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- {$R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ }
- {$M 65500,0,0 }
- { $define testprotocol} (* Close this define for test mode *)
- {$ifdef testprotocol}
- {*}
- {*}uses crt,dos,
- {*} modem;
- {*}
- {*}{$I-}
- {*}type anystr=string[255];
- {*} lstr=string[80];
- {*} mstr=string[30];
- {*} sstr=string[15];
- {*}var logontime,iocode:integer;
- {*}const timer=0; timeleft=1; numminsxfer=1;
- {*}function keyhit:boolean;
- {*}begin
- {*} keyhit:=keypressed
- {*}end;
- {*}function bioskey:char;
- {*}var k:char;
- {*}begin
- {*} read (kbd,k);
- {*} bioskey:=k
- {*}end;
- {*}function hungupon:boolean;
- {*}begin
- {*} hungupon:=not carrier
- {*}end;
- {*}function strr (n:integer):mstr;
- {*}var q:mstr;
- {*}begin
- {*} str (n,q);
- {*} strr:=q
- {*}end;
- {*}function minstr (blocks:integer):mstr;
- {*}begin
- {*} minstr:='<'+strr(blocks)+' blocks left>'
- {*}end;
- {*}procedure fileerror (s1,s2:lstr);
- {*}begin
- {*} writeln ('File error ',s1,' and ',s2);
- {*} halt
- {*}end;
- {*}procedure starttimer (q:integer); begin end;
- {*}procedure stoptimer (q:integer); begin end;
- {*}procedure settimeleft (q:integer); begin end;
- {*}procedure splitscreen (y:integer);
- {*}begin
- {*} window (1,1,80,y-1)
- {*}end;
- {*}procedure top; begin end;
- {*}procedure unsplit;
- {*}begin
- {*} window (1,1,80,25)
- {*}end;
- {*}
- {*}
- {*}
- {*}function protocolxfer (send,crcmode,ymodem:boolean; fn:lstr):integer;
- {$else}
- unit protocol;
- interface
- uses dos,crt,
- gentypes,modem,statret,windows,gensubs,subs1,subs2;
- function protocolxfer (send,crcmode,ymodem:boolean; fn:lstr):integer;
- { Return codes: 0=OK, 1=Cancelled within last three blocks, 2=Aborted }
- implementation
- function protocolxfer (send,crcmode,ymodem:boolean; fn:lstr):integer;
- {$endif}
- const can=^X; ack=^F; nak=^U; soh=^A; stx=^B; eot=^D; crcstart='C';
- var timedout:boolean;
- function tenthseconds:integer;
- var r:registers;
- begin
- r.ah:=$2c;
- intr ($21,r);
- tenthseconds:=(r.dh*10)+(r.dl div 10)
- end;
- function fromnow (tenths:integer):integer;
- begin
- tenths:=tenthseconds+tenths;
- if tenths>599 then tenths:=tenths-600;
- fromnow:=tenths
- end;
- function timeout (en:integer):boolean;
- begin
- timeout:=(en=tenthseconds) or hungupon
- end;
- procedure clearmodemahead;
- var k:char;
- begin
- while numchars>0 do k:=getchar
- end;
- procedure wait (tenths:integer);
- begin
- tenths:=fromnow (tenths);
- repeat until timeout (tenths) or hungupon
- end;
- function waitchar (tenths:integer):char;
- begin
- waitchar:=#0;
- tenths:=fromnow (tenths);
- repeat
- if numchars>0 then begin
- waitchar:=getchar;
- timedout:=false;
- exit
- end
- until timeout (tenths) or hungupon;
- timedout:=true
- end;
- procedure computecrc (var block; blocksize:integer; var outcrc:word);
- var cnt,c2:integer;
- crc,b:word;
- blk:array[1..1030] of byte absolute block;
