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- {$R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ }
- {$M 65500,0,0 }
- unit windows;
- interface
- uses gentypes,crt,subs1,configrt;
- var winds:array [0..2] of windowrec;
- split,inuse:integer;
- procedure getcoor;
- procedure usewind (n:byte);
- procedure setwind (n:byte; nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2:byte);
- procedure initwind (n,nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2,ncolor:byte);
- procedure top;
- procedure bottom;
- procedure wholescreen;
- procedure drawsplit;
- procedure initwinds;
- procedure unsplit;
- procedure splitscreen (v:byte);
- procedure setoutlock (b:boolean);
- procedure bottomline;
- implementation
- procedure getcoor;
- begin
- with winds[inuse] do begin
- cx:=wherex;
- cy:=wherey;
- if cy<1 then cy:=1;
- if cy>(y2-y1)+1 then cy:=(y2-y1)+1
- end
- end;
- procedure usewind (n:byte);
- begin
- getcoor;
- inuse:=n;
- with winds[n] do begin
- window (x1,y1,x2,y2);
- gotoxy (cx,cy);
- textcolor (color);
- textbackground (0);
- lasty:=y2-y1+1
- end
- end;
- procedure setwind (n:byte; nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2:byte);
- var i:integer;
- begin
- i:=inuse;
- usewind(n);
- with winds[n] do begin
- x1:=nx1;
- y1:=ny1;
- x2:=nx2;
- y2:=ny2
- end;
- usewind(n);
- if n<>i then usewind(i)
- end;
- procedure initwind (n,nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2,ncolor:byte);
- begin
- with winds[n] do begin
- x1:=nx1;
- y1:=ny1;
- x2:=nx2;
- y2:=ny2;
- cx:=1;
- cy:=1;
- color:=ncolor
- end
- end;
- procedure top;
- begin
- usewind (1)
- end;
- procedure bottom;
- begin
- usewind (2)
- end;
- procedure wholescreen;
- begin
- usewind (0)
- end;
- procedure drawsplit;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- usewind (0);
- textcolor (splitcolor);
- gotoxy (1,split);
- for cnt:=0 to 79 do write (usr,chr(196));
- bottom
- end;
- procedure initwinds;
- begin
- splitmode:=false;
- initwind (0,1,1,80,25,splitcolor);
- initwind (2,1,1,80,24,normbotcolor);
- split:=0;
- inuse:=0;
- bottom
- end;
- procedure unsplit;
- var y:integer;
- begin
- if not splitmode then exit;
- if inuse=2
- then y:=wherey
- else y:=winds[2].cy;
- y:=y+split;
- setwind (2,1,1,80,24);
- setwind (1,1,1,80,split);
- top;
- clrscr;
- splitmode:=false;
- bottom;
- gotoxy (wherex,y)
- end;
- procedure splitscreen (v:byte);
- var x,y:integer;
- begin
- if splitmode then unsplit;
- x:=wherex;
- y:=wherey-v;
- splitmode:=true;
- split:=v;
- drawsplit;
- initwind (1,1,1,80,split-1,normtopcolor);
- setwind (2,1,split+1,80,24);
- top;
- clrscr;
- bottom;
- gotoxy (x,y)
- end;
- procedure setoutlock (b:boolean);
- begin
- modemoutlock:=b;
- if b
- then winds[2].color:=outlockcolor
- else winds[2].color:=normbotcolor;
- if inuse=2 then usewind (2)
- end;
- procedure bottomline;
- var o:integer;
- procedure flash (q:mstr);
- begin
- textcolor (16);
- write (usr,q);
- textcolor (0)
- end;
- begin
- if inuse=0 then exit;
- o:=inuse;
- wholescreen;
- gotoxy (1,25);
- textcolor (0);
- textbackground (statlinecolor);
- if timelock then settimeleft (lockedtime);
- write (usr,unam,', Lvl ',ulvl,', ',timeleft,' left.');
- if chatmode
- then flash (' CHAT!')
- else write (usr,' ',sysopavailstr);
- if timelock then flash (' Timelock');
- if modeminlock then flash (' InLock');
- if modemoutlock then flash (' OutLock');
- if tempsysop then flash (' *Sysop*');
- if texttrap then flash (' Trap');
- if printerecho then flash (' Print');
- if sysnext then write (usr,' Sysop next');
- clreol;
- usewind (o);
- end;
- begin
- end.