Thumbnails Only icon <$>Thumbnails Only command<D>
Also, the toolbox caption displays the name of the currently
selected format rendering for the current page or the clipboard (see
the View menu and <$>Formats<D> for more information). If you choose
to display a different rendering under the View menu, the name of the
format you choose will be displayed at the top of the toolbox. Also, different renderings may enable different tools in the toolbox.
<S>Viewing Area
The viewing area displays one page of the current Scrapbook+ file.
Both the horizontal and vertical scroll bars can be used to scroll the
currently selected page around the viewing area (if the current object
is larger than can fit completely).
By double-clicking in the viewing area, you can toggle the display
between the Page Only and Page & Thumbnails viewing modes. You can
also toggle between the Thumbnails Only and Page & Thumbnails viewing
modes by double-clicking on any thumbnail while in either viewing
mode. To do this, however, you must be sure that no tool is selected.
For more information on these viewing modes, see the <$>View menu<D>.
The Scrapbook+ dialog boxes are as follows:
<$>NEW Dialog Box<D>
<$>OPEN Dialog Box<D>
<$>SAVE AS Dialog Box<D>
<$>IMPORT FROM Dialog Box<D>
<$>EXPORT TO Dialog Box<D>
<$>MERGE Dialog Box<D>
<$>INFO Dialog Box<D>
<$>ABOUT Dialog Box<D>
<$>ERASE Dialog Box<D>
<$>CUT SPECIAL Dialog Box<D>
<$>COPY SPECIAL Dialog Box<D>
<$>PASTE SPECIAL Dialog Box<D>
<$>ERASE SPECIAL Dialog Box<D>
<$>AUTOPASTE Dialog Box<D>
<$>PREFERENCES Dialog Box<D>
<$>GO TO PAGE Dialog Box<D>
<$>FIND Dialog Box<D>
To learn more about any dialog box, click on it with the mouse pointer.
<S>NEW Dialog Box
<B>NEW Dialog Box<D>
The <$>New command<D> lets you create a new Scrapbook+ file. This command
displays the New dialog box, which lets you specify the characteristics
of the new Scrapbook+ file.
<B>Pathname<D> -- displays the current disk drive and directory
information. To change this, use the directory listbox on the right
and click on the drive and directory where you want to save the new
file. The path for your new Scrapbook+ file will be displayed at the
top left of the dialog box as the pathname.
<B>Filename<D> -- an edit field where you may enter the name of your
new Scrapbook+ file. If you do not enter a filename, a temporary file
will be created. You will be given the opportunity to name this file
<B>Maximum # of Pages<D> -- an edit field where you may set the maximum
number of pages in your new Scrapbook+ file. This number may range
from 25 (minimum) to 4500 (maximum). The default is 500. Note that
setting this number unnecessarily high can use up memory and disk space
that you may not need to use.
<B>Thumbnail Resolution<D> -- an array of radio buttons where you may
specify the horizontal and vertical resolution (in pixels) of all
thumbnail representations for the current Scrapbook+ file. The default is 64 x 64. Experiment with different sizes to suit your
preferences and the images in the file. For displaying boilerplate
text, for example, you may want to use the largest thumbnail size
(128 x 128). Note, however, that larger thumbnail sizes use more disk
space. For instance, each 128 x 128 thumbnail uses 2K of disk space,
while each 64 x 64 thumbnail uses only 512 bytes.
<B>Directory Listbox<D> -- a list of current directories and disk
drives. To change the path for the new file, click on the drive and
directory specifications you want in this listbox. The path will be
displayed at the top left of the dialog box.
When you have selected the characteristics you want for your new
Scrapbook+ file, click on the Create button.
<S>OPEN Dialog Box
<B>OPEN Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Open command<D> lets you open an existing Scrapbook+ file.
This command displays the Open dialog box, which lets you specify where
to find the existing Scrapbook+ file.
<B>Note!<D> Files opened using the Open command must be Scrapbook+
files! For viewing the contents of other supported files, see the
<$>Import From command<D>.
<B>Filename<D> -- an edit field where you may enter the name of the
Scrapbook+ file to open. (Instead of typing the name of the file, you
may double-click on the name of the file you want to open when it
appears in the file listbox.)
<B>Path<D> -- displays the current disk drive and directory
<B>File Specification<D> -- the search specification used to define the
contents of the file listbox (defaults to *.ART).
<B>Directory Listbox<D> -- the left-hand listbox, displaying a list of
current directories and disk drives. Click on the desired drive and
directory until the Scrapbook+ file you want to open is displayed in
the file listbox.
<B>File Listbox<D> -- the right-hand listbox, displaying a list of
Scrapbook+ files in the currently selected drive and directory. You may double-click on the name of the file you want to open when it is
displayed here.
<B>Open Read Only Check Box<D> -- a check box which lets you open the
file for reading only. If you do not want to change the contents of
any Scrapbook+ file, click on this check box. This will disable all
edit commands and will not allow you to make any changes until you
re-open the file without this option chosen. Note that if a file is
marked as "read only" by MS-DOS, the "Open read only" option will be
checked automatically and cannot be unchecked.
When you have selected the Scrapbook+ file you want to open, click on
the Open button.
<S>SAVE AS Dialog Box
<B>SAVE AS Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Save As command<D> lets you save the current Scrapbook+ file
contents in a named file. This command displays the Save As dialog
box, which lets you specify where the new Scrapbook+ file will reside.
<B>Pathname<D> -- displays the current disk drive and directory
information. To change this specification, use the directory listbox
on the right and click on the drive and directory where you want to
save the file. The selected path will be displayed as the pathname.
<B>Filename<D> -- an edit field where you may specify a new name for
the current Scrapbook+ file. You may also save it on a different disk
drive or in a different directory. If the current Scrapbook+ file
already exists, saving it to a new disk or directory will create
multiple copies since the original will not be deleted.
<B>Directory Listbox<D> -- a list of current directories and disk
drives. Click on the drive and directory you want until it is
displayed in the pathname.
When you have specified a new name, drive, or directory for the current
Scrapbook+ file, click on the Save button.
