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Text File | 1990-11-19 | 119.5 KB | 3,600 lines |
- 1. TUTORIAL INTRODUCTION.......................................... 2
- 2. CALLING DSZ FROM COMM PROGRAMS................................. 3
- 2.1 Ms-Kermit 3.00.......................................... 3
- 2.2 PROCOMM PLUS............................................ 3
- 2.3 Qmodem.................................................. 4
- 2.4 GT POWER 13.00/14.00.................................... 5
- 2.5 TELIX................................................... 6
- 2.6 BULLETIN BOARDS......................................... 6
- 3. DESCRIPTION.................................................... 8
- 4. COMMANDS....................................................... 10
- 4.1 List of Commands........................................ 10
- 4.2 Interrupt Keys.......................................... 15
- 5. NUMERIC PARAMETERS............................................. 17
- 6. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES.......................................... 20
- 7. EXIT STATUS.................................................... 24
- 8. EXAMPLES....................................................... 25
- 9. BACKGROUND OPERATION........................................... 26
- 10. FLOW CONTROL................................................... 28
- 11. ERROR MESSAGES................................................. 29
- 11.1 Got ZRPOS............................................... 30
- 11.2 Serial Input Error: Line Status Register xx ............ 31
- 11.3 No Carrier Detect....................................... 33
- 11.4 Port %d (%X) defective.................................. 33
- 11.5 COMMAND NOT FOUND....................................... 33
- 11.6 Out of Environment...................................... 33
- 12. SLOW TRANSFERS................................................. 35
- 13. IN CASE OF DIFFICULTY.......................................... 36
- 13.1 LOCKUPS................................................. 36
- 13.1.1 Insufficient Memory 36
- 13.1.2 Environment TOO BIG 36
- 13.1.3 Bad COM Port Configuration 36
- 13.2 Incorrect Batch Files................................... 37
- 13.3 Cheap Internal Modems................................... 37
- 13.4 Commands Entered in Upper Case.......................... 37
- 13.5 No Carrier Detect....................................... 38
- 13.6 PKARC 3.6............................................... 38
- 13.7 DOS 3.x................................................. 38
- 13.8 Perstor Controllers..................................... 38
- 13.9 IBM PS/2 Model 50Z...................................... 38
- 13.10 Brain Damaged UARTS..................................... 39
- 13.10.1 Everex Internal Modems 40
- 13.11 Weird Iron.............................................. 40
- 13.12 Will the real YMODEM please stand up?................... 40
- 13.13 286 and 386 Extended Memory............................. 40
- 13.14 Disk Caches............................................. 40
- 14. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS........................................... 41
- 15. FILES.......................................................... 42
- 16. Other Omen Technology Products................................. 44
- 16.1 Professional-YAM COMMS TOOLS............................ 44
- 16.2 ZCOMM: Industrial Strength COMMS Shareware.............. 44
- 16.3 ZMODEM Developer's Collection........................... 44
- 17. FAIR PLAY...................................................... 45
- 17.1 Sharing DSZ Files....................................... 45
- 17.2 REGISTRATION............................................ 47
- 17.3 Files on Registration Disk.............................. 48
- 17.4 Bulletin Board Registration............................. 49
- 18. CHANGES........................................................ 51
- 19. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS............................................... 58
- Chuck Forsberg
- Omen Technology Inc
- ZMODEM-90(TM) - Not just another XMODEM hack
- DSZ is one of many available programs that implement the ZMODEM file
- transfer protocol.
- DSZ's ZMODEM provides advanced file management features including two
- levels of Intelligent Crash Recovery(TM), and flexible control of
- selective file transfers. Omen Technology's Professional-YAM
- Communications Tools also provide security verified command downloading.
- The ZMODEM file transfer protocol provides reliable file and command
- transfers with complete END-TO-END data integrity between application
- programs. DSZ's 32 bit CRC protects against errors that sneak by "error
- free" modems and even the most advanced networks.
- ZMODEM safeguards all data and supervisory information with effective
- error detection. (XMODEM and many recently introduced protocols do not
- protect vital supervisory data.)
- ZMODEM rapidly transfers files, particularly with buffered (error
- correcting) modems, timesharing systems, satellite relays, and wide area
- packet switched networks. ZMODEM's streaming operation eliminates
- delays caused by Kermit/XMODEM/YMODEM/JMODEM block acknowledgements.
- compromises between transfer efficiency and error recovery. ZMODEM's
- packet length is the entire file.
- User Friendliness is an important ZMODEM feature. ZMODEM AutoDownloadm
- (Automatic file Download without user intervention) provides a level of
- convenience unimaginable to users of traditional protocols.
- DSZ - a ZMODEM-90(TM), True YMODEM(TM), XMODEM File Transfer Program
- Omen Technology Inc
- Omen Technology Incorporated
- The High Reliability Software
- 17505-V Northwest Sauvie Island Road
- Portland Oregon 97231
- TeleGodzilla BBS: 503-621-3746 Speed 1200,2400,19200
- FAX: 503-621-3735
- CompuServe:70007,2304 GEnie:CAF
- UUCP: ...!tektronix!reed!omen!caf
- *************************************************************************
- There's something special about DSZ registration. With most programs,
- registration applies only to the current version. DSZ isn't like that.
- DSZ registration bypasses the shareware announcement and unlocks the
- advanced features in all past and future versions of DSZ. You don't
- have to pay and pay again for new versions. Omen's Demand Upgrade(TM)
- technology allows you to download and activate future DSZ versions
- without further registration!
- *************************************************************************
- Chapter 1 Pg 2 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- If you have difficulty getting DSZ to work, please follow the procedure
- given below.
- Do not run any TSR or other COMM program. Reboot a clean DOS if
- necessary.
- Start with the following command given directly from the DOS prompt:
- dsz port 1 speed 2400 d t
- Type it exactly as it appears above; do NOT use upper case.
- (Change the port number and speed as necessary. Use only COM1 or COM2
- for testing.)
- This connects you to the modem. Dial a bulletin board by typing AT
- commands to the modem ("ATDP621-3746 <enter>")[1] to make it dial the
- BBS. Log in as usual. Then, request a ZMODEM download of a file you
- don't already have. The file will download automatically, you don't
- have to do anything. This procedure verifies the correct operation of
- DSZ.
- __________
- 1. If your modem has a non standard setting the ATDT621-3746 command
- you type to the modem may not echo on the screen.
- Chapter 2 Pg 3 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- It may be necessary to give a
- (change as needed) in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to allow programs to call
- DSZ.
- Note: NO SPACES in the SET command!
- 2.1 Ms-Kermit 3.00
- The "push" command (^[p) in MS-Kermit 3.00 sends an XOFF character to
- the modem before calling DOS.
- Using this to activate DSZ's term mode with a "dsz t" command causes
- most remote hosts to stop. The remote host can be un-wedged by
- keyboarding XON (Ctrl-Q) from DSZ's terminal mode.
- DSZ may not operate properly when called from ProComm if ProComm has
- files open at the time.
- Make sure the DSZ program is in your search path. If you don't see DSZ
- announce itself when called from ProComm, DSZ is not in your search
- path.
- COM3 and COM4 on Procomm Plus are non standard; in case of difficulty
- use COM1 or COM2 or read this document carefully.
- Here are some handy settings for ProComm Plus.
- First, you may need to set the DOS environment before running ProComm.
- Give these commands to DOS before running ProComm:
- Note: NO SPACES in the SET command!
- SET DSZPORT=2 (Only needed for COM2)
- SET DSZLOG=DSZ.LOG (Only if you wish a log file)
- Then set ProComm's external protocol strings to:
- A- External protocol 1 upload filename: ZMODEMU
- B- External protocol 1 download filename: ZMODEMD
- C- External protocol 2 download filename: ZMODEMMD
- The following batch files are included in the DSZ zipfile:
- ZMODEMU.BAT contains: DSZ sz %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- ZMODEMD.BAT contains: DSZ rz
- ZMODEMDR.BAT contains: DSZ rz -r
- Chapter 2 Pg 4 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- ZMODEMMD.BAT contains: DSZ rz -mr
- ZMODEMAD.BAT contains: DSZ t
- !!!!IMPORTANT USE lower case (small letters) EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN!!!!
- When sending (uploading) files with ZMODEMU.BAT give the ProComm window
- the full pathname (c:/foo/bar/file.ext) for *each* file not residing in
- the current directory.
- Once you've got the hang of things the "ProComm way", try the "dsz t"
- command described above to give you automatic ZMODEM downloads (Look Ma,
- no keystrokes!!!)..
- DSZ may not operate properly when called from ProComm if ProComm has
- files open at the time.
- A number of reports have been received of problems running DSZ from
- ProComm Plus because of insufficient memory. Please refer to the
- subchapter on LOCKUPS.
- When running under ProComm's Host mode, failure to use the DSZ CON
- command may cause ProComm to lock up the computer, or at least interfere
- with file transfers, etc.
- A number of third party programs have been developed to provide a
- congenial interface to DSZ if you have enough memory to spare. The POE,
- PCALL, DSZ_ZAP, and PROZ programs have been popular in interfacing DSZ
- to ProComm's editor gateway. These programs are available on many
- bulletin boards.
- Hint: the DOS PATH environment variable must include ProComm's directory
- to allow POE to locate all the POE files,. The POE files should be
- stored in the ProComm directory. Setting the "PROCOMM" environment
- variable is insufficient.
- 2.3 Qmodem
- Instability in the Qmodem interface may require changes in the batch
- files depending on which version of Qmodem is used.
- If you define a protocol with 'Z' as its letter, the latest Qmodem will
- detect automatic ZMODEM downloads. Defining an external 'Z' protocol
- disables Qmodem's internal ZMODEM, allowing DSZ to be called.
- The following is based on a message from Mike Cody, sysop of HomePlate
- 313-385-9969 3/12/24/96 HST
- Chapter 2 Pg 5 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- Go into Qinstall and go to frame 3 Directories. Then select External
- protocols #3 I think. Now you will see a definition area to tell Qmodem
- the Letter,batchfile combo to use.
- Now put Z in the letter definition, Zup.bat in the u/l batch zdown.bat
- in the d/l batch, and Y in the batch protocol. Now save it at the menu
- with f10 and S.
- Then go to DOS and create the following batch files in your Qmodem
- directory...
- zdown.bat: DSZ port %2 speed %1 rz -rr
- zmdown.bat: DSZ port %2 speed %1 rz -mrr ((FOR MOBYTURBO!!))
- zup.bat: DSZ port %2 speed %1 sz %3
- !!!!IMPORTANT USE lower case (small letters) EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN!!!!
- These are the batch files that will be called by Qmodem. If you did
- everything right when you hit PGDN or PGUP you will see an external
- protocol called Z) Zmodem in the box. For an easier time do a search for
- either External.arc or maybe the string "Qmodem" in the file database as
- there is a file with several external protocols and batch files
- available in the Mahoney file section (EXEC BBS).
- The following batch files for Qmodem are included in the DSZ zipfile:
- ZDOWN.BAT contains: DSZ port %2 speed %1 rz -rr
- ZUP.BAT contains: DSZ port %2 speed %1 sz %3
- !!!!IMPORTANT USE lower case (small letters) EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN!!!!
- If Qmodem says "unable to allocate swap space": QMODEM 4.2 will swap all
- but approx. 5K to memory or disk when you shell out to DSZ. Go into
- QINSTALL and make sure that /O /R Optimum Shell and Disk Shell are both
- set to ON.
- 2.4 GT POWER 13.00/14.00
- GT Power version 13/14 includes a YMRX.BAT (YMODEM-g receive) file with
- an "rz" command. You guessed it, "rz" is for ZMODEM protocol (the z
- means ZMODEM!). Please change the file to use the correct "rb -g" for
- The files ZMTX.ARC and GT1300.NOT available on many bulletin boards
- contain useful information for GT Power users.
- Chapter 2 Pg 6 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 2.5 TELIX
- Telix has an internal ZMODEM, but some users prefer to use DSZ for
- performance and/or reliability reasons. Mat Fisher has published a
- Telix script to call DSZ for automatic downloads.
