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- Cyanide Setup Utility v1.4ß
- ---------------------------
- Wow! Cyanide's hot on it's feet and ready for some more power packed action!
- New for Cyanide is Cyanide's AWESOME new menu driven Setup Utility. This new
- addition to the Cyanide Family has been a great one indeed. It has it's OWN
- style, look, and doesn't remind anyone of that silly FoRuM look. Ack! Forum...
- ------------------
- New Features
- ------------------
- Key: + New Feature
- - Deleted Feature
- = Modified Feature
- + Mouse Support at Main Menu - Though this isn't too bad, it works great.
- It doesn't work through out then WHOLE Setup, But you don't really need
- it everywhere. Remember, this is a BETA COPY. So what do you expect?
- - That STUPID Forum Page crap. Don't need it, and never will. It was too
- dumb, and a pain the ass going though changing the stuff around. Well,
- it was good during the Dark Ages...
- - Online Help (via F1) - No one really needs help anymore, and besides,
- the Setup self explains itself now
- - Colors. I took out most all the colors. Now it's plain grey for FASTER
- screen writes, and a few windows here and there. It saves time, and who
- cares for a COLORFUL Setups anyways?
- - Option: Save/Load Setup File. Took out the Load up Setup actaully.
- Most people just exited the Setup without saving then coming back in to
- loadup a previous Setup.
- + Main Menu Pulls - Again, this is a ncie feature; Sorts all the stuff
- around.
- + Little more fancier at the welcome. I think it looks sweet myself.
- = New time Setup. When you load up for the first time, you go through a
- little 'box' of info first. Just gets you on your feet.
- + Added some Yes No Prompts that look hot. Now you can use your CURSOR
- KEYS to move the ( ) around the Yeses and Noes. (Noes.. Nos.. Hmmm..)
- Like: Would you like a free Dual Standard? (Yes) No <- moving the ()'s
- with the Keys, and Even the Y or N will do. Pressing the return on the
- current Yes/No will also work.
- + New Box Screen. White over blue. I think it looks good too.
- Lots of little things... you had to be there.
- ------------------
- Again, I'd like to express that this IS a Beta Version. It does NOT HAVE
- all the valiables it should. This is just to check bugs, and other things
- before adding the complete stuff. Thanks again all you supporters out there
- who made Cyanide what it is, and all you abusers too - Kept me pushing
- strong, and now - Maybe even better than anything else.
- ------------------
- Special thanks go out to:
- The Grand Wizzard: Thanks for the Beta testing, and uploading me Low Blow 2.
- Misfit: Thanks for all your thankyous, and 'good job' s, and 'I like this'
- Help make this Setup Possible.. Hmm..
- The Stallion: If it wern't for you, this Setup wouldn't of existed. I know
- how much you want a decent bbs software - and nothing to good
- out there.. Well, Can't say much.
- And all you others I havn't mentioned.
- ------------------
- PLEASE READ!!!!!!!
- ------------------
- Yah, Sure, you may think Cyanide isn't much of anything. Well, actaully,
- you could be right. It wasn't intended to become some big thing and take
- over the world. *BUT* I really did hope it could of been something special.
- Well, It can. And it IS. Before, Cyanide wasn't much of anything. No one
- took much part in making what it is today.. But now you can!
- Starting today (Nov 24th 90) you can help take part in making Cyanide some-
- thing. No, there is no APPLICATION, or Validation, or ANY process to help
- out. We're just opening up some Cyanide 'departments' to some people who
- just might wanna help. Doesn't MATTER WHO YOU ARE - Friend or Foe (?), You
- can JUST maybe help. We're looking for people who can suit these positions:
- * Writers - No necessary typing skills, just get somthing done. Will
- need a few writers for New features, and a writer or two for a Super-duper
- Manual.
- * Programmers - Hey, If you know pascal, why not take part in Cyanide.
- Cyanide speads fast, and saying 'Hey, I wrote that procedure' or 'Man,
- see that? I wrote that bitch!' is a good feeling. Being a part of the
- Cyanide team is a fun and thrilling feeling because your always meeting
- new bugs. Ack!
- * Beta PEOPLE - YOU PEOPLE DON'T HAVE TO RUN A BOARD! - All we're looking
- for is people who are willing to just set aside a directory of Cyanide to
- check out, run it's ass off, and check for ANY bugs. That's nice.
- * Distributors - Oh god. No, We're no cracking group, Nor want to be. We just
- want to get Cyanide known, and even maybe run. Running Cyanide is a whole
- different subject, so I'll stay out of that (Read News)
- Do you fit in any one of these catagories? Well, if so, leave some email
- to: MaggotMan along with some information on what YOU can do!
- ----------------
- Alrighty, well, To late to write anymore.. 'nuff said. Thanks again all
- you people out there who helped Cyanide is ANY way.
- Cyanide Staff '90
- Cyanide Development Inc 89,90
- [EOF]