<B>Note!<D> If you try to save a file without naming it (with the
<$>Save command<D>), the Save As dialog box will be displayed, where
you must enter a name for the current file.
<B>IMPORT FROM Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Import From command<D> lets you import one or more files into the
current Scrapbook+ file. This command displays the Import dialog box,
which lets you specify where to search for these data files, whether to
import to the Scrapbook+ file or to the clipboard, and if you want to
delete the file after importing it.
<B>Import Options<D> -- radio buttons that determine the import
destination (either the clipboard or the current file). If you import
to the clipboard, remember that the previous clipboard contents will be
erased. If you import to the current Scrapbook+ file, the imported
file or files can be placed in different locations, depending on what
is currently selected. When importing a single file to the current
Scrapbook+ file, the imported file is placed <I>before<D> the currently
selected page in Scrapbook+. When importing two or more files from
disk, each file is placed <I>after<D> the currently selected page in
sequential order. If you are viewing the clipboard, the imported file
or files will be placed at the end of the current Scrapbook+ file.
<B>Path<D> -- displays the current disk drive and directory
information. To change this specification, use the directory listbox
on the left and click on the drive and directory where the file or
files you want to import are located.
<B>Selection Status<D> -- indicates the number of files selected for
import (maximum of 1 when importing to the clipboard). The files must
be selected (clicked on) in the file listbox (see below).
<B>Directory Listbox<D> -- the left-hand listbox, displaying a list of
current directories and disk drives. Click on the drive and directory
you want until it is displayed in the pathname.
<B>File Listbox<D> -- the right-hand listbox, displaying a list of
files which can be imported to the clipboard or current file. Click on the file or files you want
to import. To select more than one file, click on the first file (it
will be inverted, or highlighted), then, while holding down the
<<>Shift> key, click on the next file you want to import.
The selection status line will indicate the number of files you have
<B>Delete Check Box<D> -- a check box enabling you to remove each file
from disk after importing. Use this feature with caution! Since Scrapbook+ saves the file in
its visual database, there is no need to keep each original file on disk.
You may want to keep back-up copies on floppy disk, however.
Scrapbook+ can import files from many different sources and in a wide
variety of formats. For further information, see <$>Formats<D>.
When you have selected the file or files you want to import into the
current Scrapbook+ file or to the clipboard, click on the Import
<S>EXPORT TO Dialog Box
<B>EXPORT TO Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Export To command<D> lets you write different kinds of data
files to disk from Scrapbook+. This command displays the Export To dialog
box, which lets you specify which data format you wish to write to disk,
and where the data file will reside. Available export data formats are
determined by the currently selected rendering for the current page.
To change the rendering, use the <$>View menu<D>.
<B>Pathname<D> -- displays the current disk drive and directory
information. To change this specification, use the directory listbox
on the right and click on the drive and directory to which you want to
export the currently selected page.
<B>Filename<D> -- an edit field where you may enter the name of the
file to be created when you perform the export. The selected export
file type will automatically determine the 3-character
extension appended to the filename you enter.
<B>Export File Types<D> -- a list of possible files types which
Scrapbook+ can create when exporting the current page. You may select only one file type for each
export operation. These files may combine several clipboard
<B>Directory Listbox<D> -- the right-hand listbox, displaying a list of
current directories and disk drives. Click on the drive and directory
you want until it is displayed in the pathname.
Scrapbook+ can export files in a wide variety of formats. For further information, see <$>Formats<D>.
When you have specified the name and destination for the file you want
to export to disk, click on the Export button.
<S>MERGE Dialog Box
<B>MERGE Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Merge command<D> lets you combine the contents of another
Scrapbook+ file with the current Scrapbook+ file. This command
displays the Merge dialog box, which lets you select the file you
wish to merge.
<B>Filename<D> -- an edit field where you may enter the name of the
Scrapbook+ file to merge. (Instead of typing the name of the file, you
may double-click on the name of the file you want to merge when it
appears in the directory listbox.)
<B>Path<D> -- displays the current disk drive and directory
information. To change this specification, use the directory listbox
on the left and click on the drive and directory where the file or
files you want to merge are located.
<B>File Specification<D> -- the search specification used to define the
contents of the file listbox. The file specification defaults to *.ART
-- you may only merge valid Scrapbook+ files.
<B>Directory Listbox<D> -- the left hand listbox, displaying a list of
current directories and disk drives. Click on the drive and directory
you want until it is displayed in the path.
<B>File Listbox<D> -- the right-hand listbox, displaying a list of
Scrapbook+ files in the currently selected drive and directory.
Click on the file you want to merge (it will be displayed in
the Filename edit field).
<B>Merge Options<D> -- you can merge either an entire file or a
specified range of pages from a file. When you use the "Merge all"
option, the entire file will be merged. If you select the "Merge
from" option, you may enter in any range you need (within the allowable
range first displayed). The note at the bottom of the Merge dialog box
indicates the number of pages available for merging in the destination
Scrapbook+ file. The destination file must have an adequate number of
pages to accept all merged pages.
When you have selected all or part of a Scrapbook+ file you want to
merge into the current Scrapbook+ file, click on the Merge button.
<S>INFO Dialog Box
<B>INFO Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Info command<D> lets you add and edit notes about the current
Scrapbook+ file. This command displays the Info dialog box, which lets
you assign a title to the current file, and enter informative notes
about the file and its contents. You can also read a variety of operational information, and specify thumbnail creation options.
<B>Title<D> -- an edit field where you may enter a title for the
current file. Do not confuse this with the filename for the current
file. Unlike the filename, which allows only 8 characters plus a
3-character extension, this edit field lets you attach a more explicit
or longer title using up to 63 characters.
<B>Info<D> -- displays characteristics about the current Scrapbook+
file. It tells you how many pages exist in the file, how many pages
are available, the dimensions of the thumbnails (in pixels),
the number of bytes in the file, and the percentage of unused space.
<B>Note!<D> If the percentage of unused bytes is greater than zero,
click on the Pack button (see below).
<B>Comment<D> -- an edit field for making simple notes about the
current file (up to 5 lines of 38 characters each). You might want
to comment on the source of file pages, their theme, or intended use,
or indicate when the file was created, and by whom.
