </\>arrior 1/21/91