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- Board Name, Long
- Enter the name of your bulletin board
- lstr
- Board Name, Short
- Enter a shortened form of the above
- lstr
- Sysop Name
- Enter your name here.
- lstr
- Sysop Auto-Login
- If yes, signing on local will automatically log in under the sysop's name
- Boo
- Main TCS Directory
- The Path of the Main TCS Directory (ie C:\TCS\). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
- path
- Path to Message Base
- The message base files are held in this sub-directory. Make sure it exists!
- path
- Path to Board Files
- Databases and sub-board data files will use this path.
- path
- Path to Ascii Uploads
- All Ascii uploads (to sub-boards) will be created in this sub-directory.
- path
- Path to Menus, etc.
- This directory includes the menus, raise request, info-form(s), help, etc.
- path
- Path to Door Files
- Batch files for doors go in this directory by default.
- path
- Supported Baud Rates
- baud
- Download Baud Rates
- baud
- Default Baud rate
- Enter the start-up baud rate (for modem setup). [110-19200]
- Int 110-19200
- COM Port
- Enter the Com Port to which your modem is connected. Standard value is 1.
- Int 1-2
- Hayes or compatible
- Enter Yes if you have a Hayes SmartModem or a compatible.
- boo
- Modem Setup text
- Text sent to the modem between callers. |=CR, ~=pause, ^x=control-char
- lstr
- Modem Hangup text
- Text sent to the modem to make it hang up. |=CR, ~=pause, ^x=control-char
- lstr
- Dial Prefix
- Text sent to the modem before a phone number. |=CR, ~=pause, ^x=control-char
- lstr
- Dial Suffix
- Text sent to the modem after a phone number. |=CR, ~=pause, ^x=control-char
- lstr
- Co-Sysop Level
- Choose the security level for a Co-Sysop.
- Int 1-32767
- Anonymous Level
- Enter the level required to post anonymously.
- Int 1-32767
- # of Welcome files
- Enter the number of welcome files you have. Files named WELCOMEx.ANS (x=#)
- Int 1-999
- Is the system Private
- Enter Y or N. If Yes, new users will not be allowed.
- boo
- Direct Video Addressing
- If Yes, screen output will be faster, but it may interfere with multitasking
- boo
- Snow Filtering
- If you are experiencing video snow, set this option to No.
- boo
- Output to DOS CON
- If Yes, then ANSI.SYS will work, but the colors may not. Usually No.
- boo
- Escape in messages
- If Yes, users may place "escape codes" (ANSI control) in messages. Usually No.
- boo
- Backspacing in msgs
- If Yes, users may press ^Q in their messages to produce an overprint effect.
- boo
- Normal Color
- Enter the standard text color attribute. Commonly 9 (bright blue)
- Attrib
- Top split Color
- Enter the attribute for the top screen half. Commonly 11 (bright cyan)
- Attrib
- Output-lock Color
- Attribute to use when in snoop mode. Commonly 12 (bright red)
- Attrib
- Split-line Color
- Attribute to use for the line between the halves. Commonly 13 (br. magenta)
- Attrib
- Status line Color
- Attribute to use for the bottom line. It will be in inverse mode. 2=green
- Attrib
- User time per day
- Usertime
- Input time out
- Number of minutes of silence from remote user until the system hangs up.
- Int 2-60
- Hidden-input character
- Character to echo when user is entering a password. Commonly "." or "/".
- char
- End of Download Text
- Text sent at the end of an Ascii or G-File D/L. Commonly holds the BBS's name.
- lstr
- Newuser File Xfer Level
- File transfer level for new users
- Int 0-32767
- Newuser File Xfer Points
- File transfer points for new users, 0 if downloads are free on your system
- Int 0-32767
- 2nd call access level
- Level required to get the system password from the matrix.
- Int 0-32767
- 2nd call xfer level
- File transfer level to be assigned on all users' second calls
- Int 0-32767
- 2nd call xfer points
- File transfer points to be assigned on all users' second calls
- Int 0-32767
- Bulletin post level
- Level required to post a bulletin
- Int 0-32767
- Upload factor
- When you rate a file, the uploader will get (this number * your rating) points
- Int
- Time Sysop's Available
- Enter time sysop becomes available for chat. Form: 8:30 am, 10:00 pm, etc.
- Time
- Time Sysop isn't
- Enter time sysop becomes unavailable for chat. Form: 11:30 pm, 1:45 am, etc.