- willbecarry:boolean;
- begin
- crc:=0;
- for cnt:=1 to blocksize do begin
- b:=blk[cnt];
- for c2:=1 to 8 do begin
- willbecarry:=(crc and $8000)=$8000;
- crc:=(crc shl 1) or (b shr 7);
- b:=(b shl 1) and 255;
- if willbecarry then crc:=crc xor $1021
- end
- end;
- outcrc:=crc
- end;
- (****
- inline (
- $1E/ { PUSH DS }
- $C5/$B6/block/ { LDS SI,[BP+block] }
- $8B/$96/blocksize/ { MOV DX,[BP+blocksize]}
- $31/$DB/ { XOR BX,BX }
- $FC/ { CLD }
- $AC/ { Mainloop: LODSB }
- $B9/$08/$00/ { MOV CX,0008 }
- $D0/$E0/ { Byteloop: SHL AL,1 }
- $D1/$D3/ { RCL BX,1 }
- $73/$04/ { JNC No_xor }
- $81/$F3/$21/$10/ { XOR BX,1021 }
- $E2/$F4/ { No_xor: LOOP Byteloop }
- $4A/ { DEC DX }
- $75/$ED/ { JNZ Mainloop }
- $89/$9E/crc/ { MOV [BP+crc],BX }
- $1F { POP DS }
- );
- ****)
- procedure computecksum (var data; blocksize:integer; var outcksum:byte);
- var t:array [1..1024] of byte absolute data;
- cnt,q:integer;
- begin
- q:=0;
- for cnt:=1 to blocksize do q:=q+t[cnt];
- outcksum:=q and 255
- end;
- procedure showerrorstats (curblk,totalerrs,consec:integer);
- var x:integer;
- r:real;
- begin
- x:=wherex;
- write (usr,totalerrs);
- gotoxy (x,wherey+1);
- write (usr,consec,' ');
- gotoxy (x,wherey+1);
- if curblk+totalerrs<>0 then begin
- r:=round(10000.0*totalerrs/(curblk+totalerrs))/100.0;
- write (usr,r:0:2,'% ')
- end
- end;
- {overlay} function xymodemsend (ymodem:boolean):integer;
- var f:file;
- b:array [1..1026] of byte;
- blocksize:integer;
- fsize,curblk,totalerrs,consec,blocksatatime:integer;
- k:char;
- firstblock:boolean;
- totaltime:sstr;
- function getctrlchar:char; { Gets ACK/NAK/CAN }
- var k,k2:char;
- cnt:integer;
- begin
- getctrlchar:=can;
- repeat
- cnt:=0;
- repeat
- k:=waitchar (10);
- cnt:=cnt+1;
- if keyhit then begin
- k2:=bioskey;
- if k2=^X then exit;
- timedout:=true
- end
- until (not timedout) or (cnt=60);
- if timedout or hungupon then exit;
- if (k in [ack,nak,crcstart,can]) then begin
- getctrlchar:=k;
- if k=can then sendchar (can);
- exit
- end
- until hungupon;
- timedout:=true
- end;
- procedure sendendoffile;
- var k:char;
- tries:integer;
- begin
- tries:=0;
- repeat
- tries:=tries+1;
- sendchar(eot);
- k:=waitchar (20);
- until (k=ack) or (k=can) or (tries=3);
- sendchar(eot)
- end;
- procedure getblockfromfile;
- begin
- fillchar (b,sizeof(b),26);
- blockread (f,b,blocksatatime);
- blocksize:=blocksatatime shl 7
- end;
- procedure buildfirstblock;
- var cnt,p:integer;
- begin
- blocksize:=128;
- fillchar(b,128,0);
- p:=length(fn);
- repeat
- p:=p-1
- until (p=0) or (fn[p]='\');
- for cnt:=1 to length(fn)-p do b[cnt]:=ord(fn[cnt+p])
- end;
- procedure sendblock (num:integer);
- var cnt,bksize:integer;
- crc:word;
- n:byte;
- k:char;
- begin
- clearmodemahead;
- n:=num and 255;
- if blocksize=1024
- then k:=stx
- else k:=soh;
- if crcmode
- then
- begin
- b[blocksize+1]:=0;
- b[blocksize+2]:=0;
- computecrc (b,blocksize+2,crc);
- b[blocksize+1]:=hi(crc);
