home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- echo off
- REM this program installs for 5 1/4" disks only
- REM test for existing COVERT subdirectory
- if EXIST %1:\MPS\COVERT\game.exe goto ClearDir
- if EXIST %1:\MPS\COVERT\egraphic.exe goto ClearDir
- goto NewDir
- :ClearDir
- REM this will clear the subdirectory %1:\MPS\COVERT
- cls
- echo Please answer "Y" to following question,
- echo they clear out the old COVERT files.
- echo on
- erase %1:\MPS\COVERT\*.*
- echo off
- goto CopyFiles
- :NewDir
- REM this installs new COVERT subdirectory; errorlevel 0 means success
- MD %1:\MPS
- if errorlevel 0 goto MakeDir
- cls
- echo Error creating %1:\MPS\COVERT subdirectory, do not use INSTALL program.
- echo You must install COVERT ACTION manually. Sorry.
- goto End
- :MakeDir
- :CopyFiles
- REM this copies files from floppies in to %1:\MPS\COVERT
- cls
- echo Insert disk labelled "A" into your B: disk drive, then...
- copy B:*.* %1:\MPS\COVERT
- copy B:covert.bat %1:\MPS
- cls
- echo Insert disk labelled "B" into your B: disk drive, then...
- copy B:*.* %1:\MPS\COVERT
- if EXIST %1:\MPS\COVERT\TAC.EXE goto TwoDisks
- cls
- echo Insert disk labelled "C" into your B: disk drive, then...
- copy B:*.* %1:\MPS\COVERT
- cls
- echo Insert disk labelled "D" into your B: disk drive, then...
- copy B:*.* %1:\MPS\COVERT
- :TwoDisks
- copy B:covert.bat %1:\mps
- cls
- %1:
- cd \mps
- echo Type 'COVERT' to begin game.
- :End