home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 1990-07-18 | 28.5 KB | 1,208 lines |
- ;12M INF
- [macro]
- *LISTMORE = " More: PgDn "
- *KBNEEDED = "4300"
- *KBSOFTFONTS = "100"
- *HARDHDR = "Hard Drive "
- *READMEFILE = "readme.txt"
- *MAINEXE = "winword.exe"
- LISTHLP1 = "Use the direction (,) keys to make the selection,"
- LISTHLP2 = "then press Enter."
- SELECT = "Select one of the following:"
- SELECTMORE = "Select one or more of the following:"
- EXIT = "Exit Setup: Ctrl+X"
- *WINVERSEARCH = "Microsoft Windows Kernel Interface Version "
- *VERSION = "version "
- *IN = " in "
- *SETUPEXE = "_mswwsu.exe"
- *WIREAD = "read"
- *WIREADANDWRITE = "read and write"
- *WICREATEANEW = "create a new copy of"
- *WIWRITENEW = "add to"
- *WIRENAME = "write to"
- *PRDLINE = "PRD file driver=PRDDRV,None"
- [list sdisks]
- 0:dos, "your DOS SYSTEM disk"
- 1:setup, "Setup disk"
- 2:convrsns, "Conversions disk"
- 3:wword, "Learning / Writing Aids disk"
- 4:wword, "Utilities disk"
- [list ddisks]
- 1:x, "destination floppy or cartridge"
- [list remove]
- [list winwordl]
- ;=== these 2 files are necessary with winsu windows runtime.
- ;=== 1:setup.exe, "_MSWWSU.EXE", 1
- ;=== 1:wwordsu.inf
- 1:winword.ex?
- 1:prev.fo?, 8
- 1:*.dc?, 12
- 1:*.dt?, 12
- 1:readme.txt, 12
- 2:convert.gl?, 12
- 2:library\*.dc?, 12
- 2:library\*.ti?, 12
- 2:*.dc?, 12
- 2:pcw-rtf.da?, 12
- [list prddrvdrvl]
- 4:prddrv.dr$, 8
- [list skipcopyingl]
- ;=== these 2 files are necessary with winsu windows runtime.
- ;=== 1:setup.exe, "_MSWWSU.EXE", 1
- ;=== 1:wwordsu.inf
- [list extensionsl]
- 1:doc, "doc=winword.exe ^.doc"
- 1:dot, "dot=winword.exe ^.dot"
- [list conversionl]
- 2:null, "Continue With Selected Conversions"
- 2:conv-wrd.dll, " Word for DOS|DOC"
- 2:conv-wri.dll, " Windows Write|WRI"
- 2:conv-mcw.dll, " Macintosh Word|MAC"
- 2:conv-wwp.dll, " Microsoft Works|WPS"
- 2:conv-dca.dll, " DCA (RFT)|DCA|RFT"
- 2:conv-wp5.dll, " WordPerfect 5.0|DOC"
- 2:conv-wp.dll, " WordPerfect 4.2, 4.1#Wordperfect 4.2#Wordperfect 4.1|DOC"
- 2:conv-ws.dll, " WordStar 4.0, 3.45, 3.3#WordStar 4.0#WordStar 3.45#Wordstar 3.3|TXT"
- 2:conv-mm.dll, " Multimate Adv II, Adv 3.6 and 3.3#Multimate Adv II#Multimate Adv#Multimate 3.3|DOC"
- [list graphfiltersl]
- 2:null, "Continue With Selected Filters"
- 2:cgmmport.flt, " CGM Graphics Import|CGM"
- 2:adimport.flt, " AutoCAD ADI|ADI"
- 2:hpglimp.flt, " HPGL Filter|HGL"
- 2:lotuspic.flt, " Lotus Graphics PIC|PIC"
- 2:imamport.flt, " Zenographics Mirage|IMA"
- 2:vidmport.flt, " Video Show Import|PIC"
- 2:draw.flt, " Micrografx Draw!|PIC"
- 2:wmf.flt, " Windows Metafile|WMF"
- 2:pcximp.flt, " PCX Filter|PCX"
- [list tutoriall]
- 2:winword.cbt\*.dc?, 8
- 2:winword.cbt\*.ti?, 8
- 2:winword.cbt\*.cb?, 8
- 2:winword.cbt\*.dt?, 8
- 4:winword.cbt\*.li$, 8
- 4:winword.cbt\*.dc?, 8
- 4:winword.cbt\*.dt?, 8
- 4:winword.cbt\*.le?, 8
- 4:winword.cbt\*.ti?, 8
- [list utill]
- 3:hyph.dat, 8
- 3:lex-*.*, 8
- 3:syn-*.*, 8
- 3:winword.hlp, 8
- 3:whelp.exe, 8
- [list prdl]
- 4:none, "Continue With Selected Printers"
- 4:alps2000.prd, " Alps P2000"
- 4:brother.prd, " Brother HR 15/25/35"
- 4:bl45lq.prd, " Business Land 45LQ"