- Time
- Time File Xfer opens
- Enter time the file transfer section opens. Form: 9:28 am, 12:15 pm, etc.
- Time
- Time File Xfer closes
- Enter time the file transfer section closes. Form: 7:36 pm, 11:32 am, etc.
- Time
- Use Matrix Logon
- If yes, then you will use a matrix logon.
- boo
- Matrix Type
- 1=TCS-Menu, 2=SamBrown-Matrix, 3=DOS-type
- int 1-3
- New Users -> Matrix
- If Yes, newusers apply at Matrix, using option '4'.
- boo
- System Password
- This password will be required before any user may log in. Enter N for none.
- mstr
- New User Password
- This password is required for a new user to apply.
- lstr
- System 2 Password
- Password required to login to System 2. N if you dont have a System 2.
- mstr
- System 3 Password
- Password required to login to System 3. N if you dont have a System 3.
- mstr
- Anonymous String
- The other users will see this replacing the name of an anonymous poster.
- mstr
- Require Info-Forms
- If yes, then New Users will be required to fill out Info-Form #1.
- boo
- Remote DOOR Maintenance
- If yes, remote co-sysops will be able to create potentially dangerous doors.
- boo
- Allow DOORS at all?
- If yes, doors will be allowed. If not, all doors will be LOCKED.
- boo
- Time to run Batch Event
- Enter the time TCS is to drop into DOS & run an event. Enter N for none.
- time
- Event Batch file to run
- Enter the name of the batch file TCS will run at the specified time.
- sstr
- Hang-up on New Users
- If Yes, TCS will hang-up after newuser applies.
- boo
- Msg to Next User Level
- Level to leave a message at the logoff.
- int 1-32767
- Enter Chat Phrase
- This phrase will appear when you break into chat.
- lstr
- Exit Chat Phrase
- This Phrase will appear when you leave chat.
- lstr
- BBS Telephone #
- Enter your BBS's phone number (any format you like, used for misc stuff)
- mstr
- Time Restrict Level
- If the user is above this level he can use BBS at all times.
- int 1-32767
- Time Restrict Start
- Time at which users can't use the BBS, unless they have enough access.
- time
- Time Restrict End
- Time at which the time restrict ends.
- time
- Super 8K Log File
- Log file to use for Super 8K.
- lstr
- DSZ Log File
- Log file to use for DSZ.
- lstr
- Silence Jmodem
- Shut J-Modem sound up.
- boo
- New User Note
- User Note to give to newusers
- mstr
- Available String
- String TCS will show to the user when you are available for chat.
- lstr
- Not Available String
- String TCS will show to the user when you are NOT available for chat.
- lstr
- Use Quality Ratings
- Yes if you want to use the "Quality Ratings" system (usually YES)
- Boo
- QR * Factor
- QR formula is THISFACTOR*(uploads+posts)-downloads. [Commonly 5!!!]
- int 1-100
- QR Limit before D/L
- If a user has this Quality Rating or below, they cannot download.
- int -32767-32767
- QR Exempt Level
- Level to be exempt from Quality Rating download restriction
- int 0-32767
- Use Logon Cliche
- Yes if you want a cute cliche printed out after the info screen at logon.
- boo
- "Cliche"
- The 'cliche' it will print out at the logon info screen (idea from Emulex/2)
- lstr
- Use gambling section
- Yes if you want the Gambling Section open.
- boo
- Chance of robbing bank
- Percent of change of Robbing Bank.
- int 4-100
- Gain for robbing bank
- Amount of gain for successfully robbing bank.
- int 4-100
- Points needed to win darts
- Amount of points needed to win darts.
- int 100-32767
- Throws allowed in darts
- Amount of throws needed to win darts.
- int 4-100
- Conversion rate
- Conversion rate for points->credits
- int 5-100
- Maximum Time Deposit
- Maximum time allowed to be deposited in time bank.
- int 30-32767
- Allow Bank
- Do you wish to allow the bank to operate?
- boo
- Allow Darts
- Do you wish to allow darts to operate?
- boo
- Allow Russian Roulette
- Do you wish to allow Russian Roulette to operate?
- boo
- Allow Robbing the Bank
- Do you wish to allow someone to rob the bank?
- boo
- Allow Hi-Lo
- Do you wish to allow Hi-Lo to operate?
- boo
- Allow Roulette
- Do you wish to allow Roulette to function?
- boo
- Allow Craps
- Do you wish to allow Craps to operate?