<B>Options<D> -- radio buttons where you may specify thumbnail
lightness / darkness options. Light is best for images, medium for
color, and dark for monochrome bitmaps and line art. The default is
dark thumbnail. Note that any change made here only affects thumbnails
created after you change this option, or those thumbnails you change
with the <$>Change Thumbnail command<D>. It does not affect any
thumbnails already created.
<B>Save Button<D> -- saves title, comment, and thumbnail option
information as specified for the current file. This button also saves
the current Scrapbook+ file to disk (as does the <$>Save command<D>
under the <$>File menu<D>).
<B>Pack Button<D> -- recovers unused bytes in the current Scrapbook+
file. If you are cutting, copying, erasing, or otherwise removing many
pages in a Scrapbook+ file, the percentage of unused bytes can increase
quickly. To recover these unused bytes, click on the Pack button.
This will make the file smaller so it takes up less space on your
<S>ABOUT Dialog Box
<B>ABOUT Dialog Box<D>
The <$>About command<D> displays a dialog box with copyright and
version information for Scrapbook+, as well as the developer's address
and phone numbers.
Should you need to contact Eikon Systems, be sure to know the version
number of your copy of Scrapbook+, its serial number, and other
information as requested in the Customer Support appendix in the
Scrapbook+ User's Manual (see Appendix F). This information helps
speed the correction of any problems.
Note that Eikon's telephone support hours are Monday through Friday
from 9 am to 5 pm (Pacific Standard Time). We welcome your comments
and suggestions!
<S>ERASE Dialog Box
<B>ERASE Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Erase command<D> lets you erase clipboard contents, or one or more
specified pages from the current Scrapbook+ file. This command
displays the Erase dialog box, which asks you to confirm the erase
* To erase clipboard contents, view the clipboard, then choose the
Erase command. Click on OK to confirm the erase operation.
* To erase pages from Scrapbook+, view the page or first page you want
to erase, then choose the Erase command. The Erase dialog box lets you
specify the page or range of pages you wish to erase, and then confirm the
erase operation (by clicking on OK). Type in the range of pages you
want to erase, then click on OK.
* When specifying a range of pages to be deleted, the range does <I>not<D> need to include the current page.
Note that once you click on the OK button, the pages and all their
contents are <I>permanently<D> lost and cannot be recovered.
Unlike the <$>Cut command<D> or the <$>Copy command<D>, the Erase
command does <I>not<D> place any data on the clipboard.
<B>CUT SPECIAL Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Cut Special command<D> lets you selectively cut identified formats
from the current page in the Scrapbook+ file and place them on the
clipboard. This command displays the Cut Special dialog box, which
lets you specify the formats you want to cut to the clipboard.
You must be viewing a page in the current Scrapbook+ file to use the
Cut Special command. To access this command, hold down the <<>Shift>
key while selecting the <$>Edit menu<D>.
Grayed text indicates clipboard <$>formats<D> which are not among the
renderings available for the current page. You may only select
ungrayed format options.
If you check all of the ungrayed formats, the Cut Special command is
equivalent to the <$>Cut command<D> and the entire page will be copied
to the clipboard and removed from the current Scrapbook+ file.
After selecting one or more available formats to cut, click on OK to
perform the Cut Special operation.
The <$>Copy Special command<D> lets you selectively copy identified
formats from the current page in the Scrapbook+ file and place them on
the clipboard. This command displays the Copy Special dialog box,
which lets you specify the formats you want copied to the clipboard.
You must be viewing a page in the current Scrapbook+ file to use the
Copy Special command. To access this command, hold down the <<>Shift>
key while selecting the <$>Edit menu<D>.
Grayed text indicates clipboard <$>formats<D> which are not among the
renderings available for the current page. You may only select
ungrayed format options.
If you check all of the ungrayed formats, the Copy Special command is
equivalent to the <$>Copy command<D> and the entire page will be copied
to the clipboard.
After selecting one or more available formats to copy, click on OK to
perform the Copy Special operation.
The <$>Paste Special command<D> lets you selectively paste identified
formats from the clipboard into the current Scrapbook+ file. This command displays the Paste Special dialog box, which lets you specify
the formats you want pasted into the current Scrapbook+ file.
You can be viewing either the clipboard or any page in the current
Scrapbook+ file to use the Paste Special command. To access this
command, hold down the <<>Shift> key while selecting the <$>Edit menu<D>.
Grayed text indicates clipboard <$>formats<D> which are not among the
renderings present on the clipboard. You may only select ungrayed
format options.
If you check all of the ungrayed formats, the Paste Special command is
equivalent to the <$>Paste command<D> and the entire page will be pasted
into the current Scrapbook+ file.
Note that the options you select for the Paste Special command are in
effect for the current paste operation only and do not alter the
operation of the <$>AutoPaste command<D> or any subsequent paste
After selecting one or more available formats to paste, click on OK to
perform the Paste Special operation.
The <$>Erase Special command<D> lets you selectively erase identified
formats from the current page in the Scrapbook+ file. This command
displays the Erase Special dialog box, which lets you specify the
formats you want erased from the current Scrapbook+ page (note that
these can <I>never<D> be recovered).
You can be viewing either the clipboard or any page in the current
Scrapbook+ file to use the Erase Special command. To access this
command, hold down the <<>Shift> key while selecting the <$>Edit menu<D>.
Grayed text indicates clipboard <$>formats<D> which are not among the
renderings available for the current page. You may only select
ungrayed format options.
If you check all of the ungrayed formats, the Erase Special command is
equivalent to the <$>Erase command<D> and the entire page will be removed.
After selecting one or more available formats to erase, click on OK to
perform the Erase Special operation.
<B>AUTOPASTE Dialog Box<D>
The <$>AutoPaste command<D> lets you automatically paste <I>all<D>
clipboard changes into the current Scrapbook+ file. This command
displays the AutoPaste dialog box, which lets you specify whether you
want this function activated or deactivated (turned on or off).
To activate AutoPaste, click on the OK button. To deactivate
AutoPaste, simply select AutoPaste again under the Edit menu. The check mark next to the word AutoPaste in the Edit menu will disappear
to indicate that AutoPaste is turned off.
