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- Hello there folks,
- This is the release version 1.0 of SORCERERS get all of the GIRLS.
- The information is as follows; Keyboard layout, Registration form for
- the Sorcery University, general game instructions, and general start-up
- instructions for the game....
- we suggest unzipping all files to thier respective disks, before installing!
- Make life easier ya know! Besides, saves us from having to explain every
- little detail of this game!
- -------------------KEYBOARD LAYOUT-------------------------
- Function Keys:
- <F1> - this display
- <F2> - menu mode
- <F3> - half screen mode
- <F4> - full screen mode
- <F5> - picture mode
- <F6> - map mode
- <F7> - inventory mode
- <F8> - look mode
- <F9> - status mode
- Mouse Comamnds on the Maps and Pictures:
- Single Click - "Look at " object
- Double Click - Do "obvious" thing to object
- Mouse Commands on the Menus:
- Single Click - select word
- Double Click - execute command
- Menu Control Keys:
- <Tab> - change in Typing mode
- <PgDn> - move one page down in the list
- <PgUp> - move one page up in the list
- <Home> - move to the top of the list
- <End> - move to the bottom of the list
- <Shift><Letter> - move to the first word starting with <Letter>
- <UP arrow><DOWN arrow> - move up or down in list
- <LEFT arrow><RIGHT arrow> - select word
- <Backspace> - delete last word
- <Space> - select word from list
- <Enter> - execute command
- Special Keys when typing:
- <Tab> - change to mouse mode
- <Backspace> - delete last character (dddoooyyyy!!!)
- <ESC> - erase all typing
- <Enter> - execute command
- Mouse Emulator Control Keys:
- <Tab> - change to command mode
- <UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT arrow> - move mouse cursor
- <Enter> - "click mouse button"
- <Shift><Enter> - "double click mouse button"
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *************************************************************************
- ---------------------- Sorcerer University ------------------------
- Welcome to Sorcerer U! Please bring this form with you on registration day.
- It will be needed in order to complete any information which is missing from
- our registration records. No one will be registered for the term without
- this form! Registration will occur in Donkeydung Hall, between 9:00 a.m.
- and 4:30 p.m.
- Student: Eaglebeak, Ernie
- Status: Freshman, Class of '41
- ID Number: 9179
- Advisor: Professor Otto Tickingclock
- Living Group: Frogkisser House
- Hometown: Port Gekko (alumni sector 14)
- Secondary School Class Rank: 23
- Sorcerer Aptitude Test Scores: Oral: 590 Anal: 670
- Dietary Restrictions (if any): none
- Allergies (if any): none
- Medical Checkup Completed: YES
- Health Score: 91
- -------------------SCHEDULE for Fall Term of 1037--------------------
- course: days: time: location: professor:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Spellcasting 101 MonWedFri 9:30-11:30 Meltingwolf Hall Wartytoad
- General Magic 101 MonWedFri 1:00-3:00 Meltingwolf Hall Friendofsheep
- Physical Skills 101 MonWedFri 4:00-6:00 Sorcerer Stadium [staff]
- Math & Science 101 TuesThurs 9:30-11:30 Meltingwolf Hall to be determined
- Mythology 101 TuesThurs 1:00-3:00 Meltingwolf Hall Barleybreath
- Ethics 101 TuesThurs 4:00-6:00 Meltingwolf Hall Hoppingturtle
- *****************************************************************************
- +++++++++++++++++++ Mapping Coordinates +++++++++++++++++++++
- 1-BAT Putzburg
- 1-PIG Port Curdle
- 2-TICK Port Gekko
- 3-GRUB Balmoral City
- 3-GNAT New Barfton
- 4-GRUB Sorcerer U
- 4-PIG Hour Glass Symbol
- 5-GNAT Blabber
- 6-TICK Foot Island
- 6-ASP Upper Blabber
- 7-GNAT Danderville
- 8-SLUG Love Island
- 8-GNAT Flem
- 8-ASP Spittul
- 9-BAT Dragon Channel
- 10-GRUB Barfton
- 11-SLUG Surf Free
- 13-PIG Fort Blackwand
- 14-PIG ST. Weinersburg
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General Game-Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This is a list of commands you may type in anytime during the game
- and their results, Anything in parenthesis are abbreviations:
- AGAIN (G) - Repeats your last input
- CAST - Shows you a list of all the characters you've met so far in the game,
- along with a short description of who they are. Useful for those
- players with poor memories who abhor taking notes.