- 4:d630.prd, " Diablo 630"
- 4:pagemdrn.prd, " IBM PagePrinter (Modern Fonts)"
- 4:pageps.prd, " IBM PagePrinter (Proportionally Spaced Fonts)"
- 4:pagermn.prd, " IBM PagePrinter (Roman Fonts)"
- 4:pagesnrn.prd, " IBM PagePrinter (Typesetting Fonts)"
- 4:ibmquiet.prd, " IBM Quietwriter"
- 4:ibmwheel.prd, " IBM Wheelprinter"
- 4:nec3550.prd, " NEC 3550 Spinwriter"
- 4:qume11.prd, " Qume Sprint 11 Plus"
- 4:srexp.prd, " Silver Reed Exp 400"
- 4:dmp130.prd, " Tandy DMP 130/132"
- 4:dmp2100.prd, " Tandy DMP 2100"
- 4:dmp2120.prd, " Tandy DMP 2110/2120"
- 4:dmp430.prd, " Tandy DMP 430/440"
- 4:dwp510.prd, " Tandy DWP 510"
- 4:x2700.prd, " Xerox 2700"
- [list UpdatedDRVs]
- 4:TI850.DRV
- 4:OKI24.DRV
- 4:DM600.DRV
- [list usel]
- [list symbolfontl]
- [list softfontl]
- [list sfinstall]
- [list win3softfontl]
- [list wininisoftfontl]
- [menu contorquit]
- "Continue", C
- [menu formatorretry]
- "Format the disk", R
- "Use a different disk", F
- [menu retry]
- "Try again", T
- "Exit Setup", E
- [menu retryorignore]
- "Try again", T
- "Ignore", I
- "Exit Setup", E
- [menu readonlyerrm]
- "Try to Overwrite", T
- "Continue without Copying", C
- "Exit Setup", E
- [menu instorquit]
- "Install Word for Windows", I
- "Exit Setup", E
- [menu freemenu]
- "Use a different disk", D
- "Continue", C
- [menu yesno]
- "Yes", Y
- "No", N
- [menu mainc]
- "Install Word for Windows and utilities", I
- "View the README file", R
- "Exit Setup", E
- [menu needhdm]
- [menu anotherhd]
- "Exit Setup", E
- "Install Word on another hard disk", I
- "Continue with Word installation", C
- [menu smallhd]
- "Exit Setup", E
- "Continue with Word installation", C
- [menu exitorcontm]
- "Exit Setup", E
- "Continue with Word installation", C
- [menu instconvm]
- "Install conversions", I
- "Do not install conversions", D
- [menu convertqm]
- [menu instgrafiltm]
- "Install graphics filters", I
- "Do not install graphics filters", D
- [menu graphfiltmorem]
- [menu tutorialm]
- "Install tutorial lessons", W
- "Do not install tutorial lessons", O
- [menu updwinm]
- "Update Windows files", U
- "Do not update Windows files", D
- [menu instrunwinm]
- "Install run-time Windows files", I
- "Do not install Windows files", D
- [menu prdm]
- "Install Word for DOS printer drivers", I
- "Do not install Word for DOS printer drivers", D
- [menu prdqm]
- [menu nopclsoftfontm]
- "Do not install symbol soft fonts", D
- "Do install symbol soft fonts", I
- [menu pclsoftfontm]
- "Do install symbol soft fonts", I
- "Do not install symbol soft fonts", D
- [menu memsetm]
- "Run Memset now", R
- "Do not run Memset", D
- [menu quitmenu]
- [menu skipprogfilesm]
- "Copy over existing files", C
- "Skip copying, Continue", S
- [screen header1]
- {At 2,0}
- W O R D S E T U P
- ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒
- [screen header2]
- {At 2,0}
- W O R D S E T U P
- ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ INSTALLING WORD FOR WINDOWS
- ███████████████████████████████
- [screen footer]
- {At 60, 24}
- Exit Setup: Ctrl+X
- [screen mcopying]
- {include screen header2}
- {clear 0,5,80,24}
- {at 5,11}
- Setup is now copying the %*DISKNAME.