- For those of you who use DSZ with Telix, here is a sample script file to use
- instead of batch files:
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //Protocol salt file for Telix's external protocols by Matt Fisher
- //Last edited (02/24/90)
- //used for the DSZ ZMODEM protocol. (It will work for u/ling and d/ling)
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- str upload[80] =
- "c:elixrotocolDSZ port 1 pW1 pB4096 ha off sz -b -m -rr ";
- str download[80]=
- "c:elixrotocolDSZ port 1 pW1 pB4096 ha off rz -b -m -rr ";
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Main ()
- {
- if (_ext_filespec == "")
- { strcat(download,_down_dir); dos(download,0); }
- else
- { strcat(upload,_up_dir); strcat(upload,_ext_filespec); dos(upload,0); }
- alarm(1);
- }
- //////////////////////// THE END /////////////////////////////////////////
- Simple but effective...
- --- TAGMAIL v2.20
- * Origin: CRIMP/John Galt [Node 1] (1:120/144)
- --
- INTERNET: Matt.Fisher@f144.n120.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- When installing DSZ on a bulletin board or host system, be sure to check
- for proper operation when the caller hangs up while a file is being sent
- or received.
- Currently, Only the TurboC version supports file sharing (shared read
- access on files sent by dsz).
- Chapter 2 Pg 7 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- Some bulletin board interface routines do not call DSZ to send a file
- until they have verified the file's presence by opening the file. If
- this checking is done in DOS's default exclusive open mode, dsz's file
- sharing will be defeated.
- Chapter 3 Pg 8 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- DSZ is a "protocol driver" that uses ZMODEM-90(TM), True YMODEM(TM), or
- XMODEM to transfer files over a serial port with a variety of programs.
- DSZ has two main commands for ZMODEM transfers: "sz" sends file(s), and
- "rz" receives them.
- When calling bulletin boards to download files with ZMODEM you can avoid
- the bother of starting DSZ for each transfer by calling DSZ first,
- before asking the BBS for the download.
- dsz t
- The "t" command allows you to keyboard the file request directly to the
- BBS. (The "t" stands for "terminal emulation".) Just give the "dsz t"
- command from DOS or your comms program's DOS GATEWAY. DSZ's ZMODEM
- AutoDownload then receives the file automatically, using the filename
- provided by the BBS, without any wasted keystrokes or delay. Try it,
- you'll like it! (The "t" command is described below.)
- YMODEM downloads are almost as easy. Use the "t" command as shown
- above, and hit the F3 key after telling the board to download a file
- with YMODEM.
- ZMODEM and True YMODEM(TM) transfers preserve exact file length and
- modification time.
- DSZ supports XMODEM-1k (XMODEM with 1024 byte blocks, sometimes
- mislabeled as ymodem) and CRC-16 with the sx -k and rc commands.
- DSZ is derived from Omen Technology's "Professional-YAM" high
- reliability communications tools (also known as PowerCom(TM)) and Omen
- Technology's ZCOMM User Supported Communications Software. DSZ supports
- a subset of Pro-YAM's file transfer related commands. This
- documentation makes extensive references to contemporary editions of the
- Pro-YAM or ZCOMM manual, and is incomplete without it. (Registered
- copies include an alternate, copyrighted file.)
- DSZ is usually called from a communications or bulletin board program.
- DSZ uses its own modem I/O. The original interrupt vector, UART parity,
- and interrupt configuration are restored on exit. The original state of
- the 8259 interrupt mask bit for this vector is also restored on exit.
- DSZ uses DOS standard output (stdout) for messages. DSZ never writes
- directly to the screen. DSZ expects its standard output to point to the
- console, a logging file, or NUL, but never the modem port. If dsz's
- standard output is redirected to the modem (as with ProComm's Host mode
- DOS shell), the combination will lock up the computer. When necessary,
- dsz's standard output can be redirected back to the console device with
- Chapter 3 Pg 9 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- the CON command.
- Users of pcAnywhere must use dsz's A command to disable pcAnywhere host
- mode during file transfers.
- Chapter 3 Pg 10 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- ***********************************************************
- Except as noted, all commands and options must be typed in lower case.
- Case is significant!
- ***********************************************************
- Optional commands or arguments are shown in square brackets [].
- When used (in any combination), the A, CON, port, speed, handshake,
- estimate, and d commands must be used in exactly this order.
- dsz [A] [CON] [port N] [speed S] [handshake XX] [D] [d] [restrict]
- command
- 4.1 List of Commands
- A Suspend pcAnywhere operation during file transfers. The A command
- is used to avoid lockups caused by pcAnywhere host mode. This
- command should be given to the DSZ running under pcAnywhere host
- mode.
- EXAMPLE: C>dsz A sz *.foo Sends files from a pcAnywhere hosted
- machine to you.
- Fm: Al de la Torre
- 1 sending from host to remote
- type: "dsz A sz filename.ext" ENTER
- shell to dos on remote machine (ctrl-Rshift)
- type: "dsz A rz" ENTER
- 2 sending from remote to host
- type: "dsz A rz" ENTER
- shell to dos on remote machine (ctrl-Rshift)
- type: "dsz A sz filename.ext" ENTER
- CON Redirect message output to the DOS "CON" (console) device,
- overriding any previous redirections. This is necessary to avoid
- lockups caused by ProComm host mode. Most programs do not require
- this hack. This command is unique to DSZ.
- port N select port N (n = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18)
- Default is port 1 (COM1) or read from the DSZPORT dos environment
- variable. COM11 to COM18 refer to the COM1 to COM8 ports on the
- PS/2.
- Chapter 4 Pg 11 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- *****************************************************************
- Only COM1 and COM2 are standard on all PC compatible computers.
- Multiple standards exist for COM3 and above, so use only COM1 or
- COM2 when first installing DSZ.
- *****************************************************************
- DSZ COM3 uses 3E8 and IRQ4. DSZ COM4 uses 2E8 and IRQ3.
- DSZ COM7 uses 2E8 and IRQ5. DSZ COM8 uses 3E8 and IRQ5.
- If you wish to use COM3 or COM4 and your computer is not wired
- according to one of these choices, you MUST use the "portx"
- command to specify base address and interrupt vector.
- EXAMPLE: to use COM2:
- dsz port 2 rz
- In multitasking operation, accessing a port used by another
- running program will hang the machine.
- portx base,irq To select an arbitrary port address and interrupt vector,
- the portx command must be used instead of the port command.
- Please refer to DSZBG.DOC (provided on the Registration Diskette)
- or the Professional-YAM or ZCOMM (ZCOMMDOC.ZIP) manuals for
- details on this command.
- EXAMPLE: dsz portx 3e8,4 speed 2400 rz
- speed S Set the specified speed. This command is rarely needed because
- DSZ reads the port's current speed by default. Please refer to
- in DSZBG.ZOO or the ZCOMM or Pro-YAM manual for important
- information about the speed command.
- Please study all the chapters of this document when using speeds
- above 2400 bps.
- Officially, DSZ supports a maximum speed of 38400. However, you
- are welcome to experiment with higher speeds up to 115200.
- handshake XX Enable one of several choices of hardware handshake. (The
- default is XOFF/XON software handshake). This command is
- documented in the ZCOMM or Pro-YAM manual, and in DSZBG.DOC. (The
- ZCOMM manual is available on all bulletin boards registered for
- DSZ as ZCOMMDOC.ZIP.) On DSZ the "handshake" command may be
- Chapter 4 Pg 12 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- abbreviated to "ha".
- D Disables the modem (drops Data Terminal Ready, DTR) if carrier is
- lost. This may be used to prevent spurious events (phone ringing)
- from interfering with the calling bulletin board's recovery from
- carrier loss.
- d Disables carrier dropout monitoring, for modems that do not
- properly drive the "Carrier Detect" input on the PC. If you see a
- No Carrier Detect message, you need to give the d command. Before
- using the d command, make sure you have the proper port
- selected!!!
- estimate length [speed] Use the specified length and optional specified
- effective transfer speed for the next receive file to be created.
- This command must come after any port, speed, or handshake
- commands. Please refer to DSZBG.ZOO or the ZCOMM User's manual
- for details.
- The following makes DSZ calculate file transfer times on the basis
- of 290 character per second aggregate transfer rate:
- EXAMPLE: dsz port 2 speed 9600 estimate 0 2900 rz
- EXAMPLE: dsz port 2 speed 9600 estimate 0 2900 sz bigmama.zip
- pxN Set a numeric parameter x to N. These parameters are mostly a
- subset of the Pro-YAM/ZCOMM numeric parameters, and are listed
- below. They assume their defaults each time DSZ is called.
- Without an argument, p displays the numeric parameters and their
- values.
- EXAMPLE: C>dsz p
- z pxN Set zmodem numeric parameter x to N. These parameters
- correspond to the Pro-YAM or ZCOMM "zmodem" parameters and rarely
- need changing. These parameters assume their defaults each time
- DSZ is called. Without an argument, z p displays the zmodem
- numeric parameters and their values.
- restrict Restrict incoming pathnames (YMODEM/ZMODEM) to the current disk
- and directory tree, and disallow modification or overwriting of
- existing files. The restrict command causes partially received
- files to be deleted. When DSZ is restricted, it will refuse to
- transfer files containing the string autoexec.bat and command.com
- Chapter 4 Pg 13 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- in upper or lower case. This provides some defense from malicious
- uploaded files.
- EXAMPLE: dsz restrict rz
- t [-T] [-8g] Talk with ZMODEM AutoDownload.
- The optional -T forces DSZ to exit after it has recognized a
- ZMODEM AutoDownload(TM) request.
- The optional -8g (available on registered copies only) enables
- reception of "BBS (ANSI) graphics" displays. (A video device
- driver such as ANSI.SYS must be loaded to support some types of
- graphics.)
- A small subset of ZCOMM/Pro-YAM term function subcommands are
- recognized:
- Keyboard F1 or ALT-X to exit.
- F3 receives file(s) with True YMODEM(TM),
- ALT-P toggles parity between the 8n default and 8g (enables ANSI
- "graphics").
- ALT-H toggles two local echo ("Half Duplex") modes; the second
- displays a newline (CR/LF) when Enter is keyboarded.
- Keyboarded ASCII characters are sent to the modem.
- ALT-B sends a break.
- Characters from the modem print on the screen. A device driver
- such as ANSI.SYS may be used to recognize escape sequences.
- DSZ's ZMODEM AutoDownload(TM) detects the start of a ZMODEM file
- download and accepts the file(s) without operator intervention.
- rz [-abeEmMnpPrt+YZy] [dir] [file ...] (ZMODEM-90 receive) **
- rz [-abenprt+Yy] [dir] [file ...] (ZMODEM receive) **
- rb [-abt+y] [dir] [file ...] (YMODEM receive) **
- rb -g [-abt+y] [dir] [file ...] (YMODEM-g receive) **
- rc [-abt+y] file1 (XMODEM/CRC receive)
- ro [-abt+y] file1 (XMODEM OverThruster receive)
- Chapter 4 Pg 14 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- rx [-abt+y] file1 (XMODEM receive)
- rx -g [-abt+y] file1 (Qmodem-G receive) **
- ** Download directory specification and -g ignored w/o
- registration
- sz [-abefnprtFYQS+yZ] [-w[N]] [PREFIX=p | ONAME=n] file ...(ZMODEM
- send)
- sz [-abeEfmMnpPrtFYQS+yZ] [-w[N]] [PREFIX=p | ONAME=n] file
- ...(ZMODEM-90 send)
- Pathnames are separated by spaces. Wildcards are OK.
- EXAMPLE: dsz port 2 sz -r /tmp/file1 /tmp/file3 *.c
- The "sz" and "sb" commands exploit DOS's tree structured file
- system. A directory or disk specifier expands to all files in
- that directory.
- EXAMPLE: dsz port 2 sz -r C:srcdir
- If you use PREFIX= or ONAME= with the "sb" or "sz" commands, these
- pathnames should be entered in lower case unless the underlying
- file system supports upper AND lower case.
- EXAMPLE: dsz port 2 sz -r ONAME=newsrc.c temp.c
- sb [-ft] [PREFIX=p | ONAME=n] file ... (YMODEM or YMODEM-g send)
- sb -k [-ft] [PREFIX=p | ONAME=n] file ... (YMODEM-1k or YMODEM-g
- send)
- sx [-t] file1 (XMODEM, XMODEM/CRC, Qmodem-G send)
- sx -k [-t] file1 (XMODEM-1k send)
- v Verify the serial number by writing a log entry (see DSZLOG).