- CREDITS - Is a list of everyone who worked on SPELLCASTING 101.
- FULL MODE - Removes the menus, compass rose, and graphics window, leaving
- you with a full screen of text.
- HALF MODE - Removes the menus, but still displays the compass rose and the
- graphics window. (<F3> key)(HALF button)
- HELP - Displays the help screen.
- HINT - Will print a message telling you that hints aren't available in the
- game.
- INVENTORY (I) - Tells you what Ernie is carrying.
- LOOK (L) - WIll give you a full description of your current location. Always
- a good thing to try if you don't know what else to do.
- LOOK MODE - Displays a verbal description of your surroundings in the graphics
- window. (<F8> key)(LOOK button).
- MAP MODE - Displays the map in the graphics window. (<F6> key)(MAP button)
- MENU MODE - Restores the menus to the screen. (<F2> key)(MENU button).
- MUSIC OFF - Turns off the music (To turn off sound effects, however, use
- MUSIC ON - Turns music back on.
- NAUGHTY - Puts you in Naughty Mode, with gutter language, lewd encounters,
- and all sorts of other fun stuff.
- NICE - Puts you back in Nice Mode.
- NOTIFY - Normally, the game will tell you when your score changes. IF you
- don't want to be bothered, NOTIFY wil turn off this feature, if you
- change your mind, NOTIFY will turn this feature back ON!
- OOPS (O) - If you mistype a word, use OOPS instead of re-typing the entire
- input.
- PICTURE MODE - Restores the picture to the graphics window. (<F5> key)(PICT
- Button).
- QUIT (Q) - Tells the game to quit to DOS>
- RESTART - Starts the game over.
- RESTORE - Brings you back to any point in the game where you've previously
- made a SAVE file.
- SAVE - Creates a files which RESTORE command can use to reutren you to
- this point in the story.
- SCRIPT - Sends all the text output of the game into the specified file,
- which you can then read, print, edit, delete, etc.
- SOUND OFF - Turns off the sound effects. (To turn off Music use: MUSIC OFF)
- SOUND ON - Turns the sound effects back on.
- STATUS - Gives you a brief report of your progress.
- STATUS MODE - Displays you status in the graphics window.
- TERSE - Tells the game to give you the normal level of descriptiveness.
- UNDO - Probably the single most useful thing ever conceived in all of
- recorded human history. Undo simply take you back one turn.
- UNSCRIPT - Stops sending the text output file.
- VERBOSE - Puts you in the level of maximum location descriptions, opposite
- of TERSE.
- VERSION - Gives you the release number of your copy of SPELLCASTING 101.
- VOLUME # - If you have a sound card or sound module, the VOLUME command,
- followed by number of the games's music. This command has no
- no effect on the game's RealSound.
- WAIT (Z) - Ernie will just stand around while time passes in the story. You
- can also say things like WAIT 45 MINUTES or WAIT 3 HOURS or WAIT
- UNTIL 8:00.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Start-UP Instructions ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
- This game utilizes REAL SOUND for the PC speaker (not too bad!).... But if
- you wish to use an Adlib Board you must run your SOUND.COM driver before
- executing the game! The game will automatically recognize EGA/VGA and
- if you have SOUND.COM loaded into memory for the AdLib board! However, to
- customize start-ups, glance at the following list.
- To run the game in CGA:
- S101 CGA
- To run the game with a Roland MT-32:
- S101 MT32
- To disable color cycling for Color EGA or VGA graphics:
- To disable the Roland or AdLib and play RealSound:
- To disable RealSound:
- Where # is optional, and is a number from 3 to 9. This number will override
- the default MIDI IRQ channel 2:
- S101 MT32 #
- To override default mouse driver:
- [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][[][]
- ToyMan, Slave Lord, PieMan, Fletch!
- This Beautifully tailored text file was brought to you by:
- Major Havoc and Mr. Plutarch!