- Copying %*DPATH%*DFILE
- [screen badmacro]
- {clear 0,22,80,22}
- {at 0,22}
- Predefined macro "%*TEMP" is missing in SETUP.INF
- [screen wininireadonly]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 10,5}
- Setup needs to make modifications to your WIN.INI file
- but your copy is write protected, so Setup is going to
- create a new file WININI.NEW which will contain the changes
- you need. When Setup completes, you should make the
- modifications yourself.
- Press Enter to continue Setup.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen wininierr]
- {clear 0,22,80,22}
- {at 0,22}
- Error trying to %*TEMP your WIN.INI file.
- [screen badfontvalue]
- {clear 0,22,80,22}
- {at 0,22}
- Programming Error - Bad Font Value found in MergeWinIni().
- [screen insnewdisk]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Please insert a new disk in drive %*DRIVE
- Then press Enter.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen insdiskpath]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup cannot find the file %*SFILE for installation.
- Please specify the directory in which this file is located.
- {at 16,10}
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- {at 0,11}
- {input 19,40,2}
- {at 16}
- Type the directory name, then press Enter.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen insdiskpath2]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Error - Setup cannot find the file %*SFILE
- in the directory you specified below. Please try again now
- or exit, find a copy of the file, and run Setup again later.
- Please specify the directory where this file is located.
- {at 16,10}
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- {at 0,11}
- {input 19,40,2}
- {at 16}
- Type the directory name, then press Enter.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen insdisknopath]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Insert the %*DISKNAME in Drive %*DRIVE,
- then press Enter.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen badsdisk]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup is having trouble reading files from the disk.
- Make sure the %*DISKNAME is in Drive %*DRIVE and the drive
- door is closed.
- {at 0,11}
- {input 16, 20, 4}
- {include menu retry}
- {at 16}
- [screen wrongdisk]
- {include screen badsdisk}
- {at 0,11}
- {input 16, 20, 4}
- {include menu retry}
- {at 16}
- [screen badddisk]
- {At 5,7}
- This disk is not formatted. Setup can format the disk for
- you, or you can insert a different disk that is already formatted.
- {input 10, 60, 4}
- {include menu formatorretry}
- {At 50,22}
- [screen readerr]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup is having trouble reading the file %*SFILE
- from the disk.
- You can try it again to see if the problem can be fixed, or
- you can exit Setup.
- {at 0,13}
- {input 16, 20, 4}
- {include menu retry}
- {at 16}
- [screen notenoughdiskspace]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- There is not enough free disk space on the destination drive
- to install all of the needed Word files as well as accessory
- files like conversion utilities, graphics filters, and tutorial
- files.
- You can run Setup again and choose fewer of these accessory
- files, or you can remove some files from your hard-disk and
- then run Setup.
- Press Enter to exit Setup.
- [screen writeerr]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup is having trouble copying the file %*DFILE
- to your hard disk.
- You can try it again to see if the problem can be fixed, or
- you can exit Setup.
- {at 0,13}
- {input 16, 20, 4}
- {include menu retry}
- {at 16}
- [screen createerr]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup is having trouble creating the file
- %*DPATH%*DFILE on your hard disk.
- You can try it again to see if the problem can be fixed, or
- you can exit Setup.
- {at 0,13}
- {input 16, 20, 4}
- {include menu retry}
- {at 16}
- [screen readonlyerr]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup is trying to copy to the read-only file
- %*DPATH%*DFILE on your hard disk.
- You can try to overwrite it, you can skip the
- copy if you are sure your current copy is correct,
- or you can exit Setup and remove your current copy.
- {at 0,13}
- {input 16, 40, 5}
- {include menu readonlyerrm}
- {at 16}
- [screen renameerr]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup is having trouble renaming the file %*SPATH%*SFILE
- to %*DPATH%*DFILE.