- v 1 0 bps 0 cps 0 errors 0 128 s/n 666
- The letter "v" indicates a verification entry. The first numeric
- field is 1 if YMODEM-g is supported. The last field is the serial
- number. Unregistered copies show a s/n of 0.
- Chapter 4 Pg 15 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- o Turn off Data Terminal Ready (DTR), terminating ("offing") the
- connection if the modem responds to DTR. Useful with the "t"
- command to disconnect afterwards.
- EXAMPLE: dsz t o
- LARG Convert ARG to lower case, then parse arg.
- The meanings of optional arguments to the file transfer commands are
- described in DSZBG.DOC and the ZCOMM/Pro-YAM manual.
- The s (SlugBait) option prevents a receiver from receiving a file
- without accounting for it. Attempts to do so are flagged with a Q
- status in the log file. This option can cause a transfer that
- legitimately fails near the end of the file to be reported as
- Questionable rather than ERROR. SlugBait causes DSZ to return success
- if at least one file is transferred.
- Send files may be specified indirectly:
- dsz sz @C:files.lst
- sends the files in C:files.lst. This provides another means of
- bypassing the DOS command line limit. The first letter must be "@" and
- the third letter must be ":" to distinguish this from an ordinary
- pathname. Pathnames in the indirection file may be separated by any
- combination of space(s), tab(s), CR and/or LF. No spaces may appear
- inside a pathname; "FOO .BAR" won't work.
- A list of files to send may be built up with a command like:
- EXAMPLE: dir *.zip > files.tmp
- This file can be edited to remove unwanted files. Then you send the
- files with:
- DSZ sz -m @c:files.tmp
- 4.2 Interrupt Keys
- Ctrl-Break Terminates the transfer in progress.
- ALT-N Abruptly terminates (NUKES) the transfer in progress.
- Ctrl-X Typing a dozen Ctrl-X characters to another ZMODEM program
- terminates ZMODEM operations.
- ALT-F Skips the current file in ZMODEM transfers.
- Chapter 4 Pg 16 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- ALT-B Cancels the current ZMODEM session.
- Chapter 5 Pg 17 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- DSZ uses the following main numeric parameters, settable with the pxN
- command.
- EXAMPLE: C>dsz pQ0 rz -rr
- *****************************************************************************
- NOTE: Parameter setting commands such as "pd0" cannot be added to
- DSZOPT, they must be included in the command line.
- *****************************************************************************
- In addition, DSZ uses the Pro-YAM/ZCOMM zmodem numeric parameters
- described in the Pro-YAM/ZCOMM reference manual (ZCOMMDOC.ZIP) and in
- B Set the size of buffer used for disk reads and writes. The default
- is 1024, 4096 maximum (16384 max on DSZ.EXE). If your copy of DSZ
- is running on a floppy disk system or a very slow turkey hard disk,
- a larger value may give better results. Too large a value may
- exhaust memory, induce receiver timeouts, cause disconnects(!), or
- generate spurious CRC errors. If performance logging doesn't work,
- this parameter is too big.
- EXAMPLE: C>dsz pB4096 sz A:floppy.fil
- Setting the buffer size may lock out the performance log, DSZFILES,
- and/or indirect pathname list in DSZ.COM.
- Please understand that the B parameter has nothing to do with
- anything you've heard about 128, 1024 or 8192 byte XMODEM style
- blocks. Normally, ZMODEM's block size is the entire file.
- O This parameter controls XMODEM OverThruster(TM). It is described in
- dszbg.doc. This file is part of the software package sent to paid
- registrants.
- P After a "speed" command, if you give a p command (display
- parameters), the P parameter value will indicate the type of serial
- I/O UART chip detected. DSZ automatically detects and enables the
- FIFO on the NS16550A, NS16550AFN, and Intel 82510 chips.
- EXAMPLE: dsz port 1 speed 19200 p
- 0 Indicates a standard 8250 or 16450 UART with no special features.
- Chapter 5 Pg 18 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 1 Indicates an NS16550AN or NS16550AFN with 16 deep receive FIFO.
- These are the preferred chips.
- 2 Indicates an Intel 82510 with 3 deep receive FIFO.
- The sequence "port 1 pP1 speed 19200" bypasses DSZ's verification
- checks normally performed on the FIFO configuration and may allow
- defective FIFO logic on certain chips to be used. This incantation
- is not required for the NS16550AN or NS16550AFN.
- The sequence "pP-1 speed 2400" should be used with the Western
- Digital WD16550 chip to disable the non standard FIFO on that chip.
- The WD16550 FIFO has been observed to lose data when transmitting at
- 2400 bps and slower speeds. The minimum speed for normal transmit
- FIFO operation with the WD16C550 may vary with different computers.
- Q Error code returned to DOS (default 1). (Success always returns 0.)
- Some programs toss cookies when confronted with certain exit codes.
- EXAMPLE: dsz pQ-1 sz foo.bar
- DSZ reports an error if no files have been transferred, even if the
- command used wasn't supposed to transfer any file(s).
- R If set to 1, causes partially received files to be deleted.
- S Timeout in seconds (default 15) waiting for restraint release (XON
- and/or handshake).
- W Wait for Enter key before exiting after an error. Effective only on
- registered copies. Useful when calling DSZ from DESQview, allows
- the window to close unless there is an error message that should
- remain visible.
- EXAMPLE: C>dsz pW1 sz foo.bar
- Y Control byte for the NS16550AN/NS16550FAN FCR register. If you
- don't know what the FCR does, don't change this parameter. It has
- been suggested that a different value (129) may improve multitasking
- under DESQview when multiple copies of DSZ are active.
- a Calibrates certain protocol timeouts used with XMODEM and YMODEM
- transfers (Cybernetic Data Recovery(TM)). This parameter does not
- Chapter 5 Pg 19 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- affect ZMODEM transfers.
- The a numeric parameter is automatically set to 2000 for a 4.77 mHz
- PC or XT, 4000 for a PS2/30, 6000 for an 8 mHz 1ws AT, and 12000 for
- a PS2/80. If your computer has a speedup card or otherwise runs
- unusually fast (or slow!) for its type, you may set the a numeric
- parameter to a value that reflects its speed.
- EXAMPLE: dsz port 2 pa4000 rb
- NOTE: Setting this parameter does not suppress the "Unknown Machine
- Type" message which is displayed before the command line is scanned.
- d A non zero value (the default) causes incoming files received with
- ZMODEM and full YMODEM transfers to have their Date set to that sent
- in the file header. ZMODEM's file management features depend on the
- transmission of each file's modification date. Files will have the
- same creation date, even if the two machines are in different time
- zones. When transferring files to/from a Unix system, creation
- dates are interpreted according to GMT or Universal Coordinated
- Time. File dating may be disabled with a pd0 command, which causes
- files to assume the date and time they were received.
- NOTE: Backdating file creation times may confuse some backup
- programs.
- v Verbose level (debugging output) Negative values inhibit some
- routine messages. Setting v to 1 or greater causes serialized
- copies to ring the bell when a transfer is done.
- z Timezone in minutes behind GMT, used for ZMODEM and True YMODEM file
- transfers to coordinate the actual date of the file with computers
- in other time zones. Effective on registered copies. PDT or MST
- corresponds to 420. This may be preset with the ZONE DOS
- environment variable.
- Chapter 6 Pg 20 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- The following DOS environment variables may be set to modify DSZ
- operation. DOS environment variables are set by giving a command to
- DOS.
- The following form may be used for arbitrary address/vector
- combinations:
- EXAMPLE: set DSZPORT=3e8,4
- These DOS "set" commands may be placed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or
- given just before you run your communications program.
- IMPORTANT! Do not add spaces to these commands!!
- DIRRX (Registered copies only.) Specifies the directory to receive
- (download) files. If the sting in DIRRX ends with "/", directory
- and/or disk designators in the incoming pathname are stripped, and
- only the stem (name and extension) is used. Otherwise, if an
- incoming file has an absolute pathname, the incoming pathname is
- used.
- EXAMPLE: set DIRRX=C:/modem/download/dsz/
- dsz rz -r
- downloads files to the /modem/download/dsz directory on the C:
- drive, with ZMODEM Crash Recovery..
- The DOS "set" command defining the receive directory may be placed
- in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Make certain there is enough environment
- space to hold this value. Confirm this by typing "set" to the DOS
- prompt and verifying the DIRRX value is listed correctly.
- DSZFILES May contain a list of up to 9999 pathnames to transmit, with
- entries separated by spaces. If present, DSZFILES is used in place
- of a normal command line list of files to send with the sb and sz
- commands.
- EXAMPLE: C>set DSZFILES=file1 file2 file3 *.c
- C>dsz port 2 handshake on sz -rr
- In practice, this string would be built up by a calling program and
- Chapter 6 Pg 21 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- passed to DSZ with a "spawnvpe", "execvpe", or similar subroutine
- call.
- SEE ALSO: Pathname list specification @C:files.lst
- DSZLOG log file to receive entries for files sent and received.
- (Default null). Sample entries:
- Z 46532 38400 bps 3324 cps 0 errors 66 1024 DSZ.COM 1177
- Z 124087 19200 bps 1880 cps 0 errors 6 1024 MXY.TMP 1177
- Transfer times are based on the DOS time of day clock and have up to
- two seconds' uncertainty. As with all protocol throughput reports
- generated by Omen Technology programs (and contrary to the false
- claims of some critics), DSZ's throughput figures for ZMODEM,
- Kermit, and True YMODEM(TM) transfers do not take "credit" for
- pathname and/or protocol overhead characters. DSZ's throughput
- reports do not include the time required to send the pathname. This
- understates the true time required to transfer files, but the time
- required to send the pathname often depends on the alacrity of the
- operator, and thus does not always reflect the performance of the
- protocol itself.
- Transfers measuring less than one second are reported as having 9999
- characters per second throughput.
- The unlabeled numeric field after the error (retry) count is the
- number of flow control stoppages encountered sending the file. This
- number gives an indication of flow control restrictions (overloaded
- networks, etc.) encountered during the transfer.
- The last numeric field before the file name is the YMODEM block size
- or ZMODEM subpacket length used for the last block in the file.
- The last field is the serial number of the other program, or -1 if
- this information is not available.
- The code letter indicates the type of transfer, Z (ZMODEM), S
- (X/YMODEM), R (X/YMODEM), E (error), or L (transfer terminated by
- loss of data carrier).
- WARNING: If DSZ encounters a loss of carrier or other fatal error
- condition before a file COMMENCES transmission, a log entry may not
- be made.
- EXAMPLE: C>set DSZLOG=C:/yam/dszlog
- Chapter 6 Pg 22 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- DSZOPT (Registered copies only) String containing default options for
- DSZ file transfers. Options are optional modifiers to the DSZ sz,
- rz, sx, rx, sb, rb commands.
- A T may be appended to the string to force DSZ to exit after it has
- recognized a ZMODEM AutoDownload(TM) request.
- An 8g may be appended to the string to make BBS (ANSI) graphics the
- default for DSZ's t command. The ability to preset these options is
- especially helpful for controlling ZMODEM automatic downloads from
- DSZ's t command.
- Enables DSZ's Intelligent Crash Recovery(TM) as a default.
- Let's say you wish ZMODEM crash recovery, and BBS "graphics" for the
- DSZ term function:
- C>set DSZOPT=r8g
- If you're downloading files from GEnie with an MNP modem, the
- following will speed up your downloads with Genie's ZMODEM-90Tm.
- (You can recognize ZMODEM-90 on GEnie two ways: 1) MobyTurboTm is
- used to speed ZIP and ARC downloads, 2) "sz 4.xx" is displayed at
- the end of transfer. As of this writing, ZMODEM-90 may not be
- available in all libraries.) Note that (as usual with DSZ) case is
- significant: the "r" must be lower case, the "W" upper case.
- C>set DSZOPT=rW16384
- WARNING: Do NOT include "ena" or any other commands in the DSZOPT
- string. With the exception of the "8g" mode, only **options** may
- be placed in the DSZOPT string! (Options are the letters that
- modify the sz, rz, sb, etc. commands. In "rz -r", "r" is an
- option.)
- Parameters can not be set in DSZOPT.