- b[blocksize+2]:=lo(crc);
- bksize:=blocksize+2;
- end
- else
- begin
- b[blocksize+1]:=0;
- computecksum (b,blocksize,b[blocksize+1]);
- bksize:=blocksize+1
- end;
- sendchar (k);
- sendchar (chr(n));
- sendchar (chr(255-n));
- for cnt:=1 to bksize do sendchar(chr(b[cnt]))
- end;
- procedure updatestatus;
- begin
- gotoxy (16,3);
- write (usr,curblk,' of ',fsize);
- gotoxy (16,4);
- write (usr,minstr((fsize-curblk)*blocksatatime),' of ',totaltime,' ');
- gotoxy (16,5);
- showerrorstats (curblk,totalerrs,consec)
- end;
- procedure initxfer;
- begin
- starttimer (numminsxfer);
- if ymodem then blocksatatime:=8 else blocksatatime:=1;
- fsize:=(filesize(f)+blocksatatime-1) div blocksatatime;
- totaltime:=minstr(fsize*blocksatatime);
- totalerrs:=0;
- consec:=0;
- firstblock:=true;
- if ymodem
- then
- begin
- curblk:=0;
- buildfirstblock
- end
- else
- begin
- curblk:=1;
- getblockfromfile
- end;
- splitscreen (8);
- top;
- write (usr,'Waiting for NAK')
- end;
- procedure setupscreen;
- begin
- gotoxy (1,1);
- if ymodem then write (usr,'Y') else write (usr,'X');
- write (usr,'MODEM');
- if crcmode then write (usr,'-CRC');
- writeln (usr,' send in progress. Press Ctrl-X to abort.');
- clreol;
- gotoxy (1,3);
- writeln (usr,'Current block:');
- writeln (usr,'Time left:');
- writeln (usr,'Total errors:');
- writeln (usr,' Consecutive:');
- write (usr,'Error rate:')
- end;
- label abort,done;
- begin
- xymodemsend:=2;
- assign (f,fn);
- reset (f);
- iocode:=ioresult;
- if iocode<>0 then exit;
- initxfer;
- repeat
- k:=getctrlchar;
- if k=can then begin
- if (curblk>(fsize*3/4)) and (curblk>2)
- then xymodemsend:=1; { Cheater! }
- goto abort
- end;
- if firstblock then begin
- if (k=nak) or (k=crcstart) then firstblock:=false;
- crcmode:=k=crcstart;
- setupscreen;
- k:=#0
- end;
- if k=ack then begin
- curblk:=curblk+1;
- if eof(f) then goto done;
- getblockfromfile
- end;
- if k<>nak then consec:=0 else begin
- totalerrs:=totalerrs+1;
- consec:=consec+1
- end;
- sendblock(curblk);
- updatestatus
- until 0=1;
- done:
- sendendoffile;
- xymodemsend:=0;
- abort:
- close (f);
- unsplit;
- stoptimer (numminsxfer)
- end;
- {overlay} function xymodemreceive(ymodem:boolean):integer;
- var f:file;
- block:array [1..1026] of byte;
- blkl,blkh,xblkl,nblkl,nblk1:byte;
- curblk:integer;
- ctrl,k,k2:char;
- timeul,consec,totalerrs,blocksize:integer;
- canceled,timeout:boolean;
- procedure cancel;
- begin
- wait (10);
- clearmodemahead;
- sendchar (can);
- wait (10);
- clearmodemahead;
- sendchar (can);
- canceled:=true
- end;
- function writeblock:boolean;
- var wb:boolean;
- begin
- blockwrite (f,block,blocksize div 128);
- wb:=ioresult=0;
- writeblock:=wb;
- if not wb then begin
- gotoxy (1,1);
- write (usr,'I/O ERROR ',iocode,' WRITING BLOCK');
- clreol;
- sendchar (can);
- wait (10);
- sendchar (can);
- clearmodemahead
- end
- end;
- procedure updatestatus;
- begin
- curblk:=blkl+(blkh shl 8);