Note that the AutoPaste command pastes into the current Scrapbook+ file
in <I>reverse<D> order to a manual paste operation. Each page inserted
into the current Scrapbook+ file as part of an AutoPaste operation is
placed <I>after<D> the currently selected page. The end result is that
automatically pasted entries remain in the same order in which they
were copied to the clipboard.
Also, note that AutoPaste works only when clipboard changes occur which
involve renderings supported by Scrapbook+. If unsupported <$>formats<D>
are encountered, the program will tell you that those formats are not
supported and were not pasted into Scrapbook+.
The <$>ScreenCapture command<D> lets you use the <<>Alt-PrtSc> key
combination to take bitmap pictures of all or parts of the screen.
This command displays the ScreenCapture dialog box, which lets you
specify the part of the screen or window you want to capture.
<B>Capture Options<D> -- the capture options define which portion of
the screen or current window you wish to copy to the clipboard.
The "Entire display" option includes everything visible on your screen
(except the cursor). Note that capturing the entire display can take a
great deal of memory in large, high-resolution, and/or color monitors,
so choose this option only if necessary. The "Currently active window"
option captures a picture of the entire active window, including the
caption and border. The "Client area" option selects the window region
under the menu bar and inside the window border.
The default ScreenCapture setting is the currently active window.
<B>Convert Image to Monochrome<D> -- this option (available only when
using a color display) allows you to save a considerable amount of
memory by automatically converting the captured image to monochrome.
Click on the On button to turn on ScreenCapture. When you have set up
the appearance of the screen or window to suit your needs, press the
<<>Alt-PrtSc> key combination. To turn off ScreenCapture, choose the
ScreenCapture command again, then click the Off button.
<B>Note!<D> To capture pull-down menus, first turn on ScreenCapture
and select the area you wish to capture. Set up the window or screen
appearance to suit your needs, then press the <<>Alt> key. While still
holding down the <<>Alt> key, press the underlined letter of the menu
you wish to display (press <<>F> for the File menu, for example).
You may release this letter key (but <I>not<D> the <<>Alt> key). If you
wish to change the selected menu item in that menu, keep holding down
the <<>Alt> key and use the cursor (arrow) keys to select (highlight)
the menu item you want. Then, while still holding down the <<>Alt>
key, press the <<>PrtSc> key. The screen shot with the active window
showing the pull-down menu will be copied to the clipboard.
The <$>Preferences command<D> lets you change the list of custom
clipboard formats handled by Scrapbook+. It also enables you to
specify format and file display preferences. This command displays
the Preferences dialog box, which lets you add, edit, or remove custom
formats, and set display format and initial file preferences.
<B>Custom Formats<D> -- a listbox displaying all custom formats
installed into the current Scrapbook+ file. The New, Edit, and Remove
buttons let you control specifications for <$>custom clipboard
formats<D> as follows:
<BI>Add Button<D> -- the Add custom format option displays the
<$>Edit Custom Clipboard Format dialog box<D>, where you may enter the
new format name and related program information (program name,
extension, and a brief description of the program and its associated
format). Scrapbook+ will be able to paste that format when it is present on the clipboard.
<BI>Edit Button<D> -- the Edit custom format option displays the
Edit Custom Clipboard Format dialog box, just as it does with the New
custom format option, except that one or more of the edit fields
contain information for the current format. You may also access this
dialog box by double-clicking on the name of the format you wish to
edit (in the custom formats listbox).
<BI>Remove Button<D> -- the Remove custom format option removes
the selected (highlighted) format from the list of custom formats.
Thereafter, Scrapbook+ will not be able to paste this format, although it will be able to copy it to the clipboard.
<B>Displayed Format Preference<D> -- radio buttons where you may
specify how you wish Scrapbook+ to display each page's different
renderings when you move from page to page. The "Show same format"
option displays the same format as the one displayed previously (if
available). The "Show richest format" option displays the richest
format among those available for each page in the Scrapbook+ database.
<B>Initial File Preference<D> -- radio buttons where you may specify
which file, if any, you want Scrapbook+ to display each time you run
the program. The "New file" option will display an empty, untitled
file that will be ready to receive images. The "Filename" option lets
you specify a particular file you wish Scrapbook+ to display each time
you run the program. You must type in a file name in the DOS path or a fully specified path name (for example, C:\WINDOWS\ARTWORK\SCRAP.ART). The "Previous
file" option will display the last file you had open when you previously
ran Scrapbook+.
Click on the OK button to save the preferences you have entered here.
For more information on the Preferences command, see the Scrapbook+ User's Manual. For further information on custom formats, and which formats Scrapbook+
can and cannot handle, see <$>Formats<D>, or consult your Scrapbook+
User's Manual. You may also need to consult User's Manuals for other
programs with custom formats you wish to add.
The Add button in the <$>Preferences dialog box<D> enables you to add
supportable <$>custom clipboard formats<D> (also called proprietary clipboard
formats) to the list of those handled by Scrapbook+. The Edit button allows you to modify this information, as necessary. When you click on either the Add or Edit button, the Edit Custom Clipboard
Format dialog box appears. It allows you to enter or change custom
clipboard format information.
<B>Format Name<D> -- an edit field displaying the name of the custom
clipboard format to be added or edited. Type in the name of the format
you wish to add (up to 31 characters), or edit the format name as
<B>Note!<D> The easiest way to add a new custom clipboard format is
to first copy data from the originating application, and then choose
the <$>Preferences command<D>. When you click on the Add button, the
format name will be entered here automatically. Simply click on the
Next Format button if necessary (see below), then click the OK button.
<B>Program Information<D> -- edit fields where you may enter optional
information about the program for which you wish to add custom
clipboard format support. Note that this information is optional and has no effect on
the file, but can be useful to help document the custom format, as follows:
<BI>Name (optional)<D> -- the name of the program whose proprietary format you
wish to have Scrapbook+ handle.
<BI>Extension (optional)<D> -- the 3-character DOS extension for the data file
usually associated with the program or format you wish to add to the
Scrapbook+ database.