- MAXBYTES Maximum number of bytes allowed for transfer. If this number
- is exceeded, DSZ skips the offending files (ZMODEM) or aborts
- remaining files in the batch (YMODEM).
- DSZPORT Default communications port override, default 1.
- Chapter 6 Pg 23 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- ZONE sets the z numeric parameter to the number of minutes the current
- local time lags GMT time. PDT or MST corresponds to 420. PST
- corresponds to 480.
- C>set ZONE=420
- Chapter 7 Pg 24 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- DSZ exits with 0 status for successful transfers, or the value of the Q
- numeric parameter (default 1) if a file transfer failed, or if no files
- were transferred. Many languages and "door" programs do not return this
- information to the calling program. Some languages and "door" programs
- freak out (hang) on certain non-zero exit values.
- A batch file that calls DSZ directly may be used to detect the DSZ exit
- status with the DOS "errorlevel" construct. Please refer to the Q
- numeric parameter below for more information.
- DSZ's log file entries may also be examined to determine the success or
- failure of a file transfer.
- DSZ commands are an improper subset of Pro-YAM/PowerCom/ZCOMM commands.
- The file transfer commands are fully described in ZCOMMDOC.ZIP, the
- ZCOMM User's Manual. Relevant portions of the ZCOMM User's Manual are
- provided in DSZBG.ZOO, a Copyrighted file included with the DSZ
- registration disk. You may refer to one of those documents for details
- on the following commands.
- Chapter 8 Pg 25 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- dsz sz c:foo.zip (send 1 file with ZMODEM)
- dsz sz -m c:*.zip (send all .ZIP files with MobyTurbo(TM))
- dsz sz f1.c f2.c f3.c (send 3 files with ZMODEM)
- dsz sz c:foo.* b:*.c (send multiple files with ZMODEM)
- dsz sz -Z *.lst (send text files with ZMODEM compression)
- dsz sz -r bigone.zip (CRASH RECOVERY: resume interrupted
- transfer)
- dsz rz -r (CRASH RECOVERY: resume interrupted
- transfer)
- dsz rz -rr (CRASH RECOVERY with file comparison)
- dsz handshake both sz yamdemo.zip (Hardware+Software handshake)
- dsz sz -n *.* (send files that are newer or rx has no
- copy)
- dsz sz -Yn *.* (Only send files that are newer than
- receiver's copy)
- (Do not send files that do not exist on
- receiver's disk)
- dsz rz C:/UPLOADS (receive files to specified directory #)
- dsz port 2 speed 38400 handshake both restrict rz
- (Restrict provides protection for BBS's)
- dsz rz -y prog.zip (ZMODEM, single file pathname override)
- dsz z pr1 rx foo.dat (XMODEM receive, remove file if error)
- dsz pO60 ro foo.dat (XMODEM/OverThruster receive, GEnie MNP #)
- DSZ LRC L-Y NEWPROG.ZIP (generate lower case "rc -y" command)
- dsz sz foo >debug.dmp (Debugging data dump)
- dsz sz @C:/bbs/files.lst (Indirect file list)
- dsz sz -u *.lst (Unlink (Delete) files as they are sent)
- # Registered copies only
- Chapter 8 Pg 26 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- Three DESQview description files are provided to demonstrate background
- operation with modest (66 kb window) memory requirements. DSZ uses
- tight C/ASM code, table driven CRC generators, and buffered receive and
- transmit for good performance in the background without hogging CPU
- cycles. On a QIC Labs 8 mHz PC-AT clone, DSZ can download files in the
- background (3 background clock ticks, 9 foreground clock ticks) with a
- throughput better than 9600 bps.
- 2S Prompts for file name(s) and sends them with ZMODEM protocol.
- File: 2S-PIF.DVP
- 2T Talks to the modem and allows manual YMODEM (F3) or automatic
- ZMODEM downloads. File: 2T-PIF.DVP
- 2A Like 2T, but using Quarterdeck's dvansi.com memory resident ANSI
- CRT device driver to process ANSI screen codes. File: 2A-PIF.DVP
- DS.BAT is the batch file used by 2A.
- These files are written for a port 2 local connection and \TMP
- directory, but may be modified to suit your requirements using the
- DESQview CP command. The W numeric allows DESQview to close the window
- after DSZ finishes, providing a pleasant user interface.
- Other DVPs, Scripts, and Batch files are available on the DESQView
- conference on the Sound of Music as DVDSZ20Z.ARC.
- Please consult the DESQview documentation for instructions on
- installation procedure for the DVP files.
- Operation at high speed (above 9600 bps) may require the DESQview
- "Optimize communications" performance Advanced Setup option.
- Newer versions of DESQview may require more "common memory" allocation
- (6-8 k bytes) to operate with DSZ. Some versions of DESQview do not
- operate properly with DSZ; DESQview 2.0 is known to work, and DESQview
- 2.25 is reported to have fixed bugs in intermediate versions.
- On 286 and 386 machines, some DESQview operations involve swapping
- memory contents with buffers in extended memory. As with extended
- memory ramdisks and disk caches, this causes errors with high speed
- communications. The considerations discussed in the "286 and 386
- Extended Memory" subchapter apply here. Since this DESQview extended
- memory swapping is asynchronous with respect to DSZ's file transfers,
- "handshake slow" doesn't help here. The solution is to force DESQview's
- memory swaps to use smaller blocks (with interrupts allowed between
- blocks) and/or use NS16550AN or NS16550AFN chips for the serial
- interface.
- If you see funny characters on the screen while a program is loading,
- Chapter 9 Pg 27 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- you have a conflict between the display adapter and QEMM memory manager
- which may cause lockups. If so you must explicitly exclude the display
- adapter's memory with an EXCLUDE clause in QEMM's config.sys entry.
- ***********************************************************
- When running DSZ under a multi tasking system such as DESQview, do not
- allow two programs to access the same comm port at the same time. At
- best, such actions will disrupt communications. At worst, your computer
- will attempt to open a subspace channel to V'ger.
- Tell DESQview to use the SPECIFIC port number you are using, and not "Y"
- to the question: "Uses serial Ports (Y, N, 1, 2)"
- When running a comm program under DESQview or any related multitasking
- executive, DSZ must be called directly from the comm program, in the
- same window. DO NOT open a separate window for DSZ unless you were
- about to power down the computer anyway.
- ***********************************************************
- With some communications programs, you can make the call, log in, and
- then exit (closing the window) without disconnecting the modem. At this
- time you can fire up DSZ with the "t" command to allow YMODEM or ZMODEM
- downloads in a small window.
- Example File: 2A-PIF.DVP
- Alternatively, you can start DSZ from the DOS prompt, then type "AT"
- commands to the modem to call the bulletin board. DESQview's "learn"
- facility may be helpful here.
- Chapter 10 Pg 28 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- If you plan to send files over Telenet (PC-Pursuit), you must refer to
- the Pro-YAM or ZCOMM Reference manual (in ZCOMMDOC.ZIP) FLOW CONTROL
- chapter for vital information on flow control considerations necessary
- for proper operation of ZMODEM and other streaming protocols.
- Chapter 11 Pg 29 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- COM2 1200 bps Carrier Detect enabled Handshake slow
- Command line = (commands)
- This is a normal message displayed to help resolve problems with
- incorrect batch files. The port number, speed, carrier detect
- ("enabled" or "DISABLED") and "handshake" indicate the selected mode of
- operation.
- DSZ FINISHED! exit code = 0
- This is DSZ's normal exit when at least one file has been transferred
- and no unrecoverable errors have been detected. If an error such as a
- failed file transfer had been detected, the exit code would be 1, or the
- value set in the Q numeric parameter.
- As the message implies, DSZ has done all of its processing, and has
- return the communications port and vector to its original value before
- displaying this message. If the computer locks up after this message is
- displayed, there's something wrong with the program that called DSZ, not
- with DSZ itself.
- Unknown Machine Type XX, 'a' parameter preset to 6000 indicates a ROM
- BIOS that does not follow the IBM specification for identifying the
- machine type. If your computer causes DSZ to display this message, you
- may set the a numeric parameter described elsewhere in this document.
- This message is generated before any commands are read, so do not be
- alarmed when you "discover" that setting the a parameter doesn't make
- this message go away. The a parameter does not affect ZMODEM transfers.
- Please send us a postcard or letter indicating the reported hex value
- for machine Type, name of the computer, and its speed so we can include
- that machine type in a future release.
- Need more memory to run DSZ or Abnormal program termination is displayed
- by the TurboC startup routine if DSZ is run in too small a memory
- partition. If you see this message, use a larger memory partition for
- DSZ or remove some memory resident programs. This message may also
- appear if the calling program fails to free memory before calling DSZ.
- No Carrier Detect is displayed when DSZ recognizes a lack of carrier
- detect signal from the modem. Most support calls concerning "No Carrier
- Detect" are caused by the user failing to tell DSZ to use the correct
- port. DSZ does not magically divine the COM port number; if the default
- COM1 is incorrect, DSZ must be told what port to use with the port
- command or the DPORT environment variable.
- No Carrier Detect may also be caused by a line disconnect, defective
- cable, or incorrect modem strapping. It may be disabled with the d
- command. Sometimes this is caused by setting the B parameter to too
- large a value.
- Chapter 11 Pg 30 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- Garbage Count Exceeded Indicates ZMODEM has not detected a valid start
- of header in a reasonable number of characters.
- If DSZ becomes "stuck" on emitting this messages, it is possible the
- sending program may not be able to recognize and act upon transmission
- requests (ZROPS headers). The sending program should be corrected. In
- the meantime, setting a ZMODEM packet length with the "zmodem pl4096"
- ("l" is the small letter l) command will force the sender to wait for
- the receivers' progress reports.
- Permission denied comes from the Microsoft C Library. This is caused by
- attempts to modify a read only file or directory, or to create a file in
- a nonexistent directory.
- A furtive flashing appearance of XOFF or FLOW during ZMODEM or YMODEM-g
- file sending signifies DSZ is responding to flow control restraint.
- This is normal operation when buffered modems or packet switched
- networks are used. ZMODEM's robustness and reliability allow creative
- users to transfer files over unusual multiple computer lash-ups, causing
- modem data lights and computer status displays to dance in unfamiliar
- rhythms.
- Output FLow Control Restraint RELEASED Indcates DSZ has not received a
- positive flow control signal (XON and/or CTS as specified by the
- handshake command) within the timeout specified by the S numeric
- parameter. This message may appear as the result of line noise. If it
- appears often, it may indicate improper flow control settings, defective
- modem and/or cable, or (rarely) too small a value for the S numeric
- parameter.
- Not allowed to overwrite %s By default, DSZ will not overwrite an
- existing file. Use the -y or -n or -r option to overwrite/update
- existing files.
- 11.1 Got ZRPOS
- Got ZRPOS indicates the receiving program has detected a transmission
- error and has requested retransmission. In other words, ZMODEM is doing
- its job of detecting and correcting missing and garbled data.
- If this happens more often than observed line errors would indicate is
- reasonable, the receiver's error messages must be studied. Line Status
- Register errors generally indicate a local problem; if the receiver
- gives "Line Status Register 02" errors the problem lies with the
- receiver.
- Otherwise, the sender may have a flow control problem in one of four
- areas:
- Chapter 11 Pg 31 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- + Between the sending program and its modem. If using an interface
- speed higher than the transmission speed, or modem to modem error
- correction (MNP, LAPB, PEP, etc.), check that the modem and the
- sending program are configured for the same flow control methods.
- Omen Technology's software is faster than most other programs, and
- may expose flow control problems not seen with slower software.
- + Between the sending modem and the network. Correcting this requires
- "handshake both" to allow the sending program to honor both hardware
- (CTS) flow control from the modem and software flow control
- (XON/XOFF) from the network.
- + Between parts of the network.
- + Between the receiving modem and the receiving program. This can
- happen at high transmission speeds when the receiver has specified a
- large I/O buffer size with the B numeric parameter.
- Excessive interrupt latency from extended memory ramdisks or disk
- caches, and poorly written hard disk drivers also wreak havoc on
- streaming protocols but do not affect start-stop protocols (XMODEM,
- etc.). Problems with extended memory disk caches may cause errors
- at regular intervals; check the receiver's error messages.