- gotoxy (16,3);
- write (usr,curblk);
- gotoxy (16,4);
- showerrorstats (curblk,totalerrs,consec)
- end;
- function sendctrl:char;
- var cnt,consec:integer;
- k:char;
- begin
- cnt:=0;
- consec:=0;
- timeout:=false;
- updatestatus;
- sendctrl:=can;
- repeat
- if keyhit then begin
- k:=bioskey;
- if k=^X then begin
- timeout:=true;
- cancel;
- exit
- end
- end;
- sendctrl:=waitchar (50);
- if not timedout then exit;
- sendchar (ctrl);
- cnt:=0;
- consec:=consec+1
- until (consec=10) or hungupon;
- timeout:=true
- end;
- function getachar:char;
- var cnt:integer;
- k:char;
- begin
- getachar:=#0;
- timeout:=timeout or hungupon;
- if timeout then exit;
- timeout:=false;
- if keyhit then begin
- k:=bioskey;
- if k=^X then begin
- getachar:=#0;
- timeout:=true;
- cancel;
- exit
- end
- end;
- getachar:=waitchar (10);
- timeout:=timeout or timedout
- end;
- procedure xfererror (txt:lstr);
- begin
- gotoxy (16,7);
- write (usr,txt,' in block ',curblk);
- clreol
- end;
- procedure initxfer;
- var k:char;
- begin
- timeul:=timer;
- timeout:=false;
- consec:=0;
- blkl:=1;
- blkh:=0;
- xblkl:=1;
- curblk:=1;
- totalerrs:=0;
- if crcmode
- then ctrl:=crcstart
- else ctrl:=nak;
- canceled:=false;
- starttimer (numminsxfer);
- splitscreen (8);
- top;
- gotoxy (1,1);
- if ymodem then write (usr,'Y') else write (usr,'X');
- write (usr,'MODEM');
- if crcmode then write (usr,'-CRC');
- write (usr,' receive in progress. Press Ctrl-X to abort.'^M^J^J,
- 'Current block:'^M^J,
- 'Total errors:'^M^J,
- ' Consecutive:'^M^J,
- 'Error rate:'^M^J,
- 'Error type:');
- while numchars>0 do k:=getchar
- end;
- procedure endoffile;
- begin
- xymodemreceive:=0;
- sendchar (ack);
- wait (10);
- sendchar (ack);
- clearmodemahead
- end;
- function block0:boolean;
- var b0:boolean;
- cnt:integer;
- begin
- b0:=(nblkl=0) and (nblk1=255) and (blkh=0) and (blkl<>255);
- if b0 then begin
- xfererror ('(Receiving block 0...)');
- for cnt:=1 to blocksize do block[cnt]:=ord(getachar);
- ctrl:=ack;
- sendchar (ack)
- end;
- block0:=b0
- end;
- function blocknumerror:boolean;
- var bne:boolean;
- begin
- bne:=(nblkl<>(255-nblk1)) or ((nblkl<>xblkl) and (nblkl<>blkl));
- if bne then xfererror ('Block # '+strr(nblkl)+' not '+strr(255-nblk1)+
- ' and '+strr(xblkl)+' or '+strr(blkl));
- blocknumerror:=bne
- end;
- function resentnoreason:boolean;
- var rnr:boolean;
- cnt:integer;
- begin
- rnr:=(nblkl<>xblkl) and (nblkl=blkl);
- if rnr then begin
- xfererror ('Block re-sent for no reason');
- for cnt:=1 to blocksize do block[cnt]:=ord(getachar);
- ctrl:=ack;
- sendchar (ack)
- end;
- resentnoreason:=rnr
- end;
- procedure getblockfrommodem;
- var cnt:integer;
- begin
- for cnt:=1 to blocksize do begin
- block[cnt]:=ord(getachar);
- if timeout then exit
- end
- end;
- function badblock:boolean;
- var crc:word;
- cksum,reccksum:byte;
- begin
- badblock:=false;
- if crcmode
- then
- begin
- computecrc(block,blocksize,crc);
