home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- echo off
- if .%3. == .do2nd. goto do2nd
- cls
- if %1x==x goto spellItOut
- if %2x==x goto spellItOut
- if %1==a: goto try2nd
- if %1==A: goto try2nd
- if %1==b: goto try2nd
- if %1==B: goto try2nd
- goto unusual
- :try2nd
- if %2==c: goto doinstall
- if %2==C: goto doinstall
- if %2==d: goto doinstall
- if %2==D: goto doinstall
- if %2==e: goto doinstall
- if %2==E: goto doinstall
- :unusual
- echo Install %1 %2 is invalid. Please use the drive's letter followed
- echo by a colon:
- goto sample
- :spellItOut
- echo Please specify which drive to install "Tunnels & Trolls" from and to,
- echo for example:
- :sample
- echo
- echo install a: c:
- goto end
- :doinstall
- echo ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ Tunnels & Trolls ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ Hard Disk Install Utility ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ Tunnels & Trolls will be install on drive %2 in a directory ║
- echo ║ called "TNT". If you do not wish to do this, press Ctrl-C. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ If all is acceptable, press any key... ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- echo
- pause
- echo
- if exist %2\TNT\*.* goto isdir
- mkdir %2\TNT
- goto changedir
- :isdir
- echo WARNING: The directory %2\TNT already exists. Press Ctrl-C if you
- echo don't want to overwrite the contents of that directory.
- echo
- pause
- echo
- :changedir
- cd %2\TNT
- :docopy
- if exist %1\id1 goto docopy1
- echo Insert "Disk 1" and
- pause
- goto docopy
- :docopy1
- echo Copying "Disk 1" files to %2\TNT...
- copy %1\*.* %2 > nul
- %2
- install %1 %2 do2nd
- :do2nd
- :insert2
- if exist %1\id2 goto docopy2
- echo
- echo Insert "Disk 2" and
- pause
- goto insert2
- :docopy2
- echo Copying "Disk 2" files to %2\TNT...
- copy %1\*.* > nul
- :insert3
- if exist %1\id3 goto docopy3
- echo
- echo Insert "Disk 3" and
- pause
- goto insert3
- :docopy3
- echo Copying "Disk 3" files to %2\TNT...
- copy %1\*.* > nul
- :insert4
- if exist %1\id4 goto docopy4
- echo
- echo Insert "Disk 4" and
- pause
- goto insert4
- :docopy4
- echo Copying "Disk 4" files to %2\TNT...
- copy %1\*.* > nul
- :insert5
- if exist %1\id5 goto docopy5
- echo
- echo Insert "Disk 5" and
- pause
- goto insert5
- :docopy5
- echo Copying "Disk 5" files to %2\TNT...
- copy %1\*.* > nul
- :insert6
- if exist %1\id6 goto docopy6
- echo
- echo Insert "Disk 6" and
- pause
- goto insert6
- :docopy6
- echo Copying "Disk 6" files to %2\TNT...
- copy %1\*.* > nul
- if not exist id1 goto error
- if not exist id2 goto error
- if not exist id3 goto error
- if not exist id4 goto error
- if not exist id5 goto error
- if not exist id6 goto error
- goto success
- :error
- echo ERROR: Installation of "TNT" into %2\TNT was unsuccessful. This might
- echo be because your hard disk is full. "TNT" needs at least 1,836K of
- echo free disk space.
- goto end
- :success
- echo
- echo SUCCESS: Installation of "TNT" into %2\TNT was successful.
- echo To play TNT type: TNT
- echo
- :end
- echo