- To work around these problems, give the "handshake slow" command to
- the receiver.
- Byte NNNN retry M: <error message> These messages appear when the
- protocol has detected an error and is attempting to retransmit the
- garbled data. These are normal messages.
- 11.2 Serial Input Error: Line Status Register xx
- Serial Input Error: Line Status Register HH indicates a hardware
- problem, slow device driver, TSR program, or other software is disabling
- interrupts too long for the program to accept incoming data, and some
- characters are lost. A slow response to folow control also triggers
- this message.
- The value of the line status register is displayed in HEX. The
- following error conditions are OR'ed into the Line Status Register.
- 01 The Interrupt level circular buffer has been overrun. The remote
- did not respond to DSZ's XOFF or hardware flow control, and
- continued to send characters after being told not to. This problem
- is alleviated by correct modem flow control configuration.
- Chapter 11 Pg 32 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 02 An 02 value for the LSR indicates Data Overrun. "Data Overrun"
- means the computer was not able to respond to an incoming character
- from the UART (modem) in time to make room for the next incoming
- character. Data Overruns are caused by poorly designed software
- (or ROM BIOS "firmware") locking out interrupts for excessive
- periods. These lockouts prevent the communications program from
- responding to the incoming characters quickly enough.
- To correct Data Overruns, you must correct the offending
- condition(s) to allow the communications program to operate
- properly.
- Common causes of excessively long interrupt lockouts ("critical
- code regions") are disk drivers (BIOS), window managers, disk
- caches, TSR programs, and EGA/VGA board auto-select.
- Slowing the CPU to allow games and other time dependent programs to
- be used can generate excessive interrupt latency.
- Some BIOS programs are written without regard to their effect on
- high speed communications. Better versions of the offending BIOS
- programs may be made available if enough users complain about poor
- performance.
- Interrupt latency caused by EGA/VGA board auto-select can be often
- corrected by disabling the board's Auto-Select.
- Poorly written disk caches and disk drivers cause interrupt latency
- that affects streaming protocols (ZMODEM) but not start-stop
- protocols such as XMODEM, YMODEM, JMODEM, Lynx, etc. The handshake
- slow command can be used to stop reception during disk transfers.
- Other chapters in this document give suggestions for working around
- excessive interrupt latency by using the NS16550AN UART chip.
- Please refer to the "Brain Damaged UARTS" subchapter.
- Please try all the suggestions mentioned here before contacting
- Omen Technology about data overruns.
- 08 Framing Error generally caused by line noise or an incorrect
- transmission speed ("baud rate") or format (number of bits). Also
- caused by some cheap internal modems. Most protocols require 8
- bits no parity (-8n) for proper operation. This is set
- automatically by Omen Technology programs, but other programs may
- not be so smart.
- 10 Break Interrupt generally caused by line noise or an incorrect
- transmission speed ("baud rate") or format (number of bits). Also
- caused by some cheap internal modems.
- Chapter 11 Pg 33 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 18 Framing Error and Break Interrupt (see above) in combination.
- This error may also be caused by defective 8250 UART chips.
- Certain internal modem cards have slow 8250 chips that do not
- operate properly with computers faster than 4.77 mHz. Replacing
- the 8250 with a NS16550AN is recommended.
- Please refer to the In Case of Difficulty chapter of this document for
- solutions.
- Less commonly encountered DSZ error messages are explained in the Pro-
- YAM manual.
- 11.3 No Carrier Detect
- If you see a No Carrier Detect message, and you haven't lost the
- connection, you should fix your modem cable or modem settings to allow
- proper operation of the Carrier Detect signal (CD).
- A poorer alternative is to give the d command: dsz port 1 speed 2400 d
- t
- 11.4 Port %d (%X) defective
- When DSZ selects a serial port, it performs a quick hardware check to
- verify the presence and minimal functionality of the 8250 family UART.
- This message usually means a nonexistent port has been selected.
- Reports have been received of functional but nonstandard UART chips
- triggering this message.
- If you see this message, make sure DSZ is in the DOS PATH. Sometimes
- this error is caused by having too many environment variable strings.
- 11.6 Out of Environment
- means there is not enough room in the program environment to accept more
- data.
- DOS prints this message when it cannot allocate more memory to
- accommodate a "set" command, such as "set dirrx=c:/downloads/".
- Try moving the "set" commands to the batch file that calls your comms
- program, or to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- Chapter 11 Pg 34 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- To increase environment, use the /E switch. The default is 160 bytes.
- An example for your CONFIG.SIS file: SHELL=C:COMMAND.COM/E:256
- NOTE: Large environments may cause DSZ.COM to lockup. This is less of a
- problem with DSZ.EXE.
- Chapter 12 Pg 35 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- Some users report slower than expected file transfers even when few or
- no errors are reported. Some possible causes are:
- If "handshake slow" is used, throughput may suffer. Try one of the
- other solutions to the "Line Status Register = 02" errors discussed
- above. When using "handshake slow" it may be possible to increase the
- modem's interface speed to 19200 bps or faster.
- Bad phone lines will silently slow MNP modems, sometimes without any
- error indications. If the modems disconnect fairly often you should
- suspect marginal phone line conditions that are being hidden by MNP
- error correction.
- One of the programs may have set a parameter or option that acts to slow
- the transfer under certain conditions.
- Chapter 13 Pg 36 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 13.1 LOCKUPS
- 13.1.1 Insufficient Memory
- DSZ complains when it detects insufficient memory to operate. When
- calling DSZ from another program, there may be ALMOST enough memory for
- proper operation, but DSZ locks up during a transfer or the calling
- program freezes after DSZ displays the "DSZ Finished" message.
- Sometimes there is a message about insufficient memory, sometimes just a
- lockup and no message. To verify this problem, call CHKDSK from within
- your comms program (not from DOS!) by defining it as an external
- protocol. If you use an interface program (Hotkeyz, Prodoor, etc.), you
- must call CHKDSK from that program, as those programs also reduce the
- memory available to DSZ.
- CHKDSK should report at least 64k free memory. If less memory is
- reported, reduce the size of the COMMS program's capture buffer, or
- reboot the system with fewer/smaller device drivers and TSR programs.
- Calling DSZ directly from the comms program instead of from an interface
- also saves memory.
- 13.1.2 Environment TOO BIG
- A large environment may cause DSZ.COM to lockup. The size of the
- environment (the amount of text you get when you give the DOS "set"
- command) is subtracted from the data space available to 8086 C programs.
- This can be a problem with DSZ.COM, whose 8086 tiny model limits code,
- data, stack, and environment to 64 kb TOTAL. Use DSZ.EXE (compiled with
- 8086 small model) to alleviate this problem.
- 13.1.3 Bad COM Port Configuration
- DSZ is fastidious about which interrupt vectors it takes over. Unlike
- some programs, DSZ uses only the correct interrupt vector for its
- interrupt service routine. (This allows multitasking.)
- DSZ obtains and releases this vector with standard DOS function calls.
- This allows multi line operation under DESQview and other multitasking
- systems.
- Incorrectly configured serial ports that work with programs that pig out
- both IRQ3 and IRQ4 will lock up with DSZ. If DSZ locks up the machine
- as soon as it tries to send or receive data, this is usually the fault.
- Make sure the comm port is strapped correctly; COM1 uses IRQ4, COM2 uses
- IRQ3. DSZ will lock up if the comm port is not properly set up.
- In addition, DSZ will not work properly if two devices are connected to
- the same IRQ line, even when some other programs (that don't use
- interrupts as intensively) do work normally on the same machine.
- Chapter 13 Pg 37 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- COM3 and above are not widely standardized. If you have problems with
- COM3, chances are your "COM3" is non standard.
- 13.2 Incorrect Batch Files
- Incorrect batch files are the number one source of problems using DSZ
- for uploads and downloads. Bulletin board programs with convoluted
- batch file mechanisms exacerbate the problem.
- DSZ's command line echo was added to assist in correcting defective
- batch files. You should see a display like:
- Command line = 'rz '
- or
- Command line = 'port 2 speed 9600 sz foo.baz '
- You may have to add a "pause" command at the end of the batch file to
- allow DSZ's messages to be seen. Another possibility is to turn on the
- printer with ^P before running DSZ, so DSZ's message can be saved on
- paper.
- In general, the Command line display should look like one of the
- examples in this document or those displayed by DSZ itself. (The
- Command line display does not include the name of the DSZ program
- itself.)
- Try running DSZ by itself, without any batch files or TSR programs,
- calling it directly from DOS as described above.
- 13.3 Cheap Internal Modems
- Numerous trouble reports have been received lately caused by cheap
- internal modems causing errors on ZMODEM transfers but not XMODEM. A
- similar problem was experienced in the mid 80's during beta testing of
- some 2400 bps modems. Perhaps defective LSI chips left over from those
- days were cloned or recovered from the trash bin.
- 13.4 Commands Entered in Upper Case
- Most DSZ commands and options must be entered in lower case (small
- letters, not big letters). Where the documentation or help screen
- indicates "rz", you must use "rz" and not "RZ".
- Chapter 13 Pg 38 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 13.5 No Carrier Detect
- If you see a No Carrier Detect message, and you haven't lost the
- connection, you should fix your modem cable or modem settings to allow
- proper operation of the Carrier Detect signal (CD).
- A poorer alternative is to give the d command: dsz port 1 speed 2400 d
- t
- 13.6 PKARC 3.6
- It has been reported that PK36 grabs some interrupts and doesn't restore
- them on exit in an attempt to prevent hacks of the program. Since
- eliminating that particular version and cleaning up memory, high speed
- transfers even with 8250 UARTS work properly again.
- The problem with PK 3.6 appears to be most severe if a BBS operator has
- doorware, etc that accesses the PK programs from a shell of some sort.
- This info may be helpful to users who are having otherwise inexplicable
- file transfer problems.
- Phil Katz has written me that this problem has been corrected in
- subsequent versions.
- 13.7 DOS 3.x
- DOS 3.x systems may need to have a "STACKS = 8,256" line in CONFIG.SYS
- to prevent antisocial behavior. This is required on the NEC Multispeed,
- or if certain TSR's are used.
- 13.8 Perstor Controllers
- Several reports have been received indicating Perstor disk controllers
- interfere with data communications. Perstor is reportedly working on a
- fix.
- 13.9 IBM PS/2 Model 50Z
- Early samples of this machine have a design error on the motherboard
- that causes comms programs to lock up the machine. Replacing the
- motherboard with a correctly functioning unit from current production
- corrects the problem. The part number of the replacement PS2/50 Z
- motherboard is 35F5928. (Information provided by John M. Choma
- 73047,3566) U.S. IBM has stonewalled on this issue, but in December 1988
- agreed to replace the defective motherboards under warranty.
- Chapter 13 Pg 39 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 13.10 Brain Damaged UARTS
- Omen Technology has received reports of problems with buggy 8250 type
- UART integrated circuits in Leading Edge modem boards, serial port
- interfaces, and computers. The defective chip logic affects high
- performance software. Replacing the buggy chip with a newer chip (16450
- or NS16550AN) corrects the problem.
- The UM82450 chip in the Zoom 2400HC also appears to cause problems.
- Zoom Telephonics advises that this problem is limited to their old
- model. The old model is inentifiable by an external volume control.
- The NS16550AN is a pin compatible plug in replacement for 8250 and 16450
- serial chips. Omen Technology software enables the FIFO buffer in the
- NS16550AN to prevents loss of data from poorly written device drivers,
- TSR programs, etc.
- The NS16550AN has better electrical characteristics than the older UART
- chips. 386 and fast 286 machines should use the NS16550AN for best
- results. Omen Technology software has been written to allow time for
- the older UART chips to operate. However, there is a limit to how much
- the software can rearrange chip accesses without resorting to
- performance robbing wait loops. Some other software is not as forgiving
- of slow chips.
- Be sure to ask for the NS16550AN. It is VITAL to get the National
- Semiconductor "AFN" or "AN" chip. Other vendors' chips won't do.
- Current Western Digital WD16C550 chips do not function properly at low
- speeds. At this writing, the National NS16550AN and NS16550FAN are the
- only plug compatible chips that are known to work. Some sources:
- Jameco Electronics at 415-592-8097 sells National NS16550AN chips mail
- order (credit card) in small quantities. Unfortunately, we have
- received a number of reports that their serial i/o card is now supplied
- with the infamous WD16C550 soldered in, even when ordered with specific
- instructions to include 16550AN chips.