- if crc<>0 then begin
- xfererror ('CRC error');
- badblock:=true
- end
- end
- else
- begin
- reccksum:=block[129];
- block[129]:=0;
- computecksum(block,blocksize,cksum);
- if cksum<>reccksum then begin
- xfererror ('Checksum error');
- badblock:=true
- end
- end
- end;
- label nakit,abort,done;
- begin
- xymodemreceive:=2;
- assign (f,fn);
- rewrite (f);
- iocode:=ioresult;
- if iocode<>0 then begin
- fileerror ('XYMODEMRECEIVE',fn);
- exit
- end;
- initxfer;
- repeat
- k:=sendctrl;
- ctrl:=nak;
- if timeout or (k=can) then goto abort;
- if k=eot then begin
- endoffile;
- goto done
- end;
- case k of
- soh:blocksize:=128;
- stx:blocksize:=1024
- else begin
- xfererror ('SOH error: '+strr(ord(k)));
- goto nakit
- end
- end;
- if crcmode
- then blocksize:=blocksize+2
- else blocksize:=blocksize+1;
- nblkl:=ord(getachar);
- nblk1:=ord(getachar);
- if timeout then goto nakit;
- if block0 then goto nakit;
- if blocknumerror then goto nakit;
- if resentnoreason then goto nakit;
- if (nblkl=0) and (blkl=255) then blkh:=blkh+1;
- blkl:=nblkl;
- getblockfrommodem;
- if timeout then goto nakit;
- if badblock then goto nakit;
- ctrl:=ack;
- xblkl:=blkl+1;
- sendchar (ack);
- updatestatus;
- if not writeblock then goto abort;
- consec:=0;
- nakit:
- if hungupon then goto abort;
- if timeout then xfererror ('Time out (short block)');
- if ctrl<>ack then begin
- totalerrs:=totalerrs+1;
- consec:=consec+1;
- repeat
- k:=waitchar (10)
- until timedout;
- if consec>=15 then begin
- sendchar (can);
- goto abort
- end;
- sendchar (ctrl)
- end
- until 0=1;
- abort:
- cancel;
- done:
- close (f); consec:=ioresult;
- if canceled then begin
- erase (f); consec:=ioresult
- end;
- timeul:=timer-timeul;
- if timeul<0 then timeul:=timeul+1440;
- settimeleft (timeleft+timeul*2);
- unsplit;
- stoptimer (numminsxfer)
- end;
- begin
- if send
- then protocolxfer:=xymodemsend(ymodem)
- else protocolxfer:=xymodemreceive(ymodem)
- end;
- {$ifdef testprotocol}
- {*}
- {*}
- {*}procedure termmode;
- {*}var k:char;
- {*}begin
- {*} clrscr;
- {*} writeln ('Termmode- ^D when done, or ^A to abort.');
- {*} setparam (1,1200,false);
- {*} repeat
- {*} if keyhit then begin
- {*} k:=bioskey;
- {*} if k=^A then halt else if k=^D then exit else sendchar (k)
- {*} end;
- {*} while numchars>0 do write (getchar)
- {*} until 0=1
- {*}end;
- {*}var k:char;
- {*} fn:lstr;
- {*} b:integer;
- {*} snd,crcm,ymd:boolean;
- {*}begin
- {*} checkbreak:=false;
- {*} termmode;
- {*} write ('Filename: ');
- {*} readln (fn);
- {*} if length(fn)=0 then halt;
- {*} write ('S=Send: '); k:=bioskey; snd:=upcase(k)='S'; if k=^C then halt;
- {*} write ('C=Crc: '); k:=bioskey; crcm:=upcase(k)='C'; if k=^C then halt;
- {*} write ('Y=Ymodem: '); k:=bioskey; ymd:=upcase(k)='Y'; if k=^C then halt;
- {*} writeln;
- {*} writeln;
- {*} clrscr;
- {*} b:=protocolxfer (snd,crcm,ymd,fn);
- {*} gotoxy (1,24);
- {*} writeln ('Returned: ',b)
- {*}
- {*}{$endif}
- end.