<BI>Description (optional)<D> -- an edit field where you may add a description of
the program and its format (four lines of up to 25 characters per
<B>Next Format Button<D> -- the Next Format button retrieves the name
of the next custom clipboard format that is currently on the clipboard
(there may be more than one). This button is enabled only when a
custom format is present on the clipboard. Click on OK to add each
custom format.
Click on the OK button to add a new custom clipboard format or save any
edits made.
<S>GO TO PAGE Dialog Box
<B>GO TO PAGE Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Go To Page command<D> lets you quickly move by page number to a
specific page in the current Scrapbook+ file. This command displays
the Go To Page dialog box, which asks you to specify the number of the
page you wish to view.
To remind you, the dialog box displays the range of page numbers for
the current file. Type in the number of the desired page, then click
on Go To.
Note that you may access the Go To Page command by pressing <<>F4>.
<S>FIND Dialog Box
<B>FIND Dialog Box<D>
The <$>Find command<D> lets you search for a specific page in the
current Scrapbook+ file. This command displays the Find dialog box,
which lets you specify one or more words to search for, and if you want
to limit the search to one or more specific formats.
<B>Pattern<D> -- an edit field where you can specify a search pattern
to be used for searching the Scrapbook+ database. If you wish to
search only by format option, you may leave the pattern field blank.
Note that search patterns used in the Find command are "case
insensitive". This means that it <I>doesn't<D> matter if you type
capitals or lower case letters into the pattern edit field.
<B>Note!<D> If you search by pattern only, you must have previously
entered keywords into the description line for one or more pages in the
current Scrapbook+ file. This is because the program uses these
keywords to find pages when searching the file by pattern only. If you
have not entered any keywords to any description lines, and search by
pattern only, the Find command will tell you that a matching
page has not been found.
<B>Include Formats<D> -- you may select one or more <$>formats<D> to include in your search. This enables you to limit your search to
bitmaps only, for example. If you search by pattern and format, the
Find command will only locate those pages that meet <I>both<D> search parameters.
<B>Find Options<D> -- the find options allow you to define exactly how
your search will be performed. You can have the search automatically
wrap around when it reaches the end of the file (this is the default
setting), or search backwards from the currently selected page.
If neither option is checked, the Find command will search from the
current page to the end of the file only.
Note that you may access the Find command by pressing <<>Shift-F3>.
Enter a search pattern and specify format choices as desired, then
click the Find button. The first page matching your search criteria
will be selected and displayed in the Scrapbook+ <$>viewing area<D>.
After setting search criteria, you may quickly execute the <$>Find Next
command<D> by pressing <<>F3>.
Scrapbook+ supports the following data formats:
To learn more about any format, click on it with the mouse pointer.
The bitmap format is a commonly-encountered clipboard format used to
transfer graphic images. A bitmap consists of an array of bits which
represent an image. They are normally created by painting programs or
from the capture of screen images. Scrapbook+ supports both color and
monochrome bitmaps. While working with bitmaps, Scrapbook+ supports
all selection and scrolling tools.
Note that color bitmaps consume considerably more memory than
monochrome bitmaps -- sometimes from three to eight times the amount of
memory. Consequently, you may wish to convert all color bitmaps to
monochrome. You may do this by choosing the <$>Change to B/W
command<D> under the <$>Edit menu<D> while viewing a color bitmap on
the clipboard. Note that, once changed, these images cannot be changed
back into color images within Scrapbook+.
Also note that color bitmaps (unlike monochrome ones) are device
dependent. This means that you may not be able to share your color
images with someone who has a different display sub-system.
The CSV format (for Comma Separated Variable) is used for the
interchange of rows and columns of numeric and textual information.
A CSV data item is like text with each variable separated by commas.
Although it is insufficient for some complicated spreadsheets, this
simple format is handled by many applications.
Scrapbook+ treats CSV data much like standard <$>text<D>. To scroll
CSV data you must use the horizontal or vertical scroll bars.
When you make a thumbnail from CSV data (using the <$>Change Thumbnail
command<D>), note that the top left-hand corner of the <$>viewing area<D>
is used (as with text).
The DIF format (for Data Interchange Format) is used for the
interchange of numeric or textual data between non-compatible
applications via the clipboard. DIF data is stored as standard ASCII
text, and is supported by numerous applications. This format can
handle simple spreadsheet data.
Scrapbook+ treats DIF data much like standard <$>text<D>. To scroll
DIF data you must use the horizontal or vertical scroll bars.
When you make a thumbnail from DIF data (using the <$>Change Thumbnail
command<D>), note that the top left-hand corner of the <$>viewing area<D>
is used (as with text).
A picture is a sequence of drawing instructions interpreted by Windows
when producing an image. Sometimes called a Windows metafile (WMF),
this format is most suited to the production of device independent and
scalable graphic images. Pictures are typically created by
object-oriented drawing and presentation graphics applications.
When you are viewing pictures, Scrapbook+ supports only the scrolling
tool; the block and lasso selection tools are disabled.
Note that although pictures are generally device independent, problems
may occur when attempting to transport pictures between systems with different font sets installed.
The PostScript format (also called PS) is a series of commands used to
generate very high quality, scalable, device-independent text and
graphics. As with <$>text<D>, scrolling and selection tools are
disabled with PostScript.
PostScript data is usually accompanied with some sort of display
representation, typically a <$>picture<D> or <$>TIFF<D>
image. Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files are a combination of this
screen representation and the PostScript text. Scrapbook+ is also
capable of exporting the picture or TIFF representation independently
of the PostScript text.
As with TIFF images, PostScript images may be quite large, and it may
not be possible to transfer them via the clipboard to other
applications. Use the <$>Export To command<D> to export the image to
disk, then open it or import it into the desired application.
<S>Printer Bitmap
The printer bitmap format is a clipboard format used to transfer
graphic images between the computer and an output device. It is like a
<$>bitmap<D>, with the exception that the printer bitmap is a bitmap as
it would be rendered on the currently selected printer.
This format is sometimes produced by applications when using a color
display with a monochrome printer. The application providing the
printer bitmap is responsible for performing any necessary
color-to-monochrome conversions.