- Microprocessors Unlimited, 24000 South Peoria, Beggs, OK. (918) 267-
- 4961. The price for the chip is $13.50 plus shipping costs. No minimun
- purchase is required.
- Consolidated Computers 4 Shoppers Lane Suite 121 Turnersville, NJ 08012
- (609)751-9595(voice) (609)751-3843(bbs) (609)751-3840(fax)
- Arrow Electronics at 800-932-7769 (516-467-1000).
- N.B.: Current Western Digital WD16C550 chips do not function properly at
- low speeds. This has been confirmed with samples received directly from
- Western Digital. WD is aware of this problem, but has not informed us
- of a corrected chip.
- Chapter 13 Pg 40 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 13.10.1 Everex Internal Modems
- Numerous reports have been received concerning difficulties with Everex
- modem cards. Some of these cards contain buggy 8250 chips which are not
- up to the demands of full duplex streaming protocols such as ZMODEM.
- Replacing the buggy 8250 chip with a 16450 (or better yet NS16550AN)
- chip corrects these problems.
- 13.11 Weird Iron
- A few machines, some with V20 CPUs, don't like DSZ.COM. We have not
- been able to repeat this; TeleGodzilla (using a V20) runs DSZ.COM
- without a hitch. Switching to DSZ.EXE has cleared up the problems on
- other machines.
- 13.12 Will the real YMODEM please stand up?
- Some XMODEM programs claiming to support YMODEM neither send nor accept
- the YMODEM pathname block. 1024 byte XMODEM is XMODEM-1k, not the
- YMODEM defined by Ward Christensen in 1985 when he invented the term
- YMODEM. 1987 and later versions of YMODEM.DOC remind the reader of the
- official YMODEM definition, which has not changed since YMODEM's coinage
- in 1985.
- 13.13 286 and 386 Extended Memory
- Virtual memory disk caches and ramdisks using 80286 or 80386 extended
- memory require a kludge hardware reset of the CPU chip to return to the
- normal "real mode" after accessing extended memory. This interference
- to the interrupt response time causes lost characters on comm ports, and
- may be minimized by specifying shorter memory transfers.
- Switching to a National NS16550AN or NS16550AFN UART chip helps
- tremendously, allowing transfers at 115200 bps instead of 9600 bps with
- a standard 8250. Please refer to the subchapter on "Brain Damaged
- UARTs".
- 13.14 Disk Caches
- Cache programs often interfere with ZMODEM transfers. In one instance,
- replacing Microsoft's SMARTDRV.SYS with Multisoft's SUPERPCK.EXE helped.
- Chapter 14 Pg 41 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- Consult the Professional-YAM, PowerCom, or ZCOMM manual chapter "OPTIONS
- FOR FILE TRANSFERS" for descriptions of the file transfer options. The
- "FILE TRANSFER BASICS" chapter explains the relative merits of XMODEM,
- YMODEM, ZMODEM, and other protocols and gives tips on their use. The
- "MAIN COMMANDS" chapter describes the rb, rx, rc, rz, sb, and sz
- commands. The "MODEM INTERFACING" and "FLOW CONTROL" chapters contain
- important information on the use of buffered modems with DSZ.
- Information on the ZMODEM Inter Application File Transfer Protocol is
- available in Omen Technology's "ZMODEM DEVELOPER's COLLECTION" ($89.00).
- Unix, Xenix and VMS C Source code for XMODEM, YMODEM, and ZMODEM
- transfers to/from Omen Technology Products is included in RZSZ.ZOO.[1]
- This file includes a Pro-YAM/ZCOMM script to upload a bootstrap file to
- a Unix system, force its compilation, and (if the compilation is
- successful) upload the rz/sz source files.
- __________
- 1. Technical support for rzsz is available on a paid consulting basis.
- Chapter 15 Pg 42 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 15. FILES
- ZMODEMU.BAT constitute Omen Technology's DSZ.ZIP. These same files are
- in DSZ.ZOO on the distribution diskette mailed to registered users.[1]
- 2S-PIF.DVP, 2A-PIF.DVP, DS.BAT, and 2T-PIF.DVP are used with Quarterdeck
- Office Systems' DESQview multitasking executive for background
- operation. Their use is described in a previous chapter of this
- document.
- ZCOMMDOC.ZIP (manual), ZCOMMEXE.ZIP (programs), ZCOMMHLP.ZIP (help
- processor and database), make up the ZCOMM communications tools
- shareware distribution. The ZCOMM files are available on finer bulletin
- boards.
- RZSZ.ZOO contains ZMODEM "C" source code for COMPLETE VAX VMS and
- Unix/Xenix programs licensed for use transferring files to/from licensed
- Omen Technology products.[2]
- DSZ.EXE compiled with the Xenix to DOS XC provides moderately higher
- maximum throughput. DSZ.EXE supports ZMODEM over 7 bit paths (E and P
- options), and specified control character quoting (-Q<string> option).
- The Xenix XC version requires somewhat more memory than DSZ.COM.
- DSZ.EXE does not support file sharing due to brain damage in the
- Microsoft stream I/O library. The maximum DSZ.EXE I/O buffer size
- available with the B numeric parameter is 16384. DSZ.EXE is available
- ZCOMM and Pro-YAM also run faster than DSZ.COM.
- DSZBG.ZOO contains DSZBG.DOC. Part of the DSZ registration disk (and
- not for public distribution), this file provides background information
- on the ZCOMM/Pro-YAM commands provided in DSZ. For non-registered
- users, the same information is available in ZCOMMDOC.ZIP.
- The ZOO archive format is a machine independent improvement on the PC-
- DOS specific .ARC format. The ZOO format has been precisely defined, and
- stable ZOO archivers/dearchivers are available on a wide variety of
- __________
- 1. DSZ.ZOO is supplied to registrants instead of DSZ.ZIP because not
- all registrants have copies of unarchiving programs. The
- registration disk includes a copy of LOOZ, a simple dearchiver for
- ZOO files.
- 2. Technical support for rzsz is available on a paid consulting basis.
- Chapter 15 Pg 43 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- systems.
- LOOZ.EXE unpacks .ZOO archives. LOOZ.DOC describes LOOZ.EXE. Be
- certain to type the arguments to LOOZ in lower case, UPPER CASE WILL NOT
- Chapter 16 Pg 44 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 16. Other Omen Technology Products
- 16.1 Professional-YAM COMMS TOOLS
- Omen Technology makes Professional-YAM, a comprehensive comms program
- with unmatched power. Flavors are available for PC-DOS, Unix, Xenix,
- and OS/2 Protected mode. Unix source code is available under license.
- 16.2 ZCOMM: Industrial Strength COMMS Shareware
- ZCOMM is a full featured shareware version with a $40.00 basic
- registration. Registered DSZ users upgrading to ZCOMM get a free
- binder!
- 16.3 ZMODEM Developer's Collection
- Omen Technology sells the "ZMODEM Developer's Collection" for $89.00.
- This diskette includes the most recent public domain versions of
- YMODEM.DOC, ZMODEM.DOC and the Unix/VMS rz/sz C source code for YMODEM
- and ZMODEM. A set of public domain PC-DOS executable programs are
- included for convenience. For many developers, this collection affords
- a significant labor savings in obtaining these materials.
- Chapter 17 Pg 45 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- Unlike snazzy menu interfaces, reliable high speed transfer protocols
- take many hours of testing, often over expensive phone connections, to
- develop. Two decades of communications experience and protocol testing
- are distilled in DSZ.
- DSZ is a user supported program developed and supported by Chuck
- Forsberg, owner of Omen Technology. Countless hours of work and
- expen$ive resources went to develop and support DSZ for the myriad
- environments users use it in. The fact that most of the problems people
- encounter with DSZ are caused by other software, hardware problems,
- failure to read the supplied documentation, or pirating has not kept
- users from seeking and getting help, even if it means calling the author
- in the middle of his sleep.
- Beyond this, the world of communications is constantly evolving, and it
- requires a significant ongoing effort to keep DSZ and its documentation
- up to date with the current state of the art. Individuals with little
- knowledge of the dynamic nature of telecommunications (or hidden
- agendas) have misrepresented the frequency of enhancements to DSZ as a
- sign that DSZ is "unstable" and unworthy of "serious consideration". If
- you think such sniping is fair play, you are more than welcome to use
- one of the many other protocol programs available, each of which claim
- to offer speed and reliability comparable to DSZ.
- Non registered users are welcome to use DSZ for a reasonable evaluation
- period. "Reasonable" means "until you've decided whether the program is
- worth $20.00". It does not mean "until some competing program gets
- around to adding ZMODEM or True Ymodem(TM)". Once you've evaluated DSZ,
- ethical use of DSZ requires registering the copy.
- DSZ is not and never has been Public Domain. Every version of DSZ has
- included a Copyright Notice and a prohibition against sale or
- modification. There is no usage counter or other Trojan Horse in DSZ,
- but if you use this program, you have a moral and ethical obligation to
- register it.
- Paid registration enables OverThruster(TM), YMODEM-g, and other advanced
- features that are present in DSZ.ARC in encrypted form. The
- registration package serializes and decodes all past and future versions
- of DSZ.COM and DSZ.EXE. You can get a fully featured upgrade of DSZ
- simply by downloading a newer version from TeleGodzilla, GEnie (IBM
- Roundtable), CompuServe, and trusted bulletin boards.
- 17.1 Sharing DSZ Files
- You are welcome to share unmodified copies of DSZ.ARC or DSZ.ZOO with
- your friends and associates for their evaluation. This documentation
- file and the MAILER file must be provided with all copies of DSZ except
- by prior written permission from Omen Technology Inc. Because of piracy
- Chapter 17 Pg 46 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- problems, Omen Technology must INSIST that DSZ be distributed only as
- part of the DSZ.ARC file EXACTLY as provided by Omen Technology Inc, or
- in an archive which displays a CRC value for DSZ.COM equal to that shown
- in the Changes chapter. If DSZ.ARC is "zipped" or otherwise repacked,
- no files may be added to or removed from the archive.
- If you see an improperly packed or otherwise modified DSZ archive or
- parts thereof in a bulletin board, please ask the board's operator to
- replace such files with DSZ.ARC exactly as provided by Omen Technology
- Inc. Flame them until they behave ethically.
- No version of DSZ may be sold without the prior written permission of
- Omen Technology Inc.
- DSZ is not and never has been Copy Protected. "DSZ unprotect" files
- have no function whatsoever except to aid and encourage the theft of
- Omen Technology's Intellectual Property.
- Distribution or use of programs or procedures that modify, patch,
- disassemble, decompile, or otherwise reverse engineer DSZ without the
- prior written permission by Omen Technology Inc is a bloody theft of
- intellectual property and services and is a violation of Federal
- Copyright Law. The same applies to debug scripts and documentation
- written for the same purposes. These perform the same function as
- pirate satellite and/or cable descramblers, to obtain benefit from
- encrypted communications without proper payment. Piracy has been
- investigated by the FBI and prosecuted under federal statutes.
- Applicable law provides for damages and recovery of attorney's fees.
- Omen Technology has received reports of serious problems caused by
- unauthorized patches to DSZ, and cannot assume liability for the
- performance of the resultant code. So far, none of the slime producing
- such bilge have seen fit to sign their real name and address to their
- cretinous attempts at ego gratification.
- Distribution of DSZ in any medium without this documentation file is an
- unauthorized modification to DSZ that deprives the rightful author of
- registration revenues. That is a theft of intellectual property. Such
- distribution damages the author by forcing the user and author to waste
- time and phone bills scrounging for the documentation, and answering
- questions that are fully covered in the documentation.
- If any version of DSZ is distributed with any other product, software or
- hardware, the product documentation must clearly and prominently state
- that the customer's continued use of DSZ requires registration directly
- with Omen Technology or its duly authorized agent(s). When unregistered
- copies of DSZ are distributed on disk, a contemporary copy of
- ZCOMMDOC.ARC should be included on the same disk.
- Thank you for your support.
- Chapter 17 Pg 47 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- After a short evaluation period, ethical users must register their copy
- of DSZ with a check for $20.00 in U.S. funds sent to:
- Omen Technology Inc.
