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- unit scrninpt;
- { Makes it so READLN uses a nice little scrollable region }
- { The default input region is the cursor position to the end of the line }
- {$R-,S-,I-,D-,V-,B-}
- interface
- uses dos,crt,
- scrnunit;
- var scrnin:text; { For input }
- buflen:integer;
- procedure setinputregion (left,right,line:integer);
- procedure setdefaultinput (x:string);
- procedure setinputcolor (attr:integer);
- implementation
- var scrninbuf:array [0..257] of char;
- x1,x2,y:integer;
- oldinput:string;
- {$F+}
- function donothing (var t:textrec):integer;
- begin
- { t.bufend:=0;
- t.bufpos:=0; }
- donothing:=0
- end;
- function scrninchars (var t:textrec):integer;
- var s:string;
- len:byte absolute s;
- cx,lx,wid:integer;
- k:char;
- tracking:boolean;
- const letters:set of char=['A'..'Z','a'..'z'];
- procedure drawit;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- gotoxy (x1,y);
- write (scrn,copy(s,lx,wid));
- for cnt:=1 to wid-len+lx-1 do write (' ');
- gotoxy (cx-lx+x1,y);
- movecsr
- end;
- procedure insert (k:char);
- begin
- if len>=buflen then exit;
- s:=copy(s,1,cx-1)+k+copy(s,cx,255);
- cx:=cx+1
- end;
- procedure del;
- begin
- if cx<=len then s:=copy(s,1,cx-1)+copy(s,cx+1,255)
- end;
- procedure backspace;
- begin
- if cx>1 then begin
- cx:=cx-1;
- del
- end
- end;
- procedure wordleft;
- begin
- if cx=1 then exit;
- cx:=cx-1;
- while (cx>1) and ((s[cx-1] in letters) or (not (s[cx] in letters))) do
- cx:=cx-1
- end;
- procedure wordright;
- begin
- if cx>len then exit;
- cx:=cx+1;
- while (cx<=len) and ((s[cx-1] in letters) or (not (s[cx] in letters))) do
- cx:=cx+1;
- end;
- procedure delword;
- begin
- while (cx<=len) and (s[cx] in letters) do del;
- while (cx<=len) and (not (s[cx] in letters)) do del
- end;
- procedure extended (key:integer);
- begin
- case key of
- 71,73:cx:=1;
- 75:cx:=cx-1;
- 77:cx:=cx+1;
- 79,81:cx:=len+1;
- 83:del;
- 115:wordleft;
- 116:wordright;
- 117:len:=cx-1;
- end
- end;
- procedure normal (k:char);
- begin
- case ord(k) of
- 32..126:if len<buflen then insert(k);
- 8:backspace;
- 27:len:=0;
- 127,20:delword
- end
- end;
- begin
- scrninchars:=0;
- if t.bufend<>t.bufpos then exit;
- pushdarea;
- setcursortracking (false);
- setcolor (curwindowptr^.inputcolor);
- s:=oldinput;
- if x1=0 then begin
- x1:=wherex;
- y:=wherey;
- x2:=curwindowptr^.xsize
- end;
- lx:=1;
- cx:=1;
- wid:=x2-x1+1;
- repeat
- if cx<1 then cx:=1;
- if cx>len then cx:=len+1;
- if lx>cx-5 then lx:=cx-5;
- if lx<cx-wid+5 then lx:=cx-wid+5;
- if lx>len-wid+1 then lx:=len-wid+1;
- if lx>cx then lx:=cx;
- if lx<cx-wid then lx:=cx-wid;
- if lx<1 then lx:=1;
- if not keypressed then drawit;
- k:=readkey;
- if k=#0 then extended(ord(readkey)) else normal(k)
- until k=#13;
- drawit;
- s:=s+#13#10;
- move (s[1],t.bufptr^,length(s));
- x1:=0;
- buflen:=80;
- oldinput:='';
- t.bufpos:=0;
- t.bufend:=len;
- popdarea
- end;
- {$F-}
- procedure setinputregion (left,right,line:integer);
- begin
- x1:=left;
- x2:=right;
- y:=line
- end;
- procedure setdefaultinput (x:string);
- begin
- oldinput:=x
- end;
- procedure setinputcolor (attr:integer);
- begin
- curwindowptr^.inputcolor:=attr
- end;
- begin
- x1:=0; { Initialize input stuff }
- buflen:=80;
- oldinput:='';
- with textrec(scrnin) do begin
- mode:=fminput;
- bufptr:=@scrninbuf;
- bufsize:=258;
- openfunc:=@donothing;
- closefunc:=@donothing;
- inoutfunc:=@scrninchars;
- flushfunc:=@donothing;
- bufpos:=0;
- bufend:=0
- end;
- move (scrnin,input,sizeof(textrec))
- end.