As with a conventional bitmap, Scrapbook+ supports the full complement
of tools when viewing this clipboard format.
<S>Printer Picture
The printer picture format is like a <$>printer bitmap<D>, except that
it is designed to transfer <I>scalable<D> graphic images between the
computer and an output device via the clipboard. A printer picture
(also called a printer metafile) is a printer representation of a
<$>picture<D>. This format is usually produced in combination with a
picture for use by applications generating printed output.
Printer pictures are not typically device independent, but are often
specifically tailored to a particular printer or output device.
As with pictures, Scrapbook+ only supports the scrolling tool, and not
selection tools, when viewing printer pictures.
<S>Rich Text
The rich text format (also called RTF) is a clipboard format used to
transfer formatted characters, paragraphs, and pages between
cooperating applications. It is similar to standard <$>text<D>, but
with the addition of associated formatting information (such as
<I>italics<D>, <B>bold<D>, <U>underlining<D>, and so on).
Scrapbook+ will let you view rich text, but only in its text format --
no formatting will be shown. Embedded formatting commands will be
displayed within the text, however.
Scrapbook+ treats rich text data much like standard text. To scroll
rich text data you must use the horizontal or vertical scroll bars.
Selection tools are not supported.
Note that rich text is a relatively new clipboard format and that some
Windows applications may be unable to support such data.
When you make a thumbnail from rich text data (using the <$>Change
Thumbnail command<D>), note that the top left-hand corner of the
<$>viewing area<D> is used (as with text).
The SYLK format (for SYmbolic LinK) is an external file format used for the clipboard interchange of numeric or spreadsheet data.
This format is capable of handling text, formulas, numbers, and many
other kinds of abstract cell references. SYLK is designed to permit
the complete representation of a worksheet or other program session in
a format external to the host program. In Windows, a SYLK data item is
usually generated by Microsoft Excel.
Scrapbook+ treats SYLK data much like standard <$>text<D>. To scroll
SYLK data you must use the horizontal or vertical scroll bars.
Selection tools are not supported.
When you make a thumbnail from SYLK data (using the <$>Change Thumbnail
command<D>), note that the top left-hand corner of the <$>viewing area<D>
is used (as with text).
The text format supported by Scrapbook+ consists of a sequence of
standard ASCII characters separated by a carriage return and/or
linefeed. Most applications capable of working with text can copy and
paste text from the clipboard.
When displaying text, Scrapbook+ does not attempt to expand tabs or
perform any word wrapping using window boundaries. Text displayed in
the <$>viewing area<D> of the Scrapbook+ window can be scrolled only
with the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
Note that the text format does not contain any character formatting.
For example, if you copy a selection of text from Windows Write to the
clipboard, the text will be preserved, but not the text formatting
When you make a thumbnail from text data (using the <$>Change Thumbnail
command<D>), note that only the text displayed in the top left-hand corner
of the viewing area is used.
The TIFF format (for Tagged Image File Format) is a generalized bitmap
or image format used for the clipboard transfer of large graphic images
between cooperating applications. Typically generated by scanners or
drawing programs, this format is a device-independent means for storing
image data. Scrapbook+ does not support the use of selection tools
when viewing TIFF data.
TIFF data can consume a considerable amount of memory.
Consequently, it is not always possible to transfer TIFF images through
the clipboard to other programs. In such situations you should use
the <$>Export To command<D> to export the image to a separate disk file,
then close Scrapbook+ if necessary, and open the image or import it
into the desired application.
<B>Note!<D> When viewing the list of available formats under the <$>View menu<D>,
you may notice a number ("1") followed by arrows (">>"). This means that more than one version
of the TIFF data is available for the current page. To view other versions, click with the mouse
pointer on "TIFF 1 >>". The most common reason TIFF data may include more than one version is that
one version is used to mask out other images underneath the second TIFF version when positioning
TIFF images into page layout and other similar applications. Note that versions of TIFF data may not appear significantly different when viewed in Scrapbook+.
<S>Custom Clipboard Formats
Custom or proprietary clipboard formats are internal formats usually
only handled by the originating application. By handling custom
clipboard formats, Scrapbook+ lets you store an application's
proprietary clipboard data along with a viewable format (such as a
metafile <$>picture<D> or <$>bitmap<D>) in a page in a Scrapbook+ file.
What this means is that Scrapbook+ will be able to store custom data,
although you will <I>not<D> be able to view it. This lets you copy
the custom data to the clipboard and then paste it back into the
original application.
When viewing data with a custom clipboard format present in Scrapbook+,
the actual name of each format will appear in the <$>View menu<D>, and
it will be grayed since it cannot be viewed.
To add a custom clipboard format to the Scrapbook+ database, use the
<$>Preferences command<D> under the <$>Edit menu<D>.
The Scrapbook+ help glossary defines terms commonly used in Scrapbook+.
The words in the glossary are divided into five major sections, as follows:
<$>A -- C<D>
<$>D -- L<D>
<$>M -- Q<D>
<$>R -- S<D>
<$>T -- Z<D>
Click with the mouse pointer on the section of the glossary you
want to read, then scroll through the words in the list until you find
the definition you want.
<S>A -- C
A Scrapbook+ feature that automatically pastes all compatible clipboard
changes into the current file; accessed under the Edit menu. See the
<$>AutoPaste command<D> for more information.
An image composed of a group of pixels, each of which is a particular
color. This type of image is device-dependent, since its size will be
different on monitors of differing resolutions. It is also one of the
data types handled by Scrapbook+. Files with .BMP, .MSP, and .PCX
extensions can be imported as bitmaps in Scrapbook+, and bitmaps can
also be exported to files with these extensions. See <$>Formats<D>
for more information.
See <I>Bitmap<D>.
See <I>Computer Graphics Metafile<D> and <I>Metafile<D>.
A storage area for holding data (text, bitmap, picture, etc.) that you
are copying or moving in between Windows applications. The clipboard
is represented in Scrapbook+ by the <$>clipboard icon<D>. To see the
contents of the clipboard while using Scrapbook+, click the mouse
button on the clipboard icon.
