home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- echo
- echo INSTALL will create a sub-directory called SUPERC on the
- echo hard drive you specify
- if not "%1" == "" goto l0
- echo
- echo Please specify the drive you wish to install SuperC on
- echo e.g. INSTALL C: to install on the c: drive
- goto exit
- :l0
- if not exist %1\SUPERC\*.* goto l4
- echo
- echo %1\SUPERC already exists. If you do not wish to install on
- echo SuperC on %1, hit Control-C now.
- pause
- goto l5
- :l4
- md %1\SUPERC
- :l5
- if exist explos.pes goto l1
- echo
- echo Please switch current drive to the floppy drive from which you
- echo wish to install SuperC and run INSTALL from there
- goto exit
- :l1
- copy *.* %1\SUPERC
- if exist h1shapes.pes goto l2
- echo
- echo Please insert disk 2
- pause
- :l2
- copy *.* %1\SUPERC
- if exist install.bat goto exit
- echo
- echo Please insert disk 1
- pause
- :exit
- @echo on