- P.O. Box 4681
- Portland, OR 97208
- The address on your check is sufficient, no need to fill out forms.
- For VISA/MC Registrations, you can also:
- Call VOICE: 503-621-3406
- Or register online: 503-621-3746 300-1200-2400 bps
- Or FAX the INSTANT MAILER to: 503-621-3735
- Don't bother scrounging for an envelope, just print the INSTANT MAILER
- included in this archive!
- Overseas registrations are sent out International Air Mail. Users,
- especially those overseas, may choose to register their copy of DSZ for
- $25.00 U.S. by providing their VISA or Mastercard card number with
- expiration date and their name as it appears on their credit card.
- Purchase orders for less than $150 must be prepaid. Omen Technology Inc
- Federal TAX ID #: 930858776 Oregon TAX ID #: 536565
- .ne 12
- "Das Recht zur Benutzung von DSZ in Deutschland, Oesterreich und der
- Schweiz erwerben Sie durch Bezahlung der Lizenzgebuehr von DM 57,00
- (incl. Mwst) an RzK
- Doris Koepke
- Bitzenstr. 11
- D-5464 Asbach
- Tel. 02683-4547, FAX 49 2683 4537, Telex 86 3705 rzk d, CIS
- [70126,1660]. Sie erhalten dann von dort sowohl die neueste Version, als
- auch Ihren individuellen Software-Key, mit dem Sie auch kuenftige
- Shareware-Versionen "aufschliessen", also die in der Shareware Version
- nicht zugnglichen Programmfunktionen nutzbar machen koennen, per Post.
- Die Benutzung nicht registrierter Versionen stellt einen Verstoss
- geltenden Rechts dar und wird strafrechtlich verfolgt."
- Chapter 17 Pg 48 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- *************************************************************************
- The user registration package includes a printed serial number password
- (SNP) card. The registration "care package" diskette contains the
- latest versions of the DSZ programs, additional user documentation, and
- the installation program which uses your personal SNP to enable advanced
- features and bypass the opening advertisement.
- The registration package unlocks the extra value in all past and future
- versions of DSZ.COM and DSZ.EXE.
- *************************************************************************
- The unique serial number on the registration card is registered to the
- user, and is acceptable proof of registration to corporate auditors.
- The putsnp program inserts your unique DSZ Serial Number Password (SNP)
- into you copy of DSZ with the following command:
- putsnp dsz.com
- Putsnp accepts your SNP and asks appropriate questions before inserting
- the SNP to enable the extra value in DSZ.
- Your disk directory entry for DSZ will show the date and time you
- serialized your copy of DSZ. This does not affect the revision date DSZ
- announces when DSZ is run.
- Some TSR programs and device deivers interfere with putsnp. If you have
- a lockup running putsnp, run it without any device drivers or TSR
- programs (boot a plain DOS from floppy disk).
- The only legitimate way to disable the opening advertisement in DSZ is
- to insert an authorized SNP obtained from Omen Technology into DSZ with
- the putsnp program. Any other suppression or modification of the
- opening screen is an illegal, unethical theft of services. Omen
- Technology has received reports of serious problems caused by
- unauthorized patches to DSZ, and cannot assume liability for the
- performance of the resultant code.
- Piracy is stealing.
- 17.3 Files on Registration Disk
- The following files are currently included on the Registration Disk sent
- to paid registrants.
- LOOZ.EXE Program to unpack .ZOO archives. Please note that
- commands to LOOZ must be given in lower case. "looz x
- dsz" works, "LOOZ X DSZ" fails. LOOZ.DOC describes
- Chapter 17 Pg 49 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- To dearchive with looz: looz x dszexe (Note: x must be
- lower case, X won't work!)
- Type "looz" without arguments to see the help message.
- DSZ.ZOO Contains DSZ.COM, this document, DESQview description
- files, and an instant no-effort registration mailer.
- To dearchive with looz: looz x dsz (Note: x must be lower
- case, X won't work!)
- RZSZ.ZOO contains ZMODEM "C" source code for COMPLETE VAX
- VMS and Unix/Xenix programs licensed for use transferring
- files to/from licensed Omen Technology products.[1]
- To dearchive RZSZ with looz: looz x rzsz (Note: x must be
- lower case, X won't work!)
- PUTSNP.EXE Installs your unique registered serial number to enable
- the extra value in DSZ.
- DSZBG.DOC (in DSZBG.ZOO) Background information for DSZ, consisting of
- relevant parts of the ZCOMM User's Manual. DSZBG.DOC is
- for paid registered users only; registered bulletin
- boards and unregistered users are welcome to read the
- same information contained in the ZCOMM manual (contained
- To dearchive with looz: looz x dszbg (Note: x must be
- lower case, X won't work!)
- 17.4 Bulletin Board Registration
- Use and/or copying of DSZ by bulletin board sysops and/or systems is
- allowed according to the following conditions:
- I agree to feature the ZCOMM files (ZCOMMEXE.ZIP, ZCOMMDOC.ZIP,
- ZCOMMHLP.ZIP) for downloading, and to announce the availability and
- features of ZCOMM in any bulletins, help displays, or other displays
- __________
- 1. Technical support for rzsz is available on a paid consulting basis.
- Chapter 17 Pg 50 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- that mention communications programs. It is my responsibility to
- maintain reasonably current versions of the ZCOMM files on the BBS shown
- above.
- I understand that I am welcome to use DSZ on my bulletin board(s) from
- the time I sign and mail this document as long as I abide by the
- conditions above, including featuring the above mentioned ZCOMM files.
- I shall distribute DSZ.COM only as part of the DSZ.ZIP EXACTLY as
- provided by Omen Technology Inc, or "zipped" without any file additions,
- deletions, or modifications. If I distribute DSZEXE.ZOO, I shall also
- maintain DSZ.ZIP in the same directory since DSZEXE.ZOO references files
- in DSZ.ZIP.
- If I see a modified DSZ archive or parts thereof in a file or collection
- of files (e.g., archive) on a bulletin board, I shall replace such files
- or archive members with the contents of DSZ.ZIP exactly as provided by
- Omen Technology Inc. I shall report instances of noncompliance to Omen
- Technology.
- I shall not allow any version of dsz to be sold, modified, patched,
- hacked, disassembled, decompiled, or otherwise reverse engineered
- without the prior written permission of Omen Technology Inc.
- I understand that DSZ is not and never has been Copy Protected. I fully
- understand that "DSZ unprotect" files have no function whatsoever except
- to aid and encourage the theft of Omen Technology's Intellectual
- Property.
- (For this BBS registration, a multi node bulletin board operating from a
- single, common file system counts as one machine.)
- The purpose of bulletin board registrations is to support and promote
- ZCOMM and Professional-YAM by popularizing the ZMODEM protocol and
- featuring the ZCOMM shareware files available for downloading.
- BBS registrations must be submitted on the bbs_reg form with signature
- and date, and must accompany a new paid DSZ or ZCOMM registration. The
- paid registration that must accompany your BBS registration can be one
- submitted by one of your board's users. Most boards have many
- unregistered DSZ users, so getting one of them to register their DSZ
- should pose no difficulty. Since the paid registration may be from one
- of your board's users, you can get your BBS registered for free by
- getting one of your users to register his/her DSZ at the same time.
- Chapter 17 Pg 51 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- Be sure to save your serial number/password (SNP) card and the putsnp
- program you received from Omen to use with future versions of DSZ you
- may download!
- The current DSZ version is maintained on GEnie (IBM Roundtable), EXEC-
- BBS, CompuServe (IBMCOM and CONSULT SIGs) as well as TeleGodzilla.
- DSZ is a popular program which has been the object of virus attacks.
- Pirated/hacked versions of DSZ have cost users and DSZ's developer
- thousands of dollars in lost time and other expenses, in addition to
- injuring of Omen Technology's reputation.
- Virus and Trojan code hidden in hacked/pirated copies of DSZ and
- programs claiming to "register DSZ" have caused loss of data.
- Name Length Date Time CRC
- dsz.com 51516 Crunched 14% 44399 19 Nov 90 12:54p 7c12
- dsz.exe 61589 Crunched 19% 50453 19 Nov 90 12:55p 039b
- PKZIP -vt 32 bit CRC: 570516BE 51516 dsz.com
- PKZIP -vt 32 bit CRC: 8A47557C 61589 dsz.exe
- Your copy of DSZ should show this information as provided by
- arc v dsz
- or
- pkxarc -v dsz
- lharc v dsz
- ARC, and LHARC use a 16 bit CRC.
- ZIP uses a 32 bit CRC compatible with the Professional-YAM and ZCOMM
- "crc" command.
- pkzip -vt dsz
- The following Pro-YAM/ZCOMM command gives the 32 bit CRC for DSZ.COM:
- EXAMPLE: >>>c: crc dsz.com
- If your copy shows a different CRC or file length, insist on a
- legitimate copy and report the source of the bogus/pirated copy to Omen
- Technology Inc. Omen Technology has received reports of serious
- problems caused by unauthorized patches to DSZ, and cannot assume
- liability for the performance of the resultant code.
- COM7 and COM8 are changed; see the "port" command above.
- A problem in the 1/17/89 and 2/2/89 versions corrupts files under
- Chapter 18 Pg 52 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- unusual circumstances. Please delete all instances of the 1/17/89 and
- 2-02-89 version.
- A reminder: the -Z option is effective only when it is given to the
- sending program unless both are Omen Technology products revised Jan 22
- 1990 or later.
- If you use PREFIX= or ONAME= with the "sb" or "sz" commands, these
- pathnames must be entered in lower case unless the underlying file
- system supports upper AND lower case.
- A boundary condition bug in the implementation of the rz/sz -rr option
- has been corrected. When using the -rr option, both sending and
- receiving programs should be a March 8 1990 or later version.
- Otherwise, files may be needlessly retransmitted. This problem does not
- affect the -r option.
- Nov 19 1990: A number of small enhancements.
- The sz -i and -u options were added. The -i option is useful sending
- files to VMS rz version 4.x, forcing VMS Stream_LF record format. The
- -u option unlinks (deletes) a file after it is successfully sent with
- SlugBait has been fixed.
- The Y numeric parameter (described above) has been added to allow FIFO
- hackers to do their thing.
- June 25 1990: When a ZMODEM block length is forced, the receiving DSZ
- writes the data to disk before acknowledging the block. With DSZ.EXE
- and its maximum 16384 buffer size, you may be able to avoid overrun
- (Line Status Register 02) problems receiving to slow disk drives by
- using:
- dsz pB16384 z pl16384 rz
- ZMODEM-90(TM) speeds up GEnie ZMODEM downloads; see DSZOPT in Chapter 6.
- The "sz" command had an undocumented fallback to YMODEM, this has been
- removed for reliability reasons.
- The SlugBait (-s) option now causes DSZ to return success (0 exit code)
- if at least one file is transferred.
- April 11 1990: Enhancements for more efficient multitasking under
- DESQview and DESQview 386. Code which prevented IRQ conflicts between
- COM1/COM3 and COM2/COM4 has been removed to allow use of COM7 and COM8
- without interference from DSZ running on COM1 or COM2..
- ZIP replaces ARC as the standard download distribution format on new
- files.
- Chapter 18 Pg 53 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- March 21 1990: DSZ now sends the CANCEL sequence if it runs out of disk
- space while receiving a file with ZMODEM.
- DSZ now defaults to "handshake both" if the clear to send signal is high
- when DSZ selects the comm port regardless of the initial "baud rate".
- The P parameter can be set to -1 to disable the FIFO on the Western
- Digital WD16550 chip. The WD16550 FIFO has been observed to lose
- characters when transmitting at slow baud rates. A more elegant
- software solution to this hardware problem may be discovered in the
- future.
- Feb 25 1990: Doco change only. The "R" numeric parameter or the
- "restrict" command may be used to force partially received files to be
- deleted. These features have been in DSZ for a long time, but never got
- into DSZ.DOC.
- Feb 18 1990: DSZPORT now accepts "portx" style arguments in addition to
- the traditional decimal number. The -Wn option has been improved.
- Jan-28-1990: Doco improvements, especially to the "In Case of
- Difficulty" chapter. BBS registration clarified for those that bother
- to read it. Qmodem batch files fixed. No change to the DSZ software.