<B>Clipboard Format<D>
Type of data handled by Scrapbook+. See <I>Format<D>
<B>Clipboard Icon<D>
Located in the lower left corner of the viewing area. Clicking the
mouse on the clipboard icon will display the current clipboard contents
in the <$>viewing area<D>. If the clipboard is presently holding
information, a small rectangle will appear in its center. When you are
viewing the clipboard, the clipboard icon will be black (inverted).
<B>Comma Separated Variable<D>
A compact format for the transfer of simple table information. One of
the data types handled by Scrapbook+. Files of this type may be
identified by the .CSV extension. See <$>Formats<D> for more
<B>Computer Graphics Metafile<D>
An ANSI-standard file format for the transfer of vector graphics.
Files of this type may be identified by the .CGM extension. See <I>Metafile<D>.
See <I>Comma Separated Variable<D>.
<B>Current File<D>
The file of images, text, or numbers that is being viewed in a
Scrapbook+ program. If this file is titled, it will have the filename
extension .ART. It may also remain untitled until you save the
contents or leave Scrapbook+. Do not confuse this with the Scrapbook+
program itself, which is loaded from a file named SCRAP.EXE.
<B>Customer Support<D>
For prompt customer support, call Eikon during business hours (9 am to 5 pm,
Pacific Standard Time). Be sure to know the version number and serial number
of your copy of Scrapbook+ before you call. See Appendix F in the Scrapbook+
User's Manual for more information.
<B>Custom Format<D>
Any proprietary clipboard formats generated by other applications.
The actual name of each custom format will appear in the <$>View menu<D>, and
it will be grayed since it cannot be viewed. For more information, see
<$>custom clipboard formats<D>.
<$>D -- L<D>
<$>M -- Q<D>
<$>R -- S<D>
<$>T -- Z<D>
<S>D -- L
<$>A -- C<D>
<B>Data Interchange Format<D>
A format for transferring mostly complex table information. One of the
data types handled by Scrapbook+. Files of this type may be identified
by the .DIF extension. See <$>Formats<D> for more information.
<B>Description Box<D>
The description box shows a user-specified description of the current
page, and also the date and time it was entered into the current
Scrapbook+ file. You may enter a description for each page in each
Scrapbook+ file (up to 99 characters each). The <$>Find command<D>
searches for pages in the Scrapbook+ database by matching keywords to
the descriptions you enter for each page.
See <I>Data Interchange Format<D>.
Vector graphics format designed by Micrografx, produced by such Windows
applications as Micrografx Designer. See <I>Metafile<D>.
<B>Encapsulated PostScript<D>
Encapsulated PostScript is a format based on <$>PostScript<D>
that also contains a viewable representation in <$>TIFF<D> or Windows
metafile formats. Files of this type may be identified by the .EPS
extension. See <I>PostScript<D>.
See <I>Encapsulated PostScript<D>.
Scrapbook+ files hold and store information on a hard disk or diskette
for later use. Unlike many other types of files, a single Scrapbook+
file can hold many different objects on separate pages in the file.
The name of the file you're working with is always displayed in the
title bar at the top of the Scrapbook+ window.
An object rendition (also called a rendering). In Scrapbook+,
available formats include text, bitmap, DIF, PostScript, picture,
SYLK, CSV, TIFF, and rich text, plus custom clipboard formats. All objects in Scrapbook+ will be in one of the above formats.
See <$>Formats<D> for more information.
In this help system, hypertext words are text items that you can
click on with the mouse pointer to access more information on that
topic. Hypertext words are indicated by being inverted (black).
Use the <<>Tab> key to select the one you want (it will be outlined with
dots), then press the <<>Enter> key. You may also click on the
hypertext word with the mouse pointer. To get back to where you came
from, use the help system Previous command. For more information on
how to use this help system, see <$>Help on Help<D>.
<B>Keyboard Focus<D>
The focus on the screen, where the next keyboard command will take
effect (also called "screen focus"). You can change the keyboard focus
in Scrapbook+ by pressing the <<>Tab> key. This rotates screen focus
in the following order: title bar, <$>description box<D>,
vertical scroll bar, horizontal scroll bar, then back to
the title bar. Pressing the <<>Enter> key shifts the focus to the title
bar, where it must reside for other operations to function properly.
The words you can enter into the <$>description box<D> for each page in
Scrapbook+. You can also enter keywords into the search pattern when
using the <$>Find command<D>. The Find command uses these keywords to
locate matching keywords in the description boxes for each page.
This lets Scrapbook+ quickly find pages by textual search pattern.
<$>M -- Q<D>
<$>R -- S<D>
<$>T -- Z<D>
<S>M -- Q
<$>A -- C<D>
<$>D -- L<D>
Also known as <$>picture<D> format. A device-independent format for
storing images. One of the data types handled by Scrapbook+.
Some programs, such as Micrografx Draw, use this format when copying to
the clipboard. Note that .CGM, .DRW, and .WMF files are converted to
metafile pictures when imported, and may be identified by the .WMF
File format produced by Microsoft Paint. This format contains
monochrome raster, or bitmapped, graphical data. See <I>Bitmap<D>.
A set of data as used in Scrapbook+. Objects come in several
formats, such as bitmap images, metafile images, or text.
See <I>Format<D>.
A page is a block of information that you select and store in a
Scrapbook+ file. For example, a selection of commercially prepared
artwork may be one page in a file, a paragraph of text from Microsoft
Write may be another page, and a chart from Microsoft Excel may be
another. Pages may be held in a variety of <$>formats<D> in the same
file. Pages are numbered as you place them into the Scrapbook+ file.
<B>Page Slider<D>
The page slider (just to the right of the <$>clipboard icon<D>)
tells you how many pages of objects are in the current Scrapbook+ file.
The page slider also lets you display particular pages in the Scrapbook+
file for viewing or manipulating. The number of the currently selected
page is shown in the page slider thumb. You can select a new page
by dragging the page slider thumb with the mouse pointer to the number of the
page you want to view, or by clicking on the left or right arrows on
either end of the page slider.