- You can try it again to see if the problem can be fixed, or
- you can exit Setup.
- {at 0,13}
- {input 16, 20, 4}
- {include menu retry}
- {at 16}
- [screen createdirerr]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup is having trouble creating the directory %*DPATH.
- You can try it again to see if the problem can be fixed, or
- you can exit Setup.
- {at 0,13}
- {input 16, 20, 4}
- {include menu retry}
- {at 16}
- [screen pathtoolong]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 10,5}
- Setup is trying to add the Winword directory to your PATH.
- If the new destination directory is appended to the PATH
- variable in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file in your root directory,
- the new PATH will exceed 127 characters and will be
- truncated by DOS.
- Press Enter if you want Setup to write the long PATH to the
- file ADDPATH.NEW in your boot directory and then continue
- Setup without modifying your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Press
- Ctrl+X if you want to exit Setup.
- If you continue, you should modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT to
- include the new directory after finishing Setup. If you
- exit, you will need to run Setup again later after shortening
- your PATH variable.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen confirmpathtoolong]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 12,5}
- The Winword directory has been added to your PATH statement
- in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, but the PATH statement is now more
- than 127 characters which will cause DOS to truncate it. After
- Setup completes, you should correct this by removing some of the
- directories in it.
- Press Enter to continue Setup. Press Ctrl-X if you want to
- exit Setup.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen cantexecwinsu]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 12,5}
- Setup is unable to execute the Windows Installation program
- because you chose such a long path to install into. When Setup
- finishes, go to the Run-Time Windows disk and execute WINSU.
- Press Enter to continue Setup. Press Ctrl-X if you want to
- exit Setup.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen cantexecmemset]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 12,5}
- Setup is unable to execute the Memory Configuration program
- because you chose such a long path to install into. When Setup
- finishes, go to the Utilities 2 disk and execute MEMSET.
- Press Enter to continue Setup. Press Ctrl-X if you want to
- exit Setup.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen nonvital]
- {clear 0,8,80,11}
- {at 16,8}
- Word will run without this file, so you can bypass the
- file by choosing Ignore. You can also try it again to see
- if the problem can be fixed. If you do not want to
- continue, exit Setup.
- [screen readhlp]
- {clear 0,0,0,0}
- {at 0, 23}
- ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Next screen: PgDn ∙ Previous screen: PgUp ∙ Exit README: Esc
- [screen welcome]
- {include screen header1}
- {At 8,4}
- Welcome to the SETUP PROGRAM for Microsoft Word for Windows.
- Setup helps you install Word on your hard disk or on a
- network by:
- {At 10}
- . copying the Word for Windows files
- ;=== . copying the necessary Microsoft Windows files
- ;=== . setting up your monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer(s)
- ;=== to run with Word
- . copying conversions, tutorial lessons, and other utilities
- . providing a README file that contains information about
- disks and files in the Word package as well as suggestions
- for configuring your hardware
- {At 8}
- Press Enter to continue Setup.
- [screen main]
- {include screen header1}
- {At 8,4}
- You can install Word now or view the README file. You can
- also view the README file or install additional utilities
- at any other time by running Setup again.
- {input 16, 45, 5}
- {include menu mainc}
- {at 16}
- [screen readmehelp]
- [screen needhd]
- {include screen header1}
- {at 8,5}
- There are no hard disks attached to your system. You need a
- hard disk in order to install Word.
- Run Setup again to install Word once you have a hard disk for
- your system.
- Press Enter to end Setup
- [screen know]
- {include screen header2}
- {At 8, 5}
- ;=== To install Word you need to know the following:
- ;===
- ;=== . what kind of graphics adapter (display) you have
- ;=== . what kind of mouse you have (Microsoft or other), if any
- ;=== . what kind of printer(s) you have, if any
- ;=== . which port your printer is connected to
- ;===
- ;===
- Microsoft Windows version 2.11 or later is required for Word
- to run properly. If you have not yet installed Windows 2.11
- or later, it is recommended that you do this before installing
- Word for Windows.
- You can exit Setup from most parts of the program by holding
- down the Ctrl key and pressing X.
- Press Enter to continue Setup.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen drive]
- {include screen header2}
- {At 8, 5}
- Setup has detected more than one hard disk attached to your
- system.