- Jan-22-1990: ZMODEM-90(TM) extensions:
- Receiver specified window size: The -Wn option operates similarly to the
- -wn option. The -Wn option is specified to the receiver, which sends
- this information to the sender. Pro-YAM, ZCOMM and DSZ versions
- beginning with Jan 22 1990 support this.
- Specified extra escaped characters: The "zmtxesc" and "zmrxesc" allow
- extra characters to be escaped when sending (zmtxesc) or receiving
- (zmrxesc). Zmtxesc is effective sending to any ZMODEM program. The sz
- commands in Omen products after Jan 22 1990 except for DSZ.COM recognize
- incoming "zmrxesc" requests. The zmrxesc and zmtxesc string parameters
- consist of one or more printing characters corresponding to the control
- characters to be escaped. To escape NULL: set zmrxesc "@"
- Since DSZ does not support string parameters, a -Q<string> option unique
- to DSZ performs the same function as zmrxesc and zmtxesc. If the
- Q<string> option is used in DSZOPT, it must be last. To escape NULL:
- dsz sz -Q@ file.ext
- MobyTurbo(TM):
- MobyTurbo optimizes throughput on ZIP, ARC, and similar files without
- sacrificing ZMODEM's famous reliability on noisy lines. MobyTurbo works
- with standard modems, error correcting modems with hardware flow
- control, and over paths that support ZMODEM and do not "eat" or
- otherwise respond to control characters. This includes all paths that
- Chapter 18 Pg 54 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- support YMODEM-g (or would except for line noise).
- MobyTurbo can be used for downloads over PC Pursuit if software flow
- control is not turned on.
- Activate MobyTurbo with the -m option to one or more of: sz command, rz
- command, or DSZOPT environment variable.
- ZMODEM over 7 bit paths: (Not supported in DSZ.COM)
- A pair of ZMODEM-90 programs with 7-bit support operating over a 7 bit
- path should detect that fact and switch to one of two 7-bit path
- compatible encodings. For testing, this can be forced with a "-E"
- option.
- Default 7-bit mode is RLE compression and 8th bit quoting similar to
- Kermit but more efficient because not so many control characters are
- quoted. Use this default for text files. Rubout and all control
- characters can be escaped with the -e option. Individual control
- characters can be escaped with "zmtxesc" and "zmrxesc".
- Pack-7 instead of quoting is activated with the -P option. (-P has no
- effect on 8 bit paths.) Pack-7 packs 4 bytes into 5 printing characters.
- This is more efficient than quoting for files where 25% more 8th bits
- appear than the number of characters saved by RLE compression. (This
- statement applies to GIF, ARC, ZOO, and ZIP files. It may or may not
- apply to other binary file formats, depending on the data.) Pack-7 will
- match or beat standard Kermit on ZIP files, even when Kermit has use of
- all 8 bits.
- SUPK412.ZIP 75136 bytes sent at 2400 bps direct connect from an
- Everec 1800 AT clone 8mHz/0ws to an 18 mHz Intel 386 motherboard.
- 8-Bit line
- cps Protocol/command
- 156 MS Kermit 3.00 to MS Kermit 3.00 (defaults)
- 182 MS Kermit 3.00 to MS Kermit 3.00 (windows=2 length=2000)
- 184 MS Kermit 3.00 to Pro-YAM 17.51 (windows=2 length=2000)
- 231 Pro-YAM 17.51 ZMODEM (defaults)
- 237 Pro-YAM 17.51 ZMODEM-90(TM) MobyTurbo(TM) (sz -m)
- 7-Bit line
- cps Protocol/command
- 156 MS Kermit 3.00 to MS Kermit 3.00 (windows=4 length=2000)
- 190 Pro-YAM 17.51 ZMODEM-90 PACK-7 (sz -EP)
- Kermit transfers used 8 bit CRC, ZMODEM used 32 bit CRC.
- ************************************************************************
- ************************************************************************
- Chapter 18 Pg 55 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- Performance difference with MobyTurbo, possible side
- effects/incompatibilities. MobyTurbo logic tests for software flow
- control incompatibilities: when does this test fail?
- Automatic detection of 7-bit paths. Spurious detection of 7-bit paths
- and failure to detect 7-bit paths. (DSZ.EXE only)
- 12-13-89 The Virus check was removed because of user confusion and slow
- startup under certain conditions. Code has been added to prevent and/or
- recover from "line status register 18" errors.
- 10-28-89 A T may be appended to DSZOPT or "dsz t -T" may be used to
- force DSZ to exit after it has recognized a ZMODEM AutoDownload(TM)
- request.
- 10-24-89 BBS registered copies (serial numbers 8000-8999 and 20000-
- 23999) are now fully featured.
- The BBS registration form has been modified. Please read this form
- carefully before applying a BBS serial number. Use of BBS serial
- numbers (4000, 20000 series) acknowledges acceptance of this contract.
- The IMP/KMD compatibility file length information in the YMODEM header
- generated by the sb command now uses the correct byte ordering. Changes
- to the XMODEM/YMODEM sz/sb commands were made to accommodate programs
- that ise CK or CKL. (As predicted in 1985, networks sometimes interfere
- with these sequences.)
- Files passed over because of creation errors at the receiving end are
- now counted by the "sz" command as errors. The receiving program must
- be a 9/89 or later version for this to be effective.
- The specified directory form of the rz and rb commands has been enanced
- to accommodate certain forms of erroneous syntax.
- 6-19-89 A documentation error (concerning DSZPORT) was corrected in the
- DOC file.
- 5-25-89 Corrects a protocol negotiation problem encountered when the rz
- or sz -e option is used.
- Host programs can now specify an alternate CANCEL sequence (not used for
- DOS and Unix).
- The ZMODEM "Slow Send" mode inserts a brief pause after each subpacket
- when invoked with the -F option, or automatically when the "sz" command
- detects failing flow control. The zmodem F numeric parameter (default
- 1) sets the pause in tenths of seconds.
- Chapter 18 Pg 56 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 4-24-89 The -rr option has been improved. Long file compares are done
- in two stages to save time when the first portions do not match.
- Diagnostic code and undocumented commands have been removed to decrease
- the program size.
- The 4-18 version introduces ZMODEM variable length headers of up to 16
- bytes information field instead of the previous fixed 4. Selection of
- variable length header capability is automatic and downward compatible.
- Variable length headers allow future extensions to ZMODEM's
- capabilities.
- ZMODEM Crash Recovery now understands the -rr option to compare the
- CRC-32 of the assumed common file segment before continuing an
- incomplete file transfer. The "zmodem R" numeric parameter may be set
- to limit the number of bytes in the files that are compared; the default
- R value of 0 allows all of the file to be compared, an R value up to
- 32000 (up to 2 billion on 32 bit flavors) limits the comparison to the
- first R bytes of the two files. The ZMODEM -rr option is supported by
- Omen Tech versions April 18 1989 and later.
- When ZMODEM Crash Recovery detects incompatible source and destination
- file contents, the destination file is now truncated to zero length
- before proceeding with the transfer. Crash Recovery requires the
- destination file to be no longer than the source file.
- Error reporting on unregistered copies has been enhanced to point the
- user to solutions described in the relevant chapters in DSZ.DOC.
- 3-18-89 In order to work around a bug in the new TCOMM bbs, DSZ now
- defaults to "handshake on" if the speed is greater than 2400 and the
- clear to send signal is high when DSZ selects the comm port.
- The "o" command has been added to disconnect the modem after a terminal
- session: "dsz t o" disconnects the modem when the terminal session is
- completed.
- The "P" (capital P) numeric parameter (q.v.) has been added to display
- and control the UART fifo on some clone chips.
- BBS registrations postmarked after Feb 28 1989 must be accompanied by a
- paid DSZ registration. The free program expired Feb 28 1989. Outside
- help has been hired to process and verify applications received under
- that program.
- 2-23-89 The term function now sends BREAK in response to the ALT-B key.
- Handling of the Ctrl-Break vector has been changed so an untimely
- keyboarded Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break will not hang DOS.
- 2-15-89 DIRRX is enabled for BBS registrations (8xxx numbers). Logic
- has been added to simulate transmit interrupts on chips that have
- problems in this area. The "A" command does not require registration.
- Chapter 18 Pg 57 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- An interaction between ONAME= or PREFIX= and the file count display has
- been removed. Time/date conversion routines have been enhanced to deal
- with files with missing dates. The "v" command has been added to allow
- bbs programs to interrogate DSZ's serial number.
- 2-06-89 A spurious error message at the completion of YMODEM downloads
- with a download directory specified on the command line has been
- eliminated.
- 2-05-89 DSZ now returns a non 0 status unless at least one file has been
- transferred. An inappropriate pathname/disk specifier check on
- specified download directories has been removed.
- Previous versions:
- Added the "A" command to prevent pcAnywhere host mode from locking up
- DSZ. SlugBait logic has been simplified, reporting any failed file
- transfer where any of the last 1K of the file was sent with Q status.
- Introduced ZMODEM RLE compression with the -Z option. (registered DSZ
- copies also accept "Z" in the DSZOPT environment variable.) ZMODEM RLE
- compression packs runs of the same character in two or three character
- sequences. Compression is useful for screen dumps, uncompressed
- workspaces, compiler listings, and other files rich with strings of
- repeated characters, but not .ARC, .ZOO and other compressed files.
- Compression percentages range from -1 per cent for already compressed
- files to more than 1000 per cent (10x speedup!) for the Personal
- Computing text file benchmark(!). When sending to programs that do not
- support ZMODEM compression, the -Z option is ignored. The -Z option is
- effective when specified to the sending program only.
- Good news for tired frog stompers! The ZMODEM rz/sz programs are now
- available in a VMS C flavor. The VAX/VMS source files are contained in
- the RZSZ.ARC (RZSZ.ZOO) archive file.
- "Handshake slow" has been added to disable the RTS signal to the modem
- while writing to disk, even if the interrupt buffer is not chock full of
- bytes. This should help systems with excessive interrupt latency on
- disk writes.
- Setting the v (verbose) parameter to 1 or greater causes serialized
- copies to ring the bell when a transfer is done.
- DSZ.DOC has been extensively rewritten and reorganized. DSZ supports
- the advanced buffering of the National NS16550AN, NS16550AFN and Intel
- 82510 serial interface devices. Please refer to the subchapter on
- "Brain Damaged UARTs".
- Chapter 19 Pg 58 DSZ Reference Rev Nov-19-90 Typeset 11-19-90
- 32 bit CRC code courtesy Gary S. Brown.
- ZMODEM-90(TM), MobyTurbo(TM), The High Reliability Software(TM), Demand
- Upgrade(TM), TurboLearn Script Writer(TM), Cybernetic Data Recovery(TM),
- ZMODEM AutoDownload(TM), Intelligent Crash Recovery(TM), Error
- Containment(TM), Full Time Capture(TM), True YMODEM(TM),
- OverThruster(TM), Password Guardian(TM), CryptoScript(TM), and
- TurboDial(TM) are Omen Technology trademarks.
- PowerCom was trademarked in 1985 by POLYTRON Corporation, Hillsboro
- Oregon.
- True YMODEM(TM) is an Omen Technology Trademark signifying YMODEM
- protocol support that meets the full YMODEM specification.
- DSZ and this documentation are Copyright 1990 by Omen Technology Inc,
- all rights reserved. DSZ is not and never has been Public Domain.
- Every version of DSZ has included a Copyright Notice and a prohibition
- against sale or modification. This prohibition applies to any theft of
- the intellectual property and trade secrets contained in DSZ by
- decompilation, disassembly, or any other form of reverse engineering
- including but not limited to profiling, tracing, data analysis, or
- monitoring the operation of DSZ.
- Omen Technology copyright applies to its expression of the encoding and
- compression ideas expressed as code and byte streams used in the
- ZMODEM-90 enhancements.
- DSZ is not and never has been Copy Protected. "DSZ unprotect" files
- have no function whatsoever except to aid and encourage the theft of
- Omen Technology's Intellectual Property.
- Omen Technology Incorporated
- The High Reliability Software
- 17505-V Northwest Sauvie Island Road
- Portland Oregon 97231
- Modem: 503-621-3746 Speed 1200,2400,19200
- FAX: 503-621-3735
- CompuServe:70007,2304 GEnie:CAF