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- Tmodem Technical Reference Manual Page 1
- Tmodem
- Tmodem's derived from the HTMS protocol Translink with
- special modifications so that it'll work well with BBS
- systems and Terminal programs.
- Tmodem has a built in communications manager and doesn't
- need any type of fossil, in fact you should make sure you
- turn the fossil OFF if running it on a BBS that uses a
- fossil.
- Tmodem requires a number of command line switches:
- -B, -P, {-R or -F}
- -B <Baud Rate>
- -P <Port Number>
- -L <Serial Lock Rate>
- -R Receive files
- -U Drive:path, directs that all files received should be
- stored on this drive and in this directory.
- This switch is primaryly for NON-OSIRIS,
- NON-QT systems. Osiris takes care of this
- internally and this switch should NOT be
- used.
- Example: -U C:\uploads
- -U D:\files\temp
- -U D:
- Do NOT end the path with a backslash "\"
- Illegal -U settings would be C:\
- C:\uploads\
- D:\files\temp\
- -F <Filenames>
- -K Keep interrupted transfers (Do not use if running on a BBS)
- -N x, with x being the node number in use. For use on Osiris
- CBIS systems only. Tmodem will show the name of the
- caller as well as where he's from if this switch is used.
- -B, supported baud rates 300 - 115,200 Baud.
- -P, Supported Com Ports, COM 1, COM 2, COM 3, and COM 4.
- -L, Supported Locked Baud Rates, 300 - 115200 Baud.
- -F, As many as DOS allows. Full drive, path, and filename
- supported.
- -X, Turns Tmodem.log OFF. The default is ON.
- Tmodem Technical Reference Manual Page 2
- -@ Filename, Filename is a text file listing out the names of
- the files to send. The contents of filename is
- one filename per line, unlimited number of lines.
- e.g.
- Tmodem.zip
- Zmodem.Zip
- OSE108?.ZIP
- C:\Osiris\Files\MISC\PK110.EXE
- You use -@ in place of -F, do NOT intermix them!
- Sample Command line
- Tmodem -B 2400 -P 1 -@ C:\RyBBS\Send.Ctl
- NOTE: -R or -F MUST be the last
- parameter on the command line. As soon as
- Tmodem encounters either one of these two
- switches, it will begin to either Receive
- or Send.
- There must be one at least blank space between The switch and
- the parameter..ie. -B<BLANK>2400
- The -L switch is only for those that do not have COMx= set in
- the environment. If your running Osiris then Tmodem will use
- the COMx= automatically.
- Sample Osiris Command line (protocol control file)
- Send : -N *N -B *B -P *P -F *F
- RCV : -N *N -B *B -P *P -R
- QuickTerm (protocol control file definitions)
- Send : -B *B -P *P -F *F
- RCV : -K -B *B -P *P -R
- Items to watch out for
- Tmodem has it's own built in commucation driver. Having an
- ACTIVE fossil may cause system lockups, sessions not
- starting, and other possiblities. Make sure you have the
- fossil turned off if your running one.
- Tmodem uses two different types of error detection when
- sending files. At slow speeds, 3, 12, and 2400 bps 32 bit
- CRCs are used. At high speeds, 9600 and above, a method
- about as effective as 64 bit CRCs will be used.
- Tmodem Technical Reference Manual Page 3
- Therefore it is very important that you PASS the correct
- CALLERS baud rate to avoid error detection mismatch. For
- instants, if your locking the serial port at 19,200 and you
- have a 2400 bps caller and pass 19200, your side will be
- using extended error detection and the other side will be
- attempting the less effective 32 bit CRC error detection. The
- result will be NO transfer.
- So, if your running a LOCKED Serial port, be sure to pass the
- locked rate or (better method and desired) is to set
- COMx=LOCK_RATE in the environment with the DOS SET command.
- Assuming a 19,200 baud lock on COM 2: SET COM2=19200
- One BBS program that we're aware of that doesn't correctly
- pass baud rates (we've been told, but haven't verfied) is
- WildCat. It appears to pass the LOCKED baud rate instead of
- the TRUE connect rate.
- If your running Wildcat, you will need to setup multiple
- protocol selections and HARDCODE the baud rates in.
- Your other alternative is to switch to Osiris ;)
- Tmodem is SHAREWARE. Your granted a limited license to TRY
- this program for 14 days. At the end of 14 days you must
- purchase Tmodem or you stop using it.
- The price is 15 dollars (US Currency).