- Setup suggests that you install Word on Drive %*DRIVE
- To install Word, select a hard drive.
- {input 16, 20, 5}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen nohardspace]
- [screen olddosver]
- {include screen header2}
- {AT 8, 5}
- Your system has DOS %*DOSVER. Setup recommends a DOS version
- of 3.0 or later for Word to run efficiently.
- You can exit now or continue the Setup program.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu exitorcontm}
- {at 16}
- [screen lowramk]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8, 5}
- Your system does not have enough RAM. Word requires 640K of
- RAM in order to run correctly.
- You can exit now or continue the Setup program. If you
- choose to continue Setup, remember to expand your RAM before
- using Word.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu exitorcontm}
- {at 16}
- [screen directorybox]
- {clear 0,0,0,0}
- {at 16,10}
- ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- {at 61,11}
- │
- [screen directory]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8, 5}
- Please specify the directory in which you want Word installed.
- Setup proposes the following directory:
- {at 0,11}
- {input 19, 40, 2}
- {at 16}
- If you want to install Word in a different
- directory, use the Backspace key to erase the
- current selection, then type the directory name.
- When the correct directory is displayed, press Enter.
- {include screen directorybox}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen noautoexec]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8, 5}
- Setup is trying to add the Winword directory to your PATH variable
- but cannot find your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Please specify the directory
- where the file exists or press Enter and an AUTOEXEC.BAT file will
- be created in the specified directory containing only a PATH line.
- {at 0,11}
- {input 19, 40, 2}
- {at 16}
- If your AUTOEXEC.BAT file exists in a different
- directory, use the Backspace key to erase the
- current selection, then type the directory name.
- When the correct directory is displayed, press Enter.
- {include screen directorybox}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen free]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8, 5}
- Your hard disk does not have enough free space for all of the
- Word and Windows files. If you continue, Word will not be
- installed properly.
- You need an additional %*NUM K of disk space.
- {input 16, 40, 5}
- {at 16}
- [screen instconv]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Word comes with a set of conversion programs that enable
- you to convert documents created with other word processing
- programs, including Word for DOS, into Word for Windows
- documents.
- Each conversion requires 100K of disk space. You can install
- as many conversions as you want.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu instconvm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen convert]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- {input 16, 40, 10}
- {include list conversionl}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen convertq]
- [screen instgrafilt]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Word comes with a set of graphics filters that enable you
- to open graphics created with other programs.
- You can install as many filters as you want.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu instgrafiltm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen graphfilter]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- {input 16, 40, 10}
- {include list graphfiltersl}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen graphfiltmore]
- [screen tutorial]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8, 5}
- Word comes with a set of tutorial lessons that teach you
- about using Word. The lessons take up about 1.2 MB of disk
- space.
- You can install Word with or without the tutorial lessons.
- If you need disk space after you have learned Word, you can
- delete the directory that contains the lessons.
- {input 16, 50, 4}
- {include menu tutorialm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen updfullwin]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup has detected an early Windows
- %*TEMP
- Setup suggests that you update your version of Microsoft Windows
- to 2.11.
- This should not affect your other Windows applications. If
- you think this may not be appropriate for your system, you can
- choose not to update your Windows files.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu updwinm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen instrunwin]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 7,5}
- Setup has detected Windows
- %*TEMP
- Since Word requires Windows 2.11 to run properly, Setup suggests
- that you install a run-time version of Microsoft Windows 2.11.
- Please note that a run-time version provides only the Windows
- functionality needed to run Word. It is not a complete version
- of Microsoft Windows. This should not affect your other Windows
- applications. If you think this may not be appropriate for your
- system, you can choose not to update your Windows files.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu instrunwinm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen skipallwin]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Press Enter to continue Setup.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen updrunwin]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup has detected an early run-time Windows
- %*TEMP
- Since Word requires Windows 2.11 to run properly, Setup suggests
- that you install a run-time version of Microsoft Windows 2.11.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu instrunwinm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen nowininstrunwin]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup did not find Microsoft Windows on your system. A
- run-time version of Microsoft Windows 2.11 should be installed
- on your system so that Word will run properly.
- Please note that a run-time version of Microsoft Windows
- provides only the Windows functionality needed to run Word.