- boo
- Use Timebank
- If so, users can store time for later purposes.
- boo
- Upload Time %
- When a user uploads, they will be granted this percent of the upload time.
- int 0-1000
- Auto-Login after [5]
- If yes it will automatically login the user after he/she [Checks for Access].
- boo
- See Anonymous level
- Level required to see the real names of Anonymous Posters.
- int 1-32767
- List Users level
- Level required to list the users ( [L] Command )
- int 1-32767
- Use EMS Memory
- Yes if you have EMS Memory and want to use it for the Overlays
- boo
- PCR Exempt Level
- User Level required to be exempt from the Post-Call Ratio(s).
- int 1-32767
- File Xfer PCR
- Posts-per-Call Ratio required to use the File Transfer section.
- int 1-200
- G-File Section PCR
- Posts-per-Call Ratio required to use the G-Files section.
- int 1-200
- G-File UL/DL Ratio
- Upload/Download ratio for the G-file section
- int 1-100
- Upload/Download Ratio
- The users # of u/ls divided by d/ls has to be greater than this.
- int 1-100
- U/D Ratio Exempt Level
- If user has this level, he is exempt from UD ratio.
- int 1-32767
- Door Section PCR
- Posts-per-Call Ratio required to use the On-Line Doors section.
- int 1-200
- Tender Password
- The password you wished to be placed on more tender commands.[Blank for None]
- mstr
- Data Scrambler Toggle - *YOU MUST NOW HOW THIS WORKS TO USE IT!* [SEE DOCS!]
- boo
- Matrix Feedback
- Allow users to leave Feedback to the Sysop through the Matrix [y/n]
- boo
- Matrix Chat
- Allow users to request on-line Chat through the Matrix [y/n]
- boo
- Text Editor Filename
- Full PATH AND FILENAME of your Text Editor (ie Qedit)
- lstr
- Use 'Rumors'
- If yes then random sayings (Rumors) will appear at the Main Menu.
- boo
- File Passwords
- Yes if users can attach Passwords to their uploads.
- boo
- Netmail Network number
- Your network number - obtain from TCS support systems.
- int 10-32767
- Netmail Encosion Password
- Encoding password for netmail.
- lstr
- Use Bi-Modem
- Do you want to allow Bi-Modem Xfers?
- boo
- Xmodem Receive
- Command Line for X-modem CRC Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Xmodem Send
- Command Line for X-modem CRC Send Transfers.
- lstr
- 1K-Xmodem Receive
- Command Line for 1K-Xmodem CRC Receive.
- lstr
- 1K-Xmodem Send
- Command Line for 1K-Xmodem CRC Send.
- lstr
- Zmodem Receive
- Command Line for Zmodem Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Zmodem Send
- Command Line for Zmodem Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Jmodem Receive
- Command Line for Jmodem Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Jmodem Send
- Command Line for Jmodem Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Lynx Receive
- Command Line for Lynx Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Lynx Send
- Command Line for Lynx Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Xmdm OvrThrust Receive
- Command Line for Xmodem OverThruster(tm) Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Xmdm OvrThrust Send
- Command Line for Xmodem OverThruster(tm) Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Ymdm OvrThrust Receive
- Command Line for Ymodem OverThruster(tm) Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Ymdm OvrThrust Send
- Command Line for Ymodem OverThruster(tm) Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Ymodem-G Receive
- Command Line for Ymodem-G Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Ymodem-G Send
- Command Line for Ymodem-G Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Super8k Receive
- Command Line for Super8k Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Super8k Send
- Command Line for Super8k Send Transfers.
- lstr
- K9Xmodem Receive
- Command Line for K9Xmodem Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- K9Xmodem Send
- Command Line for K9Xmodem Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Zmodem Crash Receive
- Command Line for Zmodem Crash Recovery Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Zmodem Crash Send
- Command Line for Zmodem Crash Recovery Send Transfers.
- lstr
- PCP Zmodem Receive
- Command Line for PCPursuit Zmodem Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- PCP Zmodem Send
- Command Line for PCPursuit Zmodem Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Sealink Receive
- Command Line for Sealink Receive Transfers.
- lstr
- Sealink Send
- Command Line for Sealink Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Zmodem RLE Send
- Command Line for Zmodem RLE ASCII Compression Send. (No RLE Recieve Xfers)
- lstr
- Punter Send
- Command Line for Punter Send Transfers.
- lstr
- Punter Receive
- Command Line for Punter Receive Transfers.
- lstr