home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- echo off
- cls
- if NOT exist install.bat goto oops
- if NOT exist s101.exe goto oops
- if NOT exist soundfx1.exe goto oops
- if "%1"=="" goto msg1
- if "%2"=="" goto msg2
- goto special
- :oops
- echo Please run INSTALL.BAT from SYSTEM DISK 1 in floppy drive A: or B:
- goto exit
- :msg1
- echo ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the Girls ║
- echo ║ Press any key to install on C:\S101 ║
- goto msg3
- :msg2
- echo ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ Please specify both the drive and the directory, separated ║
- echo ║ by a space. The drive letter should include the colon, ║
- echo ║ and the directory name should start at the root '\'. ║
- :msg3
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ If you want to use a drive or directory other than C:\S101 ║
- echo ║ press CTRL BREAK and then 'y' to abort, then type: ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ INSTALL [drive:] space [path] ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ For example, to install on D:\GAMES\S101 type: ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ INSTALL D: \GAMES\S101 ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ be sure that D:\GAMES already exists before installation. ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- pause
- cls
- echo Installing game to C:\S101. Press CTRL BREAK to abort...
- cd c:\
- if exist C:\S101 goto error1
- if exist C:\S101\*.* goto go1
- echo Creating directory C:\S101
- md C:\S101
- copy INSTALL.BAT C:\S101 > nul
- if exist C:\S101\INSTALL.BAT goto go1
- :error1
- echo Error: unable to create C:\S101. Does a file by that name already exist?
- goto exit
- :go1
- echo Ready to begin file transfer to C:\S101.
- pause
- cls
- echo Copying SYSTEM DISK 1 to C:\S101
- copy *.* C:\S101
- erase c:\s101\install.bat
- c:\s101\install5 C: \S101 Arf
- :special
- if %1 == c: goto driveok
- if %1 == C: goto driveok
- if %1 == d: goto driveok
- if %1 == D: goto driveok
- if %1 == e: goto driveok
- if %1 == E: goto driveok
- if %1 == f: goto driveok
- if %1 == F: goto driveok
- if %1 == g: goto driveok
- if %1 == G: goto driveok
- if %1 == h: goto driveok
- if %1 == H: goto driveok
- echo Invalid drive specification... the drive must be a letter from 'C' to 'H'
- echo followed by a colon, separated by a space from the full directory path.
- goto exit
- :driveok
- cls
- echo Installing game to %1%2. Press CTRL BREAK to abort...
- cd %1\
- if exist %1%2 goto error2
- if exist %1%2\*.* goto go2
- echo Creating directory %1%2
- md %1%2
- copy INSTALL.BAT %1%2 > nul
- if exist %1%2\INSTALL.BAT goto go2
- :error2
- echo Error: unable to create %1%2. Does a file by that name already exist?
- goto exit
- :go2
- echo Ready to begin file transfer to %1%2.
- pause
- cls
- echo Copying SYSTEM DISK 1 to %1%2
- copy *.* %1%2
- erase %1%2\install.bat
- %1%2\install5 %1 %2 Arf
- :exit