- It is not a complete version of Microsoft Windows.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu instrunwinm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen buywindows]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Microsoft Windows version 2.11 or later is required for Word to
- run properly. Setup was unable to find such a version on your
- system. If you believe you already have a correct version of
- Windows, please make sure Windows is on your DOS Path. You can
- verify this by typing PATH at the system prompt. You can change
- your path by editing your autoexec.bat file.
- If you do not have Windows 2.11 or later already installed, then
- you will need to purchase a new copy or upgrade your existing
- version. For new copies, see your local Microsoft dealer.
- At this time, you should exit Setup by typing Ctrl-X and either
- update your Path or obtain a satisfactory copy of Windows. If
- you continue by pressing Enter, setup will create a WIN.INI file
- in your Word directory. When you update your Windows version, you
- will have to merge this with the WIN.INI in your windows directory.
- Press Enter to continue Setup.
- {include screen footer}
- [screen execerr]
- {at 0, 23}
- Could not execute program!
- [screen prd]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Microsoft Word for Windows comes with some printer drivers
- that enable you to use printers supported by Word for DOS
- version 4.0.
- You can install these printer drivers in order to use a printer
- that is not supported by the drivers in your Windows package.
- {input 16,50,4}
- {include menu prdm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen prdselect]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- {input 16, 60, 10}
- {include list prdl}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen prdq]
- [screen skipprogfiles]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup has detected some of the program files in the destination
- directory. If you successfully completed running Setup previously
- and are now copying more utilities, select skip copying. If you
- are updating your version of Word for Windows, select copy over
- existing files. Setup will not copy over your document or template
- files when you update to a new version of Word for Windows.
- {input 16, 30, 4}
- {include menu skipprogfilesm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen nopclsoftfonts]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup can install soft fonts that will allow greek symbols and
- equations to be printed on an HP-PCL printer.
- Setup has not detected an HP-PCL printer in your Windows environment
- and recommends that you do not install the soft fonts.
- If you later determine that you need the soft fonts, you can install
- them by running the Setup program again.
- You can choose to install the soft fonts at this time if you think
- this is appropriate for you.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu nopclsoftfontm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen pclsoftfonts]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Setup can install soft fonts which will allow greek symbols and
- equations to be printed on an HP-PCL printer.
- Setup has detected an HP-PCL printer in your Windows environment
- and recommends that you install the soft fonts now.
- You can skip this step if you think installing soft fonts is
- inappropriate for you. If you later determine that you need the
- soft fonts, you can install them by running the Setup program again.
- {input 16, 40, 4}
- {include menu pclsoftfontm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen memset]
- {include screen header2}
- {at 8,5}
- Microsoft Word for Windows comes with a program called Memset,
- that helps you to optimize Word's use of extended/expanded memory.
- If you have an extended memory board installed on your
- system, you can run the Memset program now. You can also run
- Memset at a later time from the Utilities 2 disk.
- {input 16, 30, 4}
- {include menu memsetm}
- {at 16}
- {include screen footer}
- [screen quitquery]
- [screen quit]
- {include screen header1}
- {at 8, 4}
- Microsoft Word for Windows is not installed properly on your
- system.
- Run Setup again if you want to install Word.
- {At 0, 14}
- [screen done]
- {include screen header1}
- {at 8, 4}
- Microsoft Word for Windows has been successfully installed!
- To use Word, restart your system (by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Del
- keys) and then type WINWORD at the System prompt. If you have
- Windows/386 2.11 type WIN386 WINWORD.
- If you need to change any device setting in the future, use the
- Microsoft Windows Control Panel.
- If you chose to install Word without the tutorial lessons,
- converters, or graphics filters, you can run Setup again to
- install them at any time.
- In order to take advantage of the benefits of being a
- registered owner of Microsoft Word for Windows, fill out the
- Registration Card in your Word package, and send it in TODAY.
- [screen donerun]
- {include screen header1}
- {at 8, 4}
- Microsoft Word for Windows has been successfully installed!
- Setup will now run Memset and then exit.
- If you need to change any device setting in the future, use the
- Microsoft Windows Control Panel.
- If you chose to install Word without the tutorial lessons,
- converters, or graphics filters, you can run Setup again to
- install them at any time.
- In order to take advantage of the benefits of being a
- registered owner of Microsoft Word for Windows, fill out the
- Registration Card in your Word package, and send it in TODAY.
- Press Enter to run the Memset program.