<B>Page Slider Thumb<D>
A small rectangle in the <$>page slider<D> with a corner folded over,
displaying a number. The page slider thumb indicates the current page
in Scrapbook+. You can select a new page by dragging the page slider
thumb with the mouse pointer to the number of the page you want to view, or by
clicking on the left or right arrows on either end of the page slider.
A <$>bitmap<D> format produced by ZSoft PC Paintbrush Plus for Windows.
This file format contains monochrome or color raster, or bitmapped,
graphical data. See <I>Bitmap<D>.
A clipboard format handled by Scrapbook+. See <I>Metafile<D>.
A compact format for the transfer of combined <$>picture<D>,
<$>bitmap<D>, and <$>text<D> data in a textual form. <$>PostScript<D>
text, a format defined by Adobe Systems, Inc., is often combined with
<$>TIFF<D> or metafile picture data to produce an Encapsulated
PostScript file. One of the data types handled by Scrapbook+.
See <$>Formats<D> for more information. See also <I>Encapsulated
<B>Printer Bitmap<D>
A <$>bitmap<D> format compatible with the printer at the creation of the
object. Created by Microsoft Excel, among other programs. One of the
data types handled by Scrapbook+. See <$>Formats<D> for more information.
<B>Printer Picture<D>
A metafile (<$>picture<D>) format compatible with the printer at the
creation of the object. Created by Microsoft Excel, among other programs.
One of the data types handled by Scrapbook+. See <$>Formats<D> for more
<B>Proprietary Format<D>
See <I>Custom Format<D>.
<$>R -- S<D>
<$>T -- Z<D>
<S>R -- S
<$>A -- C<D>
<$>D -- L<D>
<$>M -- Q<D>
See <I>Format<D>.
<B>Rich Text<D>
A compact format for the transfer of formatted text data in a textual
form. One of the data types handled by Scrapbook+. Files with an .RTF
extension are imported to and exported from this format.
See <$>Formats<D> for more information.
Rich Text Format. See <I>Rich Text<D>.
A Scrapbook+ feature that enables you to take bitmap pictures of all or
part of your screen. When this feature is turned on (using the
<$>ScreenCapture command<D>), the <<>Alt-PrtSc> key combination takes
screen shots of the entire display, the currently active window, or the
client area of the active window. On a color monitor, ScreenCapture can also
convert the image to monochrome.
<B>Screen Focus<D>
See <I>Keyboard Focus<D>.
<B>Self Reference<D>
See <I>Self Reference<D>.
<B>Special Edits<D>
The Special Edits menu allows you to cut, copy, paste, or erase only a
certain format or formats of those in which data is presented.
Hold down the <<>Shift> key while clicking on the <$>Edit menu<D>
to access Special Edits.
See <I>Symbolic Link Format<D>.
<B>Symbolic Link Format<D>
A compact format for the transfer of inter-linked table information
such as spreadsheet data. One of the data types handled by
Scrapbook+. Files of this type may be identified by the .SLK
extension. See <$>Formats<D> for more information.
<$>T -- Z<D>
<S>T -- Z
<$>A -- C<D>
<$>D -- L<D>
<$>M -- Q<D>
<$>R -- S<D>
<B>Tagged Image File Format<D>
A data format produced by many scanners and often contained in an
Encapsulated PostScript file. One of the data types handled by
Scrapbook+. Files of this type may be identified by the .TIF
extension. See <$>Formats<D> for more information.
<B>Technical Support<D>
See <I>Customer Support<D>.
A compact format for the transfer of unformatted text data. One of
the data types handled by Scrapbook+. Files of this type may be
identified by the .TXT extension. See <$>Formats<D> for more
information. See also <I>Rich Text<D>.
The name given to the reduced-size or miniature representation of a
page's contents that appears in the <$>thumbnail window<D>
in Scrapbook+. The currently selected thumbnail is highlighted by a
special black border.
Thumbnails are a series of small representations of a file's pages in
one or more rows at the bottom of the Scrapbook+ window. At a glance,
they show you the contents of a number of pages in a file.
With thumbnails in view (in the Page & Thumbnails and Thumbnails Only
viewing modes -- see the <$>View menu<D>), you may also directly select
a page by clicking on its thumbnail.
<B>Thumbnail Size Box<D>
A sideways, T-shaped icon just under the vertical scroll bar.
Drag on this box to change the number of thumbnail rows while in the
Page & Thumbnails viewing mode (see the <$>View menu<D> for more
<B>Thumbnail Slider<D>
The thumbnail scroll bar slider, located in the <$>thumbnail scroll bar<D> to the right of the
thumbnails, does not select a new page for use, but simply allows you
to see thumbnails that are not yet visible in the thumbnail window.
To use the thumbnail slider, drag it along the thumbnail scroll bar,
or click on the arrows on either end (top and bottom) of the
thumbnail scroll bar.
See <I>Tagged Image File Format<D>.
The Scrapbook+ <$>toolbox<D> is a small rectangle that displays the
name of the displayed format for the current page, and a variety of
tools. You may select these tools by clicking on them with the mouse
See <I>Text<D>.
<B>Viewing Area<D>
The <$>viewing area<D> (called the work area in other Windows
applications) displays one page of the current Scrapbook+ file. You may block select or lasso a portion of bitmaps displayed in
the viewing area for copying to the clipboard. If an image is too large
to see all at once in the viewing area, use the scroll tool to scroll hidden
parts into view. See the <$>Tools menu<D> for more information on tools.
<B>Viewing Mode<D>
One of three ways to view the Scrapbook+ window. The Page Only
command displays the selected page only (indicated by the number
in the <$>page slider<D> thumb). The Page & Thumbnails command
displays the selected page, plus one or more rows of thumbnails in
the <$>thumbnail window<D>. The Thumbnails Only command fills the
Scrapbook window with many rows of thumbnails. In both the Page &
Thumbnails and Thumbnails Only viewing modes, the thumbnail for the
currently selected page is highlighted by a special black border.
See the <$>View menu<D> for more information on viewing mode
<B>Windows Metafile Picture<D>
A data format defined by Aldus Corporation to store a Windows
metafile <$>picture<D> with associated sizing information. Also known