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- echo off
- echo ╔═══════════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ Buckaroo Banzai's ║
- echo ║ MEGA-Installer Batch File ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ for use with ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ The Learning Company's ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╚═══════════════════════════════════╝
- echo Checking command line parameters.....
- if "%1" == "" goto :Bad
- goto :Good
- :Bad
- echo
- echo Please specify the DrivePath to install to...
- echo IE: "install c:\tmount\
- goto :Done
- :Good
- if exist %1 goto :CopyFiles
- echo Creating directory %1
- mkdir %1
- :CopyFiles
- echo
- echo Please put disk 1 in the current drive
- echo and then press any key.
- echo (If you are using a HD just hit a key)
- pause
- copy *.* %1
- if exist %1\ALL_PUZS. goto :Finishup
- echo
- echo Please put disk 2 in the current drive
- echo and then press any key.
- pause
- copy *.* %1
- :Finishup
- CD %1
- echo To play, type "RUNME"
- :Done