- Mail to :
- Micro TECH Systems
- 555 North Spring, #39
- Cape Girardeau Mo. 63701
- Revision History
- Rev 3.00
- Fixed bug in Transfer time computation routine that did not
- take into account 1200 baud modems.
- Added support for Osiris's Comport.Dat file. Allows
- Tmodem.exe to use any one of the 8 definable serial ports.
- The detection of the COMPORT.DAT file is automatic.
- Rev 2.50
- Support added for Effx.log, for Osiris SE systems only.
- Tmodem Technical Reference Manual Page 4
- Rev 2.40
- Added -X switch to allow the end user to turn OFF the
- tmodem.log file.
- Rev 2.30
- Added -@ filename to allow a text file to be used to supply
- file names in place of the -F command line switch.
- Rev 2.20
- Added -U drive:path support which allows you to re-direct
- files that your RECEIVING (-R) to another drive and sub-
- directory. This switch should NOT be used by Osiris!
- Placed error trap to avoid a possbile division by zero error
- on files smaller than 40 bytes. Highly unlikely that this
- would have occured (the error, not a 40 byte file) but ...
- Added serial support for COM ports 3 and 4. Please be aware
- that there is NO standard settings for COM3 or COM4 and can
- vary depending on who made the serial card or internal modem.
- We selected a comman setting found on the majority of boards
- WE looked at. So it MAY or MAY NOT work on your system.
- Rev 2.10
- Added the ability to use DOS wildcard characters when SENDing
- files. In other words, -F filenames can consists of * or ?
- characters.
- Valid filename examples:
- TestFile.Zip
- Test?ile.ZIp
- Test*.Zip
- Testfile.*
- C:\osiris\Test*.zip
- Added extended CANCEL. You may cancel a transfer session at
- any time. This is NOT a file cancellation, it cancels the
- entire session. Press ESC if you want to cancel the session.
- The cancellation will not happen immediately and in fact may
- take 4 or 5 seconds, depending on how much data is in the
- transmit buffer, the baud rate, and several other factors.
- We're attempting to keep trash, parts of the file already
- on the way, from spilling over to the receivers Terminal
- screen or BBS screen.
- Tmodem Technical Reference Manual Page 5
- Rev 2.00
- Major additions to the display screen in the form of
- additional information about the transfer(s).
- The estimated time for a transfer when sending a file
- will be off by 1 second because it will fall to the update
- screen section one final time even though the receiver has
- gotten the EOF ok.
- When receiving the file, the estimated transfer time per
- individual file should be within .5 seconds.
- Your average speed indicator shows CPS counts DURING the
- transfer and the thoughput rating counter will only be
- accurate when receiving files because of the characters in
- the transmit buffer.
- When transmitting the file, these two counters will
- become more and more accurate as you approach the end of
- the transfer. Your TRUE thoughput rating will show up in
- the Batch thoughput window following the end of the
- transfer.
- There are a number of second (time) displays. These will be
- accurate to within plus or minus one due to integer rounding
- errors.
- Version 2.00 is NOT backwards compatible with earlier
- version of Tmodem. You may want to keep a pre-2.00
- version on-line until your users have downloaded the new
- version. You may rename either file to a different name
- to keep the two apart.
- If your running Tmodem on an Osiris CBIS and include the -N
- switch, the current caller to that node will be displayed at
- the bottom of the screen.
- Rev 1.10
- Had a number of requests for some type of log file. Tmodem
- now writes a Tmodem.Log containing the baud rate, filename,
- file size, and percentage of throughput for the Transfer.
- If its run with Osiris, the log will go in the Osiris Root
- directory. Otherwise, it'll go in the default directory.
- Rev 1.03
- Increased timers for start of transfer, again.
- Fixed a bug in the serial driver. Seems it would leave the
- interrupt latched high in some cases on systems that used
- 8250 uarts.
- Tmodem Technical Reference Manual Page 6
- Rev 1.02
- Fixed slight bug in progress bar graph that allowed it to
- go over the end under certain conditions.
- Added automatic detection and the use of the 16550 Uart
- Chip. Those with 16550's will find the driver sending 6
- times faster although this will only make a difference
- on SLOWER computers. A 8 Mzh XT can lock at 38,400 and
- actual DO that speed using Tmodem.
- Rev 1.01
- Increased timer for start of transfer. Those running slow
- XT's would time out before the transfer could be started.
- Added Crtl-X abort feature. A send session may be
- canceled by sending 5 control-X's. This is only
- effective BEFORE the actual transfer starts. Once the
- transfer starts, it can not be abort short of hanging up.